<br /> �� '��� .. . �.YANR�'�T`_ .,... ._._ ._��� � _'_ ..,1. . ..--"
<br /> , . . .::. . ... .�—
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<br /> paYment�mwX na ie►n�er f+n nwuirod,nt the optlon��f l.crxkr. if nxingage insurancc coveragk(In tl�e amcwnt rixl f��Ihe pericx!
<br /> thHt l.r�xter rCyuire.v)pmvidal hy�n inaurtr a}*�roved hy I.�e�xltr again t►rcomea availuble ancl ir c�hlwined. &�rnc�w�r Khxll pRy
<br /> the prem{ums reyuirod to malntafn martR�y{e i�urrutice in effect,ot to provide��a��reserve� undl tha requircrt�ent for martg�a
<br /> lu�:ura�a nxls in uccv►rtlwx:e with uny wrltten agrecment t+etwcen AorrctiwRr encl I,e�ni�r nr applicublc luw.
<br /> 9. i�p�octba. I.sn�er ur its�ent rrry nu�lct reu�noble entria upun a�xf inspecNona uf thc Pmperty. I.c�xlor�fwll�iva
<br /> 8orrc�wsr n�icr:at tho time of ar prl��r ta an ins�tian Rpecifyin��Ir cause far It►e inspoction.
<br /> 10. �:ontkritnwl{on,'I'hc proac�ty of any awanl nr claim far dtt�nagcs, direct ur crinsequential, in connc�;tion wish any
<br /> rnndamn�dnn or wher t�king oi i►ny par�af the Pmperty,oc for conveyance in lieu of conilemniticn, are hercby asslgnal�
<br /> �h�ll he pdd tn I.e�xter.
<br /> in the eve�d of e t�Nal teking of tho Prqx�ty,lhe proaaly shrll be applied to the sums secunad by this Security In�trument.
<br /> whether ar not then due,wlth�ny excas p�id ta Bormwer. I�e tha evcat of a parti�l tnking of tlx:Propariy in which the tur
<br /> market v�lue of t!►e Prnpe�ty itnmaliot�ly bofore the Wcing i�equAl to er greuter tFun the arrxiunt of the sums�ecurod by lhis '
<br /> Sticurity tnstrumeut imnxdi�tely before Ihe tnking,ui�less Borr�iwcr wui l.en�ier aherwiaa ng�ree in wtiting,thr,sumR sccured by
<br /> thix Say�rity in�t�umnn ehall be redu�xd by tl� amrwnt nf the Qroceaic mulYiplied by�thc following frsctiun: (mj the taa!
<br /> . unount of Ihe sums�xunxf immodi�tely before Iha taking,divickd by(b)the fair market vala�of the Property ittunecifately
<br /> before the WcinR. Any b�uree shall be pwd to Horrower. In the event af�puti�l tdcing of the Pn�xcty in which the f�ir
<br /> me�sti vel�k�f[I!9 Fn�x�tv im�r�liat�ly h_r.fnrt SF.w,takino�!S It�c tFun t��tl1+]!!tf!OF[�G1�t?!E!'�+!I�M_!!p!t!!dl�ttlY htSoFt!L�!
<br /> taking, unless Bnrrower �Lender otherwise agrre in writing or unless applic�ble I�w otherwise pruvides, the proceeds sludi
<br /> be applied to tho sums�ecu�+ed by this Son.►rity Instnimrnt whether or ncx the aumc an�tKn due.
<br /> If tha Pr�ty is ab�ndonec�by Hormwer.or if,wRer ncxice by L,encler to Borrower that the rond�mnor offers to malce vi
<br /> awsrd or settls�claim for d�mrges, Horrower fxils to rospcxd to Lender within 30 days �eflec the d�te tt�e notice is gi�en,
<br /> I.endGr is auUadnod tu calloct and appty the pr�oceeds,at its option.either to resturation or repair of the Propeny ur to Ih�sums
<br /> . s�cured by this Sa.�uity Instr�ment,whethcr or nat thm due.
<br /> Uniess L,encicr and Bormwcr otherwise agirae in writing, any application of proceeds to pri�r:ipal sMaJld rat extaxl or
<br /> postpone tIK duo dxte of tl�e moruhly paymaits rcfemed to in par�grrphs 1 and 2 or chu�ge thc amount of such paymerWS. �
<br /> 11.Horrol+�r Atot Rela��ed;Fucbeannee By I.erMkr Nd w Wdrer.6xt�nsion o£t!x time for paymeat or modific�tion
<br /> of amortix�ticm of�the sumc securod by tnis Seeur�ty Incwment gnnted by[.ender to any suecxs.wr in intorsst of Borrower slul!
