�—.��, �....
<br /> _
<br /> � �-�h,,�..�.�� ��:. .: ��iMl�� . _ _.._ -
<br /> ..•"�1u,Ei+t� �•,�r��
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<br /> 15, �{r1Nrt1 nr A'rn�x^s!y �n�uxanr,r. Rnrm�u�;;� r,h�tll itr{;P thr, ir�iptti7��+:+rtiv+Ue nuw exis�in�s nn c�rrnlir.r r.r^r,te�l on t�►e
<br /> F'ntperty inwural aga{nyl lciss by tirt:, hnx�r�tv incbr�fa�.+• wir'rEn thA tr.riy� "et:tr.�Kla1 a�vr,im�7e" und nny othcr hraz�r�s�s, including
<br /> ilaals ur flixxiin�,R�r which I.endCe��equire�+insvavrxrc. '[i�ie incurarx�e ahnll be nwintalned in thc umouneA u�rl for.thi:perioclx
<br /> ltu�t l.enckr reyuinea. The incur�uxo carcier prv�vuP+.it�t�a in�rurance�II bts choaen 5y&�rrower nubJat Lo l.e:ndr,r's approvkl
<br /> which shall rxK be unreaw�uibly withF;eld. if 8cr,rnwec fails to mainUun en�+era�e deYCribod niH�ve. l.encicr►noy, tit L.ender's
<br /> opHcm,oiyuin�covcrago ta protaK Lender'a right�In tlu;l�rty in accordnrne with prngcaph 7,
<br /> All 4++^nw+�►^��Iie�n rr,!� mn-�vr.l� 9ha1! h�;�r,ce�t•F�1�t� 1!�mtrr nnrl shnfi Inr.larlr n 5fAfIf�QIY� ItlOC[QaaF`f,IFlU�w�. i�n�er ..
<br /> etwil tuive the ri�ht to hald tl�e pulicies�nd rencwqlii.IP/.,eoder requircs,t3t►rmwr.r ehall pmmptly give to T:,encicr aJl tpceipte of
<br /> paid prernium��utd rerKwa!notices. in the event 4E ban.o. Dorrower shnll g94n gmtn�t notice to the insurance canier nnr]Lender.
<br /> L.qnder may mske pmaf of los�if rrat made prc�+t►�M�ly by�urrawer.
<br /> � U�nles�Le�xiec end Aorrower otherwiso ag�c.j�m writing,insurxnca pmtxtedb sh�Jt bc nppli�xl to restorution or reptsir af tht
<br /> Pro�xny dam�geil,if the rastoration pr repair is c�.'ornnroical�y feasiblc and�!►�nder'F securjty ia not Iesscnal.If the ra5taration or
<br /> re�ir ig not ernnomic�ll�feasthle or I�erxter's ser:itri�+woul�I.�e I�SCCnMI,fh�insuranr.e pmr.eexl�shnit bc opplial ta Fhe sums
<br /> securod by this Security Iiutrument. whett�r an r.�tlw:n due, with any cs+t�ss prid ta Borrower. If 8arrower nbazu3nns the
<br /> 1'roperty. or doe.a not answer Within 30 days a rcct3r.c frnm Lendcr thAt tlin ihwrranoe canier has offered to�ettJc a clrum,then
<br /> Lader may collect the insuremc�; pratials. L.Q;nder nv►y use the pma:�An tn.�r.,pdr or crstore ihc Propeny ar �o P�sy sums
<br /> . secuca!by diis Stcuriry lnstnitnent. whethcr or ntN.thr.n due. 'llu;�O�cls�y pri9bQ•wili lf,r.gin when Ihe notice is given.
