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<br /> . ; periods tmt Lr�der�equires. The i�surinoe carriei pavi�ing the insaraocc sl�1f 6e cbasoa by Barower sub�'cc to 4ende�'s•
<br /> . . appiov�l'w�hich st�a11`nut be um+ess�blY withheld. If Bociawer fails w maintain covcrage describEd�bove.Lertder c�y.at
<br /> l,�ndes�flption,oblsin corrersae to prok�ct L.ender's rigfNS in the Ptbperty iR xeordance�ith p�ragr�pi►T� _
<br /> Ap i�ce�ieies�nd cenewals shall be aoceptabte to Lender and shal!include a standard matgage clause. Lender .. .
<br /> s1sa11 have the rs�ht tahaid she policiec and rcnewats. If Lender tequit�s.Botrower sl�ati promptlq give tu Lender all rcaipts
<br /> • - of paid piemiums and renevYal notices. In the event of toss.Aarovrer sitalt give prampt natice tu the insur�nce c�rrier and .
<br /> `l,ender. Lendcr tnay m�lce Qroof of Ioss if not m�d��xanptly by Barower. _ . �
<br /> - - Unkss-L�ender and Barmwer otherwise agrec•in wriri�g,insurance praceeds shall Ix appiied w nestor�tian ar repair of •
<br /> � t€iHc restor�tiat ot rcpait is ec�smit�liy teas'sble and l.ttxtet�security ic nat lesset�ad. .If the --
<br /> _ -tiie t�tupe�ty d�t�gect,'
<br /> - cestar+tion or rep�it is not economi�ally fessibk�x[.ender's securitg woutd be tescgnc�.th�insurance proceed5 sh�U be _
<br /> ` applied to tbe sums secuced by this Securiry Inuzument.whetl�er ar not tAen due.with any excess pvd to�orrower. If ' ,
<br /> Borrnwer abandons the Praperty.or does na answer within 30 days a notice from Lender tt�at the insurance curier has
<br /> offerod to settCs a claim,thes�t.e�xkr may collect ihe insur.�nce proceeds. Le�der may use the Droceeds to repair or tcsiorc
<br /> the Propecry ar to pay sums sa�und by this Security Insuutrxnt�wlxiNer or not tt�en due. The 30day period wi[I begin when
<br /> the tqtice is given. ' - : �_ -
<br /> . Uakss Len�ler�nd Bormwer aheiwise agree in writing.any application ai proceeds ta principal st�atl not eatend ar
<br /> postpone the due daa of the manthlY payments tefa�rod to in p��graphs 1 aad 2 or c�uige tt�amount of the'payments.:ff� .
<br /> w�der paragraph 21 the Property is acquired by Lerder,Borrawer's right to aa.y insunace policies and pracecdt cesulling
<br /> fran durs�ge to ti�Pmpe�ty prioc ta the xquisitian shalt p�ss to Lender ta the eatea�of the sums secured Iry this Stcuiity;
<br /> Insuutnent immodiately p�ior to tbe acquisition.
<br /> - G�, Occup�ulcp,Peeseevatioa, 1Nsintmsnce xad Pr�otccti� d tlre f'roperty; Burrn�rer's Laon Applkatian;
<br /> l.eueho{ds: Borrower shaU accupy.establish.and use the P�operty as$oaower�principal resideace wi[hin suty days after
<br /> , the eneei�tioa of this Securiry instramenc anb shall cantim�e to occupy the PropenY as Bacrawer's princip�t residence far at
<br /> kast ane year after the date of ocenpancy. unless [.ender ati�envise agiees in writing, which consent shall not 6e
<br /> un�asooably withhetd,or unkss eateauating cu�cumstances exin which are beyand Borr�►wer's•cantrol. Bormwer shall not •
<br /> destroy,damage or impair the Ptoperty,aliow the Property to deteriorate.or eommit waste on the Property. Borrowe�shall'
<br /> . :be in default if any forfeiture action or praceeding.whether civil or crimirial..is 6egun that in Lender's goad faith}udgit�ent ,
<br /> could result in farfeiture of tAe Aroperty ar otherwise materiafly impair the lien created by this Security Insuument nr
<br /> L.endet's secutity interest. Bortower may cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18.6y causing the action
<br /> orprocaeding to be dismissed with a ruling tba�in Lender's gaad faith determination,pmciudes forfeiture of the Borrower s
<br /> � � inrerest in the Pruperty�or other material impairment of the tien cr+eaced by this Security'Instnunent or LenQer�s�seeurity
<br /> �`% inte�sa.. Bqmnwer shall also be in default if Borrower. during the Ioan aFplication�process. gave materiaUy fatse or
<br />�'= iaac��:infamtatian or statemec�to l.ender(ar failed to ptovide Lender wel*?�y mater�af infomtation)In connection with
<br />_:�, ,
<br />,;. the�r+an.evidenced by the Nate,including.but not limited t�.�epres��;c6n�g�.$artnwer's• occupancy of the —
<br />':� Prapzray as a prinripal resideixe. If this Security Insuument i.�c+�aleaset��T��.��nroz�er��:�..3�ramply with all the provisions
<br /> s� � of the kase.�If Borrawes acquires fee title to the Properry,the t.�.se`rnld ai�c�.:�ee tittes.f a.'1 not merge unless l.ender agrees �
<br /> ;�s. .
