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<br /> � S.Nt�r.�rd or�roperty Inauramce. Aoimwcr shs�l kecp tha improvon�trtt��ww cxisdng ot'h�xcafZct ceactc4�►tlto kTi���K.�ty �
<br /> lnwrec!aatintt loe�by firo,�rirds Inc�uded wt�hln tho f�erm"exterutod covr,rago”�tuf eny a�her hswuda�includin�i6aod�ot
<br /> tloodin��[oc which I�oncfoP roquic�intu�ca.'i'1ab Insunnco ahAll ba mofnWned in Iho�anoun�y�nd tor the palods that Leadu
<br /> roqalrra.'Il�u�t�u�r��,c,c�rci�provldlnQ tta inw�nco�htll ba cta�►by Horrowrx suGjoct w l.enda'e�ppeov�l whlc��Pi�ll ex►t
<br /> be �nctwon�bty wict►fie{A. If SoRawa ldlt,W nutnWn covex�o de�ctibal tbava. l.ender may. at l�dx{a'� qxion. d�U►in
<br /> �ve-�,.�e to�m!�;!:S 1 rttAns'K��ht�i n th�s Pro�?�ty in�with pan�rrnh 7. .-
<br /> All Lu�utr�polklo��ndl rtrawrls�11 ba ia�t�blo Ip L�e+�da�nd tfudl include�t wnclard mu�o cUwie.l.ender�haW
<br /> have�e dgh�a latd d�o poticies and ra�ew�te. If La�du roquira,Bonrnwer�hall pcom�tY Bive a 1�atid�or.11 rocaeip►a oe Qaid
<br /> pcemlums�ax!ra�cwai not�xs.In trio event of 1asa,Bo�rorvex ehaU-givo prompt notl�a to tho inwrmca�u�i��nd Le"da.La��
<br /> may m�ko ptoof of loas if not m�de Pcun►P1�Y by Ba�rowa.
<br /> IJnlaa i.rnder�nd Bamwa dhawL�a�graa in�rxiting,insur�nco Pcnceed�al�ll be applk�d to�s:�s.c�r t�ep�ir o[tho
<br /> Pm�ty dsmt�god�if d►e�or re.�adr is oc�000mictllY fessibb nd I.tndcr'e eecudry t�not fes�ad.S�Y�te resionMla�or
<br /> r�ir i�not eca�omi�ct�lty fe�ibb a L,endar'a xcurity woul�ba��tho insurance W'ocoeds aha11 b°�pplial to tho aun�
<br /> eecured b� this Sacurity Insonur�nt,at�etl►tr oc not t6en dua. with �my excess p�id oo Bcrmmnwa. If Barowa ab�ons the
<br /> Propaty�a�doe�not mswa wirhin 30 daya a riodce 6om 1�►der dw the insurnco curler hst otferal w seu3e a cWm�tt�cn
<br /> i,enekr nzay coliec�ihe insunnce pcoceecl�.Ixndcr msy usa tbe pmceeds to reMir or ns�ore tht ProQectY ar to p�y auma rocurod
<br /> by thia Securiry Inuruma�t,wt�at►er or not tt�due.'i'he 30-d�y pariod�riU btgin eviia�the notica is glven.
<br /> u�ess�er.n�a�owa otne�e.�ee�n�vr�atB,mY�pp�c�tion of p�va�ecls b P���not exeend a podtRone
<br /> th�duo oabc ai Enc�u1tY p�ayi��iu�ricd'wiad w v�G:.��'3� cc:2 or�Sge dx aa�a�^.S ot'@!t p!9yme�nt�►.If iuKlrr p�r�g�ad� �
<br /> 21 ific Prn}�aty is.•cqu(ta, by Lenckr,�aro�ver'e elght fo my in�ucM�oe Policia and P'ocoo�l�resuitinng ttom d�mwgo ro Ihe
<br /> �Y[��o d�e acquiatian ah�ll pa�s to I.ender�o the a�oent of the sum�sa�uroa bY tl1i�SocuritY Inatcuma�t imn�ediMely
<br /> pclor b IhC�Cqu�EitiOil.
<br /> i.OCC�pa�c���r+aertatioa,Mti�h�ne!a1d ProteCtioo of tH!Propert,�i Earrowe!'� l.00� AppYettfoui�,ei�ioi�.
