td^'•��:. : �•�• _ -��.- _=�""' , - � �.-. ._. —
<br /> - , - � .�: ' - � , � , "' - —
<br /> _ -_ , - _ , -- - ;t`:-_ . . — ____
<br /> �' i i.,¢ _ ` ` ` ` ' . ` . . , �_� , _— ''� {` _ _ .
<br /> J_.w.ji_.I.._ �� 3 . � , . .
<br /> � � ' . . i .. . ' _ . �� .._' _ _ ' _ ._ '-_.'��-t'. ���� � + `_ .. . ' _
<br /> , � � 'I�O�E1'liER WITH`afl8ieamprovemmts now a heneiBn emi�d ai'rb�pr�openy.a�W alt�.�p�aoa, .
<br /> . ard fu�ture.t aow ar l�a�eatter a p�t oE the pcopetty. Plil c�me�us:aud additiuos slnit aIso be oovaed bY d�is'Sp�ity ,
<br /> Ipsumria�t. Al[of the faegoit�g is tefutM w in this Security�nstrumeM u tlie"Progett�+." � � _ ,
<br /> . 80RROWFR C�OVEiVAN'FS th�t Bamw�is lswfulty seised of the e5tate 6eteby c�vtyed�nd!�s tbe rigtu ta gc�t
<br /> and oonvay the P�npe�ty aed U�at the Propaty is w�cumbered.excep!far encumb�ances of recad. Bnnawec wsn�nts apd
<br /> vin'U defeed gaKrally the title to tbe Proptrty against al!claims and dimand.s.subjxt to any enc�unbnnces of rccocd.�
<br /> ` THIS SEC[]RiTY INSIRUMF.I!1T canbines�unifam cavenants for aational.use and non-unifam`wvenants with ` �
<br /> limited vsristions tiy jueisdis�n to cunstitutc a uaifam soc�uitg in.Spvment sQVmn�aa!pioputy_ � - . -
<br /> . . UH�QRM COVENMI't5. $amwa aad l.eoder covetunt�nd�ee zc foUavsrs: = ` ,
<br /> , � P�j�ieN a�PtNeir!s�d 1�te�;.Pi+ep�7weat s�d I.ate CYaRes. Bamwe�sltall�mmptty�FsY wl�en du8 the
<br /> princip�of aad intae�bn tbe debt evldenced by the Nate and anY P�PaYrtxnt aad tue charges due nnder the Note.
<br /> 2. B�is far'l1�us aM Irca�c� Subjxt to applic�ble law or to a writttu by Lender,Homnwer sfwll p�ay to
<br /> E.eedtr an the day anoathty po�yments ait due undes the Note.umil the Nate is paid"m fuU,a swn(°Eiu�ds")fa:(a)Y�Y
<br /> ` tuGS and assesurkt�ts'vvhich may autin prioricy over tlus Securiry Jastnaarnt as a lien oa tM Ptapecty:(b)yeu1Y taseLold
<br /> -_ -_P�_]!�s or pa�rents an thc Faopeitlr..if anY: (�) Y�Y_ha�ard vr pioperty insuru�cG.PFemiums. (d)Y�Y�
<br /> _ �.imun�oce,pemiums.if any:{af Yeariy a�gage insdrLrce p�tmiums,if any;and(fl any sums pay�bre by Bamwei to --- - ----
<br /> acoord�nce vv�th it�e provisions of paieagEaph S.fn lieu of the payment of moctgage insu�ance prmiums. 'I7�ese
<br /> itaas are calkd"Escmw items." I.ender m� ar►y urn�wll�t aad hold tvndg ia an aa�ount not to excced Wr ajaximim�
<br /> _ • a�t�ount a lades fa a fede[aily cetated iixxtgage loan may require for,Bocruwer•'s escrow accowrt under tbe federal Real
<br /> -- Ectate Setttement Pnntedures Mt of 1974 as amended from time to time.l2 U.S.C.�2601 et seq.("RFSPA"),untess atather
<br /> -- •(aw that applies w the Funds sets a tesser amoun� If so,I.rnder may,at any time.coUecc and hold Fwids in an amount na to .
<br /> --:- - exaed t6e lesser amount Lender roay estimate tbe anwoat.of PWnds due on the basis of cvrrenE data arM reasonabie. .