<br /> to the merger in writing. �
<br /> . � 7. Pratectlon of Lender's Rights in t6e Praperty. If Borrower fails to perform the cavenants and agreemenu ----
<br /> cantained i� this Security Instrucnesst,ar there'zs a legai proceeding that may si�nifcc�tly atfect l.ender's cighGy in the
<br />:`�: Fro(xtcy(such as a proceed'mg i���kruptcy.ps'obate.far co.n��nnation ar forfeiture orto c�force laws ar regulations j,t}�en �;__!_ - v_
<br />: .> Lendermay da and pay for aP.a:etiei•is neces�cy to protecK th:value of the Property and�Lender�rights in the Prap�ty. �--����_
<br /> Lender:s actions may include pa}i;.g any sums secured by a lien which has Qriority aver ihis Security Instrument,appearing ;�r;,:�,�=
<br /> '. in court,paying reasonable autorrseys'fees and entering on the Proper[y to matce repairs.Alihough l.ende�may take action
<br /> :��z
<br /> under this paragraph 7,E.ender daes not have to do so. - ���-���•�r".
<br /> , Any amounn disbursed bv�Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additionAl debt af Barrowcr ucured by this `K''"�"-�`'�
<br /> . • � 4f� �_
<br /> Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lendcr agree ro ather tertns of payment.[he+e amounts ShaU brar interest from the �.' • _-
<br /> :;�.�.,�°E_
<br /> • date of disbursement�1 the Note rate and sha116e paya6te,aith interert,upan notice from l.ender to Borrower reyue,-ting ::�s}%.�,s>>w.,:
<br /> payment. "_�'�=. _
<br /> .. . 8. Mortgage lasurance. If Lender rea�s=r�i monguge insuraace a�a canditian af making the loan secured b} this '" �_`;+����=
<br /> Security Inxtrument,Borrower sha!! pay the g��iams required to mainta'sn thc mongagr imurance in effect. If,for any '�.���°__
<br /> teacon,the mortguge insurance�n�r�rage requiied by i.end:r iuptics or ceases ta he in rffect. Borroker tifiall Qa} the •-
<br /> premiL:ns required to obtain ca•�es�a substantially equivs�e-t to the m�rrtgage insurance previouxly in effect,at ���t .,,_�=.
<br /> _ ..:%�nv'-..
<br /> su6s;antially equivalent to the car to Sarcawer af Ihc mort���e insur:mce previoutil}•in etfect.Gom an aicemate mor.�a�e . ,•�.,i;v,':
<br /> �... ,:.
<br /> . insurer appraved by l.ender. 1f su`�tantially eyuivalent mnrtgage insurance c��ir.s�e iti^:�t acailablr.Eocro«er tihall gay ta ,;.� ,_�;,-�x.-
<br /> Lender each monih a sum c ual to nne-twelUb��f the earl mcm a e intura:�::: rcmium bein aid b Borrower tivhen the '� '��-"
<br />; , ' . 4 Y Y S S P R P 3 .�:�`.•..:-.--.-
<br /> _ insurance cover.tge l�p�ed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will Accept.u�c�n�rrt;iin the.e paymems us u Inxs reserve in lieu ,�:-.:;rr=
<br /> � of mongage insursmce. l.ocs rc�crvc paymcnt�may no lon��bc reyuirecS.st�hc��ptic�n of Lcndcr,if mortgage insurance ''�-���
<br /> rrneruge(in the amaunt and far U���period thai Lender rcyuir;..=p�o�•idcQ by an ir�+urer s�;rnveJ try Lcndcr again becer+�es �:~. -
<br /> - uvuiluble and ic n6E:�incd.Borrawc��..'�all pay the prcmium.r4-�,}�:rcd to ma�intain mor�gag�ih�urancc in effect.nr ta pravide a . . • . .
<br /> _ losa reserve,until Ihe mquiremenr si}r mangaga:asurance ends in accordan�wi�h s�ny written Agrccmc�G txtwec�Ha�rawer
<br /> and Lender ar upplirahle law. "
<br /> - •� 9. InspeCtion. L.ender or R,.agcnt may makc rc��.��m�ibtr entric.upo�:mQ imprctian�of 1he i'r.�petty. l.cnder hhall , .
<br /> - - + give Be�rrower natice at the tit�tc�>i ar ptiut w:tn intipection�pecifying rc.i�nnabte cao.c t�x�ht impecti�n. _
<br /> ,:
<br /> 10. CondemnaUua. 7'he{-rucd�oi any awarJ or cl;:.m icrr dama�cti.direcl nr a7..;gtrcmial.in c�nncction a i:h any ---
<br /> • Sinclr�;r.�ily..Y•rnnk�1aNFrcddie 1[:sc F�IF'lIH�1 l�tiTRC�1}:�'t-•l ndorm Cu�ruaw. 9 40 rpr�rr:,,•��:,acr.i
<br /> � trteat t:be�F:..:�:�n t�r.t;.Ltc ■ • •
<br /> � Tu(hC�7(a0�lklOfi�.3J?}393.:t}tt?•-i����117� " �
<br /> . .
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