�T .��w +rx .. y� _
<br /> •. �'^"��:1':;�4]ira!.
<br /> � 1_.
<br /> � �'RJ w.'r.'. ' ....�i .. _ . .. .... -- �
<br /> _ "''1�'lIWY?A. J��t;VP'�Tn.r... .�fl-`��t. ,�r.w__._.����.s__...
<br /> _.__ _..__.—___ ._ ________... _'__ . __ . _ ._._ __, _ _ A '.._. _._-____—____-__—__.______ _._ .. _.
<br /> ����*���- " .
<br /> 17,A'r�nrfer d!If�1'mp�rt�or a�Benc[ir[�t Inlerrxt in liurrow�er. Lf all ur any purt of tlie�'rwperty nr any intcR.r•t ioi it
<br /> fs nuld or tr�n+forrod(ur if�bene�iciri inttrect in Borrowe�is�cs�id or innsferrorl and&aemwer fs rxN a n�►tur�l per�n)witlxwt
<br /> L,e�xter's pdnr wdtten cur�ent. I.cnder n�ay, at Its c►ptiun, �equine imme{tiete �yrtxnt in full ��f�I1 ss�mx necural hy 1hi�
<br /> Se�,�►dty Instrument.Nawever.il�iU nptian stu�ll nw be exetri�ed by I..en�ler if exorcisc�s prohibital by fatcral Ixw u.r af ihe cl�te
<br /> of thiti Sa�:udty Instnemeiu.
<br /> [�'l.c;.�.;r c�crcis:s thls uplinn,I.�r.Q.r�hsll&ive gr++��mwrr r�,itice of'eH:ccicreiion. '�t�e�wNi�c Fhnll nrovidc�perl�l uf nilt
<br /> less than 30 dAy� fmm the d�te tt►e nc�lice is dolivertd nr m�iled wilhin which Borrower m�.st pay�11 sum� �xcurod by Qiis
<br /> Securitp lnstrumcat. If Outrower fails to pay thcsc sums priur to Ihc expiradon of this perlod,Lerrier may invok�Rny remedies
<br /> permittal by triis Socurity Ir►sttum�nt witlKwt iurthrr natice or dontand on Burrower.
<br /> i�. &�r�norrer's RI�M t� Rdt�utue. if Barrowcr mxts certNin candiNons, Anrrower shall Qwvc the right tu have
<br /> enfurcem�nt•af this Socurlry Inurument discontinutd +u any timc prior to�he eulier nf: (A) 5 days(or such ot'�er period w,
<br /> applicxbte Isw mqy sp�cify for rr.iiutatem�nt) bcfare sa►e of the Property p�arsuant to uny power of sAlo containexi in this
<br /> Sccurity Irutn►rr�nt;ur(b)cntry�af a judgmesit cuforcing this Se+curity In�t�umcnt.Those conclitions are th�t Borrower.(w)Mys
<br /> Lcr�:dl sums which then wc►uld be due unQer this Security Inswmznt anci the Nas es if no accelention had occurred; (b)
<br /> cures sny defi►ult of a►ny other ec►veneu►ts ur ogram�nts; (c)payR n1I exponses incurred in rnfurcinq this Saurity [nstrunxnt,
<br /> includin$� IHII Mlf IIR1lIWI I0� n'auonuble ettomeys' fas; and(d)ta{:es sucla actfon as Le�xler may rcasonably royu�rc to assure
<br /> tf►�the Iit+n of dtis Sc�surity[nsltu�nr.nt,l,e�xle•r's ri�hts in the Property and Bormwe�'s c►bligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> �his Sccurity Uutannant shall continua unch�ngod. Unon �+einstatanent by 13orrower, this Securiry butrument and the
<br /> obli6ations savrod he.�r.by shall tr.miin fully effoctiva�s if na occelention had occun'ed. However. this ri$ht to rzinstate shd!
<br /> not q�ply in the caso af aoaJcmt�pn iindsr p�ragraph 17.
<br /> i9. S«ie oi Blanui �tuu�a t�La:�i �-�:. Th+: No:�or a�r.ial inser�s ia the Nose (tr,grher weth tt!�s ��!rit;
<br /> Instrument)may be sold onc or tnore tima without prior noticc to Bvrrower. A sele►nay result in a change in ehe entity(known
<br /> u the "L,oan Serviar")thu collocts momhlY paYments due undar tho Nute And this Secunry Irutcumont.Thera�iso.may be one
<br /> or mure ctwnges af the I.aan Scrviar unrelatod to u�a[e of thc Notc.If thcre is s change of the LoAn Servecer.Hoirower will be
<br /> giva�wr'!*.m notia of the chAnge in acoontu�ce with puagmph 14�bove and epplicable law.The nosia will state the iwrr�e arKl
<br /> address nf the new Loxn Servicer ard the adtir�ss to which payrn�nts F!►ould be mark.'rhe ratice will�lso contain any other
<br /> �Infomutioa royairal by oppli�blc law.
<br /> 2a. Hasudous Sa6etanet.�. eanower shap tat esuse c�r ptrtMit tfie presenet, use,cEispos�f, storage.ar relaiso of any
<br /> H�audous Sutntanc� on or in the Property. Borrower siudl not do. nor �llow anyono �lse ta do. any�thing affecting the
<br /> I'roperty tlut is in violation of au►y 8nvironmental Law. The�roceding two sentenas shall not apply to the presence,use, or
<br /> stor�gc on the Property of sm�Yl qu�ruities of Hazardcws Substanccs that a�e gencratly rocoEnized to b�appropriate to rantul
<br /> residrntial uses and ta mainterw�ce of the Property.
