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— -.-,° . �_ ��,-:a � �=- ' , . �' , -, c. �:�_. <br /> t°. . . __ _ . ' _. _ . . �'..C-7. '_ <br /> � -.-i .. . . ' _�,`':.' _ _ ••i ' _-_ .�___. _ • _ .�.. . , - _ . -`_._. <br /> ._ ��_. -� _. _.: ' � z, . . _ _ . . . � _ /� • w�[�A( • . <br /> _(._.,.,'��_�r.i�' � . ' - < � `�f�� ����lV. • <br /> � Y Y'• �mty no ton�er yo tequice�,�t the cption af LeMer,if n�xtEape inwrana a�veiage(tn the amoaqt and far the periad,, : <br /> :. �� 6ecomes availa6le and is obtainad.Bor�awet shili pry . � <br /> � � tbt Ltnder ieq�ne�)P�a�►ided iry an tma�ec�pp�°v�d by'La�der a�am , <br /> d�p�ums R�oiied m m�i�aia matga�e iusunooe in to pml�z loss nse�ve:uatil tbe coqainanart for moKgaae <br /> ` �ac�os eads in a000sdmo�witl►any writtati agteement b�twaa$orrower aM Lead�er or apptirabk law. '= . <br /> !L■pedlo�.Leadet or its ageat mry m9ke casonable�tries upon and inspectioas of th+e Pm�erty.i�r sl�il give.. <br /> Bo�tvwer mtice at t6e time of or ptior to sm ias�cdion specifjiin8�ble a�se for tLe iaspoction. . <br /> l�.Coaie�mMio�.T6o Ptvvoods uf anY awud o►ci�im fot daut�ges,di�tx or��.�:�in connation with a�c. <br /> oond�mado[�;�iie�odner tatimg of any put of thc Pmperty.or for aoa�eyanoe in lieo of condemn�n.are hembY assi8ned a�d � <br /> - e1�iFbe '; an�i.mde� , , . , �_ .: .� . _ ._._ _ _ __ - <br /> �.:��•- �iig ItlstNifiCil[. <br /> ��ta Sits�of a'tonl oT�mg af the PiapeRy.tbe pro�ads sh�l�t�c�plio�to thc sums"sea�rd�. �� -- <br /> w�ethei ot�aG�tBi�dae,wnh anY exeess l�id w Bor�ower.iu the e��of a putial�ag of;�e�perty in�rhich the fait� ;�W . <br /> wtdcet vaLx;�ff�e Pmpe�ty immedi�ttll►txfore the taicin$is eqa�l w or g►a�rr thaa tbe amvsa�af�e swns secut+ed by tfiis �-- <br /> Securiry I�tco�t�immediately befote tbe tddna,unless Bamarer sad Lrader atbawise agtee�s��e sums secu�od 6y � — <br /> this Septrity I�ent�s1n11 be nduced byr the amoant of t1�pmeeeds mul6pIied by the.foltowing fr�ction: (a)We tnW . — <br /> _ ao�ount of the snms savred imnediatety 6efone dr tai�iag,divided by(6y the fair.m�rtd v�lne of thG Pmpertl►imrocQiatcIy - ^--- -- <br /> = befae the t�ldng. My b�1ar�sI�U he paid to Borra�er.W the eveaa of a partiat taking of the Piapeny in w6ich the fair � <br /> aMC�et vatae of the PmQetty inm�ediateIy 6efore tlie talciag;is less tbaa the amount of the sums secut�od immedi�teiy before the -------- <br /> hlm�.ut61GS:Harmwer�md Lender aherwise�ae ia writins or ualess applica6le lav�r od�erwise prov�s.the proceads sh�ll - i__-- <br />_ _ be sppiied w the swns savted by Wis 8ecuriry [�durnau whether or not the sums aze thrn due._ ` _ '��_- <br /> - � If the Pcaperty is abrndono8 bY Borrower:or if,after notioe by Lender w Bormwtr that thc c�t�deau�or offs�s to m�Ice�a ��,� _- <br />-- . a�r�ed or�ettk a cl�im far d�m�es,AoisQnver fWs to respond ta Isnder wi�hin 30 dsys aftei the date thc notice is given. � ;�„u-;^�_,- <br /> - : 1,e�der is�utMorizad to ooltoct aad�ppty the prnoeeds,st its option,eitbar to cestoration oc ttpaur of tl�e Propetty or to the swm ���_�_ <br /> _ �aate�e8 this 5�raritY In�umnt+whet�ar not tlkn dtu. �.�"..._°-_ <br /> � fu�tion a� to sholl not extend or ��=� - <br /> - ' tJnleu l.endes and Boimrvet at6etai�e s�nee in wsiti�8, �Y aPP� P�OO� pn�P� _-- <br /> postpone die due date of tha monthtY MY�s tefccivd to in puagraph.a 1 aad 2 cr�nge the anauat of such paymeats. �_�-°_== <br /> - 11.aoreower Nat ltela�nl:Forbausroe Ep I.eoder Not s W�tver.Extensioa of the time far payment or awdifiauion ��n: <br /> � of amoctintioA of t6e sums secuned by tlus Saurity 1rWnunent grmtod by I.ender to any sucasvnr in inurest of Bormwet shall �.�,rr��,y <br /> - i�d ta- • �.� -_ : <br /> not op�ecate to nlase tlie tiab�ity of the original Borrower or Boaaave,r`s sc�rs in inte�est.F.ender shall noE be roqu - . - - 1 <br /> �P�ES a8aiast any saccxssor ia inte�est or ief�se to eatend 6me for payrtreat or otherwise modify amoctization � ��,,•:���:�-�- - <br /> of ihe sua�secuted by th�s Socusity It�umeat by nason of wy dea�ar�d made by the origipal Borrawer os Borrowu's [�;_�':''-'�=",-.;�' — <br /> suocessors ia interest. Aay forbearance by Lender in�xercising a�j�t ar remedy shall sat be a wai�er of or pmlude We �'ti}��*``8.