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<br /> 17.'S'rau°•(es•�t tl�c�;�'�•atr+'rty Q►�•A n+'ne�(cl�x!lntere�,t In ltormw•r.r,9f"All ar nny�xt��t e>f thr.ITioperty or nny intere�t ii�6t
<br /> is�:ol�l ur iransfrrrc�i(ur if u t�enaR+:ial i�uerc�t in Horruwer is u�W ar teunsfcr�al ntiid �iuj�o�ver in nut ti uunEf�if t;c�:::sn)wx�luu�t _.
<br /> Lendrr'w pri��r writtar. consenc. Lc�xler n�y, ut it� csp:iun, vequice imnxxiiate paym�:nt irt full of all sums se�ueed b}� lhis
<br /> Sec�urity xn�trumeut.Hawever, thin optfon shxli not be exerciseci by[.en�ier if exercise ie prahibitrcl by iederal law as of�he dxto
<br /> c,f�his Setiurity]restrument.
<br /> Ii l.,ender ottercisa this optbn,I.erxl�r slull give darrowar no�ice of accelerution.`�'l�n natEcr,shall �rovide a��erlod a nctii
<br /> less than 30 dnys fmm�he duta tha notic�e is de�ivercd ar nu�ilod within which 9orrowar• muui pay al! sums securod by d►fs
<br /> Securiiy Iusi+u��ru�i. If!`arrt�::��r Pw+ls t�p�+y�h^��:q���ns prior to ttK:exniration of tliis periail,L�endr.r may invoke nny runedies
<br /> pern�ftted by this Soc+�rity Inetrume�t wittiout furthet notico•or ckmand on Burruwor.
<br /> !S, gorrower e Rf�ht to Rela�tate. If Borrawer nxets•c�rt�in conditiun�. Hc►rr�wcr shall huve thc right 1u havo
<br /> rn�'orce►nent of ihis 5ocu�iey Insirunxm cliscontinua! At any cimf:prior to th.e�u�i�et i f.R��)s Wiieo���e comained i nhis
<br /> applicable law m�y spccify for re:instatement) b�fore sal� nf the i'mperiy pu J i�
<br /> S�curity Iastrwrxnt;or ib)entry of s judSment�nforcing this Socuriry I:�stcument.Those condttionE are that Borrower:(a){u►ya
<br /> I.ender�li sums which tkxn wauld t�c duc under this Securiry Instrume�nt and t�N�,n cnfarcinglthis�Socurt y i�tn►meu�t,
<br /> cures xny d�fAUlt of any othGZ wvtnnnts or�gr�x:►nents; (c)pay 1x
<br /> includ'ing,but not lim,itaf te. re�►sonable suhrneys'ioa;aacl(d)tak�s sacti xtion as Len�tar muy �e�sonubiy raquira to a�su�
<br /> that the lion of this Socurity Inst►ument.I.ender's riglus in the Property atad Borrow�r'x a�hlEQntion to pay the sums secural by
<br /> this Socurity Inunime�t shall eo�ulnae w�changed. Ul�on reinstatem�nt by Horrawer. thir� Socurity [nstrument �xl thn
<br /> ablig�tions socural i�ercby shail remxin fuUy eff�xtive as if no acrtileration had occusrcd.Flowcver,this right to r�einstate shkll�
<br /> �M��p�y In the cxsc of accelcration under pacagraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale ot Mote; GMr�e ot I,t�°Sen"ic�*. Tf1e N°�or a partial intcrest in thcs Note (together with this Saurity.
<br /> In,unament)mry be solci one or more times wittwut�-ior notice to Borrower.A safo may ce5�dc in a etwnge in tho entiry(k�wwn. �
<br /> as t!x"l.oan Strvicxr")tiwi uuileca�moaihlY PaYma::s dL=es�r�he N�x�and this Secwity Inrtrurnent. There al�a n�ay be cma
<br /> or more chan8es of the I.oun Servicer unrelated tu a sale of the Note.if there is a changa a�f tha I.�c�an 5ervlcer,Borrower will i►a
<br /> given written r�otia of the chan6e in aeon�dance with Pua8r�ph l4 aboe+o�uxl appiic�dbf¢tuw.The ndice will at�te t1k uwnc uttd
<br /> address af thc new Lou�Serviae and the a�fdress W which payments shouid be madc..'fi'ha naicc wiil also cnnu►in any otl�ur•
<br /> infom�ation nquirod by applicable iaw.
<br /> 20. �ixd�rdows Substano�s.'Borrowcr ishall not cause or�ermit the prcxrtve. use, dis�wsal.�stnn$e� or reldse of any..
<br /> Haz�nious Substw� on ox in the Pra►perty. Barro�ver sht+ll not do, nor allow a[►ya�na el::e to do. anyth�ng aficning ttic
<br /> pmQerty that is in vlolption of arey Fnvirnnmental I.aw. 'It�e prccoding two s�ntencrv sha7!not apQly to the pr�eser�oe, ueo, or
<br /> ��e�th�prqxcty of s�nall qwntities of Nuardou.5 Sobstances that are gencr�sll� r�auugni•r.ed to be appropnwtc to�wm�l
<br /> residential usrc and to maintenu�ct of th�Property.
<br /> gorrower shall promptly give Lencler wriuen nocia of any imestigation, clulm,dri�ttund,lawsuit cx ott►er action 4►y�ny .
