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.;1. �. • - t �- <br /> ` _. 2 <br /> -. . . . ��� � ..,f�. . • -... - — <br /> . - -- +l- ^ - . - ` - -- -._..- <br /> �-.,.• . . .:� .;..'�•. . <br /> � . :.. <br /> � � . - �. .. .. . � ,..---- �� ' � ' � - — <br /> — 4� ..�- !t _. . . . . <br /> �� -.--=� , , . . , . ; _-- � io� � $ <br /> -s_ _ - -�:_�_:� - . _ <br /> _ J� � . . - � � - - 92-- - - -- < . <br /> � ' . .� ,s.'H;,.,�,��e`�r.�eref �..�e� Boe�o�r�ti i�a�t�e;a�p� �►e�isting o�haeaeru e�e�a ca ak - <br /> ` � � ,pmpesty itiutad 1�aim�tog 6y�included�ril6in thc tertr"eatended cuvecage'and any atber tnz�rds".inclad� <br /> � �oods or QaodisE.[or Mhic�t i�eader m�uiKS iownnx.'11us�shaU be muntuned in the amouats and for the period3 � <br /> � _ tME L�eoder r�quires.The iusu�noe curiet providing the iawranoC`suall be cbosen liy Borttiwu su6ject to Lender's appcoval <br /> � '" wh&h a1W1 oot be�intrawoa6ly with6etd. If Bomswts£uts to taaintaun ooverage d�tcriDed a6ovc,l�cader'lrad�r's <br /> ' option.oBtain aovenae w p�otecc:Lende�s rights'ia tlSe Propetty ia acootd�noc with puagrapi�?.� . - - <br /> � A1i iawrmoe policies and�ene�ts st�ll be,aooeptabk to Iaider aad shatf iac[ude a standa�mongage ctause. l,ader <br /> sLa116ave tlie,tigbt ta 6ot4 the policies�nd ieakwaTs.If lr�der requires,Baaower shall Pi'omptt�8ive to Lender al}s�eaeipts of <br /> P�P��a�d ceaewal notioes.In tbe erertt of toss.Bo`rower st�it give'prompe nati�xto dse inguanae r�rier aid L,ender. <br /> Lea3er�y tt�rire proaf of la�if not macle P�P�Y bY��wer. : . <br /> Unless LRnd�s�nd Borrowtr otl�wise agr�ee ia writing,iasuraace p�occeds shaU ir�ptioa tn rawration or�epair of the <br /> p�e�tY d�ed,if th�cestontie�or npait is eoa�omically fe�ble aod i�ender's sep�'�s not ltssened.If tfie restornion or <br /> `. •• �ae�rod�s6a11 be applied to thc sums <br /> _ ��psir,is rlot.aoo��liy fas�?�r�s'Esadet's securirty would 6e tessa�ed,thc,••�•��p ..•. <br /> � �:�yy.� �r� '-,�e�±*�°�'vrli�Iii�c��nOt{'t6cn due, Mith aug e��oess�pr�oiiS�it��titmwes:i�Borr+��reF�bat�dons the <br /> Pmpectg,�nr.does not aa�a��•SO da�ys i•notioe from I.eaider td�the iasur�tfce�as�r has otfered to settie a ctaim.then <br /> ���y�plkct tl�e in�tr�ot�rOOe�ds, (eoder mi�nse the pracceds to repair or r�estote the Property or to pay sums <br /> ;Y �acnred by t6is Sxatity Insuurneat,wbether or not tt�due.The 34day periad will begin when tlie natice is given. <br /> -�- tJnkss Lender arrd Bormwer otherwise agrea iqwritina.anY�pGatioa of p�oceeds to princip�l s6�11 nat est�d or <br /> pa�po�the due date of tf�inontbly payments r�eferred to ia puagr�phs 1 aM 2 os clunge the amount af the payma�ts. if — <br /> - uoder pusgr�ph 21'the P�opeety is acquiied by Lender.Borrawsr s right to any inwrance policies and proceads[�esulting fmm <br /> _ d�t to the gmperty.prior fo the�cquisitiaa sh�ll psss to L,aider to ehe eztent of the svms socund by this Soc�etiry lastrument <br /> itnirodiatciy prior m the acquiaition. - --- <br /> �� f.OoeweY.le+ne�rNio�.