-- -,r— _ i' , � _ 1�
<br /> � _ f t� . - . . _ _ . ti _ .__ c . _ ` _
<br /> _ ' "�y' _ .t.' . ' ' ' . . .... --'�. "_"-.-
<br /> -� - . :}j`- 'Y, : . . � . . ' . . - . - �— ,� �. -.. � _� `�
<br /> - _„-��'�`��L_� � . . � . . . � _ - - - � � , _ _ � . ,
<br /> � - ' - . . r . - � � - - ' _' ' , . ,. . - . ' . '— -��--'-�--- —��— . -�-
<br /> . • :.P�►]�aea�...rbid►n af�na W in P�n�aph 2,or d�e t6e�ot such p.y�uems.�� My excess p�aacds over m: �
<br /> �momt t�u��od�y all aut��ind`ebtc+�ness m3a dk Nde md this S�curity Ir�fnqaent sdl�6c paid to tha entitjr. _ .
<br /> � � ... `- �.�ti�eR L.ender tn.��r wliect fas�nd chugcs wtNorize�by che Secr+etu�r•
<br /> � ! Ce�owri Il�e Aecek�rtlo�ot Debt. ' - � -
<br /> (a)Drh� t.ender msy.e�tCtpt as Oimitcd by aSWatiqu►lssutd b�tAe SecmtarY in thc ca�e of payment defauit+.
<br /> ' , require itdriedi�tep�yn�unt in tWi of dl sums seeunM hy tbi�Security in�munent iL•
<br /> {i)8oitawe:QeF�s+1t�bY fa�liu6 ta P�g u�fu!!aay n�n�htY P�Y!��4�6Y this 5ocurity Insonunwt p�or .
<br /> � w o[on ihc due d�of tbe ueu monthlY P�Y�a: ' ' -
<br /> � , -(u)'Bomowet defa�hs by fdlina.ior a periad of dutty days.to pMam any otAer obligations canc�u�ed ia this
<br /> � = Saavrity InstrwaenR
<br /> � (r1 SYe WiliaR Ce�dit A/��'�►a� Lender sh�lf.if pertnitted 6y applicabk iaw and with the prior approval of the
<br /> Seciwry,nequite iemedi�te P�Yma�t in full o[all�be sumsj secuiod bS'lhcs SecuntY Tnunatuat if: � `
<br /> . . (3)All as pat�of the Pmpetty.ar A ba�e��te�est in�tnut owning aii or pa�t of thc Ptnperty.is s�oid oc
<br /> al6envise transfaned(other d�an 6Y davise ar dace�u)bY t6�Bamwer,aed
<br /> . (uy 31ie Ptopeity is oot occ.�ie�byr the Pu�l�ser ar$*aotee as I�is or her p�i��cipa!tesidk�e:or thc pacl�aser ..
<br /> --
<br /> . .a.���_�'_:�PY�.�Y but !us a het cted�t hu not beat app�oved in acco�+darce
<br /> _ - - . _ .
<br /> __ =_ —_ ----���nttncxe�ecur:--- - - -- -- ----- - - .
<br /> (c)�Wi[*er. If cincae�st�nces Qcc�u that would permit L�ender ta riequine una�od'ate paytnent in fiill,but L�ender `
<br /> _ does not�equire suchpayments,Lender�foes not�wtuve its rig6ts with iespect to subseqoent events. ,
<br /> N)�at HtID Sec�etarY• in many cinu�.stances nguluions�ssued by the Sec�etary v�i limit Lender's- �
<br /> iights,m the cas�of p�yment defaults: to�oc�uue immediue psYmrnt iu futl and faocbse�f mt giid.. 'lliis
<br />- 3egc�ity InsUrmt�nt does aot awhorire iccele:ahon a fooecJnsiue if not pemutted 6Y�gulatioas of tbe Sa�y. .
<br />- (e)Mor'tp�e Na vsun� Ratrowa agnxs that sl�onld this Seeurity Instrument and the rwte secuasd tlterelyy not
<br /> --- be eligt6le fa,insuriince uiider da Natioml Housing Act withia �from t6c
<br /> - due he�eof,l.en�les may,at its aption�nd natwitl�standinB�r►Ything in Paragraph 9.�oquire immediate PaY�nt ra
<br /> - tuil of all surr�s secut�d by thts Seeucity Luaument°A written statement of aay auiharized aga�e of d�c SocretacY
<br /> dated subsequeat w - , fmm the date hecwf.declining m insure this Secudry
<br />_ _ �� �aqd,�e,notc secumd thereby.shali.be deenxd wnclusive prnof of such inelig�'bility. Notwithstanding.
