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<br /> 4.=.` ��, E . . ` . . f ,; '� -`!k�}3 ��'. .� . .
<br /> .� � T T l t '�.' �.�� � ` ..
<br /> . � . ., z - ' � ' � ' ` ' ,'� . - '`� '--- ' . . . . . _
<br /> � _ � . _ ... ::i•).�.x%'LZr:°:C;�'w�-- -�' ' c4:S•5J1" - . � _ .
<br /> . ••._.j.K ,y:+•. ...-.C--; _."_ ��;� :�s :,..... . ,
<br /> ' �P!roprryt N ro dk�n or4�1NpW�t��e�cMnhaH�av�Mu option.in itis'�o(e aild'6E�oliiM�;lo appt�r aqwd�ProcMd�. ��
<br /> <-.� •
<br /> • WM►d�di+eMnO��wMan dl co�an�l�xp�nNS IncuRad bft�in connec;ttoi�`,+�.?�A#�r+qc�eda+,+?fion anY U�dM�Mdr�sa�x� `
<br /> � n.►�r.na(�wch ordfe..�.neN n�}d�Mm+tn�.or to apphr+�t wati'��r,si�liaei�on�tvth.naoraron a
<br /> � ,�A�Yu�+wchcondiMon�at�riQMaiay►d�Mrm!nrAnyappliddorrciR�caeda��ainile6Eed�ieisshallnote�AmdaDo�
<br /> 1M dw daM ot snY P�Xm�nls und�r th�Nae��or cur�any clstault thereurider.or��ieieu�ii(er:-lGjyunspplied Nnds ahall Q�qid b
<br /> TfLrbG ,` :';°:..:::.,:'-";_.-.. `-'•,•- - .
<br /> F��C.J.
<br /> a.lwfaerne�by 4�ndN.Upon tf�o�ourr�of an Event ot Defawl��►el�eu.�er.oi if ariY•��s teksn or ie�al proc�irr�
<br /> comm�cad.which maMtUlly afNcia L�ndd�Int�rKtiatha ProPerg►�Leiii�ertiia�irtib:awrt��f9cr+B�on.butwilhoutob0yadonbdo
<br /> so�anQ wllhpulnMFCSlo ot d�m�s�d uPa►Ttu�and wNhout releaslnQTnistor:fro�ir.an�o6(�tiqQ:do any act whic�TNstor tw --
<br /> � �wd but Taib to do�nd may Nso Qo any oth�r act�t deem�necessary:tq;Arotec'�tTsa.:�seca�Iry.heroot T�sha0.imn�sMCy =-
<br /> upondMnan4thKaforbyrt�nd�►Wrtoland�rallconsandsxpen�esincqir���iit'su!;1s,expe��fi►i.ertQerinCOnnACtla►wNh :
<br /> � tl��X�tf�byl.end�rotthstorpoinpdDhb,W�ethsrwlthinteresttl�ereiinatft�ed`e'�eutti�taAr`9V�d.*dinlhet�tolr,whichsh�libi
<br /> �ddsd to tfN(nd�MedAe�t�eund Mnby.Lendsr ahalf not incur any'I�ablitty because ot`anyq�ilp it mty do or omH to do
<br /> Mrwndu. . . :: •: . �;._ .:;_':•• ..;....:.� ,,. , �
<br /> — �.NitMd�NN MM�r�N.Tti�br fh�lt W1R tha Properry in campli�ece wJtEr��;�ppircabte��avis;ord�natices�nd ropuWtons
<br /> --_ ' rel�dnp to industrisl hypNn�a�rfvironm�nW ProYc@ue�cotlectively re�`rrs�,to,fier�in as�"�nvtr:_ Ia11.e11wa'7.Truator shalt •
<br /> = kap ths ProprrtyfrNitamsit tu6itin�dNm�d W be hazerdaus ortoxl�.i�,�dal`aR�l�nvironme��at �.(colle�4vety[efarrsd b
<br /> ° hKein ss"Hatsrdou�Maf�rTats"f.Trustor h�rby warranta and roprsaerns f�.isiider�at tliere�:aie�ja�faiaribqi MaMrfals on a
<br /> undKrii�Properry.Tiuftot h�aby sprNa�lnd�rnnit�rand hotd harmleas Laitctei;i1�.d�r��,e�q4K,���+�D��and
<br /> '� irry�wcc�i�o(s b t;unAsf�InNrat iram and t�aimt any snd all ct�ims.�.�i4�tassesand�eit�ities'Br�SJtp ln conriecdon wNA ---.
