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<br /> - ` � ,. see�ritY t�amen�a te)�r�'s j�d�Oart adonmt tt�is sec�si�r Ia�Tnose candKions,ti d�ear�w«: t�)`
<br /> . . p�yt Gender all s�s rrhicb the��routd 6e dur ueder this Seca[itY Insuu�nent aad t6e lHok as if ao�oakruiae h�d
<br /> ot�wrrad:tb?+�s�ny defaWt af a�►atbet covenatus ar qtorn�eat�tc)pt7ts a!1 aaPerts�s incuned in eafanciag this�ocutity
<br /> Tns�ummt,inciWd`u�g.i�R nat Wtited to.aa�anabie atlanays'fees:anQ(d)t�ices such action as Le�xla may ceuambty
<br /> �eq�iie tu�t dat tbe liea o�d�is Soc�uiry t�nnu,l.ender8 ri jt�s�o the Ftoperty�rd Bor[ower�abtiguian to psy tAc
<br /> aums sec�red ify ims 5ecutity Ia�onuneat sh�ll ca�onue uachinsad. UPon��atd�eat 6y Sarrower. this Security
<br /> - = - �nx�aed iht Wiifgatioa4 seca�ed ta�sin�l naniu Eulty Ntcetive as If ec:a�an lu�d nccurnad. Howeve�r,this --
<br /> , ti�ht toteimtaie s6di aot appiy ia tba csse of�coeletatiae ut�det p�wgt�ph 17.
<br /> " 1!� 9�1e�t NNe;C�e at I,wn Senker. The Nate or a pauti�l iiNen�st in tBe Nou(to8etha with this Savrity
<br /> �nmu�at)m�y be mold ooe oc morc times�vitl�aut pria rwtice to Bamwer. A.sate inay result in a change in the entiry
<br /> � ., (l�a�a as the"tan Se�vioa'�lbat colbcts moiwhiY P�9�s due w�da tAe Note and t6is Security Insnurt�ea� '[Uere also
<br /> ' may be ooe ar rna�etumga arf thG Lo�t Savioer wuei�ted w s sak of tho Nota If tliae u a cl�aage of the I.oan Servvicer.
<br /> . Batm�ver�viD be pvm�noac�e d tl�e cbaage in aaw�dmoe with peag�apti!4�bove and appikable law. The mace
<br /> - - wn71 adee the�mne ead�d�ness dthc_�-11±•n�esvicer ar�i the iddeessin which paymeats should��The:aticx will
<br /> �iso vontain st►Y alkr infa�mt6an taN�bY+�PP��w. " --�—
<br /> �1: Nss�riws Srlrbrea. BaROwa st�all nat cause ar peanit thc p�unce.use.dispos�l.staage.a nleace of any .
<br /> • Haxu�daa Sa6st�ces au or in�he Propesty. Barowa sir�D not du nor�1low�nyone else m d�.aoythiog affxting ihe
<br /> Ptopetty tl�t is in viot�tiat of u►y Envitoowrntal taw. 'il�e p��ccding two sentm�xs sh�llll no[appiy to the p�eseact,use.or
<br /> starsge on the Ptope�ty of srmll q�wntitic.s of HazaMous 5ubst�nas tt�at ate gene�aily teco�mized to be app�opriate to aamai
<br /> ie.sidendial uses nad to maintensnce of th�Propeity
<br /> � - BaRVwer sh�lI poompttY give Lender written notice of any imestigatiaa.claim,demand.tawsnit or ot6er actiort by any .
<br /> S��a���Y�S�Y�R�vue party invoivi�g tbe Ptopaty and any'Hazardottis Substaqc��Fs►vimnnKatal
<br /> L#w o[w6ich Harawer hu actual Icnowledge. If Bamwcr leuns.or�s notified by anY Savtrmnrnta! or tegulatay .
<br /> audariry.d�st auY�'�a otber nn�ediuion ot any Hazudous Substance af�cting the Pr+npart�is necessary,Bomuwer
<br /> shall promptly t�ke aii naxss�r nmedi�l xtions in xcacdu�ce with Fnvi�omna�Law.
