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<br /> pry�sea�m�y ao loo�jer ba zeqai�et the oP6oa of I,eader,if�e i�oe aaveiaae(�a tb�amouat�md fa t6t priiod ;
<br /> ` flNt teadet �eqaiea)pe�►ided hY an imonterappcuvod by 1�a a�in 6e�ooses avs�7�ble aod�s obtained.Borro�er s6�i1 p'ry
<br /> d�e PRmium��quicod to nnintm arrt�c imar�noc in effed,cr ta ptovidc a foss t�etve.t�m7 tho toquiroaent for moR�a
<br /> imannoe eod�in a000c+dmce witl�iny wrie�ea.tgreemeat betwan BoQOwer aod lendei or.appiipbk,bw. �
<br /> !.Irpedk�.3�ender ac its age�mry m�ice�a�hk e.�c uprin aad iat�xioag of the Propert}r.Lendes si�tl gire
<br /> Hon+a�ra notlot at ttrC time of or prior to an i�pectioa spocifyinS rasoo�bk cause for the iaspncxion. . ,
<br /> I�.Co�of.ZUe ptocadc of any awand vr dmim for dam�gas.dincx oi consequenti�l.in conaeaioa witfl wy
<br /> , �or utbei t�kitag of ats�peti af ide pmpetEy,or for conveyaaoe la lieu of oondemnadon.aie hereb3►+�si8ned aud..
<br /> sh�116e pad�b Lander. _ . . .
<br /> L►t6e eva�t of a to�ai taking of tbc Ptnperty.tbe pcooeeds s6all be applicd w tLe atms sxurod by this.9a�ciry I�a�tcameot. .
<br /> whetl�er or nat thea dao,witb a�►•esass paid co Horrowcr_ In thc eveat of a pvti�l Wcing of ttie:Ptaperty ia w6ich tLe.fpir
<br /> m�rlu,t vaine of t6e Pmpaty immediskety 6efone tire taivng is�qriai w os gnater tlwu tha�amouot Qf.the sa�sa�ed by tbis
<br /> seau;ty rasttiumeoc;nnnedistely eef«ie the ailnag.unless aormwcr am Leader.ai�wise agne ia wripng;tbe suma sa,icea 6y
<br /> t6i�Seavrity Io�tramept sball be seduced by tl�c amoatu of_tho�pcncee�ls multiplired�by the following f��:(�2 We topl
<br /> �mouat of tbe aams sea�rad immediately befoie thc talang,,�ntided bY.tb)db��f�ia�tnericd vatue of the P�+nperty immedi�tdy
<br /> befo�tLe nkiag. Aay 6�anoe shaU be p�id tn Borcower.�Jm 1ha��veat of,a paitial Wdng of t6e Pmpe�ty in,wh�fi the fiir
<br /> m�rird value of tfic Pmpaty immediattly 6cfooe tha t�idng is�k'as thaa drD�uttounE of d�c sams sau�ed immediatelY i�efo:e t6e
<br /> = tating,unles4 Borrowar ud I.rnder at6ecwise.agnpe ia writiag or ankxs ipsijaca6ta faw otherwise pznvidc�,the pnonaeds tLrll�i � .
<br /> be applied w the snms seiv:od by t6is Sacuriiyt�tit�nt whdher oe ao���sum�ua tbea dae. � ". � .
<br /> t- If tLe F�npecty is abaadooed by Bomawer;or�if.-aftec natice by t.e�deh to Sorrnwu that the ca�atmoc offas W md�e aa '.- .
<br /> _ — �t�r�rd or setde i claim for d�amgas,Bormwer fu1+w tes�obd to I.erxier witbin 30 days after the d�tbe.a�tioe h pva�. - .
<br /> � Lrader ts aubor'siadxacoliect.aad apply the pra;eadv;�its isption,cither to n.aoration or ropair of tde_�!iiaipeity.iai�o tbe�na:;::. .
<br /> - �oc�ed 6y thi9 S6cuciRy�t�tnut�eat,wMber or�not t}ien dae. � . �.�'�.; .
<br /> - Uaku Lebda�imd Nonower aherwise agree in wriung, aaY applic�ion of prooeeds tcr priaejpt�,�ll.uat eaeesd o�t',:`�''� ,
<br />-=a=� postpon�the due date of the moathlY WY��refemd to ui puagrap6s 1 and 2 or cluoge tLe amaa�e.o€sach p�ma�. � '
<br />`�''� . 11.�on�awa Nat Rele�ed;Fase�na By I.eaier Not a Waiver.F.�teasion of the ame for prymeot ar�oditipfion
<br /> � of amoitiz�Rioe oE 1l�e aa�m sausieA by this Sacnriry I�t granted by Lender to any successor in interat of&ic�i�wes�1nII, .