<br /> govnnrtxntd or cegulxtory agency or privata paxty involving thc Property atld�u►Y`lY:�'ank�u+Subst�or Env�mnmattal[:�w
<br /> of which Horrower h�.c actua! knowledga If Hoemwu leams,or is natified by any ga�lerlunental or�egu[awry autlbrity:tUat
<br /> any remo�d or atner moeaiaiion o�a�y��:W��'s�"',,•=•:»»ff�'s�!k!�r+�?rcv�,a neoessaiy,Borrnwa shall pmmptly.lui;c
<br /> �il�ry remedi�l�clions in acoo�¢lana witb Envi:oiunental C.aw. •
<br /> Aa u.�ed in 4t►as pauxgra�h 20, "Hoz�tdous 5ubgt9tKxs" su+e tiws�subat►�p�dufi�ted aa toxic or harutdou�substar►c�by
<br /> Envirorunent�l Law nnd th� following substux.�a: Sasofine, kerosei�e., �tf1'ar ftwnmuble or toxic petrolam producu, tuxic
<br /> pesticides au�d I�nbici�.volatile solveaits,m�ccrids cantaining asbestos ar f�rpudd�shy�.aud radiooctive msrerlal�t�ratal U�st ..;;
<br /> this p�rag�aph 211, "Enviromnrnta4 Law" �ranS faieral laws and laws of tha'uritxltcti�m where the Pmpecty ;. ,:,
<br /> r�elato to t�eal�h.saf�ty or�nviroiur�astal prntoction. �
<br /> NON-UNYFORM CAVENA7d7'S.Dorroweru�d Leader fi��ttxrcovenant�fand a�e a�fi�liuws:
<br /> 21.Aaeletition:ReN+edie�.La�da ardl givt notke!01Sa�towar�rin+�In a�cda'iMior[oli�wi�l�orrow'ec'y brt�ch
<br /> :�� o[my cora��t or ap+eeare�t i�n t6b See�urity'Yrotr� (bat oa4`��1.�ha to aa.�io� wider P�'� 17 unl,en
<br /> . rppiicabie i*w provides othenrisej.The rmti�tc sht�H s�eClh. (�)twe�b3hul�(b)tie wctiw naNirad w au+t 11ie deCaltlt;
<br /> (c)a date, oot IeM Sb�30 drra fbo�n tbe dnte t�e nulke�S�iva4 ta IWrru�r, by whicb Ihe ddsrlt ew�t be axv�dt'�wi
<br /> (���b�r tlds 5dppitYtk detault oa or bdae tl�e dats.spedtk�d in•.tila•�Hi�x nry re.�k ir aoedastlon of tiW,bms
<br /> Ia�ehron�+eet�ad ak ot tlie Prur�Crty. '[7�a�tuyiPx slwi!�[Yrlikr iatoa�r�arow�,+ ot tbe rlglk.te
<br /> n�
<br /> neirtate stter soodu��tioa sod tNe ri�t to Mins a conrt sctWn��:iis�L tMe �oan�xiu�enoe d a dehWt�Wc i�wiipe,
<br /> aak�o[ Borro�ver ta ocoder�tlon and�sLe.•i[ tbe dd�ult is not�' . ccet an�nr bdore rie d� � wilhoWt ,.�
<br /> Leode+'.at its��'�}' *afvirt Iroa�e�t�e�]o�e�t fn f�l1 o['sil�;'s�rr�r1•a�cared 1y tIW Seturily�
<br /> t'mii�a'demssd wrd eq Lnraice tl�e pawa cN!ede and mJ'dbr�'rem��tiies.�e►yninM.6'!appiic�bie iaw.[.e�MWr�lup t�;•;' ;
<br /> eotMkd tn colieet�Il t:p�+ra i�eMrred In pat�wina ti�rnatdles pzmvjdo�sin�tMte pa�'►�r�ph Z1�i►xi�dio6,bud iwt�Umile�.,,-,..
<br /> w����ys'[eee�I,�oets ot tftl��;�e. • ' a�i1Kc::..c',;
<br /> If tb�e pawer�af a�Me M Invokai,T��e sle�ll reooid x natka��tl!detSiWt iee a�ch co�nty iM,+►bicl��ny !�r'f`
<br /> Pro{wiy i�IoWe:lP.;dbd s6a11 m�il oo�ics�.:r�".1���otxe ia lbe m�wnair b!' H�piip►ble-ii►��Y,�o Eorr�6�x':tuW tit�' ,.
<br /> 1Le otioee per�orR'p�r�a�b�d��PP�ic�Me�t�W.Mer tbe time req�i�� y,��ppt�Ecab[e Irw,Tra�tee sil►�11�Ire pa�b1�C niNloe
<br /> 1'.,,� �S s�d�to tbe pe+a�o�and ia the mauner presnibed by Mp�a�b�x Isitv,.T►'Witees wlthout dem�nd oe llon+ew�t,.t�l4rli t�d�
<br /> �d iu It�e'twNa ni
<br /> ttie�'hupert9�t Public suctiaa to tbe hi�est bid�ler at tfie .i�e andp�,r�•�nd uudrr tlre tan�d�n�ted
<br /> sak io noe or mnre p�ncda wd ia�u►y order Tn�eta dei��ipos.;.'l�`t�xeABC M1NJ/�tpOOE 341C G�fII O�llfx�I�IK�I UL�NIE
<br /> �. �9 �' P��.MOOa� zt the t�me.nd g4oe ot�ns'.�t��Y�wAy �lux�uted sak. Lender cx its draqure m�y
<br /> ��e t��+..rty a��y sa�e.
<br /> , ro�m.s�i)td srao .
<br /> .. . . . P1p�6oi6 � .�. � � .
<br /> 5 ' .
<br /> - • .. . � • . ., `
<br />