—"`::. <br /> �,'J�..r <br /> eaertise oi aay rig6t or tetnady. •` . '�F=:-,`- <br /> aed Doaad;Joi't aad Several 13ai�ityt Co-s�nas•The cavenaats aud agreements of��is �;°-' <br /> �• 12.S�mea�ots A�1�as ��= <br /> _ 5ecprity Instiument shall bind and benefit the sucrasors and assig:�s of l.ender aad Bonower. subjxt to the provisioas o�r -- - = <br /> �' p�ngraph 17. $orrower's covenants aid agr�oements shall be joint and sever�l._�ny Borrower wla co-signs this Sacurity ���:= <br /> '� . ' ' Instn►ment but does noe eaecute the Nae:.(a) is co-signiag this Se:.vrity Is�uumeut only to martgage,grant and convey th�t ±�,� -�:- <br /> �� Hortower's intetrst in the Praperty nnder the temLS of this�Sewrity�rsttument; (b)is bot Pertu�nsillY obligatod to pay the snms ;Y;�'�'�.�-� - <br /> ,. �...-i��';� <br /> ;` b : secund by this Secur�ty Instrument;and(c)agrces that Leader aad any other Borraaer may agrce�to extend,madify,forbear or. � -_ <br /> � make any accommodations with regard to the temtis of th3s Security Iastr�urKn2�:�r ihe Note arithout that Bosrower's consent. ;;,;.-•'�. <br /> ; 13.Lo�a Cha�ges.if the loan secured by this S�cx:siry Instrament"ss subject to a 1aw which sets mazimum toan chargos, - - - <br /> and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges coRected or to be colle.cted in comnectian with the <br /> loan excood s3�,c permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge sha1I be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the churge .- _- <br /> '�,'' to tbe permit�t+od limit;and(b)any sams already collected fmm Bozrower which cxceeded permittod limits will be rcf�nded ta � _ <br /> " ' � Boaower. �xnder may choose to matce this s�efund by reducing the principat owed undcr the Note or by maicing a�ract,. , • ,. --' - <br /> ' r paymznt to Bosrower. If a refund reduces princIpal, the redaction will be treated as a pa�tial prepayment without any ��. , ' '��• <br />` " Prepaymer,��arge under the Note. _ <br /> j , <br /> � 14.�+tioes:Any notice to Borrower ptovided for in this Security�Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailittg ` • . - <br /> � it by first class mail unless applicabte law requires use of another method.The notice sha�l be directed to the Propetty Addssss ` , '� <br /> . � , ar any ather a�ldress Sorrower designates by notice ta l.ender. Any natice to l.endee shall be given by firs� class mail to � :.�=. �- <br /> ;c• 1x�sder's address stated herein ar any ather address l.eixter designates by notice ta Borrower. Any notice prorided far in this ;�.. __ <br /> � - Security i.nstrnment shall bc dcemcA to have been given to Barrower or Lender�fien given as provided in this patagnpb. , <br /> - •.' ]S.Covtndn�Law;Sevefability. 7'his Securiry instrume�a shall be governed by federal law and the la�of�.�Se ; ,• . � . <br /> , jurisdictioa in which the Property is located. In the cvent lhat any psovision ar clause uf this Secudty]nstrument or the S�`vte ' <br /> • ..��=�� contliets a�fi applicable taw.such conAict shail nat affect other prov}sions o�ti�is Secudty Instrument or the Nate which ran be <br /> .. .;�:�:.•. .. .:� <br /> rorisi ns oF this Securit lnstrument and the Notc are declared 1�. .. .. , <br /> . �w::.,`�."�. '•- given effect without thc ronflicting provision. To th�s end the p o y � <br /> . _,_ . � , <br /> . _ -- '�.�r.,,Y.-,-;.:.— - to be severable. F � - - ---. <br /> . ��•_ :s... ,= 16,Borrower's Copy.Bonower shall be givcn one wnfamxrl`ca�y af the 1�ose and of this Security Instrument. � <br /> ., ;;��''�;,L�. PIe11�302��ll0 �` . <br /> • ��:�>' . ve0.�me �i . <br /> ``.�"_;r AAC3d19�NE/1 � <br /> ,. ��- . ... � . . : , <br /> :;�-``� "' { <br /> :�1.�, .. • <br /> .. <br /> . • <br /> _ . . . , , <br /> �..,. . �� _ - -- . . .. <br /> . • 4 ,--- -- -- - . . ... . ,. ' , ' . . • . <br /> ,. . . , � ' � � � . <br /> , -,- -, • , ' , . , . ' •' <br /> ';.• " , _ ' ' . . � ° . <br />. ,�_ "� � . �� � , :r . . .. . ' � � , � � . . � <br />�. . . _ ���. . � � " ' ... . . . . - . ' . , ' � . ' ' ., . . . • <br /> � <br /> ,.:�_ . ��...�..' ..: . � •.. . . ... . <br /> . _'�i • � ' .�. ' .. � . � . . ' • 1, ' . ` ' , � ' .. �. � '. � , - � .. � `- �, . , .. • . . <br /> .� �= . ' '1 . ' ' . . c. � . . . - . ' � <br /> . . . . . . . _ . . . . . <br />. ,. . , � ' . " _ . <br /> . .. � . <br /> . . . . . . . � . .. . . <br /> � ^" . 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