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<br /> �f�t �e��1�1�+����'�'�I�aII a�pi�ro�`tbe ,
<br /> 17.�a�ll� �l�7 -
<br /> .��oW nc�(a if a�iofeirrt ia lbrruwes is�'nc irimsfeessd aad Bono�►et11sU of all ���� -.
<br /> . , L,mder'e p�ic�,�vtittm aa�ata�t.G�eder m�y+at its option. �oquite'inmottiate Ph'rueot
<br /> �y�FoMever,diis optiao shdl mt 6e esetrixd by I�eader if�xadse is pmiu'bit�d by[edetat 4w aa of tbe O�te
<br /> of�is Sewttt�r i�am�t- Leader si�il giva�Bam�rer notioe of aoaetaatiuo-Tbe aatioe al�U pmvide s p�aiod ot aot
<br /> � If l,encler eue�i�es tfu"s.a�ption. all sv�soca�d'bY tl�s �
<br /> � kss dsw 30 drys fiom the date tl�e mtice is detivQed or m�itad�������Y
<br /> Sepuity,Im�t.It Barrc+�er i5u�s to pry tbese sams pdar of this .Lendes mag invoice sny�medies `
<br /> . paa�tted by this Seasrity l�Cnm�t vrithoui fuctl�er aotke or dem�nd on Bomuwer.
<br /> �; �aenwds 11�1�t-ta �� If Borrower meets aectain condidonc. Bomawer shall have the right w hare .
<br /> . ye,nforcxmeataoE t6is Sa�sity I�cum�t disoontinoed at a�r ti�me prior so tIn eaYtia of: (al 3 �tar:sadi atha periud as
<br /> fur re�rtstste.mmt? befo�e s�of tbe P�openY pa�at m�°Y P�wer of s�tc caaniro�:i4�tLis
<br /> � applic�iWa:ta�mg�9 �_'�liose cond�aons aie thet Bacm�ver•{s)Qa s
<br /> ��a�(b)e°try of a jadgment enfo�iag tbis S�arity .
<br /> I.eatkrallisutno�wbicb t6�n wauld be due under this Sewriry Insuumeat aad tbe Note as if no aa�etetation had aaurned: )
<br /> c�ues any��,dd6�alt��if,mtg ot6er oovm�nts or s$�oements:(c)WYs+�II e�ens��urrad'ue enfarcing ttds�Sxurity Iasuumax.
<br /> .. i�ci���AUt�eoot:litnimd w. �bk��ttnm�9s'fees:wd(�,t�ioes ax�acaon as Ir.oder may r�anabtY r+oquire to aswte
<br /> _ _ t1�E:dl�:lilio;a�+thi�Sa�r��Y in�m�.l�r�n n-gb u�the�mpeRy and Borrower's abiigstioa w pay the sa�soaun�by
<br /> _- �'�>'�t s6aU c�oo4inu�.
<br /> uad�oged.�Upon cem�t�ae�t bY �m�• this Sxun�7► ���� the
<br /> = ubti����Y��in fully effoctive as if no acxxle�ation h�d oocacted.Hawever.this rigM w��sbwll
<br /> - mt�ppiy'{n dte ea�e af ac�aZention onder pangr�ph I7. �pr with t6is Secutity
<br /> k.- 1!.S�te ot Nd� CW�e at I.v�Ser�Tar. Tbe Nate or s�patial interest in thc Note(w8
<br /> �',y .. �meat?may be s41d oae or moe�t�es w�thout prior notia to Borrower.A safe may r�sult in a chaa8e iu tLe e�ity(imown _
<br />_- - as tbe'Loao Servker"�tlnt ooitocb a�oa�lY P�Y�dne auder the Note aad this Sccainty Iest�eat.Tlune�Isu may be oae
<br />�__�'t� or mol+e ci�a8es of tUe Loan S�►iau uarelated to a sale of thcl�tate.If d�is a cl�age of the Loan Secvicer,Borrower arill 6a .
<br /> T.4 above aad aQplicabte taw.Tde notica An'ti su¢e the name aod —
<br /> --,,.,• ' giveo.�rrittea rmuoe of fhe di���000N�nca with para6gr�', �Id b� made.The notice will also coatain�ny adur
<br /> -� �RSa af the aew I�aa Ser�ider sa�ithe add�ess to`ovhid��?aue�ts _-
<br />- � infonrqtion roquirod bp applipbte 9aw. `.�,` .� ....-. �y ��ge,or rekase of any _---
<br /> � ?.�.Haae+�a�a S�brpu�oea.Borrawet si�i�iE�c�use or permit the preseuoe. use, � �.�g the ---
<br /> - � � H�dous Substanoes oa or in the Ptvpertyc• &�wer st�aU not do, uor ailow suyroae eLse ta do, aaY�B . , �==
<br /> , t6�t is in viotation of any Envimnmeatal L�w.T[ie pnaadiaB two sentex�s sbali not�pply to tlie pnseace, ase.or -�
<br /> be riate t�aonn�l
<br /> � �e on We of small quaatiti�°ss of Hazardaus Sn5..a`ances Ehat are genetally reco8niz4d to aPP�P ,
<br /> -- - ��} to�inteaonca of the Pmpeccy � _ . �'�:'-
<br /> .iT � -' -�S . �
<br /> ' Bomnwer shall promQttY Sive L�ender wriu�a notice of any iuvestigatipn,claim,deinand,lawsait ar�othe�act"r� i�at� . _,�. n f_
<br /> governmental or nguluory aB�Y or private pacty mvolving the PcopeRS+?�.a�Y lia�g Substance or Envimnrt�entat law ',;,�.: i.�
<br /> - •!�;, of whic6 Horrowec bas actual imawledge.If B`arrower leams,or is aatified�►Y.�Y Sovemmental or n�gulatory authorit��,tt�aE r�,:�,--;`_
<br /> � ','.:" any iemoval or otl�er nmdiation ofanY Hazardons Substaace�ffecting the Property is rzaes4arY,Borrower shali proaqptt�taice '°'�?��°_.
