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<br /> 'THIS DEE,D OF TRU51'("Sxuriry Instruakr►t"?is�rawde on ,��wt 12� 19y6 .'['he truWOr is
<br /> Derek S. Bro�+n and Stephanie A. Srcnra. hu band. and i►1fe.
<br /> . (•Ilorcowu"},The tcustoc is Noz�reat Bank Nebra�ka, National Assoc�lat�on
<br /> ,(•Tru�as•),The bentficiary ia Norrraet Bank Nobxaska, N�►�Ci.onal lleaoniation '
<br /> wuw'�'"a i's..":"'y.7L•.�1��1 w.:�at� •��n�le�.r t�IE IYWS 6f I�7�iitBd rsCfltlB uf Ataeric� '�Nfq�O
<br /> ---�a.----
<br /> ���s 202 iiast Third Street, Grand� 7island. Nebraaica�
<br /> ("I.ader`).Botrower owts Lender tl�ee principd mmn of
<br /> Nineteen Thoueand Ninety�•S�exan axid SO/100---��-�^•-�^= TJall�rs(U.S.S 14.097.50 •)•
<br /> '�'tus debt ts evick,noed by Aanowar's rioto dat¢d tl� same date �ts t:his�.Sccnrity Instrummc("Note").whid►provides ta
<br /> �c�th19 P�Y��with ths fui�_debt.if nat paid i,s�;Direr,�and payable�on ;No'�asber 1, 1996 • •
<br /> . 17ds Sxurity InsuurreaR saaures to I.endar:(e)thi:'r"c�p�ment of tho dcbt evida�c�c+i 4�y the Note,with intec+at.aod�Sl�wal+.
<br /> exta�siona ud �radific�tions of the Nose; (b) t2rm P�Yment of�II otha sums. wi►h inta�at. �dvancod undar parytap6
<br /> prote�x the recur�ty,of d�is Security Iiutrumutt: .ar�d (c) the perfocmince of Borrnwer's rnvannte and qneea�enu. Far d�
<br /> � Ao�ro�ver irrcvopibly grynta�nd conv�.��s tA Truata, in tniat.with power of saie. the following�y'N�
<br /> ..�.lac+�ed in iiall
<br /> . �,
<br /> Iat Forty—six (46), Buenavi�ata Subdiv3sion, an Additioa to tha.,City
<br /> ' � of Grand I�land. Hall �ouaty, Nebrreka. . , '
<br /> , . ',. .
<br /> ';,
<br /> • ;' � ..�� .
<br /> . , . . �,, •
<br /> , r,` , ' " .
<br /> . � ' ,: .' . . . '���:;'
<br /> • • "•; 'r , , .
<br /> •,�.. �.,':,i�' ,�'', -;�.: r.' . .. :� . �
<br /> , • t . � . [�.CK7�.
<br /> ''.�'vybich h�d aha�Idrcaa of 3Q�i Eaet ��a,�r�o:':�i�e•rrqil Iel+utd . . . .;•
<br /> Nebri+ka " 68801 .„ � � �..("Propesty Asydress"); . `:",'
<br /> • (zipCodel '� , • t � � .....
<br /> � '1Y)GBTH�R WITH ali the improverntat.s,x�w or henaEter erected on ttie�P!'�iKrtX.a�ui all easernents,crg,purtenonca>aad .��
<br /> fix�urex now or F�e:rr,�Fcer a part of the propeny:.�1611 replacements and•ttcldktEqos shall uiscti be cover�ci_.by this Se�►rity 5;.:
<br /> Insttump�t.All oF the f�oregoing is referred to in t,�N;�:�CCUrity Instr�cnent as ttta�"it�'operry." � ��� • ,
<br /> AOKR�WBk COVENAN'TS that Bonuwer 9s Yawfully scise�oP the estate hereby cnnvcycxi and has the riglit tu gidt►t�tutd
<br /> convey tho Propercy w�d ttut the[�roPertY�s unencumbered. eae�pt�or e.ncumUrances of rocurd. Bonower w�mnts s�nd.:.+r31J.
<br /> deftad geaeraily the lflle tn the PropectY W;ainst�II claims and�s,subjcce to any encunibra�►ces of rawx�d.
<br /> '['HIS SECURITY TNS7'RUM�'NT oom!►�,;e7r�iform rnver►anta for n�tionel usa.and non-uniform covuunts with Limi�Cd
<br /> � variatioo�x by jurisdiction w mns:itute a unifor»x�;����;��cy instrument covering ire�l p�ppe�ty. . :;
<br /> UIJIFORM COVENANT'5.Horranver�d I,a�dtr covenent and sgroaas fpll�aws: ;. �`t:.-
<br /> 1,_PrY'n�aut.ot Priocip�l �d Ir�t�rat; Prspayma�t wd i.�tc CUnr�a. Bomowc.r ahnll promptly p�y wl�cn tttle,tine �
<br /> �_._.a�..._�1........�...L�,..,...1....il�s NMn.
<br /> principkl uf arKi iniereat on tt�Aeo�evidencza'v�ix i.vi�amo imT�n����F•••a��.av.,....e.o�.........�.�—_._--. . . ., .
<br /> Z� Eyw�ds�or'I�axrs and Insur�nce.Subject tv applicabfe law or w e written waivar by Lender, @orrowtc xhall puy�ta
<br /> (.enckr on the day ro�onthly payr►xnts arc due ur►der the Nde,until the Notc is paid in full,a sum("Funds")f�r:(a�yr,arly taxes
<br /> and au�essmcnts which rtu�y ettain priority over thi�Security Instntnknt as e lien on tho Property;(b)ycarly lcas�}wld payments
<br /> or ground rents�n tl�e Propeny.if any;(c)yearly I�azard or preperty insura�►oe premiums:(d)Yeady flood insurance prcmmms,
<br /> if u�y; (e�yearly rr�dgage insurance premwm.9,�f any; :url(fl any sums payeblc by Horrnwer to Lertcier, in accordanoe with
<br /> the�xovisiuns of part�[aph B. in liev of the paymcnt of ttwttgage insurettce premtums.These itcros arc culled'Escrow Itans."
<br /> l,erdcr may, ut any ame. callect and hold I�unds in an a�nount not to exoced chc n�imum amount a Icncler for a federally
<br /> ���x«d rtwrtgxge!wm may roquim for Borrower's escm�,v acc:ount under the federal Rcal Lstatc Settlenxnt Proceduc�es Act of
<br /> 197�as amencFod from tinu tu time. 12 U.S.C.Scction Z601 et seq. ("RE5PA"). u�il�ss anothcr la�v thut�pplies to the Funds
<br /> scts u lesse�attxwnt. if so,L.cnder muy, at any time, collect and hoid Funds in an nr►wunt riot to exc,ced thc Icsser amount.
<br /> L,cnder rnay cytenwto the amount of Fwxls due on the basis af cumnt d�ta and n:awnablu astimatcs of cxpcnditures of fuwre
<br /> F.�crow Items or Wlxrwise in acrordance with applicable law.
<br /> NE�IIAEKA•Single FemllyFar�MeNEr�Mac UNIFWµA 1N8THWNENT Fcxm 3D28 81�0
<br /> �NI�ZrQ7 1Y1TQ VMP MOH�I[iAGE FOfMdS•1311)283�8100•l8001611•�281 Ppe 1 0l� - � •�11y1*t 5181
<br />