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<br /> , � . : 1i0�ET�:wrl'�i au:a�e uop�ov�a�a au�► a ben,trer «axe3 ao the proparty. �odi au�ar�a.�ri�Lb.
<br /> � �aa�noes;t�eats.myaltks.�uinaal�oil aod gas tigbts srd pnnfits.water rigffis and stock and aU fixtuns no�v ot heteatter a
<br /> p�ut;of tha pcvp�y-AU nplwanents,+ad addiNon's s1�ll�lso he cavued by this Sec�ity tauntd�a�.All of thc fotegoiq�ii
<br /> t�efpiQd to�n this Security Imtcummt�s the"Propetty.,•
<br /> BORKOWEtt COVENANTS t6at Bo►rewcr is tawfaliy seised ef the r�te l�a�ehy oaaveyed znd 6as the rigM to gr�t uW .
<br /> ' . oonvey the Propesy aod that the Pnuperty is anean�mbtred.eaoept for d�aimbtanoes of ieaord. Bortawei wartsuits�d will
<br /> . defad�eeneriilly the,titk to tix Pnoperty aqsi�t ali ctaim4 and demtids.su1►jax to any encumbrancss of teoord.
<br /> : " 1.'Ay�e�R d Ptte�lt�I�teee�t s�i L�te CIMrl�•8oemwer shott psy wheA due the priacipai of.and i�terest orr.tt�e
<br /> deht evi�faued bythe Nae and i�te cl�uges due utder thc N�te. ,
<br /> 2.-MMWY h�we�h o[Tfaa. I�M�s�oe�Ofl�Cl�a. 8orrower shall include in cach a�oat61Y P�Y�,
<br /> to�etlier wi�h,the princip�i�and i�ec�st as set fath in the Nate�rd�y t�e cti�rges,an inshtirnnt of any(s)taues ad special�
<br /> - - - _--°-�_kvjed or ta be kviat apimt the Praperty. (�} tessehoW payaxds or ground na�ta on the Ptope�ty. and (c)-_ -
<br /> ' � p[aniums for i»sun��ce cequited by pangnph 4. - - .
<br /> F.acfi mo�thly i�tapma�t for�itertt�(a),(b),and(c)shal!a�l onatweif�t►of the annua!amou�s.as rnw�ubiy estim�ted
<br /> , bY j�r�de�,Mus an amount suff�cient io rrwintain��dditionai 6ataaao af»ot mon ti�n ono-sixth of the esiimatod�nounts.The
<br /> fiil!Annua!aaiount for acL ium s6a11 be aocumutuod by i.end�[.witlsin a period e�iag ane moath beforc an item wonld
<br /> _- . baoome deti�R. Lender st�ail hold tlte amountc coltectod`ia pust to pay items {a). (b), �d (c)6et'on they bawme
<br /> ddinqaent• . ;;
<br /> ff su arry rime[he total of the pryments bdd 6y I�des for itea�s fa). (b), and(c). wSetlxr witb tlse future montbly
<br /> payments for suc6 ite�payabte to I.rnder p�oc to the due daEes of such items.exceods by moit than ane-sixth tde estimated
<br />= amount of payrneots coquirod ta pay sncb items wf�►due,ard if payrnenta on the Note are cumeat.thw Lender shail either
<br /> - --. refund,.the e�uxss over oae-siatb af the estimated payments or ccodit the excess ova ora-sixth of the estimated payments to =
<br />-.. snbsaquent paymenu by Horrower.at the option af Borrower.If the tatal of t6e payments made by Horruwer for item fa).(b). _
<br /> or(c) is insufficietit to pay the item wtun due, then Borrowcr shall pay w [.ender any amount necessary to make uQ the -
<br /> deficieiscy on or fiefosa the tfate the item becomes due. �
<br /> �-,;.� As ased in this Sa�rritY Inaiument. ••Sa�,etary•• �s the Secretac�,�of Housing and Urban Develapmeat�r hss ur her .
<br /> -- :�`_` designee. In any year in which the Lender must pay a mortgage insuranx premium to the Secretary. each moatEd:g��tyr�nent °
<br /> shaU also include either.(i)an installment of the aanual mortgage insurance premium to be paid by l.epder to the Secretary.fli'��.�
<br />- - (ii) a monthiy c�arge instead of a mortgage iiisurance prea�ium if this Sxuriry Instrument is held by thc Se�ret�ry. F.a�::"':�
<br /> ma►�thly installmeat uf the mortgage iiuurarue premium shali be in an amount sufficient to aocumulate tbc full,anmial mortgage;; -
<br /> " _ _ �SUr�nce�euni cuith LenAer one montF�prior to the d3te the full annaa!mortgage iasuzance premtum is duc to thc Seeeetary, _
<br /> ar if this Security Instrument is held by the Secretary. each monttily chazge shall tie in an amount equal to onatweltth of =_
<br /> � �" one-half percent of the oatstanding_principaf balance due on the Note. _ . _
<br /> �:�. • :
<br /> ;,.� � _
<br /> _ %; If Borrower te�sders to Lender the full payment af all sums secureci by this Security lnstrument.Barrower's account shet!' ' �
<br /> �� be crodited with ttte balance remaining far all itutalimenu fos items{ar. (b). and (c)and any mortgage it�sutaccre nreasi�iat::. ' _
<br /> ` ;�,�: installment that Lender has nat became obligated to pay to the Secretary.and Lender shall promptly refund s�ny e?c�,.�,�furuis co =
<br /> '� ?c; $orrower. lmmedi3tety prior ta u farectasure sate of the Property ar i�s acquisition by l,ender. Botrawer's aoc6�a�sha1!be • __
<br /> , .,, ::
<br /> `�':.;�;;;;. credited with any bc+2ance remaining for all i��allments far items(a).tDi.and(�). " . �
<br /> ,..,: �:
<br /> ,, -
<br />� � . 3.Appikation o!ARymeats.All paymerts under paragraphs 1 and 2 shaU be applied by Ixnder as foflows: -_
<br /> �' �� First.to the mvrtgage insuramce premium to be paid by l.ender ta th�Secretary or to the monthly charge by the Secretary _.
<br /> '��`'�,; instead of the mo*.�+�Sy martgage insurar�ce premium: =
<br /> •�-i;";:�'. Second�cm z:,y taxes.SpCCISI BSSCSSIi1ClIlS. Icasehold payments or�round rents,aad fire. Qoad and other hazard insuranoc -
<br /> ' premiums,as rquired: _
<br /> ,:.,;,r�•, Third,to interest due under the Nate: ', i: �. _
<br /> Pourth,to aa+.ortization of thc principal of thc Note; '. "
<br />'.� �::,',:::'. •..,�.';•� Fifth.to Ra::a:har�c�due under the Nate. , `
<br /> ,�,'�� �-4R1lYE1 � . .�1s+r�2ore `-.
<br /> .,'r,,t.' '
<br /> :'� � • f
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