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<br /> �-,� _._ . _� , _� , t- _ ., � . . . ' , . . • ,. .
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<br /> :. -_ = - �►aaroin�oo��r oF o�vF�� . 9�" �1vr47'Ss: -
<br /> . .:._ . ,� _ � � �
<br /> �����: . . . -
<br /> ,. ,. .
<br /> � Ttu�toruedMSW��ntlh�doct�nw,�tlAatTruNorisaba�tb�u1lt��0��Q�fTrwtandlMt�mot�llndihMlhipow�r
<br /> Q1sW pr�ov�d�dioeMldtOMddTcurCProvidMwb�b���ti���14TtnN0►IMnamO�ptinMN�wnt
<br /> ` oraa�aun�en.cnoroab.�onund.ra�.o..da��u.ctncr�arr�.a,e►,otirn,iadt�.m��.�e.r•�q�,�a�awa�.�w,«ty.ora .
<br /> by tha Trt�Ma wltho�tt any ludiclal ProcNdinp:Tivsfo►wpru�rb and wartanb ihat tAi��c�tnowt�O�nMM wa��tt�CUMd�y �
<br /> •�TruMor lr�bre tl�e�x�cWQn d ths OMd of Tru�t. _� ��� • • .
<br /> . , _
<br /> ., ' ' 1111 ! Zlll+�t �T �•� �. , , -
<br /> _ _ - - ,�al%Cl•�✓ .
<br /> � • .
<br /> J � Zfllfr �
<br />_ � �Y�-�"`°�''�:. ' .:;.r., . ..,�D-OF TRU$fi WlT�1 FUtURE ADVANCES ° � , � .
<br /> . _..._.
<br /> . ... :.... :.
<br /> ----=�— —�---� - -�-- - �- -- -- -- __
<br /> -�- --: — - ; - __
<br />_ ..,-' TFIIS DE�iti`i�7fi`US3'R ts made ss ot the_ltt_daY o� --�=----- —;t�-�-6jr and art�- ,
<br /> _ , . . .: ; . . a:,: . : , •.;_. .. .
<br /> ° �eTn�1o�::., ��* � ��3fr i S�ls�a t Zill�s , hwbaad �sd �tits ,
<br /> .; Bt7 1!.il�b St tiraM IsZaad 11� i-�lI
<br />_ r,wta�e miility`addre�s is ' (Neretn"Trusto►."�r on�a mora).
<br /> F`1 +�.`��:ihf 7NSM�, _ Ffw Patats'�ir�k. : Nebraslat Roraoration � � ,
<br /> _' � ,.'':� �rhoie i++i�rg addrsa��s' S.O..Rw�:-�3�? Graad Is2�d. �E 688�Z �t�cetn°Truwi'►.at�d =
<br /> T-; , • ` Ff� Poiats':�ni� . . -
<br />-�`Y , . . �� ., � ' �
<br /> •
<br /> . � whas maillnQ e0drets is P O 8bs i Ial�ud MQ. 6�2-15�'! (Mretn"LrnQ�P�_ �._��_----
<br /> ` � Milll�� P 7311fr �"`�`''d:'_
<br />�. ... fOR VAWABL.�CONSIDERATION.inctudinp LerMer'a exMrtsioR ot cxedit MentiHe�!hareln to _
<br /> . ���,F
<br /> . . i Jal.asn [ Zill�r (herein"Bonowar".whether one or morel and the trust h�rein craaNd. �4�°�
<br /> �r: , ett is her acknowled ,Trustar here irrevocably rants.ttansfar�,cpnveys and asstyns to Tiust�,IN �:�_
<br /> ot whi bJl 8 �'�.�.- -
<br /> . ' the recaipt ebY aed °
<br /> TRU9T,WITHPOYYEROF3J11E.forthebenefttandaecuriryofLender.underandsubjecttothetermsersdcondittonshersinattersN y:� + �'
<br /> torth,tbe resi property,descdbeA aa foltowx �..:`�i_`�
<br /> l.o t� T s u �l i) r a d`t b� F�s� d/8• o t �L o t �i n� (9) in Hlaak Fitt,�n ii�), Faisvire
<br /> . � Psrk �dditioa to tA� Ci.t� ot Gra�d lalsnd. N a l� Couaty. Nb r�d�a. '��.��
<br /> "�w�
<br /> � � - �
<br /> =y�+_�
<br /> *=- � - --�,-'r.•-
<br />�c .. . t � .• 'f`"i .