<br /> � uot operate w nte�se d�e liability of tAe original Borrower or Bomower's successor9 in interest.I�ender shall not be�eqaind w •
<br /> oommenx pmaodings against any succes,goe in interest or refuse to extend time fos payment or ahetwise modifq amortization .
<br /> � of the sams sxared by this Security Insuument by reason of any dcmand made by the original Bormwa or Hbrrower's
<br /> ' successors ia inte�+est.Any fofiearance by Lender in exccrisiag any right or re�nody sha11 not be a waiver of or�lnde the .,
<br />- eaasise of auy right or remedy. , � '
<br /> ' � 12. Saoce�o�s aad/�ns BoaM;Joint�ud Se�e�l.Lisbiiity,C,o�na�•The coveaaats aad�ma�s of this .
<br /> Sxurity lastmmeot shall biad and beaefit the successors aa�i assigns of Lencler and Borrower,sabjux to tbe ptuvisions of
<br /> . �� pa�agr�h 17. BorCOwer's covenants and ageements shat�be joint and sevetal. My Borcower wfio co-signs tt�s Socnrity
<br />, Instn�mrat but daes not execute the Note:(a)is co-sigauag this Security Instrument on'!y to mortgage,grant and convty th�t
<br /> . Horrower's intecest in the Property under the tecros of this Security Instnunenr,(b)is not personalty obligated to pay tbe sum9
<br /> suurod by thia Securiry Instrumem:and(c)agrees that l.ender and any other Borrower may agree ta extend,modify,forbpr or �_
<br /> make any accommodations with regard to the tenns of this Security instrument or the Note without chat Borrower's consent. � _
<br /> :� --
<br /> 13.I,oan Cbt�rges.If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subjed to a law wt�ich sets maximum loan charges, �;T: -
<br /> , and ihat law is finatly interpreted so that the interest or ather loan charges colterted or to be collected in connaYion with the """"`-
<br /> loan exa�d the permitted limlts,then:(a)any such loan charge shall be reQuced by the amount nece�sary to reduce the charge �`�--�'Y"='=
<br /> . to the permitted 1Imit:and(b)any sums already wllected from Borrower which exc,ecCed permitted Ilmiis will be refundod to '�''=f:u
<br /> �=- •
<br /> 8orrower. Lender m,ay choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Nate or by rn�iting a diroct .�. .,:'`�
<br /> -° :� payment to Borro�er. If a refund reduces pzincipal. the reAuction will be treated as a partizi prepayrnent without any -
<br /> prepayment cl�arge under the Note. • .
<br />°;` le.NMicm.Any notice to Borrawer provided for in c.�i�Securiry Instrument shait be given by deliveang it or by mailing �.
<br /> it by first class mail unless appliqblc law requires us�of a�othcr method.The noticc shall bc directed to the Property Address -
<br /> . � or aay ather address Borrower dcsignates by notice to I.ender. Any notice to l.ender shall be given by first class ma31 to �� �
<br /> '..�� . Lender's address statod hereln or any other address Lendcr desi�natcs by notice to Barrower. Any natice providod for ia this
<br /> • Secarity Insttument shall be deemed to have Ucco givcn ta Harrowcr or l.cndcr whcn given as provldod in this paragra�.
<br /> 1S. Governit�Law;SecerabiUty. This 5ocurity ��trument shall be govemcd by fedcral law and the,law of the ' '
<br /> jaasdiction in whicl�the Property is located. ln the evcr�Ferat any provisiun�r c�ause of this Security lnstnus�euE or the Note
<br /> ,��. ;� : ri wntlicts with a.pp!icable law,such wnilict sliaFl aot affcct ather provisions oi this Security tnstrument or the Note which can be � . '
<br /> � , -<,,.,i�s '�� given Mfect withnut the conflicting provisior..To this cnd the pravisians nf this Security InstrumenE and the Note are deciared . __
<br /> .. - _- - —— to be severable. � �—.:- .
<br /> ' li.Horrower's Copy.Barrower shaA bc given c>ne aenfam�cd copy of thc Natc and of this Socariry Instrument.
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