<br />�FA Nf��
<br />n trncc uc lana eom�s[ng a� part ar tha zv�r� Qcmrtmr trFi'PY/a} nr seatomm 3becnnty F'our t2a),
<br />TwrasLip �kveta (li) Na�t6, Bang�? F�erten E1�� 'GVCSt ad t6e dth P.M;, �ial1 Coaantp N6�Y'��CA Ahtfi Iri02'C
<br />partjeul�►rly de9rrribtd as followa: �e$Snulag 'gt tha ntidrthwc�t torner oC asid Na�wcst Qaerter
<br />(NPY9./4); tl�cc tunnla� easterip, along �ud upon tbe ioorltr llne of said l�nMhwesk Qw�rttr �(LVV+'i{43
<br />a$istance eC �'aur IInndred (4if0.0) � fhm►c� de�teetiag right $9° 2� 35" ai� runaing southect7
<br />psra�lic) wtt� tha weak 1Rne oY s�i� Northvrcst (,�natt�r �"i f4) a d#�t�net e� �evca E�undred �ocGy S�veia
<br />{747.b) tee� t6� dcticciin� rigLt �° ��' 2s"" aad runaing;�aesteriy, parailtd w�W tbe aoME� Hac ot gai�
<br />Northwcst Quarter (l�PPI/d), a c'ifs#aace at' Bnur Tivadced (909.9} feet fs a pohtt oa tbe wtst Iln� o[ said
<br />N�rt6vresk Quactcr (Ni't'1/4)i #hence d�etladSug t�ght 89" `29' �5" �uud `ca»ntng unrtheri�, elaug and upou
<br />the west liue rr� s�id NartFa4+esk Quarter (34'�1/4j, a dtsuhce u! Sexea Hundre�d �orky' Seven {'�d7':�) teet
<br />to thc poiat af bcgInr�fiiYsg s1N�!
<br />�►. tr�ct of Iaud cmmrpaisCng a part ot We lY�rt�`�ra�st Qusxter "fI+iRYifd) sad. a paxt ot t'tie Soafhwest
<br />t���rcc� cs�1a> f,� ��aoa ��y �� {�4), Tovenaht�r ]�Te� (li) Nortie, �n�e Eleven {1X) ��sC
<br />oit t1e 6t6 F_M., and � gart of tbo Ptorth�rest Qu�rter (NV�'1/d} ut &ection T�rtbt,g Fiva (25j, Rowudhfp
<br />F.taven (i1) }7arth, Ttang� E1e� {7ti) R?est a� t6e dth p.�rf[., all h�rtln� #nw Hnli Gauuty, Nzi,rraffika anc� more '
<br />pnMlcu{srty de�ibed a5 iaTtpp�: �Inning at°the si��ttewsst eas�cr o�'th� Seti+uthwe�t Quur#er (.4"S{'3JII)
<br />d' said Sec6tan Tweac� Faur (2d}� thence �runziisg nort6Erty, along and upo�' the we�t �� �f fhs
<br />SouthwtsC C�x+arter (5'S�2/4) -at sald SeeUon �tvsuty Fout {Z}4 a di�t�nce qt Tko llxou6and SiY I3ua�rred
<br />FYtty Si�c-And "�ro 'FentGS {26�56.20) [eet ta tihe sauthwest caeraer olf the T�TeefhWest Quartr:r (2iWlf4} of
<br />�auci SRCdaa `i�ea�t}� Faur (2q); t6�ace de#lweting rtght �0° 6z� i0" and rnnnia� nort�+erly, aioug andupa�
<br />the vYCSE line of t6e iVorthr�est Quart�r (NGC'�./4} af safJ S�ttiun �lventy Four {2d1. a distaaee ejt One
<br />'T7wn�aaxi� tVfn�e �{u�c�recl 'i"hree a�d S�centy Three 8uadredths (1,�03.73} ieeE t�o ��roEvt whistr 3� Stven
<br />Ei�mdred Forty Seren (7MT .Q) CseG HOUt4 oi tLe.uetcKhwe9t carner o[ Yiic NokfhtreSC �u�ai�ter (21'9VY:I4} 4f.