<br /> � Unless L.eaxkr And Bormwer ctherwese agree ia wridng, any am►lic:�tlon af pmceodN to principal shail nc�l.e»x�end or
<br /> ' postpano the cfue d�of the monthly.�µv�ne�un reFerrcd to in�uagrnphs.li�l 2 ar changc Ihe arnoune af thc peyt(�icnts. If
<br />= � uiid�j�";ij�i�i 21 G`re n�Spaiy ia�n;+{u{�!n.�;�I,ctinW:r,. �urntwcr 8 f�gllQ iU,i�i�y,il�6urruice jx,lici�.�ard pr.-.,�ac:s u:.�ilt;,.g fr�¢;�
<br /> � d�rn�e to the Prorierty prior to thc acqi►isitiort.abnll pags to I.�rder ro t4C cf:t(:rtt erf the fiame Aecurod I�y thi s Securily Iu!s�..iumcnt
<br /> " immedi�teiy�rior to thc acqsisltion. . ' .
<br />'-_z 6.Ua��cy,PrrurvWon�N,CulnRe+t�nu:e�nd Protdctioa af the['m.l���Na�rnwcr's�.00n ApptiptTi�n;Y.�uisb�olde.
<br /> Borrowcr shall oocapy.est�biish,�n�tf u�tha Mn.��nry as Borrowcr's prinnij�}�1+trs�ider�ce wiihin Aiaty daY4;a�th�•the exu;ettion of
<br /> � this Sixvrity lnatn�mcnt iu►d shall ccx�tinue W�xrupy the Propttty as Bnrm�vojt'a princfpal re.vidcnce fot:fs�1ea.gt one yc�r�Rer
<br /> _ tha date uf oaup�r�cy.unless Lcndkr nthsmvi,�;e�rccw in writing. whicli cojt;K:nt slw(1 not be unrcasc�aak�ii.��rithhefd, Qt unlesa
<br /> eatcrtwteng circumstanc4s ezist��w�.ia�►;,a� i�yad Born►wer's control. IMrrower shull nnt d�troy,dfinioge or iuqppiir the
<br />- PropertY, allow the Property ro 1t�t�s�3r.+nro:, or commit wASte on tht Prnpeny. Borrowet s�ell be in default if eny Fcxfi'atnro
<br /> nction or prooeoding, whether civil,'crn criinliutt�is begun ttwt in L�►du'a giwd faith j►ulgment Gould nsu]t in forfeluuix of the
<br /> �i • Proptrty or otherwise matcrially impaf►�thR l�a�,created by this SeGUrity fnstrumt�t pr L.ender's security interesC:Hnrm�eror may
<br /> �. �.'�.c`w'w.��2L'.w��i ai�ai�i�at�c,iN'�titi iii�iii}'�aiw�iw�it i o.�ij a�iaiiys ijic+iu``3uA in yivtcwiii�iu uc�it`rnuao.��1:��:� -
<br /> thu,,in L.eedePs gaod fiith detcrettinntroc�n, p�ecludcs forfeiwre of the BorroWrr'A intercst in the Ycop'exty or othcr:itWalal
<br /> imp�irn�eat of the lien cnatted by„IE�ia.Sccuriry Insttumcnt or Lcndcr's soataty int�.rest:�n�uwcr shill �Iso be in defeuh it
<br /> 8orrowrr,during tho lan apptiudloti•pnacem9.gave n�aterially false or inaa.�ui�ritp infomuttieri or stnt�mcnts tb I.axtr.c(%ae hiled
<br /> to prc�vide L.atder with�uny m�tcxi4!jnfRrermti��nj i�r.i.connection with thc lotit►�zn!iclaxal by ths Note, incli�r�ing.bw.nol:limited
<br /> to.irepr��tions concxnting Horcr�wcr s�;culxit�r.y.a�f the Property a.t a prin�ipul residrace.U this Sa�nr:ity Inetnunari i�ort a
<br /> Iau�wW,.Hormwex studl comNl��.with�.alf��tF1a�rnivisi�ns of the fe�uc. If �orrower ecquir� fae tidc�+�n the Proparty, the
