_-- ` , •< _ � -��'< - � —. _' _ . - -. _ ' .?T•_'��a��.�-
<br /> �• . ' �{ . ' . . ._ . _ ".
<br /> ' , 4 ' �Z-x -':+._ .. - ' '� -. '____-
<br /> = . ' ;�y; �� _ ` �_ ._ � . .... . .,o
<br /> -_ �.. ;. - `.:'s `_1_ ,_;`: ... . �. �. , .. � . ' - _ .. . ' ,
<br /> _a.:, .::a. _ .. � , - � _ • _
<br /> - --- - -- _ , < . .�.
<br /> , � � � _ , . . .. : , � . . g�.:. _�:o�s9��
<br /> � 1�iee+eM..�l.�e(.'Wr� Bc,rro.uer s1�.0 pay w6eu mc the piecipd af,aea io�at oa
<br /> , , iedebt i�d ac�edb�y�Poe�and�ieclur=esdueauder�cNok. ` �
<br /> Y
<br /> . � �, M�Y!�q�lats�?'flrta.i�wra�oe�i Olrer C�. Hc+R�a s6�U incluAe in e�ch p�Y P�
<br /> � 1t�ePoet�h d�e priactp�l aad�at sdt foAh in tl�Ndt�oiany���le�a�trjes.an�mtallment d a�r(s)tues�d
<br /> �pec�i a�eab ievied or w 6e le�rjed a�aimt the Ptopaty.tb) ,kasel�old PaYa�enCS oc�trats at d�e Plop�eity.�od
<br /> tc)Pemi�s ta iawaa�e�ired bY Plr�pap6 4• . .
<br /> �h�e1�1y�nenc far i�;ms(a3.@)aod tc)st�U equ�i,oac-tw�ditl��oE�he anowt rnopnts.as tea000�bty �
<br /> �ead by Lmder,pWs an aiaoWt suf�ci�eat to an�in�a an ad�!b�i�oo�ot not moae dan me�siitL of tbe _ ._
<br /> w�ed aeno�p�s. The full am��!amouot fa��I f�oid�e ama�col�bcyed in�p i�(��),@)�d �
<br /> moatlt lnfcre io itaR�rou{�6ccame delmquent. �,
<br /> ' (c)befae tbey becaae deWiquent. held by l.�jda for itans ts),(b)snd tc). �rith d�e fiture moolbly ` �
<br /> . if at a�y nme tbe wtal of d�e p.ya�ts ,a�e�mo�e ae�n oaasutM tbe •
<br /> p�y�e�for wc6 i�ems p�ysbie w l.ender priar to:ihe due d�es d sacb i�ert�s. aa tbe Nofe a�e cueeent,t�n L,ender
<br /> • a�ted amount of P�Ymaus�equaoe-sixth of ihe�P�Y�s �q''�"
<br /> e6�II eitber tefued�he exeas ova ac the euxu ova aae-siuth af�be estim�0ed "
<br /> p�y�pents 10 ao6sequeat P�Yma�s 6Y.Bartow�e�,at t�e optian of Boa�awer. If the W W of t6a paymats aad�e bY Hon�dr
<br /> - iai�t(�?.(b):a(c)is inwffict�t topay tbe item whea due.tUen Farsower slnll py W I.ender aty amoaot�cesttie�►1�
<br /> nt�e�ieacY aa ar befa[e the date tbe item 6xomes due. of srd tJfi�DevelopmaM —� - _
<br /> _. - .,''':�,� :As used'm tWs Sxunty Imuumeni."Sa.let�ry"m�es thc Soctea�► Housitg ar hit ar ba .
<br /> = -- . ��;�des�tgpx In�ny ye�m which the�.end�r must psy�►nwrt$age i�x P�n�mn to t6e Seczetacy.acb maMhly F�Y�
<br /> --- � �Il�also include either: (i)an ins�llnrent of tLe oonwi tnartgage insu�ance pemium to be paid 1ry[,ender w tbe . ..
<br />-= ,:;;: ,Sa�y.at(ii)s malth1Y cb�ge inswd of a mo�tgage�pnernium if this Security Ir�ent is held by tAe
<br /> -_ _ - �ip,y3t. Fach m�rWy utdpiLoed of tbe mortg�e instaaace p�emiam shat}be in�u smouot s�'icia�t�n�d�e �.
<br /> - — :fu)1:imwl matg�e ins�uaace p�emiun►with i�ender oae month prior to the date the fnU amwl
<br /> _ : ::':�miwR is doe wthe Secoetary:or if fhis Serwiry butnrmenE is b�W b�►tbe Sa�MacY.e�ch manthty ef�e sbaU 6e in an . .
<br /> �'-�:�:r-�:: balance due oa tbe No�e.