<br /> uot ooerue tn rclmrse the lishilitv of thc ariainal Bornower or Borm�rer's uwm�cmrc;n;nte�rst.I,��drr chsll nnt M r,r,.un+�t tn
<br /> , _ .. .. .. . .. . ... -- --,------
<br /> conunencr:p�+nccaiings sgainu any sucassor 9n intec+rst ar refuse to extend time far pnytn�nt or otherwise modifX�uwcuzation
<br /> of the surtu socvrod by this Savrity instrument by t+eason of any dem�od mdt by the original Bormrver or Bnnawer's
<br /> suopxscxs in ir�so�rqst. Any fort�arance by I.endtr in eMCrcising aniy right or rcrnody shall rwt be a waivu of or produdt tbe
<br /> exercise of�rigt�t or ne�ady.
<br /> 12. Snoee�ars awd A►sa�ns Bound;Jolet awd Streral I.is6ility; Co-�Nern. 7tie covenants wsd �},raccments of this
<br /> Socurity Trot�umexrt shall bind snd be�efit thc sucY,�ecsors� essign9 of Lcnder and Borrower, subjcct tu ttra provisiaoe of
<br /> pa�raph 17. Bunuwer's oovenants wd agreemcrKx shatl bC juint and sever�t. Any Borrower whu casigns thia Security
<br /> I;utruman but daes not exocute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Soa�rity Instnun�rn onfy to mortgage, grans and convey thK
<br /> Borrowa's intaost in the Property undcr the terms of tl�is Saurity inununa�t:(b)is not personally obligated to p�y the wnu
<br /> socurad by this Se�urity Instrument:and(c)a8roes tl�t L.encler and any ott�a Borro�wet may agtte to extad. m.qrdify.forbar or
<br /> iaake�ny sxomnnod�tions with regud to the tem�of this Securiry Inununux or th�Note without th�t 8orrowur'�conswt. .
<br /> 13.1.oMa Ch�r�es.If ihe loan securod by this Sxurity Instntment is wbject to a laa which eete m�xi�i[n Io�n darEp�
<br /> and that law•is 6nally imtrpnted so that tt►e interest or odkr lorn cha�rgw oolloctod or to be cull�xtod in�mr►ection with the
<br /> larn excoed R1Re pannittod limits,thrn: (a)any such loan charg=sh,�H be reduad by tha�nt nxesn�ry co n�ua the ohn+ge.
<br /> to the permitbad timit; and(b)any wms already colla�tad fcom Barrower which axeeecla�d permittad limits wi!].ha r�futded to
<br /> Horrow�r. Lrndetr mey cfi�ose to m�ke tbis refund by rcducing tho principal awul.u�xier the Nou ur by,xita'kfng a direct
<br /> paYma►t ta B�n•uwu. If a refu�d raivas principa�l, the rodudion wiil be: treatt4i es a pvtixl �xesrny�r���,�1�ithout anv
<br /> pe�ymaK chugo under the Note. • • ��
<br /> 14.Notias.Any aotice to Borrowu provided for in this 5ecurity Instrument shall be gi•ien by-delivering it or by msiiing
<br /> it by first clasa nu�i1 unless a�liaible law requires use qf enother method. '1'he noti�shali be,directed to tlu Psoperty Addnss
<br /> or any otlkr addii�s 1'iorrosv.er designat� by �xxioc 2o Lender. Any notice to Le,r�der shalY 6� gicrn by ��rst class mail to -
<br /> Ixnda�'s addn�s st�t.ed hcrc:cin or any othqr address Lcz��tr designates by natice to gormwer. Any noti�e pr¢vided for in thia
<br /> Socurity Instr�nxx�t shall!�damed to have been givm tc�Borrawer nt If.nder K�I�en g[ven as prav,'idtd in this pArxgraph.
<br /> 15.C�w,e� I.�w; �eva�sbiN��. This Security Instrurn�nt shall be govemod by fcdei�l law and the law ciF.Rfi9
<br /> ,JIlIYSdICtlbJi 7tl.�i�hich!he 4?r�pnty is loc$ted. In the event Uwt uny provision or cl�use of this Secu�ity InstrumGnt or thb I►7utd � "
<br /> conflicta with applicable 1n�v,,such con3lict shall not atTect othcr prov}sions of th'ss Stxurity Insuument ar the Noi��which r:�n i�c
<br /> given�ffa�t witvout the conilicting provision. To this cnd the prorisionla•ot thie Securiry Instrument and the�J+i�3�.ec+c dcclatod
<br /> to t►e severuhIt�. � '
<br /> 1G.Bo�ir+Bew�r's Cupy.Bo�rower slas9l lx.givem m�e confom�ed wpy of the Note and of this 5ecurity Instrutnent.
<br /> .,Foitn 3025 9/�0
<br /> . ' v.o.4 0�e .
<br />