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<br /> rey!�unt4 mny rx►t�;iiKCr tx;r�r)uirr,.l,a:;ti�:��ptir��uf(t�xfCr, if i�k+rlguKc iit5ura�icc cnceragc(i�i tho ai�k�u��t a��d fur th��zriu:l .�
<br /> thrt l.etukr requf.:T:fl�[t�VI(Inct hy�n ineurer��,��rvod 1�y [x�xler agein beeonxs availahle anJ tfi obtAiixcl. Ss�rn��er shxil pay �
<br /> thr.prcmium�roqp�Red to nnwil�u�in muriy�wgc inxusirrw�e in cffxt.�r to provide a I�as�rcserve,until thc requiremrnt for martgsRe
<br /> inrutu�ce atKlr in��anlucx:o���Sti►w��y wrluen�Y��rscnent txlwxn Sur�uvvcr and Lcnder or appllcAble law. i
<br /> !. IMSpreti�Mr,l,endv oa 91p eRcnt r.►ry nu�lce rca�nn�ble anttia upon u�d in�pecliom of ihe Propeny, Lcncier sball qivo '
<br /> ;,�„�,.�:�:�:'<:�.:���'::.^.!f-:uf ar pr.��r tn r�n in;�rhrt�nn K�Ifviii��rasorwbin cuuse fur Iha iaspecdun. , -
<br /> 1�. C�n�tioN. 7'ho pmcaerl�Qf anY uw�ud ar c��im for d�es, dirrM or cansoquenti�l, in conrx�ctian with uey '
<br /> �rr�ciemrxadon Ur;:�fie�:r t�kiun,of any purt nf ihs t�ropeny.or for canveyance in llcu of co�wf.emnAt�u:�,are hereby assign�and �
<br /> ah�t!be pnld w L,utarkr. �
<br /> In the evu�r.of w tntal tpkln};af tl�o Pmperty��hc procaxl�+sh�f�be aPP��od�p ohe 4ums sxurod by this Secur!ty Instrument. �
<br /> whethcr ur nme then duc, witb srny cxcess paid tcs.8orrower. In tfie event of a panis�t uking of the Property in Vvhich the fdr '
<br /> markct valwr.r�f,ti-.�ixrozrrty�lmmedietely bef�rr.:kt�e takirsg Is equal to ur pereater thar tt�arnount of the sumn securod by thia
<br /> Securiry Iru�t:!uanr.n�t immodlntoly tkforo the takiug«unlesa Borrower and Lender ocF�erwiae agroe in writing.the sums eecured by
<br /> this Security.�i�.�hvment shnll l►e rc�uad by tt�amount of the �rocoeds multiplial by tht following f�ction: (�) the total
<br /> �nxwnt of t�,r sunns sccurcuL inunr�liately t3cfore Che taking. dxvided by (b) the fafr muket value of the Property imrnodiateiy
<br /> befdre tiu uiha�g. Any balnnr.c shell bc�.��id to finrrower. In the evrnt uf a parti�l ukiug of the Proptrty in which the fair
<br /> mwrQet vdwt-oF�he Pr+o{xrtp;itnmediatcly before�;ho l�king is le�us thm tF�amcwnt af tho sum.�eocured imn�adiuely bGfore the
<br /> uking, unl��.g�lorrower�uxiilu:ndcr�therwisc agiee in W;�sir.�o.unlesa�pplicablc law otherwiae prnvide�,the pra�eeds eh�ll
<br /> Ix applied G:�t�.sum.e sec�urocl�t►y ii�is Socuriiy Iur)3i�ir►aw w;,ei`��G.'nat rh:.:.�u:^s;,r�t�s:sl�.
<br /> If the�k''roperty is at►�triuncd by Borrowcr.att if,ARr.�ntin+hy I..endtr to Borrower that the cwxkmnor o�'en ta m�ice an
<br /> �ward or�;�tM1r.a cl�im i'on dnmagcs, Borrowcr Y,sils to respond to Lender withln 30 days afttr the d�te the notia is given,
<br /> Ler�r is uir�rizrd to collnct and appty tha proc;aais,�t its option,either u�restonteon or repair of tho Properiy or to 1he suras
<br /> socurai by�1�n4 Ser.urity inAlttu»ant.whethzr ar nrat then due.
