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<br /> � �_ � ,pp�a6Ue,i�w m.Y `\�pecity for�ement)txc«e sale of ine F�ape�cy pu�u�n[to aap wwe�af sak c�n[�in�ir�d�s
<br /> Security�mea�or ib)tactY ala,�dpner�t enforcii��d�s�����` 7�aae caad'ition�acr tb�t Bamwer: (a)
<br /> � � , : pys lre�ader�11 aums whiclt tbert wouid�dne w�det dds Securiry traluument sod tbt Note as if ao accxtcr�tion ha�
<br /> aocurred:(e)cuKS�nY de�utt of�ay ahec eovemnts or�grtements:(t}psys all espeasts ieaured m enforcing this Sccuriry
<br /> � ' ta�umeN.inchid�,•-but nat iinu'ted tn.naaooable auontey�'fees:aad td)t�lcts snch action a�i.ender may t+easoeal�lY
<br /> �� ' . =eqin�e tu�ss�ue t�t the!xn of dds SecuritY Luuwnent,I.ender�s dghts in the Ftoperty and Bwmwer�s o6ligatioe to pay tho �
<br /> . �aos socwed bY thi� Secwrity inst�ua�a�t a1W! cauinu� unctunged. Upon rrinst��tement by Bar�wer. dus SeruricY
<br /> Ins�m�ent ind the abii�atia�secuned[�ebY sl�li rem�n fa1fY effectivt as if ao acceJaation had occumd. However.this
<br /> =i6Lt ta�s�att not�piy mtf�cas�of sccekration uAda�r�+ph 17. _
<br /> � 1! Sd�d 1�1Me:Cl�it�t l.e�Senieer Tha Nnre or a pirtiat iatecesc in tIIe Note(tagether vrith this Secvriry
<br /> Imtr�mtent)maY be soid oae oc�6mes witt�a�t pria ooti�e w�BoRawe� A sate may t�esulc in a c6ange�fAe auiry
<br /> {imawn a+die"Loan Servicer"��tut coUects manWiY PaYtnmts due w�drr the Nate and this Security Luwment. 1'here also '
<br /> mty 6e aae or'mae cht�sges of tAe�.ao Savit�er umelated to x sale af the Note. If there is a ct�ange of the I.oan 5ervicer.
<br /> .wo
<br /> Barowrr wiU be Sivrn w�rit�eo nopce of the c6ange in accordaace aith parag�aph I4 above aad applicabk taw. The aotice
<br /> will sta�e die n�ne�d'ad�ess of 9�ntw L,oan Savicer a�the add�rss to which payments sdould bGmadG '!be notice w�71
<br /> also waain a�r other iafa�atioa ro�Ni�bY aPPlicabl�law. st oi tekase of an
<br /> .M Rssardoas S�es Boauwer shall uot cau.ge or permit tbe p�eseace,use..dicPosal. ora8�. Y
<br /> fi�r.ardous Su6staoces�a in the Broperty-_Barower shall na cb,aar aliow anyoae else co do,anYthinB affoctiag tbe
<br /> Plnpe�ty t�t is in vioiatian of any�nvimmaen�l Law. 7'he preceding twa sen0encxs shalt not appty m the presence.use.or ---
<br /> staage ptthe ptoQe�ty of s�nall qu�ntities of Huardous Substances ihat ace generally rocopnizod to be apptopriate to namal .
<br /> nsider�tiai aces and to maintenance of the Property. �
<br /> Borm+rer sbap panpdg Sive I.ender wriaeu t�atice of aay inveuigation,claun,demtid,tawsuit or otl�er acdion by any
<br /> _ garerumeatal a tegula�ory agmcy ar private pauty"invoiving the Ptope�ty and aay El�ardous Sabstance oa Enrimnmenta!
<br /> _ ' Law of whicb Sarowa das actuai iuwwkdge. If Bormwer leams. or�s,twtified by u►Y Sovemmeatal or tegutatai'
<br /> �otity.that any�maval or dkr cmxdiation.of any Hazanious Subst�nce affectirig tlse Ropeiey is tx�essary.Boaower _
<br /> sh�11 p�anptiY t�ice all noassary mnedial actions ia xca�dance with Environ�penta!Law.