<br /> Borrower shall protnptly give l.erder wdttes�notice of any inv�stigation,claim, demand, la•�vsuit or other action by�ny
<br /> govertun�c�i or nguiaiory agaK.y or privaie pariy iiiro�vii�'u`�e ri`vpc�a''si.3 wii'j L:"w.'Y{C:;o�:i�°.i:.�C!�i:`t:i:::="'�S.S��.�`�'
<br /> af which Horrorver tu�s xtual luwwledge. If Borrower leamv, or is notifiod by any govenunenwt or ngulatory wuhcuity,Uwt
<br /> my removal ar othci memxdiation of any Haraudous Subs¢ance atfecting the Propctty is naotssary.Borrower shall promptiy wke
<br /> �li neoesstry remadi�il�►ictions in acco�dance wiW F�vitvnmental Law.
<br /> As usod in this puagraph 2A, "H�zardous Substarices"are those substances defined�►s toaic nr ha•ra�dous sutxstmees�y
<br /> EnvlrcmmeMal Law and the follnu�ln� subsances: gasoline, ken�ne, aher ila�run�ble ar toaic petrolrum produas, toxic
<br /> pesticides ard herbicides,volstita snlvrmt�,.tnateri�ls containin$�sta or fomwldef►yde,ancl raclioactive m�terials.As used in
<br /> this puagraph 2U, "Environnerxnul Lmv' nxxns federal laws and Iaws of the jurisdictit�n whe►ti the Pr�nperty is la^x¢cd that
<br /> rcluti to hc�lth,safety or a►viro��tna�W prwectlon.
<br /> NON-UMFOAM COVFNANTS.Borrower and I.cndcr further covenant and agroe as fnllows:
<br /> 21.hoodcr�ti�m:Remedks.�.lL�C�SII�II gIY!pOHCE EO EOI'i'fIM'Cf'[il'{Ol'�O M�ClIli���t0U0�1�IIOrT�DM!!°S b1'!>C�
<br /> ot ssY a��r�aattt•or �ranxnt in tl�is Sccarit�• Inrtrai�t (rwt iat p�ior to�o�tioa ueder p�n�rap6 1'f usker
<br /> �tpNlic.eiblbluw pnovWes Mbensist).7fie ootke shaU 6peci�yo (a)tLe tkfsuiti (b1 t�e�ctioa t�eqMiced to cw+e t�ielsdt, '
<br /> cc)a�1�n�1ie�aot�ks�th.►s 3�d�U's trom We d.ee ti�e not�ce ts�ive+�eo�orroaer,ey,�tk det.dt e.wc be c.rma5 a.a
<br /> (d)t��ll'�'�NIIII��E LU.�Cl1tY!�1!��OII OII QQ'Alr01'!1IIC��C SpECI�IO lLt IIONC!Ilttly IY�III�Iq�COdd'�OOO 0�R�!S11�S ,.
<br /> �oated by thi�Sw:ttt�,ty Instrument and sak at the PropertY. The rwtice shall furt6er iaform Bannwer ot the t�ht to ;:•�� ��
<br /> reiedate alter�cee�t�etion and the ei�ht to lxi�� eourt sction to a�ent the so�rexideuoe ot a delwk ar ary etAkr ��i. ,•"
<br /> dde�e ot Qorr+o�ver to soalarydion wd x�le.lf t6e ddwlt is not cured on or befa+e the dste�wcltied ia Nhe�otice, .
<br /> I,c+�kt, st its opio�.may ra1�'e,inunediate paymen4 is [nll o[atl ayuns�nc�u�ed.h,y tW� Secrrk�Iu�anNaamt wN�out
<br /> fwt�dem�nd aed may imbl��:t1�e power o!rr�le wd�ny atha�re�nedies pernitte�t tn�`�pplkabk law.Leader eLsl!b�e
<br /> e�1fled to tollect aU txpen+es incunral in quaWiog the nmedies provide�i in t�s�rrL�r�ph 2t,indudi�,but�ot Ifmited .
<br /> to,redombfe�tlorneys'tues�nd rapa ot titie erideoce. � .
<br /> U thep��+Uf sde i�invoked,T�stee shall t�r�cord a notice�f�fe�auit In ee+ch county tn wl�lCh �wy purt ot t6t�..., �
<br /> prq�pty 6�Ioc�t�Lf�nd sslwii mail coptGS of such r.otice in tLe manner grexcibed by�ppiicsbk law M Hoc�ryw+�r�a�ed tti•�,_.>
<br /> the okrier�e�sats prexdbed by apglk�bk 4w.AYter t6c timc reqUired by�ppliai�le 4w,'I1n�etce sh�ll giMe�iblic ratice
<br /> o�st�t�ib the persons xnd in the manaer prescdbed by epplicAbk I�w.'1'nstn�e,r►ithaut dcmand on Borrorra+,�iaJl sr�
<br /> tNe Pro�ei+ty at•�aMic�eudbn to the highest bidder�t tUe time aod pl�cs�nd umkr tLe tertns�eaigmted in tbs'notke o� •..
<br /> �k.in oi�e or Rnoa�e:p�roels aml in s�ny a�der Tn�siee determin�.Tructa mal poetpone sak ot,Al!or any parcel oi tbo �
<br /> �, ' Pt+o{�t�iy by pubH't announce+nent at the timt and pOace ot any prevtously scheduled sAlt. I.earA�r or its des�m�y�
<br />: ppnc�o the Pcoperty�t any srle.
<br />; �•. , , Form 3826 9190 : .
<br /> � �... .
<br /> 4'
<br /> r+w�me �
<br /> ! .:. . . _
<br /> i ,�. �
<br /> i � . . . .
<br />