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<br /> . �� •ooada�nmtian ar ot4a WrieE��P����nr•ar for conveymx m�lieu ot oa�de�atiaa,a+e lieneby ass�pKd�nd
<br /> < � �li be p�id t°I.ender.° " � �his 5ecurit�► '`
<br /> � Irt d�e eveot of s taui nicug af ibe FlropertY.tiie p�ooeeds s6a11 be appTied to the smas secvoed by,
<br /> � lmtrumaW,�or uot ihea diue.with.any ezcess paid to Bormwer. (d the evecu of�paiiia!t�lcing of the Propeny ia,
<br /> � w6ich d�C fiur muTcet value of tLe Fivpetty immed'e�eiY befoc�e the t�lnng is aryal to ot geatec than t6e amount of tbe suals
<br /> : secuad by this Seca�ity L�swmrnt immedia�ety befa+e tbe pking.unttss Sartawer and Leader afiecwise agrec in'v�ripng. .
<br /> the smn saviod 6y this Savriry T�onunait sinfi b�raWced by the amamc of tbe pcocads muldpiied by the fdiowing :
<br /> f�ac�tion: �the wh!amo�uu of the sums secu�ed im�qMiately befoR the taicing.dlvidod by(b)the f�ir market value of tbe
<br /> - - F�opetty immedi�tety bHae the�ng Aay bs�alsslt 6e p�1d to 8txmwef. Ia the event of a puaal taicing of tLe ;
<br /> , , plroputy in wfiich the fair�immkat value of the Ptqx�ty im,aKdi�tety 6efore the taking is las than the amouc�t of the sums
<br /> securs�d immedi�el�befa�e the atci�ng,unless Bprtower and i.e�der othecwisa Agree in wririag ar unkss applicabk[aw
<br /> dhrwise p�vides,ttEe Proceeds sl�al[be applied to the sums secuned by this Seciirity lnstr�ment whed�er or not the snms az�c '
<br /> _ . ��A�npe�ty is abu�do�ed by Bortower.or if.aRer aotice by Ltnder to Bamwer tt�t tbe cademnor of�e�s ta malce
<br /> � _ �n zward oc settle s claim for�Batower fails to rcspond to l.ender within 30 days after tt�e date tbe noticc.is girrn.
<br /> {.eoder is authoriz�ed w cotka aad apply tl�e pmceeds.ac ics optwe,eiWer to nstorrtian or repair of the Ptvpercy or to the ,
<br /> sums`a�ocutM br ihu Seeurity L�smanen�vehet}ier ut not 11�doe.
<br /> ` Unless I�ender ud Bortawa otherwise ag�oe in writing.any apptication of proceaLs to principal sha(t not extend or
<br /> poctpone tbe due date af the montfity�ayme�us refeiredw ia paragaphs i aM 2or ct�aage the artwunt of such paymrnts.
<br /> iL Bonvwes Not Relaaed; Focbeara�+e By IRSder Not a Watver. Eacensian of the rime for payment �x
<br /> modificafioo ofamord�atim of the samt secund try this Security inmument g�nted by Lender to anp successor w9ntercst -
<br /> • oE�ortuwer shalt not apente to retease the IiabiGry of the aiginal Borrower a Hamwer's sucvessas in interest.Lender `
<br /> � sfuii�wc be n.quined to commrncx peoceedings a8ainst anY sw�wr in inteeesc or refuse to eatend dme for p�►yment or
<br /> o�her�rise modif�r amati�tia►of ihe sums.secuned by ihis Securiry Inurument by�eason of any demand made by the otigiaat .
<br /> Bo�mwer or Bonowera saccessas in intene.�t. Any fac6earance by Lender in exec�ising any nght or remody shaU not 6e a
<br /> w�iver of or prociude thc ezereise af aay right ar remedy.