<br /> lp�velwld aad the fa titk siWl nM'b�r�e�,ia•unt��sK I�ernicr agrces to the rr�rger in wridng. � � �
<br /> 7.h�o�ectlon ot I.awkr'e ii�11t�iK�tNa�.rty. If Bo�tower fails u�pa'iocm tha covratanu ar�d��conU�ined in
<br /> this Secvrity Mstnunae�,at'therc is x iugol�p�rc�odin�q ttut rmy significantly wfTect t�ier'e rights in thr,Prc�x�t,y (vuc�a a
<br /> pnvoeadiug in bank�upt¢y;.'pn3hote? fcm,condum�u�tion or•forfeiture or to enfn�cc Iaws or reRul�tions),thera I.endar mxy iia r�nd
<br /> A
<br /> for�eevar ls n�atit�ta �toat.t}la v�lue of the
<br /> W5� Ptopa�y�nd i.aKler'a right9 in the Pmpeiiy. �..endcr's �ctiDr►s may
<br /> include:�n�ing any suma soclu�.�i�:�°li�n which ha9 priait�r ovar this ,�'iecur�ry Jnsuvmcnt, apparing in r.oui�:, p�yieg
<br /> �b1�auocneys'fas and�etlE�rlf��qn tti¢F�ti►p�erty to makt rsqirs.Ald�ough C.e.r►tla�may take saion undcr d�is C��t�
<br /> , 7.L,eader does not hayc,�to�k�so.. .
<br /> ,_ � Any �mounts d'pi��jr�od by [,ericttln;'undcr.thi� paragr�ph ? skeall 1�ocz►mr: sdditional dcM of Borroxrr yoauuc! by thia
<br /> Seairiry Iiostrutnent. �ttless tiqrtvrvtsr atu��Lr.nder agrse to ott�trnns of p�rym�t,th�re suncnmts�tull bar intere.wi fivm tbe '
<br />� date of,disbnr� st th� Nat�.fatta�and;shuft be payAbte. with ie�tcrest, �Por► r+oti�:c from Lencber to Borr�wcr�+aquatin�
<br /> : �y�, r • . ' , •. : , .
<br /> i.Mortp�e Iiuea�l`�Ce:if 1.cnctisr raquir�ed mortgage ituwnnce as a c�+ltlition of m�king tho loan sa..`urod by dlia Security .. '
<br /> ,lrutruma�t, Borto�Cr;sitall.pwy.t� p�iimiu►ne c�utrod to rneint�in t1►o.ma�'�i�e�naur�n�.�e in ctYnct.if. fo�any reasoa, the
<br /> mart�e inwrance aivett���ui�xt•d1y Len�tt:r�apces ar cxas�s 10 be in ci�xt.�ornawer slall pay the pnmiums.roquirod w
<br /> �, obtain cove�age sal�ntidly cc�uii%riiiinc ta cNc mo�tgage iruurenoe pnwiou.tly in effecx,at e cost subswitislly oquiv:4ld�t Lo the
<br /> � OOSt��A BO[TOWCi Of(I1C Ol(/[CatitgR .l[1�UC8Yt�8 j1Yt4�t1p8ly in r.ffuc. !'rom An WternatC mnrtgage insuncr�xovcxi by�Leader. If
<br /> wbstantially dquiv�lent mortg�c.'insilY�pcc��vect�ge ia na Yv�ilable�Bormwrr shall puy to [.t��ler t�ch.�nonU�a aum oqud to
<br /> � ono-twelfth,of the yennt�'uq�qrtgaE�e�1a�nu�ce proritiam being pnid by Sosrowcr whrn tfie insurana cv��t��+e:le�al ur ceaxd to
<br /> ti� be in cffoct.[.erKter w�tt'iaccept,ut�s tind•i►;titin ti�se payments a� a►lw.s incserve i►ti IiCU of mongage insu�nce. Iu�s� nexn+o
<br /> :i . . .. Munn 302i1 Al80 .
<br /> �� ' . ' �a�te
<br /> �i' .. . . �
<br /> d • .
<br /> f '
<br />