.e. _ , :". . . . • - - .- .t. e•G�:-.
<br /> •v:• '. ,x -�;Y - ` . _ - - - '-�'-._-
<br /> :�i� .. . - - • • . . ` - . . ._. -. -- —
<br /> -_- — - . - - _- �-- ... _ J -
<br /> _ �... . •`:- • + � < '� - � � . . � - � � � � - .� � - ' _ ' . ' .
<br /> ' --- '"-�� _,J . .. � - ` - � . .�r .
<br /> , � � � `� � _ �. _ . , , . . ` . ;g�;; �io�s9� -
<br /> . p�y�aee�.�.ie iefeaod ta�P�ra�ch�tbe��s���►Y�- �9��P�over.n
<br /> re�cirod�all�a iede unda tbe No�e�ed this Secwtty lamu�arot sh�ii be p�id to�e enity .
<br /> �� Fets.Leedet tnsY�foes aad ch�rges wttw�imcl 6y dfe SeceetuY• ' � .
<br /> !. G�wt�i fee Aa�deratia o�Dt6t. ����T�in the,case.af paymerit defwlu,
<br /> fs)Deh�it. I.ender maY•e?ccept u limited bY nBW�ians. , <
<br /> requiti�paymeat ta'fuU of all s�ms secured by this S�cuntY Insuunaent�f- ������ .
<br /> � (�8o�oqirc��e�#ulis 4�faiti�8 to i�ag-bt full aag monthlY P�Y��bY
<br /> • .W ar oh t1►e due�eattie n�xt montbly PaY�+°�
<br /> , ;�- Cuj� �t �Y fy7ing,far a periad of thaty dsys,to perform an�othet o��gatio�s coonined in this .
<br /> ' . (b)Sde W(tlMd Cre�it APOroval. Lender sh�p,if pecmiued 6y applics6le Iaw and witb t6e picx appovat of t6�
<br /> •� �a�y,��P�Y�irr full of ail the stans secufed try this Soc�uiry L�socument if: .
<br /> - (i)1►1!as pio�i o[t1�e Ftope�ty.ot�a beneficial mutest ia a tcust owning�it ar p�t of tht P�operty.is sold or
<br /> ' ot�awise tr�sfemd tadxr ihan by devise ar des�t)bY the 8mmwcr.and
<br /> � ('uj TIr Property is not axupied bY�P��a 8��s his a her principa!nsidencc.a the p�sa
<br /> ' or does so ocxupy the Ptaperty 6at his or her ciedit has mt been appcaved in �c.condarxe
<br /> - ,:-- - --__-� _ - - . , . - -
<br /> - _ tijeieqaiiemerAsof�theS�cretary. --- - =
<br /> _(c)Ns Wd�er. U crt�c�u�taaces occar tbat vrauld pennit i.erder w requ�e irtanediue payment in full.but l.ender
<br />- daes not toquire auch�ptyments,Lender does s�ot waive its rig6ts with iespect to sub§eqoent events.
<br /> (a)�d pUp Secretary. In mu►y c�r:wast�nces tegutations issval by the Secntary wiU inidt l.erxlec's
<br />_—- rigMs.id the case of Q�ty�runt defaults,tu�i imrt�-diate payment jn fu11 and faxlose if not paid. '7his.
<br /> - : Security Iastrament does�at authorize accekration�os fo�eclosure if not pemuued hy zegulatioas of the SocRtar�r.
<br /> _-_ (e)Mortp�e Nat Lsared. Bortowex ag�ees thu shouW tbis Sccurity Insuumeat and We note socured tlsaeby not
<br /> - - - be e�igble fa iawrance w�der the Natiaial Hau�g Act witlun � 8 t0At13s fram t6t
<br /> __ � dste 6eKOf.Lender may.at its aQtioa sud notwitbs�din8.-�nything in Faragnrph 9�quira iuunediate payrnent�in
<br /> - fuU of�1t s�uns secutrd by this Secutiry Insoromen� A written staurttent of any aWhosiud agrnt af tha Soccstuy ' ,
<br /> ' dated subsequent w 8 111o11ths. from the dau be�eof.declining w insime this Secun'ty
<br /> � .. Insutunent�d the�tc scc�tt+ed theneby.shall be deeined waclusive praof of sucb iaelig�'bllity. Notwithstanding , �
<br /> the faregoing,this option�ay not be execcised by Lcnder when the�navaila6ility of insurance is soTeSy due to ' _-_-
<br /> ' Lenderk faiture to tanit a mortgagc insuranc�premium to the Secretary. -_
<br /> '� - IO Reiasf�ltemeat� Bonnwer has a right to be seinstated if Lxader 6as�quned immediata Payma�t ia fuil because ------
<br /> �• o f H o r r o w a�s f a i'l u r e w p a y an amount due�mder the•Note or this Security Instrumen� This right appl�es even after ��._�_�.