<br /> Ham�rer ah�ll accupy�est�Wi�h�ancO�ac tNo Fex�paty as BcxrowaP�p[incip�l residatioe aithia�slxty days aRa the racoeu@nn of
<br /> Ihis 5acta�s�y I�atrurna�t and u1wJl�caa►tinua to ooaupy tho PYOQersy�s Bornu�ver'�princq�al rea�dcnce for at ieau ot�e year atler the
<br /> c.'°.s.�.vi occnprncy� unkss I�ender othawl+e agra� ia vvrltiag,ahich coasent ab�It not ba nnreaeon�bly wld�,kl� or ualean
<br /> axleauwdr�g ck�umtnnas exis!Mhich�+o beyond Borro�wdr'e caplrol.Barrorva stnU not desuoy.d�nuge ar i��ir d�e�rapatY�
<br /> albN �he Prt�aty b dcsaionre. a canunit�vaae oa the Y�opaty.Borrowu�tull be in d�fiult if�ny Earf.awre�etion a
<br /> p�ooeedi�,whW�a'civi!or cximio�t��s l�egun td�t in I.aKia'�gootl fAith judgrne�►t couW reau�t dn farfdpue of tbe PrnQaty a
<br /> oai�wiao Rw:a;�iu� '�'p.ti.w3��riCd�.��,ur.;Iav..-'Z:.•rrCa:t�r..,�a�.�_..,r�ntw�ntnrra.Borm�vrr mq a�+e��Ch a
<br /> d�iuh�1d tcin�l0.�s P�� �P�B� 18�by c�u� the aCtiOn Ot p�t+�oe0ding W bC di�ali�e�d rvWl x ndi�d�t+ �n
<br /> l,o�der's good fahh ddari�inadon.ix�oclud�s facfeiw'r�s af tl�e Haaowa's inte�est in the�ropatY or odbr ma{rnW impr�ais o�
<br /> the lia�craMed by thie Sxudty Insauteeat a I.e+ndx'a rc�uit�r in�at.Bamwa 3fielt�tx►be in det�ult if�teumwer.duriu6 t�e
<br /> fan�pptic,apon praxa��gave m�laiaDy£a�se a in�ccuorroe nifornu�tioa ar w�lanema eo 1.�(a'faUed b provide La�Bar wit6
<br /> �ay nWerid iafaru�adoa) ia oawociion wilhh the{o�a evi0a�ca1 by Wo Noo�. includm6,but not limiled �o. n�m�ons
<br /> caooe�nin�Bar[oMes'�accupncy ot't}xs pt�operty�a pt�reaideme.If dds Sec►a�tY Ia�t��ia oa a laMCi�old�Barorvu
<br /> �ll ooaapty wi�h WE d�o prav,i�ona o[tho kax.U Bamwru r�uirea fce tittle b t�o�ropaty�the Iwd�ald�nd d�a fa tide�a1t
<br /> aot naa�e valpet I.eidor u�r�es eo tbe aaaQa ia wrttiAg.
<br /> 'f.lhroeeet�oei ot i.adaPs Ri�tc 1�ere Progat7. if Bomnwer fWa a[���La covauwt�aad�u�roae�iaal in
<br /> d�ii Sa�riKy In�urr�ont,a tbae u R lag�l Pocoedina th�t maY 5��,�+if�ti9+�f'fact l�ender`s•��in d�e Pr�pacy(wdi�s a
<br /> prooeectin�ia b�uplcy.Pr�iiMe.fa cotidanm�ion a farfeiau�o or 10 entoroe 11r�s or�),tl�n I.ender nay do aad py
<br /> . fa Mtu�lwec u noaa�y to prooec�the v�dio af d�e Ptonacy and I.ender's ri�h9��a•d►e Praperty.Lmder'e acl�ons aary ioGloda
<br /> pnyin,� �ny �iocurod by a liea wbjch b�s prl�uIIty ava thi� Secua3ty Instn�mau, eppe�3n8 ie oourt.P�YmB�
<br /> �lomeys� feea�ud auari�g on d�e P�c+periy a mYce repain.ADthough L¢ader rniy mAke�etion under daa p�r.ph 7,Lenda
<br /> does aot hsve 1�80�o.
<br /> My�disburx�d.6y i�cn�'unde�r thia pua�gnph 7 slWl bxana addiBaul dCbt o�'.�►arower eecurod bp d�i�s SeqnitY
<br /> [a�ltumau.UNe�s Bot�uwdl'�ad La}dct p�roo to cNber t�ctms of ptynsdst,tl�se�nounu���116o�r in�tYom t6e dNe af
<br /> di�6w�e�t�a►t at dw No1e raoe�ad sf Wl tyo pay�btie,�ntfi intaat,upon notica�mm 1Rt+det�o go�+ro+va'requ�ting P�Y°�� .
<br /> �.MaKp�e I�wrana. U Lanc�tqq�irod mortgt$e i�u�a�e�t a oonditio�of mtking tbe iom�ecura!by this Saanrity
<br /> 1n�trtmnatt, Harower ahall P�Y �P��vms requ3t!ed W mwu�ntirtt►tho maega�e iaaunmioc;�in e�'oct. If� far any rason,tbe
<br /> nsat���16��4uicod by Letidex�or oea�b��ii be in effect,Barower s1iAll pgy the p�emiums ro4tiired b
<br /> obhin oova�ga wbsantLlly equiv�lent�o the Arac��ge insu�anoe proviosvly in etf'ax,at s c�oet sub�rirtlully equiv�lait w the
<br /> cat b Bamwex of the mortg�lge insuta�ce p�c���sly in tl�'od, fran an atOemate moatBiBe inwra�cr�vod by I.et�der. If
<br /> aubqeni�ll�r equivaknt mortg�o in4urance cover�ge is rat avaiLblo.Bamwu etull py 10 I.e�da e�cJ�i'moifth a�an eqwl b
<br /> otw�trvdfih of t6e yeuly�noc�gqge insurm�ce pranEwr b�ing paid by Borcuwer wha�tho imsCCr.��nca cover�ge L�d ar oc�al b
<br /> be in etfea.I,a�u�UI uccept, ux snd raain U�se payma�ts�s e ioss resave in ika� of'mdtgage iinwrmce.Loa�resa�ve
<br /> , ForM i02� IIJlO
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