�tM Notedioe d Nie lt�e�ty:�an+�+►er�s[.o�A�UcMio�i l.a�eliold�. ___ <br />-`i.` Qormw�sM�tl oowpy.esi�btish.pnd use the Properiy as Bormwer's princiP�l r�esideoce witMin sixty days pfter the ox�cuiian ot — <br /> . thi�Security instMmenr�slali eontinue t�occupy the Property as Bors+ower's principtl �esidence for at ane year aRer �� __ <br /> -� the d�te of accupmcy.unless Lender othcrwisc agroes in writing.which consent sh�ll nat be unreason�bty witAheld.or unless ��.,,, <br /> _ _ --- PtfA����u�anca4 esist which ar�e beyand Bomnwcr's cantral. Borcower shaU not destcoy, d�m�ge ur impair the .�.-=��._ _ <br /> �-. . - - <br /> � - PropenY. allow the Property to deterioratc.or cammit waste on the Pinperty: Borrower sl�aT( be in defauie iC any forfeiturc " <br /> � = actioa or procroding.whetl�er civil or begun that in LcndcPs good faith judgment could resule in forfeiture of tlse � <br /> i' 'r the lien crcatod b th[s Sxud Insuameat or Leader•S�,r�cy���r�u.a,r�W��y �;. -``:�.:> . <br /> E . Pippeety or aherwise matedalig�mpw Y �Y - .- <br /> ' euce sueh a default aad provided in paragc�ph 18,by causing the action ot proceediag to be dismissed with a ruling -:..'�_ <br /> . s ttat, in Lender's good faith detem�Inatian, precludes fodeitun of the Bomnwer's interest in the Property or other material ;�^�.�:':'_�_ <br /> ,•r'_ imp�i�nt of the lien enated by thls Security Insuument or Lender's secucity inter�est. Bomnwa sl�all also be in default if � ,�•- <br /> m i � r <br /> ;,�. Bormwer,during the loan application process.gave materially false or inaccutate infom�ation or statements to l.ender(or failed �� �,:.��; <br /> to ptovide Lender with aay material infom�ation)in connxtion with the lo�n evidencal by tbe Note,including,but not timited '�rrL'>�T� <br /> � .. to,rePresentat�ons concemin Barrower's oav of tbe as a principal residence.If this Security Instmment is on a �.�,'�'a°'�'��`'';, <br /> S P�7� �Y t . ;Y±�:'ir:�r. <br /> '� leasehold. Bortnwet shall comply with all the pravisions of tde lease. If Bomower ires fee titte to the tbe z•{ �` <br /> -;,.., ;_ <br /> accN �RY� �r,;:,.. r <br /> .��.;�'`, le�,sehoid and the foe title shall not metgc unless l.ender agrees to the rt►ergcr in writing. ,�� . . _ <br /> ``' ' 7.Protectkn af E,erjder's Rights in tl�e Yropaty.It Borrowcr fails to perfarm the covenanu and agreements contained in f . ; - <br /> , .�;i�:�: this Security Insrruiswm,or there is a legal pracceding that may significa.-�uT.}�affect Lender's rights in the Property (such as a <br /> � ��.;,a pfooeeding in bankrupccy,prmb�te.for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce Iaws as regulations>.then I.ender may do and � ' , _ <br />' �y fflr whatever is necessuy t�psotect t he v a lue o f t h e P r o p e r t y a n d l,e n d e r s r i g h t s i n t h e P r o p e rt y. L e n d e r's a c t i o n s m a y '-t `;'';'::;`. • _ <br /> ;. :..�.