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<br /> . .�,eoonrey the FtopaRy�ad sbalf wmndec thu Secuiit�r inKmmrenr arrd al1 notes evideecing debt seaued by tlus SecuritY� � . ,-
<br /> Ia�eat w'!t� 7tostee shal!iecunvq►d�e Plupe!ty wit�oat w�a�}►md withau cluugc tn tlir pecson or pe�sons
<br /> -,� �eo�tied w it Sach persaa orpasats shail paY a►Y recocd�tioo oosts.
<br /> 5�l�ste'1�w� i.eader«at ia aptine.msY&o�n�ime co.lime remove 7iu.ua a��ppoint z sucse�[austee to..
<br /> . �y�e appoin0ed E�retmdet!!y ae�.i�ument.recorded in the oounty►in which this Securiry instnunent is`recoede6.- -
<br /> Witl�ouK oanveyaoce d t6e Ptnpeicy.tbe aucc�sor t�ustee sh�lt stxxeed to ali the titk,power and"��es canfeaed uptfn:
<br /> 71ua�x haein�od try applicsble law. � • .
<br /> p,�, t��{�r N�ke�, Bonower t�quests thu cogirs of ttfe notias of defauie and s�le 6e stnt�o i3omnwer's add�ess
<br /> whicb is 16e Pto�paty Addras- � .
<br /> L� t�iera t�tYs Se�rifl.iplr�n�e� �oBe ot tna�e�iders a�taecuLed 6y Bamwe[aad tecarded togetlra vrrit6
<br /> this 5ecasity Ins�umeet,tbe.awati�nts�nud agceeaunts af each stu6 rider si�ll be ineorporated into aad st�sU amend and
<br /> suppien�t t6e savemets�:�eatxms of d�is Sa�ni3►ir�ument as.if thc tidens}wen a p�t of this Sauriey lasnrurt�ent ,
<br /> - (Cbect appl�cabk boz(es)l� � ,
<br /> ' �Adjt�hhie Raee Rider� �Coodaminiuim Rides �1-4 Fami7y Rider _
<br /> �Graduated Paymrnt Rider �Ptanned U�at lkvetoprnen[Ridcr ,�BiwalEly Prycaent Rider.
<br /> �Salloan Rider; �Rale impm�-ert�eut Rider �Secand Home Rider -
<br /> �X otha{s)[�Y1 �le�ge�t ` � . ` . .
<br /> QY SI(i1�iN(3 BEL.O{1�;:$amawu accepts and agrers t�o the urtns and covenanu contained tn tIusSocuriry Instrument
<br /> ..:., . �ti in aay tide�ts)e'�tauah bsr Boreowa and ncafded with i� � - •-.'�.= _ _
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<br /> ' I7�diV3�.Q's R31Y • �HaroWa :
<br /> , Sociat'�rity Number 520-94=9641 . .
<br /> . ' 4 . {SC81) • -
<br /> . C'�1E'Syl KdsY -Eocrower
<br /> Social Security Number 506-56-3498
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA. Hall . County ss:
<br /> On this 28th day of May, 1992: .(xfore me.the undersigaed,a Notuy�Public
<br /> duly commissioned and quatificd for said coanty.personalty ca.me pavid G. Ii31'x' and('�1cty1 G. Rarr,
<br /> Husloand 2un� Wife � ,to me knoym to be the
<br /> ide�c�1 petsons(s)whose name(s)are subscribed to the fotegoing i�`'nent and acknowledged the eaavtion thercof to
<br /> � � voluntary act and deed. -
<br /> • " VYimess my hand and n�.�sal seal at G7C2RK� IS��id: i�leb�ask�2t in said camry.the —
<br /> �� date afaesald. , yy�
<br /> . MyCom� s /// ,�t�/�,��ie.� �
<br /> f � �in�b Notary Pubtic
<br /> MAB�iENE ERICKSEN ' •
<br /> . �4P'If6ZUS -: . �rnmm.P�v.N/��'i9t R UESf Ff3EtRg£ONVEYAIVCE �
<br /> � �'ibe iurde�igried is the holder of the nate or nutes sc�ured by this Deed of 7irusl. Said note or esotes.together with ail
<br /> ' ot�r inckbt�CVCS�suuEed by this Deed of 7ivst.have been paid in fu1L You are hereby directed to c�cel said noee or notes - , —
<br /> and thls peed o�'tivst.which are delivered hereby.and to reconvey.wrthout warranty.all the estate�aw hetd by yaa nnder -
<br /> � , tius�?eed at 7tust to the person ur persons legally emiUed thereto. � _
<br /> � D�z:� -
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