<br /> . the foregoing,dus option may na 6e exercised by I:ende.K whea ilu unavailab�7iey of insur.ince is sotely due to
<br /> Le�de�sfaiture to nmit a aartgage insurance piemiam to the Secoetary. --
<br /> - :�'' . 1Q Re�tate�aR Baimwer has a rigAt to 6e ainstated if i�r has tequ�red i�nmediate paytr�tt in fiill because ---
<br /> of Bmmw�r�s;�r�to pay aa amount due undcr tGe•Note or this Secauity insuiunent 'fhis right appties even afcer
<br /> � u
<br /> fo�eclosuoe pt�ncadings ane�;nstituted. To ntinstate thc Security Tnstrument, Boirowes shaill tender in a lump sum aU
<br />�-<., , anwunts r�equhed to bdng•Ba�mwer's account ewrem Lsclnding,to the exeent they aee obtigaaons of Borrower w�der this
<br /> �� Security lastrnma�t,foieclosaue c:osts and irasonable and customary attomeys'fas and expenses pcopedy associated with
<br /> �f��s�m p�oee��g. Upot�reinstatement by Bormwec,ttus Securiry insuumeat and the obliganans that it secutes
<br /> --.;:-.4;`;� shall rem�in in ef�ect as�f Lender had t�ot�c]uised immediate payment in full. However,L.cndec ia aat�+eguirod W pe�mit
<br /> :.-;;,: ninstatemetii if: (71.ender bav accepted u�mstatement after the commencement of for�ctosvie proceedings.with�n two _
<br /> . -, ` • years imme�ately prrooding the commeacement of a current foreclosure ptaceedin8. (il) reii�statement anll preclude . - --
<br /> - - - - �'. foreclosure on diffenent gra►nds in the future.or(iij)reinstatement will advtrsely affect the priority of the tien cmaud by �;_l==-_
<br /> . - �' this Secutity Iustiument. r:Z:_-
<br /> :,,:; -r �l. Bonroxer Noi Rekased; Forbearance b� Lender Not a N'A�ver. Extension of the time of payment or F�,
<br /> ;';•, � modificadon of amattizarion of the sums secured by th�s Securiry Insnument gianted by Lender to any successor ln irsterest
<br /> �:�R�--
<br /> '.� of Borrower shal[not operate to release the liability of the origlnal Borrower or Rorrower�successar�n interesL Ixnder �_;, '.a-"
<br />: `�;,'�� shall not be reqained to commence proceedings against any succes,5or in interest az refuse to extend time fot payment or �r �j�
<br />- other�vise modify amortizatlon of the sums secared by shis Secndty instrument�s�reason af any demand made by tha �',;;-�;':'
<br /> '��� ' original Bamnwer or Boirower's successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender�s eaercising any right ar remedy shall ��•`'Y',
<br /> ':'.; �;,� not 6e a waivec of ar preclude the ea�ercise of any ri�ht orremedy. . _
<br /> � 12. Suoo�ssars and Assi�ns Baand;dd�!and Several Liability:Ca5igners. 7fie coven�ts and agreemen�c of
<br /> • '���'�'`': " �{:,: this Security Instrument shall bmd and ben�t the successors and assi�s�f Lender and Borrawec�ject to the provisions •
<br /> r ' �' af Paragraph 9.b. Borrowet�rovenants and agcccmen�ti shatt be j�isui.and scveral. Any B�:.�cr who co-signs this .; ,,;:
<br />'�', � ' ,f.` Security Instrurnens but doea not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this 5ecur�ty Instrument onty to mortgage,grant and ,.;r;;A,,;
<br /> convey that Borrower's interest in the Property under the temzs af this Security Instn�ment;(b)is not personally ab il gated to ...:
<br /> � , ,� pay the sums:secured by this Security lnsuumenr,and(c)ugrees that l.ender and an�other 8arrower may agree to extend. ;;;;`.-.f.;:
<br /> '' modify.for6ear or make any accommodations with regard to the terms at this Sccunty lnstrument or the Note w�thout that ,r,,..;;,
<br /> ':':��:;;. �. Hatmwer's consen�. .'�-, :
<br />.- �.;��:�;�; : ' 13. Natlots. Any natice to Borrawec provided for in ehis 5ecurery Instrumcnt shall be givert 0y deliveung it ar by � t;�:f
<br /> � , mailing lt by fit�t class mail untes,s applicabte law requires usc of another method. 7'he narice shall be directed to the 'r,!�(�,,;
<br /> , , �;� Property Address or any other address BoROwer designate�by natice to Lender. Any rtoticc to Lcader shall 6e given by �'":��!•.•::
<br /> first cl�.ss mail to Lender's address stuted herein or any address l.ender designate�by natice to Borrower. /�ny notice � "���'�
<br /> . ". """�• Qravidcd fdr in this�Securlty In,rtrument shall be decmed tv havc bce�given t�Barrowcr or Lcnder when given ag provided
<br /> ��.,��,�.� ��th�a parugr.�ph.
<br /> `— :"'�'���:•,:�.,- ' - ---- - v in Law•5eccs'abttit . This Secucit instn�m��nt shall he govemed.by�edcrul law�nd the law af the �� .'
