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<br /> " `- ' �-,8oao�a e� �P�-�pe1�,�mts.��aist�or ha�atter e�±ected an d�e-
<br /> < `� - .�. 11�oaei�r l4�epty I�+�
<br /> � . �Y�,,p��b�t rue.Mr�ed:iaduae�,riana tse tam•�eaaea oove�ge"am�ny at�a huads.�- -
<br /> • t i o o d�at t i a o d i i K•.toR�rhich L�eoder i+equic�+�.'l'�is i�uu�aoce sh�i{6e miiMaimd in tbe amoutKs��S P�`` , .
<br /> t�t Lendec requir�a•'��cacriar pav i d i n i t h e i n s�i t a t�o e s b a 1!b t c h o s e n b y 8 o�c o w e r s u b l e c e ��s
<br /> �ah�ll not 6e un[eatomiblY NrithheW. [f BoROwer fa'Is to nditxain oo�'aage d�'bed above. iseda�Y, ,
<br /> � optioa.o6tii�p�rcra�e to pateet L�da�a riEMs io t 1 1 e P�o Q e Ky i n a o o a t d u t o e w i t h P�r a B�!�• claase: lradrr
<br /> �ries sad eme�vsis st�aU bt acce�tabk to L+rndaand sb�ll.include a st�nd�td mo�t8�8�
<br /> All inwtyooe Pol Boaowar sha11 p�ompdY Si�e to Lader c�l teaipts of �
<br /> � �1I have the riEht to taW the poliaa a�d rmtwtis.If i.tnder�S• �otioe to the iastuanoe c�rries ae�I.atder.
<br /> ts�panoiwm.�ad neeewwat notias.i�the event of toss.Bor�owa shall give pmmpt
<br /> ��ay�poof of Mss if not mada pro�Y�!'��• �.��I'iod to nstor�tian or repa�r of the ,
<br /> �Jdess L�td�er a�d Hoc�owe�wher�vise ag�e in w�°8•insunooe P�S
<br /> Ftopaty dan�ad,if the restotado�r c►r rep�ir is ewno�dally feasibk aad I�der's savritY is not kssenad.If tbe ratorati�n�r
<br /> • Kpsir is aoe a�no�nically fwsible er Lmder's security tvould 6e ksser�eA.the iasarance proceadc stiaU be appl�ed w the sams
<br /> ` ya,�uied 6y this Secur�t5►Ir�maK� wM�e*or not thdx due.�rith any exass p�id to Bomower. If Basevrer�b�odoas the
<br /> pinpaty.or das oot�sxer witAin 3Q�dry�n twtice froat letdtr th�t tix iasur�noe curies 6u o�arad to s+ettle i claim.� `
<br /> . _1�.r. ...ar...�.�,..�.,o..�oe � l.ender q�.i�se tl�p�s t°�r or re�oK the PmpatY PiY
<br /> --_--- � ..,..�;.�,..,.z�.... ,...-- ---�: .- - --- �- ;�,�-' ----- ---,-
<br /> � �,y�b�,tdis Socurity UsuumdK.whether or not tfia►dne. � nci sl�lk not extead ar
<br /> Unkss Lsrdec aad Bo�cavver othewise a�Oe in vrriting,a�►Y applic�ion of praceeds Pn i�
<br /> the due date of tbe moathlY PzY�aferrod to in pacagtaphs 1 and 2 or change the ataount af the pay�eats. If
<br /> � P�P� liaes�d ptuooeds iauiting kan
<br /> under PuaSraPh Zl t6e Pmp�Y u�9���'iender.Bortawer�s rigfit to wy inwrrnoe Po �is Secttrity Listrwneiu
<br /> �e to tbe pmperty Prior t°tbe x�sitiEx�shall p�s to I.ender to cfie e�tent of the swns secured 6Y
<br /> immed�tY Pr�w tdt xquisitian• , � �onoRds I.o�s A�+iea�id�.
