�._ , i�t'.� �+'-t„"^+�-^�r�............. ��,� __
<br /> r - � ( ', . .���'iY;:'�,_���,5,'•'Y^=r.«,,..��.w..�...._..�,_._.'yef�!.I��JJis9�: � -'
<br /> ka.s -
<br /> .._ � —_ --_-- �_. �..�� . r 16ltRN�G' ..___—._�.-e_��-.._ .
<br /> �V� ����
<br /> '1s(3{�lliifis?I��"di`1�H all lh0 li�t;�)iov�i�itilt� �ow ar ticrc.�ttc�t U;s'rUER;i nii t�ir,ps-a�acity�ns2d fi11 c;csrj��r,nrs,np��ujte��^a�:e�,er��
<br /> C�eturw narv an c�reaftcr a p4rt of ttM pr�xrtY•A!1 roptt►r�tTr►Pntn untl tulciilfnns ehall elsa be c;ovGred by t��.�Sec�ar�ty Inxrrumcat>
<br /> AU of the fcxeQoing is rcfatnd u►in tk�le Sacurlty Ineuumcmt an thn"PmAtnrJ" .
<br /> BORROWBR COVF�NAN'i:S thnt 8orrowet is lawfltlly aoitacl of die eawe hereby convsyoc!�nd hat the rlght u►�nt u�d _
<br /> corivey t�a Propaty aid th�t tho Propaty is unancumbnrodr oxcapt�fvr a�eumbnu�cee of record. �3�xrower watr�nts a�sd wiU
<br /> dcica�d ge�nily da tido to the Ptoperty agetnst ell alnfmn and dumflndr.�,.aub}�ct to any encumbrer�cs�af reccxd.
<br /> '�'iifS S�f:ileil'r3i t�iy`ll1�1V1�Y�l'COiiiiilp89 4filfq►�i0 Gi1V�ilfiilYH�})i'HiiS�8i4'1j U63 6At1 1i8i1-wiff'�;u covc�ts with liraic;,� -
<br /> varl�tlona by jurlsdictkm eo consdwta w unifam eecutlty inMrumemt�cnKoziing rai!pe�olx�ty.
<br /> IJIVIFORM COVBNAN'I'S.Bomower Mnd[.ead�r cAvonnnt and n�a�folbwa:
<br /> 1.P�ywent o�PrMti�►al�ad iatertsti PN"�P�ynient�n��t�t Cllt►r�er. Borrower stull I�PVY P�Y Wtkn duo the
<br /> prjnci�l of�nd intcxcst on tho dabt evldanood by the Nata antt ony pm�rflymenc and tate cf wgw duc under the Nou.
<br /> 2.ft��[or Taxa�nd iawranoe. SubJe+cc tn a�liczabts��av.�.on�a a writt�en waives by Lerufer,Bc�aarawa at�lj pay to
<br /> L,ea�d«�o�cho day mon�hlY P�Y��ts�ca dua u��da•r�he�Nam�until;tt�n Nota is p�t�in full�a sum("Fw�a")far.(�Yczrly tucs -
<br /> and a�xssma�v which rtuy�tain priarity over thi�Snc1►d2�j:�nldteiment as a Ikn on thG�e�paty�(b)Yearly k�ld pty�ments
<br /> ur ground rent�on tho Propaty.If any�(a)Yc�rly htuerd or prop�xty insiuAC►co Premiums:(d)Yeacty flood in9�rs�twe pre�nivaLS,if
<br /> +�►Y:(e)Y��Y�B�Ba lnsunurx praniums,if anY�end(�any surru pyabb by Bo�rower to I.aWkr.in a�ccacW�ce with the
<br /> pmvisians of pon�granh 8. in liai of tha p�ya�tmt�of mongAge ins�uance premiumt.'Il�ex itamt srce ca�kd "Bscrow It�ems."
<br /> L�ender msy�at any time�colbet�nd l�{d F1�ncia+in,xn�ent not�o exceod the ma�cLnum amau�nt�leoder fa a feder�dty rr.l�tai
<br /> mor�,ge lo�n may require for Borcower's exm►� eccewnt unda tho fode:sl Rail EsWc S�ttkmau Proced��Ac;of 1974 at
<br /> air��ded from dme b Nme.12 U.S.C.Se�cdnn,26U1 et srq. ("RESPA"j.w�les,i anotMa�12�rv�t�at applits to trie Funds satt a ktsa�
<br /> Mnoart�U eo.t.«�r may,�t any tune�ootitr�c,ma twid Fl�nds ia an .mount noc w exccxod the ka9a .atioynt 3.amSer mRy
<br /> estimato the�nounl af�and�due on tha bteszs�t�f c�ent d�ts and tru9ona�a{eadm�ta uf ex�xnditures af fuwrt 1Fs�nW Items ar
<br /> od�nvlso in�ooacdmoe wltfi�pplkabb law.
<br /> 'I1x Funda sfull 6e held in�n insdwNon whos�deposi�c airra insured by a federal qgaicy.instrumer�tatity.ar a�Itp��(including
<br /> L�a�der��f L,Rncler ia auch an i�itution)a in any Faienl Home Lom B�Nc.I,aider etWl�pply the F1mdt W p�y 3he�saow
<br /> Itame.l�end�r m�y not chNrge Borrowa for•iw�lciing nd�pplying tbc F�nda.annually malyzutg tt�a9aow t�nt,At valfyldg
<br /> tha BuxoN I�ema,unleu LaK1e+r p0.ys Bcma+uer inoaess on tho�und�end qrpik�bk!tw permits La►e}ot ic�m�ke euch�ch�rga.