<br /> Topethe►with all6uildings,improvemant�,fixtures,streets,alteys,passageways.easements,rlphta,prlvitepes and eppurte- :.,��._
<br /> - - - - - .. � nances(oceted iharaon or la anysuisa psrtaining thereto.and the rents,issuea and profits,reveraions anc!remaindera thereol.and ,
<br /> '� such personal propeRy that ls attaChed to the improvements so as to constitute a flxwre,lnctuClnp,but rtce ilmifed to.heaifn�an0 -;-���-
<br /> � 4 coolin�equipmenx and toysther with the hamestead or maritai interesta,if any,which irtterests are hereby►eiea�ed and walve0;af{ �`i--'�'�
<br /> 01 which,inciudinp roptacements and a0ditlons thereto,is hereby Ceciared to be a part of the real estate aecured by the Itan of this �,
<br /> Deed ot Trust and all of the foreyolny betng referre0 to hereln as the"Property". ''�
<br /> . y
<br /> l�.� _ --
<br /> • This Deed o1 Trost shatl secure(a)the payment ot the principal sum and interest evidenced by a promtesory note br ctldil =
<br /> r
<br /> -_ a�reement dated .—�.���992 ,having a maturlry date ot , *�� i� �2 , , --
<br /> , � 1,' , in the ori�ina)prinCipai amount Ot i 29-�•� .and any and all modilications,extenstons and renewAts ��� . �-�
<br /> ' thereoi ar thereto and any antl all tuture advances and readvances to Borrower(or any ci them if mo�e than one)hpr6und�r . - _
<br /> "' ' purausnt to one or more promissory notes or cred�t agreements(herein caited"Note");(b)the payment of other sum!advenced by , : ;
<br /> Lenderto proteCtthe aeCUrity of the Note;(c)the pertormance ot all covenants and agreements ot Truetor aet IORh hereln;and(d)�11
<br /> � preaent an0 tuture inQebtednesa and o5ligations ol8orrower(or any of them it more than one)to Lender whether direCL IndirsCt, ' ' -
<br /> +:' abwluts or continpent and whether arising by note,guaranty,overd�aft or otherwise.The Note,this Oeed of Tru�t and any and all ' _--
<br /> . ;. Ottter doCUents that�ecure the Note araiherwlse�ecuted in connection therewith,including without limitetion puarantees,securlty F : {.�_;_:
<br /> : j� 8qreemeMs and aaaipnments ot feaaes and rents,snait be reterred to hereln as the"Loan UstrumenSs". � :.�
<br /> TrwWr covenants and a�rees with Lender as tol[ows: � . .
<br /> 1, pafrnwnt ol Ind�bMdMa.Alf incfebteQness secured hereby shall be paid when due, i.
<br /> _. '..::�*r.�' 2. Tiw.Truetor is fhe owner af th8 Property,has the rlght and authalty to convey the P►operty,and wanants that the Hen �
<br />. �y+_i�Y � Createa�E�eby ie a first and prlor i�en on the P►operly,except for Hens and ertcumbrances set torth by Trustor In wrUinQ and `
<br /> Y{,._ ..,;•,: '. f ,
<br /> __, �..�1z,�.r;_ QeBve►eqta tender betore execu:ion o:2his Deed ot Trust,and the execution and delivery ot this Deed o1 Trust does aot vlotate any i
<br /> � '•�'• - contracl or other obf�a�ia�to which 7rustoc is subjeCt , - - ----
<br /> � � �f�'�� .�oe=: 9. TaxN,A�+b.To pay trefore QeUnqueacy all taxes,spec�ai assessments and all other charges against the Property j
<br /> ` „ � -�•`� • now or hereatler tevied. � -
<br /> - 1.._,.. t . . ,
<br /> . �t,- � 4. In�rnna.To keep the Properiy�nsured agalnst damage by tire,hazarda inciuded wfthin the term"extended coverape",e�n0 S �
<br /> - °������k���. ,'•: . auCh c�er`-sazard�as I.�nder may reqlire.+n amounts and wi3h companles acceptabte to Lender,naminp I.ender as an additlanal
<br /> � 4a'*;:�f�i~�r,;•-,;..