<br />_ ttf�pra�ence,uss;dfspo�al w transp4R of u►y Hazardous Mate�l�ts on,undei�:from�abou4-.�i�ProNetly;.TFiE FOREGOIN3
<br /> - -- t0. d N�M�.7rusfor ba�by sssiyns to Lender the rents.lasc�ss a�df�rofds,pt ittep�operty;provided dwt Trustor ��_
<br /> , -- A��t �--- �
<br /> — � phali.uetil ihs occurr�nce oh��vent ot Oshult Mreundar.hsve tt�e ri�bt to colfe�3�d relaih�u�is tenb.lssues anA P��4�s theY i � -�
<br /> _ bscoins�w and payabt�.Upon ih�oCCUrr�nee nt an Ewnt of Oetd���Lender[r:ay,�ig4e�l n'�tieiso�}o r by ape nt,w i t A f 0 1'w l U w u t �
<br /> .�- brinpinp my�ction a procardlnQ.or by a��tver appointed hy a couR and wi�lfl�tr[�qarQ t4�ie;adequacY aT ib sscujily;eatev . y. _
<br /> � uponandtskspoaf�sionofMiPropaAy.or�nypartthereol.inttsow�nameoric���.�nastteo}fheTrudteey,�nddqanyac4iyvhjcA�t , i � '
<br /> "` - deems nece�ary or dKl�aWs to pr�Mrw tfN vatw.m�Acstsbitiry o�rert�aOi�Iry of d�tE�4'�ODa�f:o�arrytf+arf tl'tefeofofiqtecesttlfelein. ����:
<br /> , ;;��' increaas ths incoms the.elrom or protect the security horeof and,with or wttha�w�cr��.�issesston olthe..Prpperry.au6_fior'or ; , _
<br /> � otherwlas collect tha renb,Issues and protlt�thereof,includlnp thoae past aue&�ulpa�d.an�i.a0pty t�a�ame.tess coats:anq
<br /> `; :` " expenaesoloperaMonanQcolla:tia►tnc►udingattorn�ys`ta�s.uponanyindebtedr�es"ssacuted'h�a�liy.alitn6uch�tdo�it�l.eli�8►. _ =
<br /> , ,_;' • mry determins.The enterinp upon and takinp posaession of!he Property.the coll " ,��ri a,`suctF i�nts,Issues:aitd prafitsapif e • ��
<br /> , .;`:.'..: _
<br /> �;r�;;. ^ � appiieation thereof a�afore�aid,ehsli not cure or waive any detault or notice ot�i�r�ft�ereunderar invaliQaSe'any aet done in . ;^
<br /> `_, :a,�`'-=.; responsatosuchdNauitapu�auanttowchnoticeatdefaultan0,notwiMstandin�Qy�'a�ntissuanceinpossesslonofthePrqpertyor
<br /> � "' ��.� '. :the coltectton,recei pt artd a p plicatlon of renu,iaauea or prof(t�,and Trustee artd ti�n.��:s:�ait be entitted to exercise evenP{iyht . �,.�-
<br /> ' -="�'r"�_ provided tor in any of ths Loan tnatruments orby taw upon accu�renca ot any Event af�fa�irydading wi#ioutpmttatlqn theri�ht � �
<br /> .;.,_.;;; � toexercisethspowerotsats.FuRher,lendersriphtsandtemediasunderthispa�a�raph'sF�91.�+pu�nutattve�it�r;andinnowaya ��-:: .�-
<br /> Iimitatlonon,Lender'sriphtfandremediesunderenyassipnmentofleasesandrenbreco�aecBaigams�thePrdperly:l.etxteG7�ustee �-,"=. -' 4
<br /> �;�?;��: :� �....._=
<br /> � '� - � and ths recehrer shall be liabte to account oniy for tAOSe�ents aCtuaity received.` , "` �`�''''
<br />: �,. :e .
