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<br /> : perioc�s due Leode�roq�wr� '!irc i�ce i�rrier p�oyiding drc a�s�,►ancr s1t+�tt 6e cwaeen�y Baeower Rubjat to taenaerh ` :
<br /> . �xovai whicb�Inli not 6e un�po�bly�yt6heW. If Borrawer faits to np�ie�iu�caveragc descd6ed abovc.txnder n�y.u '
<br /> � l.eode:8 aption,dNaincavers�e w prnkct l�ender's rigtrs ut�hc Pit+opekty irt sccordanae witt�p�ragcaph Z _ '
<br /> �, A11 ins�t�e polkies and tenew�[s sh�ll be aaepoWe to Leader and sl►�II include a st�adacd nwrtgag�clsuse. I.eixier
<br /> � sball have�riaht to hold t6e poiicits aed rcriewats, if Leader requ'tres.Bamwer sfuif�anP�tY 6ivc to lxndee.aEt Reeipn ,
<br /> ot p�id prcmiunu and renew�i naices. fn the evene of las.�.Eiarowa�sf�ali gire p�umpt naue to tLe insurance c�craer and � :.
<br /> ' .I.ender. [,e�der may mai�e p�oof af tos,a if nat made pra�tptly by Barcr�wtr. - ,
<br /> ` tinkss Leader and Bamv�er atberwise ag�ex in writireg.insur,�sce procred�:shait bc apptitd to rtstoration dt�epair of
<br /> -- tbe Pmpertg dAmABed. if.th,e�e�sta�atioa or apa�r_is:econom�nl[y_fcuibt��od.l�pders scsutity:is not lessene4. (f the
<br /> �tontian or ttps'v is n�t esono�nically feasible or t,enderis secwity would be lessened.the insur�ee pracaeds 3t�i!be .
<br /> . , • apptied to the simns secmed by tlus Seciuity Insuu�ient.whethes or ria,thrn due with�ny eacess paiii to Barnvver.' !i
<br /> Barowa abioduns the Ptape�ty.os does not ancwee`within 3Q days a notice frum t.ende►tfi�t the insutarxr ��rier fias
<br /> ` o�'erod to scak a claim,then Lender may coUeci the insar•uice p�ceeds. Le�der raay use tbe proceeds to cepair or re.uone
<br /> � t6e Pmpesty ar to psy sums secuced by this Socurity Insau�rcat,wlkthcr or riot then due.Tbe 3Q-day periad will 6e�in`wher�
<br /> thc na{iee is Eiven. . ' . _ _ •
<br /> Unkss Lendet aod Barower otLeiwise agrte in writing.any appliqtion of proceeds to prinripal shai}nat�xte�ld or
<br /> — -— - . ... _—--�—,---�-_- -
<br /> ��— � p!astpooc t�ie-dno dueoitiie manti�tY PaY�ts cefemed ta m-porxg►,.�►T.-a:R L-�r�nangeiiie=amowK of"ii�cpaymc��is:�3�=--"`� - ':':-----
<br /> under paragr�ph 21 the P�opecty is xquind by I.enAer,Bwmwer's r�ght to any iasur.+nce poticies and pcaceods resulring
<br /> . fiam dam�ge t°the�rty priar to the acquisitioa shalt pass to Lender to d�exteai of the sums secu�ed by t6is Security .
<br /> Inswment immediately prior m the acquisition. .
<br /> f. �oaipuc�PteservattaR. Maieteaaoee ad Protectioa ot t6e Psopert�!: Borsower's l.aa�a Appiieatlo�;
<br /> I�a�. Ba�rower shall accupy.establisb,and use the Ptaperry as Borrower's}xinc�pai asidence within sixty days afur
<br /> - ti�e executian of this 5ecurity tnstrus.:en,�nd sha'cantinu••to nccuPY.'����Y as Borrower's principat residence for ai
<br /> kut aoe year afta the date�af occupancy. unless tsnder ut[krwi.x: agrees i� writing. which catseat shall not 6e
<br /> utineasaiably withheld,or unks.s extenuaeing circumstances esist which ace heyond BomDwer's cantrol. Bomower shall nat , .
<br /> destrpy,d�mage or irnpair the Pcoperty.altow the Propetty to deteria�ate.or commit waste oa the Property. Bormwer shall
<br /> _ , 6e in def�h�a�ry fafeitune achon or procceding,wlxthec civil a criminalT is begun tdat in ixnckr's good faitl�judgment
<br /> _ cauld�esult i�i forfeihue of the Ptoperty or othenvise materialiy impair the Gen cmated by this Security Iastrument or •
<br />:�,; l.ender s security interest..Borrower may cune such a default and reinstate.as pravided in paragrapb 18.6y causing the xtion �
<br /> or procecding to be dismissed witb a niting tha�in L.ender's good faith determination,precludes forfeiture of the Boaower's
<br /> r�+: � 'intecest la the Properry ar other mateaa! impairmenr of t(�e lien created by�dus Securiry instrument or l.efider�seca�irty •
<br /> inte�esE. Bomawer shail also 6e in defau[Y if Barrower, during the loan application pracess, gave materialty fafse or
<br /> inaccurate infonnation or statements to Lender(or faited to provide Lender witA any material iu�a�mation)in connection with
<br /> �`'� the loan evidenced by the Note. including. 6ut not limited to. rapres�rttarions conceming Sorrowcr:s c�ccupancy of the •
<br /> . Property as a principal residence. If this Security[nstrument is on a leasehold.8orrower shall comply with all the provisioas
<br /> -- of the tease. If Bom►wer acquires fee title to the Property.the leasehatd and tfie fee ti11e sha11 aot merge unte�s Lender ag�ees
<br /> - - to the meeger in writing.