<br /> ,-c,.:,x abount'�qual to ano-twellih of aoai�lf petcent of t6e oo�n8 p� �
<br />- - ..`;:If•�dciawer�e�as to Lender�he tull�e►y�qait of,all sums soca�M bY.this Securiry LW�amant.B°nu�'Q�s s�xount
<br /> :.'�thtti b4 crodited wid�d�e bxtance nmaining fa aq in�fa i�m ta?.t6)ana(e)aud�nY�E��
<br />- :r,�;';'.premami u�saltaxnt U�at tender nzc not necome obligarea[o pay to the sec�etuy.ard Lenaer sh�n promrtIy�er,wa any
<br /> __ ,;c.txcess fw�ds to Bar�ower Immediately pria to a faeciosur+e sak of the Aoperty a its acquisipon by l�e[de�Barnwa'a
<br /> r':�xcatmt ahall be cRdited with any 6�lance cemaining"for alt installmeau for itans(a).(b)a�(c1-. .. . _
<br /> ' �A.;: ?� 3. A�pltiatloo d gyine�b. All payments w�der P�ragrapl►s 1 and 2 s6all be applied Iry Lender�follows:
<br /> .,:z;:..:•_` . �to tbe matgage inwrdace premium to be paid by Lender to the Seczetary or to the monthly charge by tbe •
<br /> ` - � Soc�et�y i�tead of the monthly motigage insa�re premsum;
<br /> .�'�'"' �jQ,to any tases.special assessmeat�.teasd�old paymentv or ground rents.and fue t2ood and artLer hazud
<br /> . . insmana pmniwns.asrequind: .
<br /> _: - �,Q,to intetest due under the Note: _ . .
<br /> �$]�,to anwrt'vation of the principal of the Not�
<br /> . � �,to late chacges due�a�der the Note.
<br /> - • - 4�Fba1 ssd Ot6er Hszud Imuneca Ba[mwet sfiall insure aA impmvements an the Prope�ty.whettkr now
<br /> ',.;� _ .. in e�as�ence or suhseqaently eruted.against any hazands.casnaiue.s,and contingencies.including fuie,for w6ich Lendec
<br /> trqu�res u�su�nec. Thts insu_r�nce shall be mainta�ned in tf�e amounts and for the periods that Lender ceq�ues. Bormw'er'' --
<br /> - : . shall aLso insute a11 impiovemrnts on the Praperty.wliether now in eaistence or subsequcmly erected.agair„sli Ioss by tloads �-- =
<br /> t to the eatent nquired by the Seccretazy. All insnrance shall be carried with cumpanies approved by I.cndec-:The insurance .�^�`-
<br /> ' policies and any rettewals shall be held by Lender and shall include Joss payabte cladses in favar c�t,snd "m a form y�� _
<br /> aocePtabk to.l.ender. "''t��
<br /> . In the event af loss,Borrawer s1�aI1 give l.ender immediate natice by mail. Lemder rn.�`,�alce proof of loss if not �:°��.�:
<br /> msde pcamply by Borrower. Eaeb insurance campany concemed is hereby authorized and+�.�ed w+nake paymmt for ;;,,r-R
<br /> such loss dtmtiy to Lender.instead of to Borrower and to Lender jointly. All or any part of the insvrance prxeeds maY 1x
<br /> appfied by I.ender.a1 its option.either la)w the reducflan of the inde6tedness u�9zr the Note and this Sec�uitiy lnstnm�en� ,�,�'���..-�-.-,�-i.
<br /> f i r st to any d e l i n�u t nt amounu app ti e d in t h e o c d e r in P a r a g a p h 3.a n d t h e n t o p r e P a y m e n t a f p r i n c i p a P,o s(b)t o t h e �_
<br /> +' � �estoration or repur of the damaged properry. My application of the procecds to the principal�hall not eatend ar postpone � ^.'�':_'
<br /> -••' ihe due date of the monthlly payments wMch are teferred to in P.uagraph 2.or change the amaunt of sucb paymenta. Any
<br />_ • 'r� eacrss insurance praceeds over an amount required to pay all o��tanding indebtedness under the Note and this Secu*iry �. : ;_
<br /> ' � Mstlument shall be paid to the e�iry[egaliy entnled thereto. ,._,;s _
<br /> � � In the event af farec[osure of this Security Instmment vr other transfer af title to the Pcoperty that ertinguishes the
<br />= indebteMess,all right,ritle and interest of Borrower in and to insurance poliries in force shall pa�s ta the pam.hases. ;' .""' :;{
<br /> • S. Orcupsncy, Pireservatiaa, Mainten�nce and Prdcction ot the Propev/y; Borrower's l.va�Applic�tioe; .,�~:;,-
<br /> . l,ea�el�oWs. Borrower shall accupy.establish,and use the Propeny as Borrower's pnncip�l residence withln sixty days ;�'.`
<br /> after the execution of this Security tnstrument and ahall continue to cetupy.the Property as Borrower's principal rrsidence . •
<br /> for at irast one ytar after the date of occupancy,unless the Secretary dctcnnmes this requucment wiQ cause undue hardship
<br /> � � for Honawer. or unless extenuating circumstanccs cxise which are beyond Burrnwer's control. Botrauer shall notify_' ,
<br /> � �;�;�;- Lende�s of any extenuatins circumstances. Borrowcr shall not comm�t waste or destroy,damage or sutistantially change • .