<br /> , 12. S�aeuors aed MeiQs Bo��d:JoMt s�d 5erersll.isbi�tY;Casi�e�s. '1'he cavenants and agroements of this �
<br /> Sae�uety Instiument sfialt bind.and benefit iha successas and assi8ns of L.aKkr and Borrower,subject to the provisians af
<br /> �Sagraph 17:Bor[uwer's eovenants and agrceaients shali be joint and several.Any Sorrnwer who co-signs this Seeuriry
<br /> � Instrument but does not eaecute the Note: (a)is ca-signing 4his Security Instrument onIy to mortgage.grant and canvey that
<br /> - � Bormwer�inunst in the P�operty under the terms of this Secucity Instrumen� (D)is not pe�sonally o6hgated to�aq tha sums �
<br /> secuad by this Security Insuumenr.and tc)ugrees that L.ender and any other Bortower may agree to extend,modify,fotbear
<br /> � or make any accammodatiaas with regard to the terrtcs of this Security lnstrument or the Note�►som that Botrower�
<br /> ' • cons�nt. ' '
<br /> - 13. Loae C�arges: if lfte toan secured by this Seeuriry Insttument is suhject t�a law w�ict�sets maxiatwn loan
<br /> charges,and that Iaw is fmally interpreted so that the interest ar ather toan charges coltecaz;i or ta be ceIIected ia irnarection
<br /> - " with the loan exeoed the permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shaU be redaced fsy the anx+�cnt necessary to reduee
<br /> • the charge to the�itted limi�and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower wfiich exceeded permitted limiu will be
<br /> c+efunded to Bonawer. l.endec may choose to make this refund by r�edueing the prineipal owed under the Note or by making a
<br />-- — �t payment to Borrower. if a refund redaces principat.tbe neductlon will be meatest as a partia}prepayment v�`cd�out any
<br /> -- ' �rep3yment charge under t�e�Iote.
<br /> ''-'' : 14. NaNce.g. My notice to Borrowet provided fos isi this 3ecurity lnstrumenf shall be glven by delivering it or by
<br /> - — mar`ling ii by 6rst class mail unless upplieabte taw requires t�se of anaher methad.The naace shatl be directed to the Praperty
<br />--_ qddress or any other address Bartower desi�nates by notice to Lender. Any notice to t.ender shatl be given 6y first ctass
<br /> - ma'sl to I.ettder�address stated herein ar any other address[xnder designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for
<br /> in atus Security Instrument shall be deemed to have E�a►given ro Borrower or Len3er when given s�provided in this
<br /> _".� �1S Goveraing Law:Severability. This Secnrity Instrument shal! be govemed by federal laa and thc!aw af the
<br />-- jurisdiciwn ia ah"sch t1�Property is located. 1n Jhe event that any prar i.,ia�or clause of this Security lastniment ar the Note
<br />:;.-t:� conflicts with a�7icable law.such co�flict shalt not affect other proc'rs:c�s of this Security lnstrumeszt or the Note which can
<br />"- 6e gi.ven effecrivithout the conflicting provision. To this en�i the pro��is'rons of this Secudry tnstrument and the Nate are
<br /> �-� dect.red to be severable. ;
<br />;i�•' . ;l�. Roreavvet"s Copy:S9rrawer shall be given one c�nfarmed copy af the Note:�.t af this Security lnsuument.
<br /> -- i?. 1ra�si'er ot the Proptrty or a Benefkial Interest in Borrower. lf All or any part of the Preperty ar any i^'erest in
<br />-- it is sotd or transferred(or if a benefccial interest in Bortawer ic sntd or imnrferred and Borrawer.is r,ot a nataral persan)
<br /> _-- whhout Lender�prior written consent.l.ender may.At its option.require immediate p�yment in fu1E of all sums secured by
<br /> = ttds.Securiry lnstrument. However,thiti option shAll not be exercised by Lendcr if exersise is prohi�iied by federal law ac of
<br /> -"� tTie date of thls Securiry Instrument. � '
<br /> � - : If Lender exercises thic ap6on.Lcnder.r•hall give Borrouer notice af accelcrsticn-. The npticc sh�ll pravide a perlad ai
<br /> e
<br />- ° not less than 3U�tayY from the date the notice is dclivered or�ailed within which Bcr.u-a•er mu�t pay a11 sumy secured by this .
<br /> Security lastru�r,ent. If 8orcawer Pafly to pay these �ums prior ta the expiratioe of this period. Tueader may invoke any
<br /> remedies permnted Ay this 5ecurity lnstrumcnt witfiaut furth�r naticc or dcmand on�aower.
<br /> - 18. Borrower's ltigt�t to Rei�tate. li Borrn�rc�r meets eeA:sin condition.. �otrnwer shall have the rfghE tcr have
<br /> enforcement of this Security Instrument disconlinued at�r� time prior tn tfie cadiv"r c�f: (7)S days(or such othec period av
<br />- .. Singic F.unily..tanek�iae/F'reQdk:►tac CVIf1IkN 1\tiTQC!�tE\T--L'nifmm�Covcnanh 9i99 l�Xr��Jh�geal
<br /> ♦ . .
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