<br /> ,;� 11. Er�nla M DN�Wf.The foltowinp shall constitute Bn Event ol Default unda►this peed of Trus� �.. . ��'.. .�� • -- � � '
<br /> "Y�;" (a) FpBure to pay arry inafafiment of principai or fnterest ot any other aum secnred haraby when'due� : .;� • �-=,^�,
<br /> 't `t�%�'•-"�"r'�' (b)AbreacfiafordetaultuntteranyprovlsioncantainedintheNote,this0ee�otTrust.'anyAfihaloanfnshuments,o[any . -
<br /> . 't::`'��• '{•�:�i�?'i other 1ian or encumbran�e apon Ure Pr,operty; :- ` ::�' - .—
<br /> ��-.•.,
<br />'::i::;-;. ;.w,{r. _ : . �: .. f :
<br /> _ •.E,,�� ,:• ° (c)A writ of execution or attachment nr any aimiiar process ahatl bQ enfered against Trc��r which shali q9cofnea tien on ` :
<br /> �°�=�'�,' '��• ` the Pro or an Rfon thereof or i�terest therein; •= �� I . -�^�
<br /> rca;,.:�.��y:;�::R . pertf! Y Po .
<br /> • ;�,;��;,:,�....- �?� (d)There shatl be fited by or against Trustor or Borrower an action under any presart?Z or tuturB federat.atate ar ather 'i".�
<br /> " ,, � � statute,law or regulati0n relating to bankruptcy.lnsolvency or othe►reliei ior debtors;or theYO'shalt be appcioted any hustee. � a,�;
<br /> R11`� ' �� .:,�.
<br /> ,�� Kr;, receiver or!lquldatoe of Trustar or Borrower or ol ali or any part of the Property,or the rents.ii55�gs ot profiis thereof.or Trusto► , , --
<br /> " or Borrower shatl make any generat assignment fvr the benafit of Greditors; � _,_
<br /> , - _ .��.1. � (e)The sale,hansfer.lease,assiyrtment,�onveyance or.lurther encumbranoe ot ail oz,ar.�qa»of or any interest in the � _-��
<br /> •:'. � ,Y:, Pxa�arty.eiMer votuntArity or invotunta�fy,without the express wnRen consent ot Lertd2�r��vi�ed that T►usEor shall.l�
<br /> permiti'edto execute a lease ot the PropeRy that Qoes not contain an optian to purchase an0�!�rerrts of wfiicl�does not exc9ed � � �*,,
<br /> � '����?���:�;:�.. ', oneyear, , . •_..�•.
<br />' ,�?.,;=�=i%.,;"�-•.� .� (�Abandonmentof the Property;or . . .., �'':.�. ":
<br /> �:;:;.�� F `�.tr 9 Y .,�, _
<br /> a4�• �:� •;'.: (y)If Truator is not an indivtduat,the Issuance,safe,transter,assi nment conve ance or e�::��nbranoe of morathsna Wtet • �i.�'=
<br /> � 1�,. �,�,�v;_ , �:�,�.�,..
<br /> .;;.• �.. • � -
<br /> ��'�`�� '� "� ot --percent ot(if a carpotadon)ita issued artd outstanGmg stocM or(if a partnershi�;a r�".�+��.f_____,_p�rCent of - --
<br /> • •�i�'�. � ' erfierohip inteiesb durin ihe eriod this Oeed ot Trust romams a uen on the Properry. � -• . ' '.._-.`. •°' . • - •--�
<br /> .r.�.'� M., . P 9 P ' ` :i�:.�_�
<br /> Nf���T 12. RsnNdNr,AeCNMation U ONauN.ln the event otan Event of Qefauit Lender may,without nc:i,eez�pta5 required by ,,,... .
<br /> ...,�._.a;;_; _ ', P� Y ,
<br /> "'�r:� + .�•t;'••�' Iaw,Cectaro atl indebtedness eecurefl Mereby to be du8 and payabte and the same shalt thereupon baram��ue anA p8yable f . . �
<br /> - '.���-,, r•'' ;;.;' with0uf any pre�entment,demand,protest or notiC9 O1 any kind.fhereaKar Lender may: ` .
<br /> ••� , _'��:,•t ,,. (a)Oemand thaf Trustea exerCiss ih� POWER OF SALE flranted hereln, and Trustee shaii ther�f'er ceuse 7rustol'a �
<br /> .��'� , interest in the Property to be sotd and the proceeds to Av distnbutea.Ail in tho manner provided in the f teisrast�a TrustD�9Qs .
<br /> � � :,�±�•,.:�`' Act � . . .
<br /> : .:.,,,,A•.�;• ,
<br /> . ;•�r,.: .;�:,f�. .. (b) Exetcise any and all rtghta provldod for in any�t thv Loan mstrumants or by law upon occurre^�a o!any Event of _ _ . __.
