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<br /> . '�j�� 1Q�C il�[DYdMIILf 110Mt Of�IG��GF!I�Oli 1�1C Q[Opl7t�f.�i��i�rtl!!1[S,�.
<br /> ' and fi:t�aow nr 6�n�eatler a pvt of tl�e p�opeity. Ail�splaoements aad�ddtiarts strall atso 6e oovered by this S��ecurih'
<br /> in�tium�au. All of 1dt fanegana is ieferted to w tbis Setunry lnsmm�as the"P�vpatyr" .
<br /> . �ORROWER bQVENANTS thu Bocmwa u lawfWly seised oE the estate haeby ca►veyod�ds d�e rigtu to�it
<br /> and conv�y tl�PropaEy and Wu tbt Pmpaty is m�a�cumtend,ezapt far encumb�urces of n+co�d. Barovve�w�rants and
<br /> wiU defad gmerally tbe titk wtbe Prc�ty againtt aIl eisirns and danand.s.snbjxt ta any encumbcar�cxs of teca�rd.
<br /> TFIIS SECURITY INS'IRUMENT combines unifarm ooveruats for nationat use and non-uaitom�covannts with
<br /> - limited variatioas by�j�u's�on to constitut+e a unifam sautity iasitunaent cwerin8 cepl�t�Apert7►-. -
<br /> �tNIFORM COYENANIS. Basrower and l.eader cov�oant and aS�ee as foiluws: ':
<br /> l. A���t d Pri�dpM�I�te�at3 PteaYa�et a�d Late Clia�s. Harowa sti�il P�P�Y PaY vrhen due the
<br /> Principai of�nd intar.A an the debt evidenced by the Nate and anY Pi'�PaYment aad tate eharges due under the Note.
<br /> 2 F�t fa�1Lse�a�i L�a�ca Subjxt tu applicabte law or to a wntoen w�ivtr by L�ender.Sorrower shail pay to
<br /> Irender oa the daY�Y PaYmrnts are due imda the Not�uaat the Nae is paid'm full,a sum l"Fueds°)for:(a)Y�Y
<br /> taxes aod�csesnmeius whicb m�y atwin priai�cY over this Securiry insuEUna�t as a l�en on tt�e Propeny;(b)y�Y� -
<br /> piY�ua�ts o��.t�aits an the Pt�ope�cy. if any; (c)Y�Y ��a P�Y iasu�an�e ptettuWa� (d) yes1Y flood
<br /> ins�aaoce prem[ums.if any;(e)Y�Y�8�8t���P���f any;amd tfl anY sums WYaDk bY B°R°wer t°
<br /> 1,uWer,in arcad�nce witb tde p�ovisions of paragrapl►8,in lieu of the paymeat of mortgage inwtance poaniwns. '!'hese
<br /> items ate`ealted"E.cerow Iteats.' Leoder may,at aay iime.wllect and hold Punds in at�amount not to exctod the maainlwn
<br /> aawuac a lender far a federally refated mostgage loan may requice for Barrower's escrow accoant under the fedesal Rea1
<br /> Fstate SettIem�dnt P�+ncedurts Act of 1974 asamended from time to t�ne,12 U.S.C.�2601 et atq.("RESPA").unless aaolheF
<br /> law t6u aFplies to the Ponds sets a IGSSer amount If sa Lendcr raay.at any time.colloct and hatd Funds in an acnaunt not to
<br /> exceEd tht lesser amoun►. k.endr- may:�ry-tin.�te the�vam�t of Funds due on tite 6asis of cumei�i data and reasonabk.
<br /> � ' estimaks of e�enditurts of future Esem�F�s�orathecwise in accordanee with app�icable 1aw. � . . . . . �,.
<br /> 1lie}�t�shap be hetd in an in�ioa wtiose deposits at�e mtsac.-�.61r a.federal agency.inswmmtalitiyr oc ea��,.'-::
<br /> (inctuding Lead�r:if Lender is soch an imtitution)a in any�edera�li��Sank. Leader shall apply the Ftm���F •,:. .
<br /> • tNe Esctvw items. L'ender may not charge Borrower.faclalding an�a�2�in8 t�e Fands,annually analyzing.if.�� _: .
<br /> acxount,or vertfying the Fsr�iw.Items;untess I.aEder��}rs Bomnwer intensc�rl�e Funds a�M apptica6le fa�.�aermits• , -
<br /> - Lender ro make sach a charge.:�,xwever.I.ender�aa3's�cNire Borrowec to pay a ane-ame charge for an indepea�t ieal
<br /> � estate tax reponing service used�F�3��cannec�i�xa a�itH this toan.untess applIcable!aw p�vides othenvise. Untess an ��_.�
<br />'.,, ag�eemrnt is made or apPU�ble Za«e��i�te�i'�be paid,I.�ader sf�lt not 6e Yequired to pay Bortowcr�ty inte�t or• _-
<br /> eamings an the Funds. Ba'rower and��may agsee ia writing,however.that interest sha11 be paid on the Punds. Lender , _—_--
<br /> - shall give to BamGwer,withoui charge:�`annual accc��rng of the Funds,showing credits and debiu ta the Funds and the _-----
<br /> ac
<br /> � piupose for wluch each debit to�f►e Fqnds was made. '['Ite Funds are pledged as addidona!securiry for ali sums'securcd by ��;�_
<br />_ ; this Security Insuument. . •,•",•'`�_
<br /> �.�,.-�._,.
