� �.,., ....,, .:,,• __ �- �---- � - - - _ -
<br /> -R.�.� ` I � ':� � i{�. 1911MI�
<br /> ..
<br /> . .
<br /> ,� � ;
<br /> �-� ����� ,
<br /> �wyiiKnt� ntay �v�ionQrr�re reyuirtd. at tht npllon a4'Lender,if n�n�tgagn insuraixe cuveragc po�th�anxiunt iusJ for tha p�rinJ
<br /> t�e I.aKkr raquiree)pmvicied hy�n in9urcr approval by I.encfer Rg�in beeamr��vailabls anci is obtdn�xl. Bc�rrower shall pey
<br /> tt�e premium+roquirul ta m�int�in nx�rtgNgo incurnnre in effect, i�r ta providt a�osy res�rve.ur.til th�rryaQrcment for rnnngage
<br /> insuranoe ads ie�coard��C w{th u►y writtrn agrament betwoen Borrower rnd i.etrler or applicabl�law.
<br /> 9. l�tloa.I.cnder or its�gtnt may nu�6ce rc.a5onable rntria9 upon en�inspecdcns of the Pn�perty. Lender slnrJ!give
<br /> Horrower n�tke et the timc utor prio�to en inspaKian spe�;ilying reasnrW�le cw�e for tho inspection.
<br /> 1�. Cordaar�tba,Tln pr�neads of nny xw�rd or d�im for damrgss,diroct or con.�equen;ial, in auu�e�.Kion with any
<br /> cornkmnation or other t�king aP any,put of the Proprrty, or far conveyance in lieu af r.ondsm►u►tion,are hereby wigndl at�l
<br /> shdl be p�d ta Ler�der.
<br /> In thc eve�ut oB e tnal taking of the Property,►he proceeds stWl bc a�ptia!to thc sur.�s sccured by this Socuri�y lnstrument,
<br /> Khc�her or not th�n due,w�!!�any txsx�p�iJ to Aorrower.In the evcnt of a putial tating of thc Pmperty In whkh the faic
<br /> rtwkG value of the Prope�y imrnediately,beforc the taking is oqual�o or grcater than the sunount of the surna securod by this
<br />' Sacurity 1nt�trumeM immcdiately before the is�cing,unless Borrower and l.crtider otherwise agne in writing. the sutns secured by
<br /> this Socurity Znsuument shs�ll be reduad by �he ankwnt of tho p�rocaods multiplic�! hy the followinA fraction: ts) the toul
<br /> nttxxmt of the sum4 socured Immcdiatdy before the taking,dividod by (b) �he fiir muket v�lue af the Property imimediuely
<br /> btfore the talciqg, Any bAlance slull be poid ta Bomower. fn ti�c evuu of a parti�l taking of the Pronetty in which tbe fait
<br /> nuuiu�value of t4e Pro�xrty imRntdit+tely beCae the tsking is less th�tt the aoxwr3 of tl�e sums�eturod imnwdi�tdy before tbo
<br /> taking,unkss llorrawer u�d Lertiier othrrwice rp,nx�n wri��ng n��n��s e�p!�!•�•�•,o��'s�F�vid�,!.he�!s a��..��
<br /> �e a�lied to/he su�nc s�xural by this Security Instn}ment whdt�er or not the sunn�re t}ien due.
<br /> If the Propnty is abu�cioned by Bormwer,or if.after notice by I.ender w&xrc4wtr th�t the condemnor offers to mrk�e an
<br /> Awr�d or settle�claim tor dunages. Borrawer fiuls to rospond to I.enckr within 30 dnys aftcr�be date thr,noticx is givea,
<br /> L.en�lex is authorixo�d w odloct ud ipply tl�e proceeds,at its option,ather to�sWntion or i�epir of the Properry a W the auiaas
<br /> socurod by this Securily Irutiument,whstFxr ar not then due.
<br /> ' • Unless i.ee�der aM 8orrower otherwise agt�a in writin8. any �Iic�Hon of prooee►�fa to prit�cipat shal! rat eata�d a
<br /> �pr<<�,a�oae thc due date of the nwr.tfilY PsYma�ts ref�rttd t�►in paragrt�.� 1 ard 2 or change the�nount of auch�ya�dx,i. �
<br /> Il. Bo�rower Not ReM�ied;�'or6e�t�atsee By 1.a�dRr Not a V1;►uiver. 13�cteneion o[the time for payroait ar modificuion
<br /> of annortin[ic,n of the surtq,yecw,ed by this Security Instnip�ent Arx�cl�by Iaa�der to any suocasor in inteKat oP Hor�w�a�11
<br /> not operate to crka�c the li�bility of the origituil Borrower or Barrowor'a suooe.ssors in intc�+est.Lender s�hsll nat be royui[od ta
<br /> �p(tlOOtdiDRS i1RllIIit EI�Y 6uioCSSDt in inte[iGSt OI't�tfu.4C to eztettd'tirtr fnr#sw.-,Yrw�n!nr tiMrvui�w mnd;f��,,,_e.r,er:�:.�
<br /> of tfie sume eoairod by this Sxurity ir�ument by �asnn uf my demand rnade•�iy t!� odgina� Borrower or Bocro�rer`s
<br /> suoaaeors in inta�eat, My fo�bearu�c�e hy.L.ender in exercising any rig�t or remedy sb11 not he a waiver of or proclude the "
<br /> e,xa+ci�of any right or iemedy. ' ' �.�:��, ,
<br /> 12. Sraarore and As1pr Bo�wd; ���qiat �ud Sever�l i.iA�aiN�;�� C.o-�s� Tl�e�covaiwr,'is an� agreecna,ts d'�hie ..
