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<br /> t�°. or bs dasts� � ocaurriag sr ot au�y . .
<br /> d�fanits subsoqa�an Y
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<br /> sisi.lar aation, or sbsli bs said nnd�r ths�at ot con�s�ii` -
<br /> �il awards. daaa9�a and proa��ds ara h�r�bY assi9n�d
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<br /> � buianca .abovi�t.b� atount dw b�r�s�unMr paYabl� to tb� .
<br /> � - TALTSTDAS• • . � .
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<br /> tb
<br /> - � au�t�ari�sd to rnt�r, at any r�asonab���ti��s��d ---
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<br /> ..:rt:.'. �I. tn tbe avant any one or aore of the provisians contaiaad in : .A,� . .;.
<br /> '�'�� - t b i s D e e d o f T r u a t. Trust Desd l�otes,��or aay otber iASt�s� :_,i�>;•,,��_:
<br /> .:.� .. '° � {`• ��'•.
<br /> `;7�.'';`_ ;;`l;F ' _ - given .in conneation with tbis transaation, shali tor any - —
<br /> � . � � . rsasoa bs he2d to lae iavalid, iliegal or o�°�asability 1 �-•-?,' ` �?'�''
<br /> �:�.i.. � respsat, suah invali�ity, illeqality, �"#��%.��-�'
<br /> � � ah�.l, at tbe option o! the BEtiBFICI�RI88. not atteat �ny ;, .t�=-.. �-
<br /> ' of Traat or Trust Doed Nota, but ��:-•� .:
<br /> ,,.'.:.. .y� . a t h e r p rovision� of tbis D�ed ��..�s��:,: _
<br /> �;�- ' . .:� � this Deed of Trust an8 Trust D ee d Na t e s h a l l b s c o n s t r u s d a s- -
<br /> �`�;,.. � ff aucb ii►valid, illegal or uneafaresable proviaioa ha� nsvar . .
<br /> . t�..:, .
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<br /> :��:-�:: beeA contained tharein, it beinq the inteution o! ths parties
<br /> � � �
<br /> ..(: .1. ..a��L; .
<br /> .�;.��;,��,�:-,:,. that the provisione of this Deed of Trust ars declared to l�e .. , �
<br /> �; �., severable. . � ";�,R�.�
<br /> ;4.t. , .�_.
<br /> ,r:':s:`, . ' � 1.:�.
<br /> .� :� � . ��` 2i. Tbis Desd oP onTrusi =esentat ves, suc assore and siqns�o!' . • '.~=�.--
<br /> devisees, pers p � j`�"'v
<br /> : � � ''�.�.. t�►a pnrties hereto. - � - �=
<br /> "�!�1!: =:,; -. • . � ` � �,.=T��;
<br /> '1'.! :h.�_�Y.'.l .�a' . ' . . r
<br /> `�.,� �.�..� The TRQSTORS requeat t2iat a coBSg �g any Notice of.DeFault sAd: � �-.�=-
<br /> . . :=�x��,�_,�'`,r. : . ���'-
<br /> . . -�-��. o! any Notices ot sale hereunder be mailed to thea� at the adcire�s � 4 � L;�._;
<br /> ' -'-"�;'�� herein set ,Eorth. or sucb other address as they any prov,ide to 'the � ,;_�-
<br /> , . . . ,..�
<br />° •�, -• °►4��: TRIISTEE and BENEFiCY1�IE8. TRUSTORS Eurtber state tihat t�ey have . . �___
<br /> ,� r, .�V`�
<br /> : ..r . qiven the HENEFICI1�2iES a written 1�clia�wledg�ent wbiah:stat�s th�t
<br /> _ . !
<br /> � ` `' �s T�tUSTORS, they .undeYStand tka� :.�D�e Socuaent that t.b�Y a�s ; . .. - '"�--
<br /> �:�' -- � �• .
<br /> ..��,t,�; . _ .
<br /> ,�..::�� escecuting berei» is a Deed oP Ta��c.�and not a sartgaqs, and thn�.. � . . . ..
<br /> ;
<br /> ''"�-�' th� pow�r o! sale provided �aa '�.� tlsis Deed oE Trwt pravidq�r;' . ,
<br /> � " `�=��'' tions than a aortgaqe aad' f..
<br /> °�"r` :��`�` � subst.�ntial2y �ilterent rights arr.� �a�Ili9a .
<br /> .�:�. � ,
<br /> � - iln an, event of defauit or breacS��a� the obliqations set los�ti ., i
<br /> �_-.�: .�:, :":� hereln, the TAUSTEE and the BENEP3�IES may take suoh aetion as , ,. .
<br /> - -`�^� '� `- harsin provided, inalu8ing the exerc�,se of the power of eale, eutd- �----- - -�-
<br /> ��'�����1� �� the parties agree that said Acknawl��g�ent above �egerred to ha� �
<br /> ._r�,.:...:. .: •� �
<br /> •;;_..� :- ,� been exeaute8 prior to the execut-�.dn oP this Deed at TYUS.t and • . _ _
<br /> , _ �_ �haii be recorded prior to the recordation og thie Deea o! Trust. _
<br /> • - - - . � EXECITTED the date first above written. " '
<br /> • ,: � . /ZP.�tJ'�. . : - .
<br /> , _ � . . - JOHI�i . PREIlIT �
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