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<br /> `:- -- --.-. - ---, , ---� -.- s' - � _ _ - � ��s ���0 - -
<br /> � . • d�sic,piated in ths Notias o! Sale, notice thaiiol:shsll b� . �
<br /> � given in tha�aaas saAner as tha oriqi.nal l�tic� ot sai�. .
<br /> TRIISTBB shall ex+ecute and deliver to ths purebassr I�f�s . .
<br /> � 1)sed ccnvegfnq said prcpeaty sb soldt but�� �ittLCUt aAY �
<br /> covenant or war�cantY. escFrsss or iagliad. The raaita2s
<br /> - in tha Desd af �uuY s�tters or facts shs1l. ba cona�nsiw
<br /> _' � proot of the tzutbfuliteec$ t�e=eof::. 1�lnY Parson. inc3ndiag _
<br /> . HE�$FICr:u�rs,.�Y P����'����'sale. TR'QSTORS h�raDy
<br /> - ��at:��.varram.�. aad defe�rd �e tftle o! the a1�ov� .
<br /> s�r • *•*;�•t••��'#s�r�.purcDaser at sale. �. . ` _
<br /> � � �.
<br />��` D. When the TaQ8T88.. so13s th0 trust PropartY P�rsna�t t'° � '
<br /> � pQ�,rors. q7eantsd� harein. ths TRQSTSS shall appl�r t.�a prcc�ds
<br /> tro=� xlte sale o! such pr+opertY in the toliovinq order ot
<br /> priority: __ - -
<br />.. - (�) To tIu cost and`exp�ns� o! �cera3sinq the po�rsr o! aai� ,
<br /> attd o! th� �a].s, inaludin9 sttor�sy l�as. �vidrncs o!
<br /> titl� eu�d oth�r ssis �xp�ns�s. and a trustas�s t�s no't•to , ___—
<br /> �xa�ad lour p�raent (��) ot the gross sAls pria�f =- --
<br /> "� �Z� To tl� pays�nt o! th� obl iqaticn secure8 by this DNd ot �_--
<br /> . �:- . -
<br /> Trust and Tru�t D4�d Kote: �;u�°
<br /> -«�,���`� ������.._-
<br /> �'``�'"`-� '3 To the p�yient ot ��nior Trust DeeBs, iortgaqes, or other
<br /> p� _ ( ) �� -- ---
<br /> n�:, � • _
<br /> . . .:-"�';�:�,. -'�� lienhoIderat . . .. ,�'"�
<br /> �3r.�fir.-t. t�� • . -'S�'I���r
<br /> . _3-/� .+. • �• .
<br /> .�:r� ..�.f.:^`' .. . .. ,
<br /> �s��''c-�_'�� - t -
<br /> (q) The balance, it any, to- the Pezson or persons isgs�ly �:�. ' .��
<br /> entitled thereto. ��� ' . �'
<br /> : ,.:��., .��:`:
<br /> �:�>.�- :..:;� .�.;��
<br /> "y'i�.:�.'y'!S_'�."::`�}'� �'
<br /> `=�f�'%�� �! HENEFICII�RIEB • ,
<br /> L .K � I' �
<br /> .":�.�°"�•.r�...� �. E. IIpoa the occurrence of any detault luteunder, , .:
<br /> __;�;:w:�;��� . shaii ltave, in adclition to suah ot�r options as s�Y be
<br /> �� .�� r o tfon ta foreclose this Dead oi � ` ,;%;.�:;
<br /> . :���`_¢�;�;... graated hereia, the turthe p �.
<br /> _ . -; ;, Trust in the sanner p=ovided by law tor foreciosures ot � ;� ,r�'::•• .'.: :
<br /> th r :,�_,
<br /> � sortqaqes on reai property. r' - -
<br /> ..._._. ..._�._
<br /> � F. HEHEPiCI]lluBS ma►y from tiae to time suloatitute a successoY or ��-,���`�:
<br /> � succesaors to any TRIISTEl'• named herein or acting heratmdsr. � ( ..i. 4=�
<br /> �' -,= �-°� :.'�� IIpoa such appoiatueat, and without conveyance to ths suacessor �
<br /> � ::rt�g;:=. �' TRIIST�E, the latter shall be vested with ail t itle, powera, F : � � , _
<br /> . �-�.��,.:=:r:, --„�- and duties conterred upon any TRtTSTBB herein n�ed or acting f -•.Y�
<br /> ..��.:;: .; :
<br /> �::-°:r;�:;;:;,: � ' here�der. Each such appof.atment and substitution ahall be .
<br /> r.q,�.
<br /> ' : ;: �.:.. made by written instrument anc� executed by BENEFICIARIE9, i . • .
<br /> � � co�tatning relerence to this Deed of Trust and its place o!
<br /> ,`�.���.� . • � record, wbich, when recorded in the OBgice ot the Reqistor ot � - .
<br /> � ���:;-'', Deeds of the county or counties in whiah said property is T� �" .
<br /> � '�='�':�•'����- situate�, shall be conalusive prooE ot proper appointaeat ot _'`" `'
<br /> . ,; � � � ' �
<br /> ���e=;_°_`;�?' tiae sucaessor TRUSTEE. The toregoinq power o! aubstitution �.- �
<br /> �� . `
<br /> ' �� and the proaedure therefor shall not be exalusive oY the powar . . .
<br /> � ' - and �racedure provided for by law far the substitution o! a � ,.
<br /> TRtTSTBE in the piace ot the TROSTEE mamed herein. � � _ � �
<br /> , � G. TRIISTORS covenant and agree that upon any attempted •. .
<br /> -�-- • —.-�,-- co�veyance, asaignment, pledge or transPer of any ot his
<br /> .. .. ,
<br /> ; � . intesast in the premises fluring the term ot the loan seaure8 _ - :. -- --
<br /> hereby, the BENEFICIARIES shall have the option ot deolaring
<br /> t1�te unpaid balance immediately due and payable, and it said : �
<br /> sum remaine unpaicl for fiPteen (15) daye tberaattier, .
<br /> � � HENEFICI]�1R2ES can cause Notice oP nePault to be given and the :.
<br /> ,. . .� _ � , pre�isea be soid as provided herein. '
<br /> , . H. Ae additional ana coliaterai security gor the lcan, an8 . .
<br /> el�eotive forthwith upon filing of a Notice of Defauit, thi� .
<br /> ' - _ - isistrument �hall serve as an as�Hignment by the TRUS2'OliB to the . � �
<br /> ' TRUSTEE, ot all rentie arid revenue$ resulting froa �ho � -
<br /> --. � psroperty, arid TRUSTEE is aut,horizec� to take posse�sion of tJie . _ ... .
<br /> � . propertiy, rent or lease the same on termg he deems best and to �
<br /> � colleab the rents and revenues and apply tx►e $ame upon ungai8
<br /> � � intesest, principa7., tax�s a� ittsurance premiwos� or Por �
<br /> �aintenance a�nd preservation o� the premisea.
<br />-_�_:_ - —- . _ _ . . __ -3- _ . . _ ._ . . . _.� - - ----�------_ --
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