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<br /> � � e�eaoe a s�equ�Y encted,sWro�t�►Y Iumvds.ca�aWties.sed 000tin�c+a•incinding�ire.fa whidt Laider ieqai�q�
<br /> tAat Lsnda`coiN!trs• �or�°1"'�sh�l{ dtq
<br /> . � i�t�ce. This in+urance shdt be m�inq3a�!in tbt amouats and far the P�Ctectod.a8aiast lo�by ftoods io the extent .
<br /> • ins��aU ir�a�uu the Rtope�tY.whether nnrv in existence or subsaluc�tty l�KS aod any . '
<br /> ,� rcqui�+ed by�he Secreta�Y.All�SUranoe sfWl be carriod vvith compin�as iPP�vor�by Lender.Tha ins�ua�nce po�
<br /> tene�rats sh�11 be 5eW by Lrender and sh�ll inctt�de toss P4Yable¢!�s in favor oi.�in s form accepable tn.t:eader-. '
<br /> tn tAe a�mt nf loss.8ormwa.sh�il�tive Lender,imrt�ediate naice by nwil. Lender may m�ice�pmaf of I���
<br /> . -yromp��g bY yocj'°we�.Eo�i�w�snoe Fon�pu�Y oo�is hercby authorized mid diroctaf ta�nake� .
<br /> diratiY ta L,endec.im�tead of w Borrower 9M to Lender jointly.AlI or�ty p�it of thr inwr�nce procoeds m�Y be SPP«bl'
<br /> m
<br /> t.eader.at its option,eitfKr ta)to t6t reduction of tIu iirieMedoess under�����:Q ro�o���ioa ortrepoir
<br /> ied in tt�e ordet ia pors�cap6 3.sud thea w pre�Y
<br /> ���0°�� �the pR�cipal sId►! nat extrnd or postpone the due.date of the
<br /> of tt�dam�6od ProP�rtY• �►nY ePP��°n of�he pmceeds excess inwr�oce proc�s .
<br /> . �y P�'A�which erc rafecced to in�angapl►2.or ctiange tht�of such payments•MY a ta tlje
<br /> ' •over an amauK mryined t°'PRY�ll uu�ndi°S in��uodu t6e Note�od tfiis Security Iastnimcnt shalt 6e pai
<br /> p�tY kg�IFY etWtlod theato• . .�
<br /> in the eve�of fareclosu�r of this Savriry Insuumenc or od�er uansfa of titie to tbe PrapeRY that e�ting+ushes the
<br /> • indebtod�ss.all righb tide an3 inteisst of Borrower ire and to i�unr�r�x Policies in force st�li pass m ti�e pnrchaser. _
<br /> � . ���, �p�s aod Ptotatio� ot tbe P�p�Y+ a0�°�'s 1.ua� Appiiatlos:
<br /> �- ��y' Hotrower's residence within sixtY days afteF
<br /> — �,�a�eieida. Bortuwu si�ll ocwpY•e�aDlish.a�d ase the Pr4Q�Y� P�A�P� fos s►t ir�st ,
<br /> - the exeeution af dtis Sa;urhY lnso[um�and sLali continue w ucaPY the PropeftY aa Borrawer's pr�ncipal residence
<br /> one yeu aRer the date of uccupancy.uatess the Soc�Y��nes this ra�ui�t will cswse nndue i�acdship for Borrower,
<br /> ar unless eaten�ating circumst�nces exist which an 6eyad Borcoaer's contmt. Borrower shaU notify is� r attow
<br /> e��atin8 circumstances-Horrower s6a11 not Commit waste or destroy.dama8�or substantially ctiariSe the P�openY
<br /> =-- abandonad or the loan is in defauit. Lender may e re�o S ave materially false or inaccarate
<br /> - propaty.Borrower s6a1!a�so be in default if Borrower.dacing ihe loan applicauon proces .S
<br /> _-� infanaatian or statements to Lender for failed to provide Lend��►�►y��� infvrmanan)in connoctian with the loac►
<br /> ev3denced by.the Note. inclading, but aot limitod to,cCPreseatations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the PropeRy as i
<br />---- principai ns�dcace. If this Security Instrument is on a teasehotd. Bormwer sha11 comply with the pravisions of the lease:If. "
<br /> - Borroaer acqaites fee title w the Property.the leasehold and fee titie shatl noi 6e mergod unless Lender agoes to ihe metSet ii1 . .
<br /> -= wridng. . ." . f.
<br /> =='� 6.Chsrges to Borruwer and Protectton of l.eoder's Rigdts in tht Property.Barcower sha1J pay all governmentat or•:�';:�
<br />�..-�,',_ - - - ; -municipal charges. fines and impositiansihat are not inclnded in paragruph 2. Boirawer shall pay these obligatiot►s-�`tuae �- --
<br /> directly to the endty which is owed the payment.If failure to pay wautd adv�sely affect I.cnder's interest in the ProperiY.�Po
<br /> ' . ,,I�Ler•$f�quest Borrower shnll promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing these payments.
<br />-° ° � S�Borrower fails to make these payments or the paytne���tes�u�red by pzragraph 2.or fails to pecform any ottier covenants -
<br /> "- � ,and,a�ments containec!in this Sa-�uity lnstrument.or th�;�;{.a 3aga1�sue��ecling that may signifirantty affect Lendet's rights
<br /> - ' in tftg�raperry(such as a pracee��in bankruptcy.for catscl:maation��z•s enf�+rce laws4+r regulations).then i.ender tnaY d°
<br /> '�.." � and pay whatever��ecessar}+to Protect the vaiee af the Property aad ff�et�der s�ights i��the i'rapertY. iacludit►g p&yfi�!�.oF
<br /> taxes.hazard insur's�x and other items mentiaeta�tn paragraph 2. . . . ; ..
<br /> _;�::� , _
<br />_L - Any amouats disbutsed by l.ender undet ihis,paragr':.,pai��ail bccome an additional debt of Baccowe�'and be s�ured by
<br />'�.,�- this Securiry lnstrument.These amounts shall bear intere�t-t�c:z[hc dnte ot disbursement,at the Note rate.and at tho oprion of
<br /> ;��`.
<br /> I.cnder.shall be immediately due and payable.
<br /> - ?���.� Proeeed4 of any�arh or ctaim far damage.�,direct or con.�uential.,in ca�mec��on with any
<br />�.3`-��` condemnaaon ar ocEszr:[aking of any part of the PropeRy.or far canveyance in place af cc�ndemnation.are herobY ass�Sn�d�1
<br /> - � shalE be paid ta Les�der to the exteat of the full amount oi thc indebtednc�that remains unpaid under the Note and this Securiry ��
<br /> ` instrument. l,ender s(u11 apP1Y such pmceeds to the reductian oi ehe indebtcdnes�under thc Nate and t6is 5ecurity[nstrument.
<br /> -= = frst to any delinquent amaunts aQpyied in th� order pravidcd i�p�B�Ph 3. and then ta prepay�nt vf�p�ri�h cfa�e _
<br /> . , a Ilcation af ihe proceeds t�the princlpal shall not cxtend ar �t ne tlie due date of the montht pay� , _
<br /> . :, ��N'�' Page 9 019 -
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