�,;,;,.. , <br /> ;�[clode payr�ng any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Secur'ay instrument. appearing in court, paying � , . . <br /> . ���'*� . rwsonabte attarae5r's'fees and esitering on the Praperty to makc repairs.Although l.ender may take action under this paragtaph , ._:;r-,.�:�`. .,'; <br /> . 's� � ' � j 4 � �� � <br /> . ���� � ' � 7.l.c�xter dces not have to do so. � . � �� '� . <br />' "�''�`=�`•� ' Any amounts disbursed by Lcnder under this paragraph T shall become additional debt ai Borrawer Secored by this f ' `,.�• _ <br /> . Y��,,' _ <br /> •�, Securlty Insttument.Unlcss Borrower and l.endcr agrec to athcr terms of payment,thsse amounu sha11 bear interest from the � ,��- �`�� __ <br /> �_� date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payablc. witb interest, upor. natice from l.cnder to Borrower requesting � � - <br /> ":�; i�sYment. , : , =._. <br /> '" 8.Morts�t InWtranoe•1f Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secureA by this Security � . . <br /> �, r lnstnimcnt, Bonuwer ahall pay the premiums rcquircd to maintain thc martgagc i�surancc in cifect. If. far arty reason, the ' <br /> • � �;a' mangage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or cca5es to be in effect,Brjnawer ShaU pay the premiums required ta f. �:`!'' �• s= <br /> ` ' ,• +;�,�.;� ��.� . obtain caverage substantially equivnlcnt to thc mortgage insurance previausfy in effeet,at a cost substantialty equivatent to the � . , •• <br /> �',,►,`,�`.'�'•:':'''''. cost to Bonower of the mortgage insurance previausly in eifect, from an attcrnatt martgage insurrr approved by l.ender. lf , <br /> _.,�,,, . .. � � . : <br /> � � � �~r� ��+'•�' � substantially eqa��✓aient mortgage insurancc covcrage is not available.Bonawer�hall pay to l.�:ndcr cach month a sum equal to � . . <br /> , ,.,...,,,;__. <br /> . . - ,�;.�-:-°�•�:r�,- one-twelfth of 1he yeax3}r mpstgsge insurance premium being paid by Barrc�wer wl�en tE!c insur�nce caverage lapsed c�r ceased ta ;-. <br /> - , ;4:"�:�`,,�, .� be ln effect.Lender wiit acccpl:usc and retain theso paymcnts as a loss re�Crvc in licu nf m�rtgagc insurante. Loss rescrve : <br /> . :h�a�.. � ..' . <br /> „ . ip�n 302a !/!0 l <br /> -�l.-:-- � NWa9of0 + ' . . <br /> � <br /> `;P:�``. INC3019�NEJ3 <br /> �. <br /> :�`,•: . ._. : . . � <br /> .. , <br /> '"�°: . , . • <br /> .• � <br /> . _ f . _.-___-- - -- --- - .. . ..... .., . . . • , <br /> _ :;:*�- , - " • . _ . _ .. . • . � ' � . <br /> . � : . -. . . <br /> . . .. ..._..;...:;..�._� . . . . . . <br /> - - - .-- - . .�'. . _ . . ._ _ _ <br /> . ,.' . • - • , <br /> � �:.; . ' . ... <br /> . . ; ;,� , , '�; ' , . ..... . • , . , . . . : <br /> , . -; ,.,,.;,.�. . <br /> ,:. � .. <br /> . . . .::, � <br /> .. ... ....:. �....,_ .:-r: ..,;.. <br /> • . <br /> , . <br /> .. . ...�. <br /> , <br /> ,._- - ------------.�.,_.�..�.__ --- -., _ - - - <br /> . . . ' , <br /> i.� ' . , <br /> _ . . ; _ _ .. .. ,�. . _ . � <br /> . . . . . . . , , <br /> . . . �� ' ' _ � .._.._._ , --•---- -- _�- ' r, � _ ._ ,_ { - - - � --� _ _. _ . <br /> � <br />