<br /> �.Ooap�c�.Pra�va��MaLRe�asoe aad�rotectiaa ot tiie Pt+ap�tY: s sRer the exavtioa of
<br /> Borrowa shall accupy.euablish,ud use the Pmpprty 1s Barrower s prinapal nsidenee arithin si�y dsy
<br /> this SocuritY h�Cam�t�ad sliali c�xinde to ocwpy the PmQCtY as Borrowtr's principa�nesidence for at last one yar after
<br /> We date of a�w�y.unless I,ender asherwise ag�+ees i�}writin8.wtich ax�sent.shall not be aareaSOnably withl�eld.a wdess
<br />- extpioating cit+cutnstanas exist whicb art b�YoM Borrower's cantrai. Botrower sball tr�t destray. d�maEa or impair the
<br /> '' p�.y�o��p�cCy to decerionu.or aommit waste on the Pr+�pectY. Botrawer shalt b� in default if any forfeita�
<br />�'��•; ' action or proceoding.whetf�er civil or criminal.is begun tha�in I.ender's good faitlr judSmCM'ao�d result in forfeitune uf the -.
<br /> T� propecty or aherwise�ty impair the lien created by this Socurity Insuument or Len�er's secarity iMerest. Borrower may
<br /> ���r w be itismissed with a taling
<br /> � cu�saeh a default and reinstate.as prpvidod in{�ragraph 18,by eaasiag the aaian ar P�DB or other mateciai
<br /> -- that. in I.ender's goad faith detam��a<i°°.p�ludes forfeiture of t6e Borrower's inte�+est 1n the.PcoPectY
<br />- iat�irnxnt af the tia�creaLed by tt�•Security Instrument or Ixnder's securiey Inte[at..Bor�+ower shall also i�e i°defa°lt if ,
<br /> -= Barrower.during tbe[oen applicatiu�process.8ave materially false or inacxurate infotmatinu or statements to i.etder(or failed
<br />'�r` to providt Lender wish anY material infom�atifln)�n connection aith the loan evidenood by the Note.including,but not limited
<br />� to.repcesentations conveming Bornower's accapancY of the PraPertY as a ptincipal Tesidence.If this Seeurit�r Insttume�t is on a
<br />- leasehold, garrower shail camply with all the provisians of tfie lease• 1f Boaower acqair'es fee titie to the ProPertY. the
<br /> - iea�5o;�a�td the fa tide shall not mesge untess l.ender agr��wer a�to�perfotm�ihe cavenants and ag�ca�ents a°°'�n�i�
<br /> � ?.Protedian ot l.a�der's itig6ts in the ProP�'-
<br /> this Socurity Insuam�x.or there is a legal proceeding that may signiGcantly affect Lender's riShts in tde Property(sach as a
<br /> ' praceeding in bankniptcy. probate. for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations).then Lender maY cb a�d
<br /> _ pay for whatever is necessary ta protect the yalue af the Property aad 1-ender's nF,t►u in the Property.L,ender's actions may
<br /> .==�r� ���ng aryy sums secured by a lien which hav priority over this Security Instcumetn. appeazin8 in cauR, paY�B _
<br /> = rpsoaabtt attorneys'fees and entering on thc Ptoperty to mafce repaits. Alihough l.ender may take sction under this� _
<br /> � 7.Lender does not fiave co do so.
<br /> .. Any amounts disbarsed by l.ender under this paragtaph ? shall bea►me additianal debt of Bortawer secured iry this
<br /> SocvriEy Qnctniment. Untess Borcower and Lender agree,t�other terms of payment.these amounts shall beaf anterest from the _
<br />::_�� � date of fisbursement at the Note ratc and shall be payable.artth interest, upon notice from l.ender to Bomower cmquesting .
<br /> ' PaYment.
<br /> ,� ;� S.Mortgage l�surance.If Lender requi�s 4r.urtgaSe insurunce as a oandition oi making the loan secured by this Security
<br /> " lastrumeat. Borrower shall pay fhe premiums mquired to mvntain the cn��age insurance in effecw If, for any reason. the
<br /> ;= � mortgage insurance caverage ra{uised by Lender lapse4 or ceases to be in eifect,Banower Shall pay the premium4 req�ired to
<br /> �'-��'f' obtain wverage substantially eq4i��alent to Ihc mortgage insurance previausty in effect.at a wst substantially equivatent to the
<br />- -'# cosl to$orrower of t�e mortgage iia�3rance previausty in effect. from an aitemate rrtoct��e insurer approved by I,ender. If
<br /> . substantially equi��ca�mortgage�£snrance oaE�c is not avaifa�le.�oaraa:e*shali pag io f.ender c a c b mont h a sum e q ual to �
<br /> � .4', one-twelfth of the p�u:rly�wrtBaSe�nsurance'pr�ium being paid by Borrou•er when the incurancc wrerage lapsed ar ceascd to
<br /> - be in effect.Ltndcr wiH as�pt.use and retain these payments a� a t��cc reserve in licu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve
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