<br /> , . - ,,,�?,y;,��;„.,�,: namerf�ns��red.with los�payebte to t`3 Lende�.�n Case of loss undbr such po�icles,the Lender Is authorized to edjus�coltect Aed � '� .
<br /> .�"�.LSf;,,�„ !.'
<br /> •-� �. , • eompro�ise,atf elaimsthereunder an0 st+a11 have:he option oi applying all or part of the insurance proceeds(i)to any Indebtedness •
<br /> � ` �� �'�• -''� ' . eeaured hereby end iR s3�h order as lander rray�etermine,(i�f to the Trustor to be used fo�the►epaU or resto►ailan otthe P�operry �
<br /> "�'%:�'� `' ` or(iil)Tor any other pv��se or object satisfactoryto LenQe�without affecting the iien of this Qoed otTrust tor the lull amount eecured
<br /> , -�� • hereby betare suth payment ever toak��ace.Any appiicatlon o!proceeds to Indebtedness shaH not extend or po9tpone the due, . �� �
<br /> . ' " dab of a;.y payments under the IYote.or cu�e any detauit thereunaer or hereunder. �
<br /> ___._ - " 5. Et�ow.Upon written demand by Lender,Trustor shatl pay to Lender,in such manner as Lender may deltgnate,suHiCieM � , •
<br /> ' � aumlto enabfe Lender to pay as they become due Qne ar more of the foifowing:(t�ati taxes,assessmentsa�d cthar charges s�ai�st � � '
<br /> : !he Property,pi)the pre^riums on 1he propertyl insurance required hereunder,and pii)the premiums on any�mortgage lnsurance
<br /> _ . _ . - requirad by tender. - - • ' -
<br /> � • A. Mak�Nn�ne�,ll�paln sn0 CanpNane�wHb L�ws�7rustor shali keep the Property in goad conditlon and repalr;snatl ,
<br /> : � � ' prompUy repatr,or raptaee any i�t13r5vament which may be damaged er destroyed:shatl not commN o►permit eny waste or
<br /> � � deterioraUon of the Property;si�all�:�>emave,demoBsh or substanUatly atter any of the improvements on the Property;ahall not
<br /> ' , . commi�aufter or permitany act to h�Q�t�tn or upun the Property In vlotation pt any law,ordinance,or regutation;and shai)pay and
<br /> , • , ', prompQy discharye at TrustoPe costand expense 2111tens,encumbrances and charges favlea,imposed or assessed agafnst thn ,
<br /> ' Properly or bny paA thefeot � .
<br /> --___-_ _-_-__-' __-___- . r._Emin�n!QonuiM.Lender is herehy asalgned all compensaUon.awards.damage�and.other AaymCnts or rellef lhe�ainaNe� ____.-•�--�._
<br /> � ' �� � ' "Praceeds'ti In connecUOn with condemnatlon orothertaking of the PropeRy o�partffiereof,or for condayante in tieu oi condemnst-
<br /> . � �ion.Lendet�half deentifled at iLS option to eammence,appear#n snd prosecute in ite own n8m8 any actton or proCeedlnQ�,and . • ,
<br /> ' ' eha�i atao be entitled to make eny,campromise or setttement in oonnecUOn wlth auch takirtg or damage.ln the event any port�on ot ; ,
<br />� • ;3 � ' - tNCl151U1e�rrrdnreonaeRw.�oiM - - _ '
<br /> �
<br /> a ,
<br /> � . - d/1MNMlE1WUNe1ConNUrNttullMtl5M�0/�AMOCiaHaRWleeN.Mtlrafb - . ... . -- - -- � - - - � i" , •
<br /> _ . .. _ _ ; ' _ .
<br /> . ., .
<br />�, � - :._.� . _.. . ._ .
<br /> . —
<br /> ♦_ �. _ ' '_ - . ._ __ _—. __.._..__ . ._. ._____. ___ . _.
<br />