<br /> Unles�F�ard�:r and �2nrmwer otherwlse a�nx in vv�iting, sny a�splication of gra�eds to principal etwll �xx extend ar
<br /> postpone th�rdar;duoe of Q�a m�nthly paymencs re�'erred to in pxrngraphs 1 ud 2 c�r d►�nge the att�ouM of aud� pyn�rnts. �
<br /> !1.�cirruner NM Rrtleaaed;For6a�nnoe.�y Leuda'Not a W�ivec.8xtuuion of the time for payman or modifiation
<br /> of atno�tizatii:mi of the sums.axurcd by this Socu.rity Iristtument granted by Lender to any suoosssor in intuat of Borrowu sh�l1
<br /> not operace,r,�rc��Nt tha l�Abillty of the originat�orrowu or Bomower's suoocssors in interest. I.ender slull not be required to
<br /> oommena�n,,a;adings af•,�ihe��.nny suocessor in unteresc or r�fuse to oxtend time f�r�snYr}�ent or otherwise madify�asortization
<br /> oF � sw�t� sec�e� oy iuis�ecuriiy I�ii��F;�x L� :�.; af c.^.;�.^�!�e §y !L �r�aPn�1 Ancmw�.r nr Bonower's
<br /> succ�son;i:r�irottrest. Any.fc►rbearanee by LernTi',r in aaercixinE any right ar rernedy shall not be a w�tiver af or ptxlwk the
<br /> eaercise of�ar.{y riaht or er��taiy. �:
<br /> 12.S�nmf.eors am1��A,� �ou�i•��►��+Y a�•� �,rerat I.[�bil�t�Co-�.The oovx�w�tc �nd agroemrnts of thia
<br /> Security InM�moo�ent shall t!�►x���KUd benefit the:a�coessc+is and�ssigns of L,ender uad�orrower. subject to tLe pcoviaions of
<br /> pnragrnph 17:..•�Jorrower'A'ti�rs;�nants w�d ngrv�*ir.r�� uhn11 he joint and sevual. My Bornnwer who co-aip�s tl►is Sxurity
<br /> Ir�wrrent MiG d�oes rot exarutC tho Note: (p) i;,oe-sigeung ihis 5xurity lnawmaet only to moKgsge. g�nt�nd oonvey thut
<br /> Borrower's i�AOa'est in tt►e lilnjkrty nnrler shr..rr.s�rns nf Ihis Sa.�urity Instrumdti; (bD ls not perso�apy oblig�tecl to pay the�
<br /> �ecurod i�y�Gi�►Secvri�y L�xirumcnt;aa�i(e),agr¢ics that�ntlec�d any uther Borrower rtwy wgroe to exten�i,modify.furbair or
<br /> ronkr any ecu�ao�ions witt��regard�to the rur.�s ot Nhiv Sa:urity Ins/rument or the Nae without that Hormwer's conta�t.
<br /> 13.I.�e(.'1�'�ee�.�f�tl+c loan seciired bg��his Sacur•ity�►wtrumeni is subjad to�law whic4 scda muimum lou�cMrga
<br /> md tb�t IxMS,►s fiaally imcrprcted ao tfu�t�thc ii.,•�.et�est dr'�i�.� luon�ges coUecto� a w be ooUeeted in oarmectios with d�c
<br /> loon cxcad'ih��►cnnittod�.lihilts.than:�cfD any�:vch fotu►chargo sh�l I�e:t�lxod by tho atnour�t nECr��ntcY to ndua tl�e ct�a�e
<br /> ' 10 tbe pa►nl�teci�imit;vKf,(U)any sums�ut�Y:aei.;�+volleeted 1'rom�onrou�ar'w�ic1R�.�coafed pecmitt��?.:almita will be refunded to
<br /> Ba�i�owu. Lxai�kr may dl�?�s w nwke chis r;cfund by rcdwci��g ct�e pd�ipal ovicd�w�der the'Natc or by mwkir� a direa
<br /> pryma�t w 4�'tuwer. �f,�i��CAu�d reduas g�:iricipat, tt►e rt�ductiun will be ueAtqJ;aa a paetia! prep�yxtxot withouf any
<br /> pr�epytna�t dk4tge wdtt t�t'e Nae. �
<br /> 14.No�iiues.My nQtion to Hurrawer prov.,`uiad for in this Socurih dratrume�t slull bs gix�ut'bS;,delivexi�g it orby msiliag
<br /> it by first cl�ga�oeil u�tlie��piic�ble law requira use af�notl�er method•'Che ndioe sdall b�d'ire�fed co the Propaty Add�e
<br /> a �r oti����eddxes� B�art�iWer deaign�ta 63�;�otia to Leader. �►ny notia to I�e+�d�r sh�tl be;'given by fi�et cl�ss mail to
<br /> I,t�der's adif�;`r�,y,rtued ht�in nr any uthcr titlydrcss Ltn�lcr,desfgnatac b��notioe to Bortnwer. Any notix pt+o�x¢od for ut thia ,
<br /> Sxuricy LusCi�nt shall lxs Qxmod to hxve b�bn gi��en to Horrower ar�.�ender wlxn given tt proqidod in thi��pqxa$ia�pb.
<br /> 13.G�ivca�nhK E,��w; 5evcc�biUty. 'Ch.i�s SOCUf�[}� TILTtRtn1C111'SIIiII bt $OYCIi101� by FO(1CIA� IAW u�d thc law of:tllc
<br /> , jw iedictiai�l�n.�vhich tfic 1���►ercy is locatal, Cn the event ttwt any proWision ar clause�f this Seciuity Instcumtnt or►hs 1��+t�:,.
<br /> oomflicts wi�uapplic�ble 1Hw,such confl;ct sh�il not affoct cRhcr provisions of this Security Instivment or the Note which caai� , .
<br /> e�ven a!'fax:t�+�'Jaout tf►e c�n�rJafc:ting nrovislor�..To this end the pmvisiont;of this Sci�uriry Instturntnt uid th� Nate are doclrled �
<br /> . W be sevcrai}+ihs.. � .
<br /> 16.B�fm�vcr's Cop,r,IIo�rowcr s1�aU,.E�«g�vott one a�nfom�oa,py of the Notc and of ihis Stcurity Insuun►ad.
<br /> " . Form 302a s1l0
<br /> , � , r.o.�ae , .
<br /> � �
<br /> :� .
<br /> �
<br />