<br /> - As used ia this p�tapaph Zlk"Hazardous 5ubstances"are those subuances defined as toxic ar hazudous suMtances by
<br />_ -- � Livitoamenta!Law�nd the followiAg substanccs: gasoline.kerosene.otixr flammable or toaic petroleum pmducts.toxic _
<br />- °4 paticides�ad tKrbicides:volatile sotvents.materials containiag asbestos or formaldehyde.and radioaaive materials. As =_-
<br /> = � ����20."Environmentall.aw"means federal faws and laws of tbe j�uisdiction whe�the Property is located ��
<br />':`,- A�at nlau w health,safety a envuonmentat protecaon. ' �`:�,�`�,
<br /> NON•IJNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lendec funhes a�venant and agree as foltows: ���=-
<br />= Z!. Ac�xlesstioa:Ree�edie9. Leader siwU give ootice to Basro�rer pr�Or to aecekratioo tdbwiag BorroWes's ____-
<br /> .. 6reac6 alss9 covensat oc a�reeanent in this Secarity Iestrama�t(Dut not prior to accekrat3on ueder pAragraPh 17 . :�;..�;�-
<br /> �•i a.k�s applic�abk bwr provides aber�vi�e). The aaiee shaR specity: ta)tbe detaulr;tb)che action nqoired co c�ne cbe ��`-�.,-
<br /> �fKs���.¢.
<br /> -- de«t:(c}a date,�wt ka�tlw�3A dsys trom tbe dnte tl�e notke is=ivea to Borro�ra,bg�icb t6e defaWt mast be _ -
<br /> c�red;aiE�t1�t tailure to c�ue tre dtfsait os ar Detore t�e dsik specitfed in tbe notke�sF sYSUIt ia scceleration ot
<br /> rie sa�s secored sy tbis 5ecurity Iawtrament and sale ot tbe Property. Tl�e notice sUaB�irJrt6er iniorm Rorrower of �.��.,_
<br /> - ttie ri�Ye a rei�state alter 9catk�tio�nad the risht to 6rin=a court�ction to a�ert ehe non-esistemx af s detmic or =��_
<br /> aoy atMer detease d Bucrower to sccekratbn and sata It the defAatt is nat cared on or bdore!he dnte specitied ie • e,e;x���;s�:_
<br /> �::?,i.�; iMe sotice.I.e�der at its option way require immediate payment in fuQ atall snms secured by Ehis Secur�t9lnstrameeE .�__.
<br /> •;? .. �eit6out tbrther demand aad ms�Y invoke the po�rer ot sale and any other remedies permitted by Applicabk law :���_*�;-��
<br /> n
<br /> , - Lender shaU 6e eetitkd to cdlect WI espenses incurred ia pursuing the remedks provMed le tht�paragrnpfi 21, w���_;�,',i.'
<br /> iedadins,A�I not Smited ta,reuoaabk atta'neys tees and costs o�titk evide�ca ���•::.
<br /> . - It t6e power of sak is invoked,7Yustce shail record a notice ot default in each county in wbkh aay part of the �"�"`�'.`::_� -
<br /> _ p�operty g{upRed a�d slwU maU copies of sucb notice in the manner prescr�bed by applicAbk law to Borrower aad to � ' �• �`.:'
<br /> '�=;"--:__.
<br />_ . the otUer persons prescelbed 6�applicabk taw After the 11me required by s�pplicabk Ww.'ilrusta shAQ give public -,':f��=:-
<br /> wotice af sate to!he persons And�n tie manner prescribed by applicabk!aw 7Fustee.wltl�out denwnd on Bo�owtr, ' .``;--
<br /> s1�11 sW tie Praperty at pubik swction to the highest blddes at the time and place and aader tbe tern�s desi�eated in rT"��'`
<br />� � `'`� �16e natke ot sak in one or more par`cels and in any order'IYustee Aetermtaes. Trustee ma�postpnne sak ot alf or any �•''%`��''.+-.�_,_
<br /> parcei of t6e property by public announcement at the time and place of anv previousiy sciedukd sak. Leeder o�its ';:;. • _.
<br /> ' , ���3'Pnrchase t6e Propet'ty at any s�k. .'- w
<br /> :r"�� :�. L' �eceipt ot payment of t6e rke bid,Trt�ctee shall detiver to tt�p�rcb�ser'E'r�ee's dee�canveying the � ��'•' `; : = -
<br /> b•
<br /> � , Propert�'t�e rccitals in the'IYu_5tee�s deed shall be prlma facie evidence o�thetrutb o[tbe statements mside therei�. i�- " _�- r�i,
<br /> .��. :s��:
<br /> �}ustee siwl�aPp�y the proceed�M tiesale in 16e fdbwinR urder: ta)to ali casts si�td expe.s.�ot exercising the power
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