<br /> EWw�va.I�endar rcu�y rxuite Bomoka to pay�one-tima charge fa an indoQaK{ait ra!e�0o tax raport3ns aavia:wed by
<br /> I.aider in oonnection�vith thln lom.unless t+pplk�ble LN provides od�a�vioe.Unku as�y�oemau�r�de ar applic�blt law
<br /> �+equicq inoar�t�be pa�iid.I,ende�r s�Wl nos ba roqulrod a pay Barro�va�ny in�at or aminga on d�e Fonds.Born��va md
<br /> L�kr rtu�y�+oe in w�riting�howeva�th�t intcrat aAW be poid an Hfe Fwtds.LatOer ehW give W�ottow�er.wiftlaut.ctur�+e.aa
<br /> andwil aooamtn�g�if the Fwids.t6ow)ng crediia md dcbits to the Funds amd the,purpoae for r�hich a�ch tleblt k�thc�uads was .
<br /> made.11ie Fw�s�ro plodged u rddiidonxl xcurtty fa�11 aums sx�rod!r�t��s Sccupry Iaa�uma�t � ' .
<br /> If d�e Flu�ds held by T..axkr oxooad ihe�cntwnts pan�niuod to br,hela by�pl�:ab�n law,Irrnde�st�a11�roount oo BSxmw�er far
<br /> the exne;s F1u�d�in aoc�cdanoa wi�h the requbcmenn of app�ticeb;e�w.If the aroouat of d�e Fm�da heid by I.axkr at:any tia�ia
<br /> na s�nf�'r.�ent to p�y tho B�crow Itans wTxa diio�I.e�der ma�y sa nodfy Harcower in wn�inag.and.in avch_caso Borrotivet thW pay
<br /> '. . a I,ee�da ebe �n�ow�t neoesury to m�e up d�e d�ic�eacy. Boaowcx a�ult m�lce up tbe de&clafcy�n no mora du�a t�velve
<br /> ��PRY��at I.ender'a eob discrdion.� . � ,
<br /> Upon raymart in tuv of.0 e�uns�ecuroa br ttw Soc�itr Inmuma�t,L�a�aa sholt pnxnptty ntuoa a H«roMa any Funds
<br /> � 4eW by Ira�de�r.If�u�Wer p�rn6�eQh 21�I.�ader s�ll�cq�e�a;s�]i�ha P'ru�a�ty.Lauaar�prior to tbo acqui�itioa a ab of tbe
<br /> Pmpo[ty.ab�U�Qply �ny Fwids fK3d by �.ptida at ILe d�nte ot ecqulsition ar swlet as.x��'t�dit ay,�lttst dw sums�ectu�etl by t6i�
<br /> ;, 5eanrkY Ins�u�uoq�. �� .,
<br /> 3.AppYtM�iu�f►T���ab. Uekas�pplk�bb Itw pmvidea otf�d'Niise;ill PaYmaus t+eceived Uy I:aider undet p�agcapi�u:'. .
<br /> . � and 2 aMll be Ax»�ied: f�rst,to any pc�epymeot clur:gta due under the No1e:ra'.ond�b omounts p�y�bb w�det�n�t�ph 2•;�'
<br /> thad;�cs inlarest due;tauth.to g�3e�oi�1 du0.nnd Irst,to any late chargc�due under the Note.
<br /> . +I.t,Lr�s;l.ie�. Ho+7a�urr.r 91�1!pY�Il taxa, a�ac�s�seab�ch�rSa. finea and impaitiooe ataiMWble q rhe A�etty
<br /> ahich may aqain priority e�vrr t��ecuriry lnatswneat�anrT 1eax,tald paymana ar g�nund reata.if ny.Bo�m�+ar�luU pay tb�e
<br /> . obligotiona in tha�m�tu�ar prmided ia p�ga�lh�Z,a if not pid in ttu,t m�e�er.BamMa sh�U pty z3rein oa timeme�y�o dee
<br /> pa�oa owed p�yaieu�Ba�ro�+er etuill pcnmptiY fumish b I.erKfa all reotioea of ad�amb to be paitl uoda this prqnp6.If
<br /> . Horrowa m�lcea d�de p�ymaits�roctly.Scxroaa sh�ll P�on►PdY fumish b La�da�cooe�il�evldencinE thn P+►Yma�b• .
<br /> � Barowu ah�ll promptlY disc',tur8e�ny Uea Nt►ic�!�a prjaity ova thi4 Socurity Ins�nuni w�ks�Baroxer.(a)a�g�ees i�
<br /> . �vridng b the ptytnaat of the o6�ligation xcurod by d�e lien in a nwukt aoce�t�bie tn La�da;(b)ooaleata in gpod taqh the liea. -
<br /> by, ar defa�ds agaisut onforcanait o� the!i�in,k.�l pe+osxodln6s ahicti in ifio Laid�Y's opinioa opa�Me ao prevent die':' � �.
<br /> eafa�canaut of�he lion�or(c)ea:uc�e�from the ho3d�t of the lia►an�nement�isfictay b L�axla subordinsdng tho lia�oo�.• ,'
<br /> thie Socuriry tnstnunent.If L�e+Wex detr�mina thac�ny p�rt af tbc Prnperty Lv subject to a lien which may�aain pt»e+�ty ove�th�a
<br /> Soc�:i�y Instnuaea�I�ender nuy give Hortnwer a no�ioc ic}bntifying tha lka. Bamowa etull s�sf'y�he licn a�taira mne a nwoe
<br /> of the acdau eet[orth obovo withfn 1Q days of tho giring o?notice. .
<br /> � �orm so2� !lils' :'
<br /> �-EH(NE)��c+a�.�� aaa�s or� i�raw:__
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