<br /> As usea in this pasg�apb 20."Hazardous Subst�nces"ue those snbs[aaoe.s defmal as toxic os hazardous substanas by
<br /> Env�mnaip�W Law and the followiog substances: gasoline,kemsene,other flammable or to�c petroleum products.toxie
<br /> - pesticides and fierbicides.volatite solvents.materials containing asbestos or fo�atdehyde,apd radtoaccive matenata As
<br /> : osed iti iAis parag�ph 20."Environmental Law"means federal laws and Iaws of iLe jurisdiction where Qle Propercy is tacated
<br />-= tl�at relate ro healtb.safety or envimrtrt�ental protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENAI�TI`S. Borrower and l.encf�r fard�er covenant and agrec as foltows:
<br /> ZL �kratba;Re�aedks. L.enda�shaU gire aotke to Borrower prior to nceder�tian fdbwin�Borrower's
<br /> bre�c6 af aEp eureos�t ar ssrreeineat in tl�Se¢urity Iaslrument(Md not prbr to aeceler�tion aader pu$rapb 17
<br />—_ ��le�s a�abk I�w provida atlKrw�e). Tbe uotke sylt specKy: (a)the ddaalN(b)t6e�ctlos rcq�ired to wne tbe
<br /> ie�a�(c)s date:wut.bs tlw 30 tiays tros_tl�e'i�afe t6e solice�Sives ta�'orrorrer,by wbkh tbe defsnH mnu be
<br /> - c�red;�{�W�/taiiiRe W care tbe d�o�ror before the date s�iCied ie tbe notice may result in�ooelenttbn ot
<br /> - ftie��secared by tiis SeavKy L�tnaauat aad sak oI ihe Property. T6e�atke sl�fartlier tetor�s Barro�rer ot
<br /> the r�E ta reiaw�t��accekntio�i and tht right to brtng a rnurt�clioa to as�ert ti�e ao�-axtsteax of�detaWt or �
<br />- any c�dete�se ot BocroRer to acceleratlon pad ssal� U t6e defaWt is not tvred oa ar be�ore tie date specified i�
<br /> - the noUce,I.ender at as vptioe nwy require tmmediate ps�yment in tull ot aIt�secured 6f tbi�Se�Instrament
<br />�`�-� �vit6ont tortber dema�d a�d may invoke the pawer ot snk aed say otier rtmMks ptnnittM 6y s�pUcabk Istw. -
<br /> l.ender siW! 6e entitWd to coikct all expenses incareed in parsutag the remedks pras�ided tn this para�ph Zl, _
<br /> � inctudiss,6ut not limihd to,rasonabk attorneys'fees�nd costs of title evidence. -
<br /> '?- It N�e paWer af sWe is tnvdced,'ilrusta shall�ecord A notke ot defaatt in each coaaE�in whicb aoy paK ot the `�
<br /> -_=, properly i�lopted nud sbaU nu�f{copies ot such nMice in the nwnnee prescribed by Applicabk taM to Borrower and to -
<br /> .v:s`'` tUe MMee per�ons prescrlbed by applicabk inw. ARtr the ttme rtqnired by applicabk IAw,7Y�ustee sludl glve puWic . �
<br /> '�}- aMlce d sNe to t�e perso�aed ia the nwnne�presc�lbed by s�ppUcabk laa 1lrustee.�vit6ont dems�!on Borrower. . -
<br /> . s6s11 sell the Propert'at publk auction to the hi�hest bidder at the Hme and place And ander the tenns d�ated in _
<br /> the notice o�snk in one or more parcels and in aay ordee 7lrusta dHermines. 7irustee awy pustVone sale ot al�or aey =
<br /> pArcel ott6e Praperty by publk announcement at the tlme an�ptace otany previausly scLedukd sak. Lender or its =
<br /> desip�msy purch�e t6e Propert�at aey sak. ":
<br />= Upo�receipt a�psyment o�the prke bid.'IYusta g6a11 deti��er to the pnrrhasc�'i'�sta's deed conveying the -
<br /> .`-�::. � Pr�aperty.The recitab ie tbe 1i�ustee's deed s6all 6e prima t�cic evidence oI the trath ot the stateme�rs�de tLerein. �-
<br /> -- 7tu�ta�Ma11 apply IUe praoeeds o�the sak in the tMbwing order. (a)to ail costs and expeases of exerc�n�the power -
<br /> ;., ' -
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