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<br /> sut�staiti�ially �qidvnirnt nzortgagc i�isurance covern,ge is not nvailshi,,,Bonowcr shall pay to l.eixicr cnch manth a sum equal to
<br /> un;:-twe111h e►t'�hp ;��rEy nxutRa�e insurance[sremmm being pa.id hy Harrower when the insurnnce c�verag•it�psal ar ceas�l to
<br /> hL iu�Cff�ct. 1..cncicr wi�l ncE�cpt, IttiL'Ii11fI fCl�iq tI1CSC[�1yI11C111S tiR �l IOSS rescrvc in licu nf mott�ngc insurancc. l.uss re�:rvc
<br /> �xrytuGss�;irs::y iHi tonger tx�rcquireal,nt tt�e crp�tioii af'Leixl�r, if mongage{n:cUrance coveea�e(in the�naunt uixl i'or tnu p::�iod
<br /> d►xt Le�xScr requirca)proviclal by un insurer appruvc�S by Lc�idcr;agai�� Ixcoa�ies availa8le:u�d is abtained. Bon•owcr stt:ill p�y
<br /> the p��-�ziom.s rcyuiral ta maintain mongagc 9itisurance in tifect,or iu provide a loss reserve.until tho rcyuircment fnr n�rtgage
<br /> insurar�;o e�ufx In�ccorxlanec wi�h any written ugreement be�wern R�rrower wxl l.err�der or applicable law.
<br /> !. IMrpeetkw��Lxnder or itc sgent n�ey malce rea.wnuble entries upon and inspections of the Propeny. I..eixler titwll giv�
<br /> i3uiii�i�ci�Kriico ut tl�e tin�of or prior to an inx�ctjnn specifying reasonxbie a;ause for the iiispection.
<br /> YR,Cn»�„„et!„n. Tlic t�rr►cecds�f any r�wxrd or claim far danwgcs,direct or conscquential, in cotmection witl� any�
<br /> rn�rdt�nnation or Ntt�cr taking ai a�y part of ttic Pmperty,or far conveyancc in lieu of condc�anation,arc hcreby assignod ana�
<br /> sh�U(�paitl to Lttxfcr.
<br /> in the cvcnt uf a tutal tuking of Ihc Praperty.the�roce�ds shall be applicd to the sums seti.urcd by this Securi�y instrument,
<br /> whed►cr or�wt�hen due, ivith any excesspaid to Bormwe�. In the event of a{�anial taking of the Prcrperty in which the fai
<br /> marki:c v�Iue of tfie Property imn�iately txfare the taka�g is equal to or grcater than thc umount of the Sums securecl by this
<br /> Sccuriey Instrumcnt ira�mcsliately bcfitte thc taking.unless Borrower ar►d Lender otherwisc agrce in writing.thc sums sccurorl by
<br /> thic Sr;suTity instnimcnt sh�(1 be �duced by the umouni of the procoeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the taal �
<br /> amounA oP the sum.v stcurai icnroedi�tely before the taking,divided by (b) thc fair market value of tha Propeny imnxdis►tely
<br />� before the taking. Any balance shall tic paid to Borrower. In the evcnt of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair
<br /> markr:t��alu�of Ihe Property immaliatdy befotc th�wk:ng is less than tt�e anwunt of ttre sums secured immediately before lhe
<br /> takin��,unless BQrrowcr a�xl L.�r�der othcrwise agree in w�iting or unless applicable law otherwise provides. �he procceds shall
<br /> be up�lod to the sunu socuresl by this Sec�iriry Instnrment whether or not the sums urc thrn due.
<br /> [f the Properiy is abwxionod by Bomower,or if,after noticc by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offecs to m�ke xn
<br /> awaad.oT settte a cl�im for clanuges, 8urrower fails to rospond to Lerxkr within 30 days atter the date the notia is given,
<br /> I.s:s�,.�.es as;!:oriz�!t�w!!zci r.�!egplY t4:t p�or_�s.at its option,eithPr ro r�stnrntion or nepair of the Prope�ty or to the swm
<br /> securet�by this S,�urity Isistcumar►t,whether or not then due.
<br /> 1Unkss Lendcr and Borrow�r dioenvis� agree in wriling,any applic9tion of proceeds to pcirecipal stwll not extrnd or
<br /> poslpcs,*�a the due date of►he m�nthly payments referced to in pangraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such p�►yrrxtK.S.