<br /> � H:i��....t.".
<br /> aU nooessary temodiai actians In acc�rdaace with Envimnn�en�ta!Law. -�s.�`�:~•'�-
<br /> �_..;o,.,.
<br /> � As usaf in d�is p�tagraph Z0."I�atdo�s Sabstances'aa+e thost substances de�ined as wxic or hazatdaus su�ances by ���.,=
<br /> � Ennnrqm�ental Iaw and the fotlba�ing �: �rmt, Yemsene, otl�er fl�ma�able or toaic petroleum pcndticts, toxic �„�...-
<br /> pesticiQes anc}{xrbicides,votadle soivents,marerals co�ing asbestos or focmaldebyde.and radioactive materials.As used in ���;_��.:-
<br /> - thia puagraph Z0, "F.nvimntnearal I.aw' a�fe�etal laws and laws of tf�e jurisdiction where the Pcaperty is located thu �---
<br /> `-� . rel�e to heatth,safety ar w►vuanmeatal proteeiion. ' ��'-:
<br /> ' NON-UMFORM COVENANTS.Bormwer ar►d Lender fnrtfier coveaant and agree as foUows: -�• ''fi''°'�=
<br /> -,�`-.�,�,.r.;_..�
<br /> r .;� . 21.Accekration:Remedies.I.ender sfiall give aotioe to Bomnwer prior to Accekrs�tbn foilowbg Borro�re�'s bres�cb - '�;.r�`' -
<br /> o[asy covea�nt os�t ia t6is Sacority In�trament (bat nat Prla' to aooderAtioe ander Porap�Pb 17 unk+s -
<br /> � - ,ppltcabte unv p�+nvid�a 1��.T�n a�«s b a u s p e c r t y: c s�j�1�a�r a u u;ro�1�,�lon,�,e q m t R a a cvre�he a�riWe; .• _
<br /> " �; (¢)�d�te.aot less tl�n 3�d�ys fr�aHn the date the notke is giren to Borrower,by w6kh the ddaait mnst be cased;and , -
<br /> � �- (�tlqit faUure W cws tbe detadt oa or b e tore t b e d a te s p e c i fi e d i e t 6 e n o t k e m a y r e s�u i t i n a o c d a�t i o n o f t 6 e sams r �
<br /> � � , �eeoe�d by tbis SecaritY 1�sind atle ot the Frupn�ty.'1'be notice sialt fwtbee intorm Boeenwer a�ti�e rl�t W _ •, �_;-
<br /> relaetNe attu aooekration Asd d�e rlgbt to bri�s�court adba to a+ee�t We�ot a de[anit or a�ry ot6er : J�.•r. ;:
<br /> - ddeeee oi Boero�rerto iooekratia�aed sAk.If tbe defaWt i�nol cared on oe before t6e dste spedtkd in Q�e notke, ' .r :;:-
<br /> :'.�. . Lader,at ifs option,nay n4oie+e immed�ate�aYmmt ia fuU ot WI sums sanrreid by thb Secority I�ent wit6out ,.
<br /> � °.�'�`� � fa�tlKr daiwnd tad may invokc the pnwer ot sate aad smY ot6es rancdies Permitted by ap�1ica6le�W.Lendee s6Wl be , .
<br /> a� tLe re�aedles Provided ia thls parag�'�pb 2l,Incladie8+Isat not limite� �•
<br /> �: ediNed to oolkd sif eapta�es inarned in porsmartg �: '��
<br /> .. , to,esasom6le atturneYs'feee and costs ol titk evidence. ot t6e
<br /> U fhe powa ot sak is imolced,Trusta s6a11 record a notia ol defanit i�eac6 coui Dle.l w6toBor ow�snd to � .
<br /> �• ,� : plrophty b tawte�sed eiwU m�U oopks ot such noNoe ia the manaer prcscribed by appl ..Y�
<br /> . t6e o16er pt�P+e�c*lbed bY�PP�k�bk law.ARer tLe time requieed by Appilc�bk law,7'rugtee shtll gWe pabik noNoe ,,: :�, •
<br /> ' � . �sWe to the P��� ie the maoner Presa�'bed by appUcable law.Trustce. wiqa�t danaad on Borrower,�ha11 sdl .
<br /> . ttie property at publk anction to the l�+cst�dder at tde tlme And P�and under the terms de�ated in the noNi�
<br />' • ale in oee or more p�r�ceLs�d i�any order Tn�sta determhKS.T�tce nwy postpone sale ot�11 or any parai : �
<br /> Propa'ty bY Public aneounaana��t6e.tlme and piace ot any pre,wionsly schedakd.aak.I.endee or its de�s�nee msY . •:•;.,`:' �
<br /> ,�,:•:�;,-'�z p�aee tbe Property al any sa{e. r . " .
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