<br /> ,',:;� If the Funds held by Leaaer eicoee�J�e amounts permitted to f�e held 6y applicable tav�. I.ender shall accaunt'to �___
<br /> Bomnwer for the excess Funds in accar8arice witb the recNirements of applicabte law. If the amount of the Funds held by ---
<br />� :�f Lendec at any time is not.soffcient to pay the Escrow items when due,Lender may so aorify Borrower in writing,and.fi ��_y:_
<br /> sucl►case Bmmwer shall pa}�ta L.erjder tfle amoast necessary to make up ihe�ciency. Bomuwer shall maice up the . �.__�—_
<br /> . ',r�:, "y�. deficieacy in ao more than e�iive monthly payments,at F�znder�sole discretion. � -..;,;
<br />-:;.�,.:, •; Upon payment in fuli o�all sums secumd by ckrs Seeurity Insmimen�1.endeF shall promptiy refund to 8a�srower any ��-;II.:'
<br /> • ���=��_,
<br /> " Fands heid by L.ender. If.under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire os sell the Ptoperry.Lender,prior to the acquisition or --�±:���f�.
<br /> � ��r� sale of the Ptoperty,shall apply any Funds held 6y Lender at the timc of acquisition or sale as a credit against tite sums •_,�I=:#;:
<br /> • � ; secured by tttis Security Instrument. _ ..: -
<br /> ° 3. AppUeallon ot A�yments. Unless applica6Iz law provides otherwise.all payments received by I,ender under �` ". '
<br />. ' . paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applicA:tirst.to any prcpayment charges due under the Note:second.to amounts payable under • _ _
<br />- paragrapb Z:third to interest due;fourth.to principal due;and last,to any tate charges due under the Note. ;.•�;�=
<br /> �" '� 4. Cbsrges; L i e n s. Borrower y ha l l pay a l l taxes,assessmen�c.c h a r g es. �nes and im p ositions atuitwtable tv the - •- ,
<br /> ' `4 Prophty which may adain priority over this Securiry Inmument.and tcasehotd payments ar ground rents.if any. Barrawer -._:.;_._•�
<br /> - shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,ar if nat paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on �r.:;;;,`-
<br /> ' �.' time directty to the person owed paymen� Hoaower shall promptly fumish to i.ender all notices of amounts to be paid under •�..,
<br /> . z this paragraph. If Borrower makes these paymenta directty,Borrower shall promptly fumish tv l.ender receiprs evidencing � �.
<br /> � the payments. ��''?��.� . --.
<br /> • • Borrower shall prompdy dischazge any lien which has priority over ihis Securiry lnstrument unless Bo�roa•er:(a)agrees �`"�� '''����'"
<br /> in wdting to t6e payment of the obligation secured by the{ien in a manner acceptable to Lender:(b>contesu fi gaod faith the � �=i'�
<br /> '' Ilen by.or defenda against enforcement a6che lien in.legal praceedings which in the l.endePs opinion operate to prevent the k y t
<br /> .�_
<br /> enforcement of the lien;cx(c)secures fra-:z the hol�of thc lcen an agreement satisfactory to Lender subo►�ir�ating the lien ' ��'';';'-`��';
<br />� '� i� to this Security Jnstrumezt^,. L•f I.ender determines t�a:�.�sy part of the Propeny is subject ta a lien which may 4;xain prioriry ;:r�, '•" ��
<br /> _ �r over thls Sec�rity Instru.�.t,l.endcr may give Borrou�er a twtice identifying the lien. Horrawer shall satisfy r,t�lien or take �'�;+'� •. ..
<br /> �' ` one or more c�;�e actiors set forth a6ove withln 10 days of the giving af notice. `�.'`
<br /> ,'.�,,�,�. ,
<br /> 5, Hs�d or Praperty.lnsurance. Horrower shAll kcep the improvements naw exicting or hercaftcr erected on the
<br /> • f. _ •,�� �. Property ins;Yed agairst tvss by flre.hazards included within the term"cxtertdcd rovcrage"and any other hazards,including �
<br /> ____- � _ tZoods or�todding.for w�"sch l.ender requires insurasice. 'Chis insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the
<br /> _ £; �,•�,.,,, : ——
<br /> �;
<br /> Fam 3015 9190 Ipoge2�•16 pagesl .
<br /> . : �j� .
<br />- ' 's�•�� f•,� � .
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