<br /> foreclosu�e p�ooeediags are mstituted. Tb ieinstate the Security instmment,Borrower shal! tender in a lamp sum a l f --_-
<br /> amounts tequiRd to bring Boimwer§acco�nt aurtent iacluding,w the extent they aR obligations of Borrower wider this --
<br /> S o c u r i t y Insaumen�foreclosure costs and reasonabte and customary attomeys'fees and expenses property associated with
<br /> the faectoswce procading. Upon neinstatement b Horrower.this Securiry Instrume�et and the obligaGons that it secures _ -- _-
<br /> shaU remain in effect as if Lender had not�imrtKdiate payrt�ent in full. Howe�r.l..ender is not requirec!ta�emut ���'
<br /> ,i. ninstatement i� (i)[.ender it�s accepted minstatement after the commencemeric�rfforeelasure proceedings.withu�two ���.
<br /> � years immediately preceding the commeacemeru of a current forcclosura�moQeding, tii) ninstatement wrll pcecl�de ��:
<br /> � � �:� fo�loseue on differcnt grounds in the future.or(iii)rcinstatement�n'4t a,fi:ersely affect•ehe priority of thc lien crcated by "`�,.__-_
<br /> tEns Security iastrumcm. . �-v.
<br /> 11. Borrawer Not Rekased; Forbearance 6y Lender Nat a wa�ve�: Eztension of the time of payment or `�:F 1s`'�
<br /> � e:
<br /> � �r �� _ madification of amortization of the sums secund by this Securiry Instrumei�t grarrted 1�y l.ender to any successor in interest �:��=�;-.::=.
<br /> af Horrower s6afil not operate to release ihe liability of the original Boaouer or Borrower's successar m interesL l.ender •" �
<br /> > afiI
<br /> `� ahall not be reqer�r�d to commence proceedings aga�nst any successor in i::terect or refiue to eatend time fot pa nt or :,.:,�;-���.;,,
<br /> � otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by thts Sectirity lnstrument by�eason of any demand�y t1�e ',_ r'.'=•"�_'
<br /> - - ;y' original Barrower arBonawer's successan.•in interesl. Any forbearance by Lender in exercismg any tight or remedy shall , :_:�. .
<br /> . . _' noE be a waiver of or prectudedie eaereise of any tight or remedY• =:;;ht�;;;;:'..;.
<br /> . 12. Succes.sors and Assigna Bound;loint and Several Liab111ty;Co-Signers. The cavenants and agreementg of ��..��,�7.f,�--�-
<br /> . y'� this Security lnswment s�halt bind and be�e'"nt the successors and assi�ns of Lendcr and Bortower,sabject ta the provisions
<br />.� r;':. of Paragraph 9b. Borroe�ess coven�a�rs;�^,��:agrecments�hall be�om� and several. Any Borrov�er who co-signs this • _
<br /> .c � Security Inmument 6ut does not execute���'�'ote: (a)is casigning this Security Instrument anly�o mortgage.grant and . .i _:
<br /> �.+�svey that Horrower's intect�sx�:.h thc Property under the r,�ms of this Security Instttcme�cr(b)is not persorra0y o6ligated ta ,'',-�_
<br /> ,. '{���tl�e sums sccured by�tiis 5ecurity InStnrmen�an d�cz.i�rees t hat l.en der an d smy�t her Borrower'ma y a g r e e ta�ctend. %__3^�_
<br /> " ` Ttsod�fy.forbear or make any accommodatians with rcga.�3.r•�the tertns of thiy Secunry fnstrument or the Note K�at ihat � ___
<br /> '. ���:�.,,� ''- Bo�rower�consent. •"'�~�l��
<br /> ' - ; 13. Notiees. Any notice ro 8artower pravided for in this Scc�rity tnttrument chall be givcn by delivering it or by
<br />- . � mailing lt by first class mail uoless applirable !aw requircv use of anather methocl. The notice shall be direeted to the .
<br /> • • - ptoperty Addres�4 or any other address 8onower designates by nrnice ta l.ender. An}notice to Lender shall be given by ' , ,
<br /> � r - firs�class mail ta l.endcr�addres�;statcd herein or any addres�Lender dcsignates b�r nolice ta Borrawer. Any notice •��•�••.
<br />� -f��Yf.�r:. provided far in this Security Instrumcnt tihall be deemed to havc bccn given to BarrQ:ti�F ar Lender when given as pravided �;,3;'i���:.