<br /> - ,, - -t 4� t;a e m g � Y Y
<br /> jurisdictinn in which the Property is Inc:�ted. In�hc cvent�hat any pravi�ian or c tauso�f�his Sccuri ty lns tnimen t o r t h o '�, ,;
<br /> Nbte conflie�c with applicable law,xuch conflict tiha0 nat uf'fect nthrr proviciom��f thiti Security fnrtrument or the Note .
<br /> j� .�':~°;:q which can be given effect with�ut�ha canilic�ting provision. 'li+thi�.end the pravi�iunv c,i ihi�Serurity Instrument and the ��
<br /> '-� • '` Nate:ue declared to bc scvcrUble. E��
<br /> � �"ki::::,:� 1 ,
<br /> . . /5. Bosrowe�A Copy. Burc�swer shall Iw givcn ane cu»farmed copy n!this Security Instrument. €
<br /> � �`��' 18. Assisnmenl nf Rentr, Harrnwer unccmditumally a�.iE;ns;u�d Ir;u��fc��tn L.enQer aU the rents.u�d revenues nf the .
<br /> ��-`�= F�o r1 Ht+rrawcr authuriie�Lendcr��r l.cndcr 4 a�;rnts ta cvltcrt�hc�en1�unJ mvcnuc�.md herchy dirertis��ch tcnant af �
<br /> . :��..-, .:, P� 9• .. `.
<br /> the Properiy ta pay thc r�nl�tu(Ai�der ur Len�tcr�a�,cntti. H��wcvrr,pri��r u�tAndcr�nnticc to Hotrnwer uf Hnrre+wcr's
<br /> • _ �-� � br�xh ui any c�venant ur a�;recmcnt in�hc�rcuri�y lutuumrnt,Ilurrau�cr shall cc�llcct;u�d necive all rrntti:md revenucv af • i
<br /> ' '�� �.••' � the f'roperty us w�tce fi�r ihc funcri�uf I,cndcr and fiurru«rr. 'I�ii�a�tii�;nmrne uf rc»tti cun�titutc�.m ah�ulutc as�ignmcnt i .
<br /> ' `�':''•�;;';:' : ' anJ nal;ut u�signmcn�fcv additiun:�sccuriry only. i
<br /> ,.,,,�-� '
<br /> - � . _ ���._„��, lf 1.cndcr givcs nnUcr�•f hrcach Ia Nur�oa�cr. 1a1 a0 rrnt�rccrived by Nurn�w��r shall F+c hcld hy N�irtua•er as�rustcc �
<br /> � '. � fiir bcnci'it of l.cnder unly.tu hc applird tv dic�utn�.rcur�•J hc• Ihc Srcurdy tn.trumci�l: IA)[.endrr;hatl bc cntittrd t�� �
<br /> - � - .-- - • cottcct and reccivr afl��f the irnt��+i Ihe i�r��peny:ai�d tc►each tcnane t+i tiu!'ru►krt>shall p�y aA�en�4 duc;uid unp:rid te� _: _
<br /> � , � . Lender nr Lender�tigent an Lendrr�wriucn ticmand tu�hc tenant. y
<br /> . ., $uttc�wcr h;r.ti nu!cxccutcd any p�ior at�iFnmrnt��f thr.rcnt5 and h��ni�t�ud will nu1 {xdurm:�tiy ac1 that would ;
<br /> . '. . _ prevent l,cnder kom cxcrrising its ri�;hts andcr�lii�P:�ragraph t fi. � '
<br /> ° . , l.ender sh:�! nnt tx:tcyuircJ tu cntcr upnn,t;+kr cuntrul uF ur maintain thr t't��perty txf�+rr or aftcr�:iving n��tirr ui' :
<br /> • - . --,- --� _ - brr'ixB tv�orr�wcs.�Iluwc�ca�Lcad:r�r a�adtrislty appointr.►1 tcv�civcr tnay-d��u•at any �i�ne there i�u hr�:�ch. An�- - :-- _
<br /> :�pplicatiun�1'rcnts shall not cure��r waive any dcfault ur inv:�idate any nthcr right or rancdy uf Le�c�ter. 't'his:usi�:nmcnf � �. .
<br /> -'- _-'-- --- - =� _ . rf cene��f fhc Yrnpeay sh:sl!termiante wheu the debt ticcutcd by�!k 5ccu►ity I��.�trunten�iti paid in full. . . �__ .�-
<br /> -.- -- . . �1�+9�Q� ""7►6` �' t��
<br /> . /IrtJX�1 nf.1(�:I(P!! .
<br /> • , . _ __ _ ... _ , . ._. . . _ . . . .. .. . . . _ . _ _ ._.. ._. . . - �- . - � .�'-.
<br />- . - �� � � . • ia. .
<br /> c
<br /> �,
<br /> • -- _ f__—
<br />