<br /> . 7. Protection ot Lender's Ri�m.the Property. If Borrawer fails to perform the cove�ants and agreeme�ta
<br /> contained in this Security Instrumens.or there is a legal praceedin�that may signit�cantl} affect Lcmder�s rigAts iq che
<br /> - - Qt�nperty(such as a praceed'mg in bankruptcy,prohate.for candemnatiort as farfeiture os to enfarce Faws or regulution.�tf,ihen —
<br />� I.ender may do and pay•for whatever is necessaru ta protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights,nai the Property. —T
<br /> Lendcr's uctlons may include paying any sums seu:rzd by a�ieu wiiich bas priurity over ihis Securiiy instruem�t.appr,a�ing -
<br /> � i in court.paying masonable attomeys:fees and ecnering on ihe Ptoperty to make repairti.Although Lender may take action ��=�
<br /> , under this paragapb 7,l.ender does not have to do so. •,=°�`1� s;•
<br /> Any amauntc disbursed hy Lende�ander this paragraph 7 shaU berame additional de6t of Borrower secured by this �?��� "
<br /> Security lnstrument. Unless Bomnwer und Lender agree to other term+of payment,these amoun�s shall bear interest fram the :;�.��,:�;._'_-
<br /> date of disbursement at th�Nate rate and ahall be payable.with interest.upon natice fmm Lender ta Borrower requesting
<br /> pay gnt.Mortgpge lasurance. If[.c�der required mortgage insurancc ac a condition of making the loan secured by this �".�} .�
<br /> _ • Security Insttumen� Barrower+hall pay the premiums reyuired to maintaln the mortguge i?i��y'�s�ce in effecK. If,for amr �j.�.�,��._��_=:
<br /> � reason. Ihe moRgage insurance caverage required by l.ender lapses ar ceaces ta be in eff:k� Bortuwer shall pay ¢he , _
<br />_ premiums rec{uired to obtain coverage sub�tantially equivs�lent to�he martgage insurance previau�ly ire ef€�ct,at a cost • �' ;�.
<br /> ° substantially.equivatent to ihe cost ta Barmwer af�mo�tgage insurance previ�*�ti'.y in effec�.from an a6t:�rate mortgage ' 'y�. '
<br /> �•..r,;�',.. ;:�._'
<br /> insumr approved by L.gn�Tcr. If substantially eyuevat�.,t mortguge insuruncc cove;a�,.is not uv�ilabte.Borra��shall pay to � .:rG"
<br /> - � Lender eacb momh a sum equal to one-swcifih of�he ycariy mort�age in�urance premium being paid by Borrower when the f;:�-:..;�`
<br /> . insurance coverage lapsed or ceased tobe in effect. l.endcr will acccpt.usc and retain thc+c pa�cr�ents as�losz reserve in lieu - `..�;t'�?�-
<br /> of mortgage insurancc. {.oss resecve payments may no langer be�equired.ut the nptian of Lcr,der, if morigage insurance •• ; ",=�.�-.
<br /> � cavemge(in the Amaans and for the periad ihat Lcnder myuirc�)providcd hy.m ia.rurcr approved by l.cn�ec again bccorttes ' •
<br /> avaitablc and is abtained.Botrowcr shall pay thc premiums requlrcd tc�maintain mortgugc in�arancc in cffect.ar to pravidc a ."
<br /> ' y loss reserve.until the re�uirement far murtgage intiurance eudti iu.+ccordaitce wi�h.�ny written a'r�ement hetween Bonower ' �
<br /> . and Lendez or applicAble iaw. ,;;?;.;
<br /> ' •-':y,�' 9 (RSpeetbn. I.ender or its agent may makc rcatinnubfe cntrics'upnn and inspection��f Fhe Property. Lendcr tihall a/�
<br /> ' ___ :" �='t'�� give Borrou•er notice at ihe tima of oi ptiar to an intipectian tipecify ing reavnnable cuu�r for ih�in.pection. �. �—-____._''_'
<br /> 10 Condemnatbn. The pr�xeeds af imy uwani or ctaim fo:cS;sm,tgcr,ditect�yr r��nticquentia{.in conncctian wilh�ny
<br /> �• �ingic t:�mily-•i'�nnk�}HC�FYodAie S1uc l:�lt'(IFtt11\STRI t1l:rT•-t�ndom�Cnvcnant. 9I90 rpn,�•3�fb�u��icci , '
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