<br /> { ..d,:,tSF����: : in this patagraph. - — �
<br /> '�;��- !4. Coveeninp�I.aw.5everability. This Security Inrtrumrm shaii hc govcmed hy f�ederat taw and thc law c�f the --
<br /> . ' 1� jurisdlctian in whirh the P'roperty ia located. ln the event�hat any pravisi�n�r clause�f thiy Security In�trument ar the
<br /> � '�*`•+°' Note conflletw with applieabto law.sunc�onflict shall not s�ffect uther proti•isic�n��t thic Security Qmtrument ur the Note ,
<br /> � �'� t=�,r;, =�: . whieh ean be given effeet witlwuf the conflicting pro���ion. Ta this ettd thc pcc�chi�n���f thi�5er�uity Imtrument and�he •
<br /> �-y=_�'s'�'�< Notc are declared ta be+evc7abtc. .
<br /> ��"�'�'��'�' lS. 8arrowcr`a Cnpy. Borum•er�hall bc givcn anc canfamud capy�Cthis Scrurity Invtrumcnt.
<br /> . �'.'i'�::;r
<br /> c . �,.,� .16. Assignment dRents. Bonower uncc�nditinnally.�titii�•n.:md tr.�i.fer+to Lendcr atl thc rcros und revenueti oi'thc
<br /> , .f y . *�'-��� property. Hortower nuthorii.ev l.ender nr l.ender�a�:ents tn collrct thr rent�unc#rrvenues und herehy directs rarh trnant of
<br /> _,�:;_�..:.�:'.': ., the Ptapetry to pny thc rcMs to Ltndcr��r lxnder�agent�. Na�vevcr,priar to i.��►d�rx n��tic�to Horro«•cr�i$nrrnwcr's .
<br /> • � breach af nny c�vcnant ur a�ement in�fir 5ccurity In�trumem.Einrrawcr�halt caltc�ct:uid reecive all rent�t�nd ravenues of ' ,,
<br /> � �.�.�."�``�, .' ' the PropeAy�r trustee fur Ihr t+encfi�ai'Lrndrr and H�+rc��wer. 'fhi.a��ignment ul'rentti am�titutes an ah�olutc asvignmcnt �
<br />. . .�_�:�i y.i�..-� .
<br /> - _ - _ __ _ __ s�nd aot an asslgnment fi�r zi�tdili�nai seraritv only. _ .
<br /> _,�. 1(l.endrr gives na�ice of brcach tn F3�muwrr: (ar.+II rcnt�reccived by�oao�vcr�h�11 t+c het�l hy Bnrroµer ac ttustec �
<br /> ' � • � for benefie of Lendrr unly,t�+he applird tv thr swns.rcured I+y�he Srrurity fn�trumcnl:tbf LcnQct shall be entitted to �
<br /> • -- �� - "�i� -� c[itteet'and reccive afl�f thc r�nts nf the E'r���ktty::ntd Ic►each tenanl of thr(k��{+rrty.h:�l!{+:�y ull rentt duc ancl unpald tn ,_.
<br /> •_ � " Lender ar Lender's agent�n Lender�«riuen dem:usd a�the trn;mt. � i
<br /> .�..'' . . .,:' Sonower has not exccuted m�y prior astii�nment of the rcnt�and hav na1 anJ�vill nut perfarnti:+ny act that wvuld E - .
<br />' prevent Lender from Exrrcisin�i1c ngh�c under thi�f1ar,�s:raph 16. ,
<br /> • •� .� Leader�haU nut he reyuire�i tv enter u�»>,tc►i�e cumn�l af ur maitdain�he Prnprny txrfare e�r�f'tet giving n�ticr��f �
<br /> • brr�,Kh tu Burtawer. {iuwever.Lcnder ur a jud�:ialiy appointcd recri�•cr may d�+su ut any timr therc i�a hr�arb. An} i ,
<br /> ,' •-- � applicatinn�sf rents sha11 noe cure or waivc any drtault ur invulidate upy Edhcr ri�ht ar rr�ncdy��f L.cnder. 'it�is:lisirnmcnt t •
<br /> ...,. ' ----,,�. --�. : . . �r€teats�tke t'mgrt�g x}►a}!temiin7te tvh=n the�lebt sectued b�thr Secutit•Itt�trutncnt i. .►id in full. . .
<br /> -- ,-.__ . - -y - °� t-s-.-- �-
<br /> � . �
<br /> , ,-�, .
<br />, ' • • � . 1��.,2e ti�1�V,i.�u
<br /> . .�, ' , �
<br /> .. �. . � -
<br /> �.. .. . •-'_.
<br /> �
<br /> � , ,u' .:�_..�. '
<br />