<br />safd Secilon Twnnty R�ur {�d); t�eaoa defiecking rigVt'�' 30' 25" aad runniug ca�tezty, para�lte� wit4 t8e
<br />uortt� line ot iLe Nnr�hweut (�ar� (t3W� j4} ot satd Sectfiwn 't�cveuty I�bur {24}, a diRtauoe nt Faar
<br />23uhdrecl (44Q.G} f�ct; theate detlecting ]ett 90' 30* 2S° e�ui nwning ttort�eety, �arallei with ihe west lfna
<br />at E6e Northwesi f�uarter (N4F1/4) ai ssuid SectFoa ",llventl Fanr (ZA); � d.tslance of Sevcn Iiun+lred Farty
<br />Sevnn (%4�A) ftct to � pafut an t6e notth Itte o[ the Noiihvrcat {�lu»t�ter (NWY/4}, aaf� pd�nt be[n� Fu�r
<br />Hnudred (AQO.a} feet e�st af t6t aacihw�sE cox'tier nf E6e 1Vazt6�eest Quarter ji�T'W�jQ) oC said 5crtiqa
<br />'ltwenty �anr (ziy, thence detiectlng right 9D° 3{I' ?S" aud rau»iag ee�sterty atong and uiptrn Ch� uortLliue
<br />oC khe No�ihwe�st Qnariar {T�5Y1}4) of said Section 1'wentg Four CL4) a dLht�nce' ot Ckne Tbuusabd Six
<br />IIundzed $ixteeiu abd Fotty 'I`wa �un�Ltrdt#�s (3,616A2j Leet; fLeucc dcflceting rigb:t 89° �t0' S>" swd
<br />ruanln$ southeriy, s distauee ot t)ne R�tausaud NTi�ze �Eundre�i �eveuty I?Ive sud Seren liundt�e�th�
<br />{1,9?�A?} fer,t; trience denect3ng riylzt 84' S3' 25" et►d xuunlztg we9terly u d'tskauce of One �on�d ]�Yfty
<br />Twa end Elg6t 7�catha (152.SQ) feet; thueca deticeti�g le�D 89° 54' IS' s��ed runuing souther2y, a disaEtct:
<br />tat G�e 'Yhousand Seve� k�UUdred F..�;htec�a and �Ighty Five H�Iadcr.dthe (l,71$$$� fe�t; t��ce deflxc�iag
<br />rigkt 29° ra2' �6" aad ruaui�g south+t�cssleriy`, a dfsfa�e af Fattx �uadtcd �ent� Ntae aad Sbtty Four
<br />T3uxidredths (429.lS4} teet; thence detlect{ng Icft 29 51' S5" and tonuin� sautL�crlp, s dE�ta�us� nt E?ne
<br />'t'humvand YSwe !�'+wclred 'Pt�uty Niuc atuY 'Ytv�ty Eig�t Huydx+tdths (�,SZ9.28) feet; therece runn�u�.
<br />rre.st�rl'y, a)o»g and xpon t�e a?rc o( s� turve Eo €�ea rig6t w�mae ra�dias is 3bU:56 fect, a<Iis#anca a[ Tl►�c
<br />JE�uudrrd T`»�uty 7�va and: F:Fgisty T+Yve '$un+i�edths {322,� F�t {lu�s� chord c3lsta�ce = 31�.17? - kaqg
<br />chard dctiacting rJg6t 115° 38' d3" Crom khc prcvicwsly dtac'ri5td caarse); t6enee tle�c+ct�ag rfgLb 25° 3$'
<br />4S* it�om fh� c6a�d oi ibe pr�ciurrsl�r described curae abd rematng northwesticrlp; s disfnnc�e oi El�hcy
<br />H'Sce a�id ,'�� Tenttes ($5,60} C�et; t��'t� ruuuthg xarthwesterly, atau�, and u�ron k6� art af a curve �o t5e
<br />lett wleose radius ia 257.T3 �eet, a disi��nca oF Troo �u�,dred 'Twedty t+tfne xnd F'Ifty IVEnc Hundredths
<br />:(229.59) ieet (lang cha�ed �listanee - 221.OT - long c�urd deflect�ng Yeft 2S° 3t' ii1* it�om the prevsousi,�
<br />ckserib�d eni�rst} W a puint on the saoth ll�tc of #6e Sm�th��st t�arter (5GV7tJ4} ot sa�d Sactfon TrvenCy
<br />NOUC {Z�{�j �IICACC�:dGII.CCYFO$ IEI� Z$ 32' 44" Crom t6e chord� nT thc gxevlons�� dcsrribe�l cu�rce abd�zunn�ng
<br />wcstrr�v, alon� and apan the sauih line af Yhc Souchwut Quartcr (.SPV't/4) of ssid Scclaon 1lreuty Faux
<br />Cl4}� a dSStance of (�ae Thousawl Qae tTubdrer� C1ne Ann Seveuteeu �uudrettl2�s {i,1�i.1� fii�et tu #Le
<br />f }OSYa �. OI I7C�IT71'tED�.: .
<br />