<br /> +-- thc Property or allow thc Property to deteriorate.reasonabfe wear and tcar excepted. Lendcr rnay mspect�he Praperty if the
<br /> ' "�°-'��? �'��� propaty is vaeant or abandoned or the loan is in defauli. l.ender may take rcationable action to protect and preserve such '•___
<br /> p'� ''" vacartt a abandoned Ptoperty. 8orrower shall also bc in defaWt if Borrawer.during the loan application process,gave
<br /> �� :.� materially faise os inaccurate infarmation or statementti to Lender (or failed to provide Lender with any matrri�t •
<br /> • �rt infortnation)in cortneetion with the toan evidenced hy�he Nate,including,hut not limited to.representatian9 conceming , .
<br /> � �� Borrower's occupancy of the Prape»y s��a principal'residence. If thlc 5ecurity imtrument i�o�a leasehold.8orrower shall
<br /> .,�; cotnply with thc provision�oi the teasc. (f Borrowcr acyuirr�fce titte tn the Vrnperty.thc lcaschold and fee tiQe shall nat ,
<br /> ' be metged untcss Lcnder agrees ro the merger in writing.
<br /> � '�' . 6. Chu�gee to lforrower aed Protectbn of Lender'9 RiPhts in the Property. Borrawcr shall pay all gavemmemal •
<br /> � " ' '''.'' ' ot mtuilcipal char�es,fine9 and impositions that sue no�includcd in Paragraph 2. gormwcr+hall pay�hese nbLgat�ons on
<br /> ��`"'���-=-�=' �'' time dlrectly to the entity which ic owed the payment. li faiture to pay waut�i t�dvcncly aifect l.ettder§intem�t in the
<br /> . . •.�� �.�.�,.,�..L� Pertp recl P P y P S D'y �
<br /> Pro .upon l.ender's uest BoROwer shall rom U�fumi�h ta Lender recei ts evidencin thC�C e�ments.
<br />• � 4 #...�� If Bartawet faits to malce these paymeats or the paymcNs reyuircd by Pur�graph 2.or f�il�:tn perfnrm any othet
<br /> ����..._.
<br /> : . --.�,.:..:-w.::�-��� _wve�ants and a�reements cantairted in this 5ecurity tnstsumrht,c+r there is a tegat pr�ing�t�asy siQnificantly nffect �.__ _:_ .-
<br /> - .. Lender�rights yn the f'tcrperty(�uch up u prnreeding in bankruptcy.fur condemnation.ur ta enfacce taws oc regul;uiuns).
<br /> ' ' � then Lsnder moy do.an d pay w hatever is necesti�►ty tn pr�tect the valuc of thc Vro p c�y w►d LenJer�ri g hts in the praperty. �
<br /> '.-,.;,,, � .;_,.. including p�yment of t�aees.h�:ud insur:u�ce und nther ttem�montioned in�.u��graph�. ;
<br /> �`��...' ' Any sunnunts disbursedby Lendet under this P:ua�ruph ahall become an additivnal Jebt uf gnrcower and t+c ucured
<br /> � =� r= �. • by this Securiry lnstrument. 'ihcsr am�unty shall bcar mterc4t from the datr uf disbursrment.at the Noto ratr.�q�i at thc �
<br /> . ' , ° . • : aptlon of Lenckr,sh�ll6e immediateiy due and payabtr. �* � �
<br /> . •� 9. Condemnatiae. The praceed4 ot:ujy awnrd or ctaim fot damagrv.�iincl ur conseyuential.in c�nne�tion with any • :
<br /> ' �. =`� - '' coademnadon csrather t�lcing af�ny Q:u�nf the Property.vr f�r a,nvey:u�ce in place c+f rundemn�flan.ure hercby a.es��ned � "
<br /> _ � ' � and sha11 be paid ta Lender to the extent nf the full s�mvunt of the indc btrdnrss that temains unp�id undcr the Note�nd thiw _ � .
<br /> _--_ - .- Sec�trityftsttaQnent. t.endershaffappiyStA�ttIIOCCL°ljS{�TI��Cfi'i�F1�C�lOiitl��l�lfi(�CZiEf(IRC5S3fiiiS�'f=�i:.e'+:c�t��cuish's�5�:ssretX- . �——.-._,
<br /> ' Instrumetu.fust to any delinyuent amounts applied in the onirr pru�idcd in Par.�f;r.�ph ;. :uid thcn to arrpaymcnt of ;
<br /> • ' � -� � ptincipal. Any applicadan of the prarced4 to the princip� sh:�fl r+ul exteri�crr postpemc thc du� datr�f Ihe month{y ;.
<br /> . !
<br /> - --��. ... . .?� --- - - . __ _ . _ - (���2rfA�WRn� - - - _ _ . :} �
<br /> . Cy.. �
<br /> a. {y..
<br /> _ . i
<br /> .'i'^^ - . .----.. .. -- _ . -.. . _ . _._ ,. - --..
<br />