<br /> estimues of eapendimnes of futa�e Esc�aw Items or othenvise in accordance with applicable law. ; �
<br /> . TGe£�cu�ds sfuA be held in an instit�tian whose.deposits au ins�med by a fode�al agcnry,insu�lity,or e� -
<br /> _ (including l.endec.if Lender is such aa inctitutiou)or in any Federat Home t.oan Santc. I.ender sba11 apply the Funds w.�ay
<br /> =-- Ihe Escrow Items. I.enda�may noi charge Bortower for holding and applying thc Funds.annually analyzing[be escrow --
<br />-_- account,or vuifying,the Escrow Items,unkss Lender pays Borrower int�i on the Funds and applicable I�w permiu - -___ ____
<br /> - Lender to mAke such a charga However,Lender may reqwre Bocmwer ta�a�.�a one-time charge for an independent real � � -:
<br /> - est�te tax mportin�seniice used by l.ender In connection with this loan,unles���plicabte law provides atherwise. Unless an - � ": ��'�.:-
<br /> . � " , � agrainent is made oi applicable law requires interest to be paid.Lender sh311 riot be required to pay Boirower any interest or �" ��-t��
<br /> eamings on the Funds. Borrower and Lender may agree in wri6ng,however,that interest�hall be paid on the Funds. Lender
<br /> shalt give to Barrower,without charge,an aanual acxoundng of the Funds.showing credits and debits to the Funds aa�tlte 4�
<br /> putpose for whicti each debit to the Funds was mad�'The Funds are pledged as addirional security for all stims secu�by � � �-
<br /> ma�
<br />_ this Seetuity lnsm�men� . ' . • � ���;A�-:
<br />= If the Funds hetd by L.ender exceed the amwnts permitted to be fteld 6y applicabte Iaw. Lender shaQ accovm to -_ -
<br /> ._ - ' Bormwet for the excess FunAs in accordance with the requiremenu of applicable law. If the amount of the Punds heBc��sy � _.---
<br /> Lender�t any tirt�e is not sufficient to pay the�sc�ow items when due.l.ender may so notify�orrower in wtiting,an�� ��-
<br /> s o
<br /> : = such case Bamwer shall pay tv Lender the.amount necessary to malce up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up�uie '�'��"'"-
<br /> - • deficiency in no mae than nvelve mo�thly paymertts,at ixnder s wIe discretion � � n-�a.�f�,
<br /> UPoa PaYment ia fiill of all smns sccured by this Security lnstrttment,Lender shall promptly ref_ur�d w Borrawer any �`���
<br /> :- Funds hetd by Lender. If.under paragraph 21,l.ender shaU acquira or sell ti�Property.l.ender,prior ta the acquisition or � - - •: �-
<br /> sale of the Yroperry. shall apply any Fands held by Lender at thr time of acquisition or sale as a ccedit against the sums �-•'�-�•-��'�'
<br /> seeured 6y this Securiry Instrument. ' :a
<br /> • _ ,.. ,� 3. Applicatbn ot Fi�yments: Unless applicable law prorides othenvise, all paymen�s received by I.ender under � �
<br /> ;:'_� paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note;$ amounts payable under ,.,.. , .. =
<br /> ;;��,°, paragraph 2; interest due:founh,to pdncipa!due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note. , ;_;�=.--
<br /> - � 4. Chuges;Lieas. Borrower shall pay all taxes. assessments.charges,fines and impositions attributablc to the . =
<br /> �``�'' Prop whicb ma attain riod over this 5ecurit lnstrument.and leasehold =
<br /> , r,. erty y p ty y payments or ground rents.ii'any. Borrower .
<br /> • sha Il pay these obligations jn the marmer provided in parasraph a,ar if not paid in ihat manncr.Borrower shall pay them on _, �
<br /> , _ - time directly to ihe person owed payTnent. Borrower shall prompUy fumish to Lender ap notIces of amounts to be paid under ,
<br /> � • thia paragraph. If Bazrower makes these payments directiy.Barrower shall pe�x npily fumish to Lendcr receipts cvidencing . , „
<br /> ��ylpCfl�.4. r ..- .
<br /> $orrower shail pmmptty discharge any lien whjch has priority over thls Security lnsuument unless Bortower:(a)agrees `
<br /> �:. �e__ _��_:
<br /> . In writiag ro tha payment of ehe obligation secured by the lien in a ma�mer acceptable ta Lender;fb)contes�4 in goad faith ihe • . -..�;:
<br /> , lien by.or defends asainst enfacement of thc tien pracecdings which,in thc Lender's opinian aperatc to prevent thc �• ���=�•-:.
<br /> enfore�.ment of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder oi'the lie�an agreement satisfactory to l.ender subordinating tho lien ,,, . `--;�4:'�
<br /> •• to this Security Iosuumen� If Lcnder deicrmines that any part af thv Property is subjctt to�lien which may attain priority 4 ��� '.
<br /> _ over this 5ecudty Instcument,Lender may give Bocrower a notice identifying ihe lien. �orrawer shall satisfy the licn or take . ,
<br /> ' ,ane Qr�aore of the acttons set Porlh above within IQ days of the giving of notice. ' ;: . '
<br /> ' . ��;., :;;, ;,. S. Ha�wrd or Property lnsurance. Barrower shall kcep thc improvements now exi.,ing on c�reaftcr erccted on�ttc �;;'�;,'
<br /> • _��:--,;• : �•�- Property insured against foss by fre,hazards inctuded within Ihe temt"extended coverage"artd�ny othcr hazards.includ'mg .
<br /> rt
<br /> _ __ �_•�-�- c flaods or flc�oding,for which t.ender reauires insurance. 7'his insuran� �haii be maintained in the a�rtounts and for ehe � -
<br /> -� - ��. . .
<br /> • , �•g�-�i� fbnn3028 9198 (pn��?oJApa��a) .
<br /> �'' � , • �
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