<br /> , �1,BorroMer Not RRk�xd;Forbearana Hy I.ender No!a Waiva. Extension of the time for Qayment or modification
<br /> of amimrtirstion of the sums securod by this 5ocuriry Lutrument graiNed by I.ender to eny successor in interest of Hovtnwer sh�ll
<br /> not opRrue to release che liability of the original Borrower or Bnmower's successors ia interest. Lendor sha41 s��c�t�.�uirod to
<br /> commima procobdings xgainst any successor�n interest or refuse to exttnd time�'or payment nr otherw3x mafity amortization
<br /> of the�sums securul by tbis Security instrument by reason of any demand made by the arigicta� Sorrowcr or Borrower's
<br /> suoce,q�xxs in interest. Any forbearance by Lendcr in exercising any right ar nmady shall not be a waiver oY or preclude the
<br /> oxercil�e of any right or cemody.
<br /> �Z.Srr�ce,s�on a�d Assi�ss Bound;.ioint �nd Se��eral Liability;Co-slgpers. The covenants and ag�aa�reots of this
<br /> Socurit.y i�strumun shall bind and benefit t�e successors and assigns af L.ender ancl Borrowee. subjACt to the provisions of
<br /> �.w..b'tY.j,.: !'�. �.,.""7iiit:.'Y.�& S,iTY�i�tB �S`� 9a�...�'�� �..�'..�°! �"�`3n'a�[o�vl n-y�ral, Anv Rnrm�vcr sr•bo oo-siltDS tltis SecuritY
<br /> �i�struixKnt but dcks not exocute the Note:(a)is co-signing this Sewnity Inswment only to mv�t�eu�e. grunt ux!convey thit
<br /> A�nrrotvet's intercst{n the Propecty under the temu of thi.s Socurity Instrument;(b)is not persae�l3,v abligated to pny the su�m
<br /> saeur�i!uy tiiis Scecurity Insuuc�,ent;and(c)agrees th�t Lm�ier and any otlxr Borrowes tinay agree to extend.modify,forbewr a
<br /> mako nrry aoo�omnx�tions wi�'h mpgard:o the terms of this Securiry Tnstniment or the I��!:�wrtt�out that 8orrciwa's ootuen.
<br /> ;3.I.o�a Clwgea.If the 7oan securod by this Security Instrument is subjoct to a law which sets ma�cimum Ican chug�s,
<br /> and Ilt�t I�w is finally interprctod so tt�at the interest or oth�r loan charga collactal or to!�e oollactal in ooru�ectian with thc
<br /> � kran e�oeed the pt�mitted linoits.then: (a)�ny such loan rharge shaU be nduad by the amount neoessuy to�odua the cl�rge •
<br /> � :�:l�c�X+tr.^.:ittod limit;and (b)nny sums alt�ady collected from Ro�rower which cxaaiod permitted limits wit!be refundad co
<br /> �I$cumawer. I.ender m�y ct�oose ro maSce thi�s refund by.ms�ucing the principal owod undu tltie Note or by malcing a d'eroct
<br /> paym(�nt to 8omoxrr. If a refund reduas principal. R1�e roducti�n will be tratad as a pRrtid prr�ayuia�t wit�out aay
<br /> pre�a�{ma�t chvge urtder the Note. .
<br /> �/.Notioes. My notioc to Botrowtr provided for in this Sxarity lnstcumcnt shall bc given by delivuing it or by mailing
<br /> it by firat ciass m�il unitss�pplicable law ra}�iis�es use of aix�ther metix�d.Ttre notia st�ail be directed to r,he Fro�ecty Addras
<br /> or an�r other sddras Borrower drsignates by�ntitice to �.ender: Any nalce to I�ender s1�dl be givrn by first class m�al W
<br /> I.cndi�t's siddc+�ss sutod hercin or any c�ther address L.ender designates by notloe to 3�rca�rower. Any notioe p►�nvided for in this
<br /> Secw�ty InatrumerK r,hall be da;mod w have bern given to Borrower or Lender when�iv�efi u pmvidod in this p�ragrq�h.
<br /> 'l5.Gaven�i�q Law; S�bility. This Sxurity Instmment sitall tx govtcn�d by feder,xl law w�d tfie law of the
<br /> � • jurial"iction in which the �s located..in the ovent tt�at any provision or claus�af this Sanrn�ty in�n,men�or�he Nae
<br /> _ oa�lfzcts with�ppliable la�r,s� ,oonflid sha11 aot affect other prov�sions of this Sxurity�nstn�mGat ba the Note which can be ,.