<br /> . ,.. ,,- Oeiau{t and , Y �
<br /> .� .�,� „ �.,�,.. (c)Commenceanactfontoforectcsethis0eedolTrustasamortgago,appointArece)ver,orspectficaf:�entarce8nyafthe f.
<br /> covenants hereoL , �
<br /> � + ;.�•,�,';; • No remedy hereln conterred upon or reserv80 to Trustoo or Lcrndai is�ntantlod to bd exclusiYe ol any other rer-�3Cy fieretn,ip the � �
<br />, � . �..,'�_� . Loan Inatruments or by law pravlded or pgrmtKed,but each shan ti�cumutat�ve.shatl be ln addition to every clha�remedygiven . � .
<br /> hereunder,ln the Loan tnstruments or now or hereaftg�eM�sUn{�nt law Ur�n oywry or by atatute,and may be exerci�concurrenUy. +
<br /> • •• - independenUy or auccesslvety. , •
<br /> � 13.TiutlN.The Tru�tee may ree�gn at any time withau+causa, and londvr may at any tima and without c�:�sg Sppoin!A • .
<br /> : . ' succeasororsubsUtuteT�ustee.Trusteeahallnoebeliabletoanypairy.inctud�nnwdhoutlimitatidnlender,Borrawer,Tru9tararany ±.
<br /> � � purchaser atthe Property,for any toss or damage untoss duu t��ucklv9�ur w�Ulu!m�9COr�duct,and sba�l not be requir�0 t6takeany •
<br /> • � aCUon in connectlon wlth the entorcemeM of this Uoed o}Trust unloss�ndamndiad,�n wnting,tor 8U coals,compen�atfon Ce ; .
<br /> • ' ' expenses whtcb may be associated therewtth.In add�Uon,Truat�,v may bUCO�no�l purcd�sor at any sate ol the Property Qudtcial o► � .�
<br /> � � � ; ¢�nAer the power of sale grented heremj:po9tpone t�U sal�bi a(i ur nny por6on of ifia Prapatry,as prcvided by taw;or sefi the � •
<br /> .�. , , .
<br /> - _ ,...� .....r_.. ....'... .,..�... . P �d1981 T/U91U0�9 U��JC(U}�Q/i ' �
<br /> ropertyr as a whote,or in separate parcots ar
<br /> .-- - -- 14,FNi and Exp�tlsb.!n the eVen!Trustee sells the Proparty Gy ffxc+rcisa af powor bt 9alO.Trustee ehall be entitled to�pply. . _ .. .
<br /> : � � ^ any sate proceeda flrst to payment of all cosls und��ponsuy ot uxurc��m�pow�r af eulo,including all Y�ustee's tees,and Le�dePS , .
<br /> . .� ` � andTru�tee'�attomey'stee�.aCtuatlylncu�redtosxta►�Ipomuttvdbyi�pplicab�uiaw fntnupvOnfBorrowerar7rust0iex8tCJS998ny , � . -:
<br /> � t ' , right pravldad by Iaw to curo an Event of Oetautt,le�ndo�anai►bp a��t�necf ru rueov�r►rvrn Trustor a�1 costs and expenses aotualty i �
<br /> ' • • inCUtred a�e�esul!pt Truator'e defauh,includmg without limdafion uu'fruste�e.u�d c�ttornoy`s fees.to the extent permittbd hy � . � • •
<br /> , „ appticabte faw.
<br /> ' ' • . 15. Fu1ur�Advane�s.Upon request ot Barrower.l�nder mny,nt�t�nnti�n,m�tcu nddrtrc�nat end iuture�advances and re- ; � •
<br /> ,, ' .
<br /> ;_.. _.__ _ • adYaneestoBorrower.Suchadvancesandreadvancos.w�thi'ntorpslthQrav_n.shullb�soeurudbylnlsdeetlalTrustAtnotimeshall ,_, � . _ : _ � .
<br /> - -_ -.= tn��pnnctPstamauraotmetn��tecriessseeureenymrai:aaaatrnr�.n 28 rc g��msa�v�r�c�tvvrotecttnesecudtyd�t�€a �- - - -_---
<br /> . Oaed of Trust exceed!he oNglnal prinC�pa1 amount atnmd naro�n,or 5 6, c.__..� ___.WhtChf�vpr i9 greatet ; .
<br /> ' , . • . ' a • . • . :_ .. . '
<br />. . . : . .. - - .. .. • _ _ -- - - _ � ..;f -
<br /> .. , _ .
<br />