<br /> 5ecurity In�tnm�rnt st�all biM au�d be�fit�ihe sucxxsso,cti.and atigr�§�of L,uid�er aaci Bornower. snbJax to th�.pavisiomi of
<br /> }�pr�gnph 17. Borro�vu'6 OOVEflf11�S and agreema�ts whnt� be jofnt;md sevend. Any Barnower wiao co-si�nY;tlw Secwiry
<br /> inravmmt but daea not exe�axe the Note: (a)is casi�ii►�g thls Se�Vr'raty Irntru�u only to mong�e. �ran[.apd canvry q�t
<br /> Scxr�or►�er's i�c.�#in the Property under the terms of this Security��n5t tymcnt: (b)is not per�au�lly oWitsted to pey t6e:�bi,,,
<br /> suvral by dii�Siowrity Inst=nroent,und(c)�grrxs tF►ot Lencler and uij��ptti�r Hoiro�rCr cniy agroe w rait�eud,r�iod�ify,foebe�:�.�n.`
<br /> ttuke+my�noortrnad�tiau wi�h reprd W the tern�s of thia Security Tnatnuna�t or t��e'l�iote without thtt Harawer's ooaeent.
<br /> 13. l,o�CINr�es.I[��lhe��n securud by this Security Insuuma�t ia subject;(o'a kw wbicti�ets mrxinrna�lan c#►fr�ea�
<br /> • . a�d tfrt laM is fi�liy i�sieEod�o th�t Me intereat or otlku lo�n char�es collocted ar to be colketed fa oonnaxion a.ith tbe
<br /> lain ex000d thc pamitte�d limin, thm: (:�::eny such loan charga sh�lt b;e.rpduaod by the air�ount r�as�ry to roducc tha cMr�
<br /> tti the pamiaed fimit;and(b)�ny sams ai�:C�Y rnllocted finm Bai+�w:isk which excoe�ed giennitGal limid rvi!!be rdandod tn.
<br /> . Boeinwa. irader mey cF�wee to make this nefund by:?pduciag the prfncipr�i owed under the Notr a by mntim� a dirax
<br /> paymeat to Bamw�a. lf w Rfwd reduoss pria+ci�l.•.;the rodudion will bc trexted aa A K witAONt Ytl
<br /> P�'�Y�d�va undri tbe Note. P�*� p'�P�►Y� 7
<br /> U.lWHca.�►ay naice to Homnwe�,previded for in this Secui�t},.;�intnunem sJ�il be�iven by deJiver[u�it oc by miili��.,
<br /> it by lint dsss mil udaa spplic�ble law toquites use of another nrdtf����.Tbe notiia shadl be di�+ectad rn the�ertr Add�inas
<br /> or any other addresis Harowa daignwes by rwt�ae to I,adec. Arry'r�aice to [,+�der shall be biven by firu dasc mri� `W
<br /> [,en�kr's addreas stited krein nr my od�e,r addreu ircm:tet desigtutes by notioe ta��iurrower.My nutia;provided foc io thu
<br /> Savriry In�trum�nt ahait be+doar�ed to luee been given io Borrower or L,ender what glven as provided in thin pangr�ph.
<br /> �5.Gorer� I.aa; ger�bWg. 'Iliis Security Tnttw�a�t ��II be goveamod by feder�l law aad the Iaw of tk�e
<br /> . juriadiction in which th�Propaty ic lornted. In th,e event th�t any pQOv;sion�r claue of this 5ecurity Instrument a the t�ij�a
<br /> ca+flins with applicable l�x,.suc�ocxxflict sl�ll rat af[act other pmvyi�rm of this Seruriry ineuuma�t or thc�N�te which can!ie
<br />_ givsn effect widaut�he conflicting p�ovisiun.1'o thls exxl the provision3 of this Securiry I�tcument and thc N�tt an ciocla�d
<br /> to tx sevec,�bk. .
<br />= 1f•Bn�ror►er's ropy H�mnwer shall be given one confomrxx{u�e;y of thG Note an�i of this Security tnstn:n�nt.
<br />_ . ' Far�30M lu9a
<br /> aa.�s�e '
<br />