<br /> , givu�ai(ect wittiout tl�e oontUc'kr�prmisiar). �'o this d�d�Ine provisio��s of this Sccurity Instntma�t arni tho Na�ue doctatrcS
<br /> ' :{to•[F�..seva'abla � � •�.:. :
<br /> , .� �6.liorru�ve�r'a iCo�,(�cd'toxer shsdl be given onc.ckt�':ormad oopy of the Note and of this Sa.�u�Yty I�utnu��r�f:
<br /> �• . 17:Trws�er ot tbe Proj►a4y or a Benelkial Inte�sY ia Borrowd'.if all or any part of the Pmpetty or any intuat in it
<br />`��• is steW a trsv�sfGnrqd(or if A baieficial intcrest in Borrower is sold or �t�msfemd and Borrower is!�ot a naptr�l psrson)witha►u
<br />-,���;:� I..arifer's prior writttn oonx�nt. L.end�r muy. at its o�tion, require i��t*:mdiate �ayment in futl of all sums socurod by this
<br /> Sa:tuity.tnstrument.Nowtvu,.this option shall aot be eaercised by Lenci�ir iFcxercise is pnohibital by Codetal law as of 4he due
<br />� c�f��Us Security instrummt. � �;
<br />� ;' If L,ender exercises this c�ptiun,Lender shall give Bormwer notice of xceleration.The notioe shall provide a period uf not
<br /> les:�than 3(1 days from the tlate the nutice is detivered or mailed within whish 8oarc�►ver must ps�a�1 w�ns securod by this
<br /> � SG�.^urity In.unrment.If Botrower fails►o pay thtse sums prior to dx expintion of this period,I.Kantl�ea•�Y�y invoke any ttimodies
<br /> pt�rmitfad by this Sa.uriry I�utrument without funher notice or demand on Borrower. ' �
<br /> . :c w.,�„�.,Q.r�� Ri�kt � Reinstata If Borrower meets certain conditions, $orrower shall h.ave the right to havc
<br />� xri�'��rcetnent of this Security lr���trument discontinued at any time prior to the eari�er��f: (a)5 days (or such other periad as
<br /> �Nai�iqbte law nuy �pa:ify fhi rcinstatement)btfore sale of the Property pucsua-�t�itu any pnwer os sale cotntainai in this
<br /> .�arity I+fs+r.nut�c�nt:or(b)entry af a jud�ment er►furcing this Se�uriry Icuttument.7'hose oonditions ara that B�x�uwer:(a)pays
<br /> ' �,,erxler a11 s�a�s:;c:hich then woul�f be doe rxrder this Security Iast�u.�:�a�d the IVote u if no ycceleration h�d t�ocutad; (b;+
<br /> , c:vres any cief�ne�kt�t�f any ot}�cr eorer�rCS•cx.tE;r�nents; (c) PaYs �II ev��asses yncurrod in enforcing this Savrity [n�-�mca�-,. :
<br />: ; ii�:l•ading,lwt nc)t limited to,er�ca�f.:3�r_�rneys'fees;and(d)takes such.xhon sS.L�nder may reuotubly require to assum
<br /> �iwt ttk:licn of diis Sa�rority C�rs^rvmenc. i.ender's rights in the Propecty and Borruw�'.e obligation to p�y the�ums socurod by ,
<br /> _J �� �
<br /> ' xttis SC�.Wnty InstNmem snaif conrill�e aliCnaz�ged. upom m�sreirn�.an oy 'na�is�+s�.z, inia �uvrrip iminmran a�wa n�c - '
<br /> c�t+ligations securcd tecreby sh�ll remain fuAy effective as if no aoccleraiion had oa.u?ri�5. However. Ihis right to reinstate sh�ll
<br /> noE•�p{y in the rasc of xceleration under paragraph 17. '
<br /> 19.Ssk oC Note; Cfiat�e o[Lotn Serviote. The NIote or a partial inter�t in thc Note (together with this Socuriry
<br /> InstrumcnR)may tx:sold one or mo:c times wYthout prior notice to Borrower_ A sal�may result in a changc in tt�c entity(known'
<br /> us the"�.oui 5erviar"�that oollerts rtanthly payments due undcr the Note and t3us Security Instrument.'i7�ere a►15u nwy bc onc
<br />: or more changos af!hc Loan Scrviecr unrtl�tesl to a sale of the Notc.If there is a changc of d�e Laan 5ervicer.Borrower wi116e
<br />. givrn writtrn notice of th�changc in a000rd;u�ce with paragraph l4 above and applicable law.'!'he notioc will strte the ranx ard
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer und the address to whicti payments should be�ule.'iRe notice will also contvn�rry other
<br /> in0onna�ion rrquiral by applicablc law.
<br /> 20.Hsunious Su�ist�ncts. Borrow•er shall not cause or pcmtit the presence, usc, disposal, stor�ge. ur reic�c of any
<br /> tTararuous 5ubswues on ur in the I'roperty. Bomnwer shall not do. nor �lluw anyone else tn do. anything aFfccting tl�e
<br /> Property tt►�t is in vi�l�t9on of any Environmental law. The p�caiing two sentences shall not apply to the presenc�c.usc.or
<br /> stor�ge on the Pn�crty of small quantities of Ha7ardous Substances that are gencrally rocognized tu be appropriste to nom�al
<br /> rtsidcnti�l uses ancl eo maintenancr of the Properey.
<br /> P�,3 0+. F«,,,aa2e srao
<br />