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<br /> l. ��e+�t rllt�iNl.LMee�t a�d Ltte Cl�e-Sa�rawe�sliall piy wb�en di�tT�e pra�cipal of.aod idarxt m. `- . .
<br /> tbe deEt�vjda�cW b!►�he Nate aod We c.t�ges due wder dx Naoe.. ` .' . . � . .
<br /> �cW
<br /> Z �l N7!�ot7�S,L�ra.oe aa otier Ci�e�.:8orrawa s6�t mcflde in eacb mae�lY P�Y�• .
<br /> ��mb the p e i o c�l�od�as.set forth ia th�Nore�d�iy tate cl�rgas,ae ias�lbnd�t of imy ta)tua�
<br /> apecW aues�nreHs levied ar to 6e kvied ag�ainst tbe Qtope�c9.(b)k�A o�d P�Ymeata or grtxurd tarts at tbeRnQaty.w�d
<br /> , (c)peemnrta+ior ios�aanoe nquired bY Paagriipb 4. ono-twelflA of the�nnu�l�ra.A�s��Y
<br /> Facb moatNy imtal6nent fa i�s(s�(b)md(c)s6ai!equd
<br /> - -� - e�ed by�l.�eader.ptas�n �suRic�ient w�n�in aa additia�sE b�tancc�aot mar tlu�me-si�dlt��t� - -
<br /> ntoel�bef a�o�e ileei wrouid beoane del�. �s1�U bold the amoue�w bcted tn tnut to p�y it�(a)�s and .
<br /> (c)betae tlKy bceaee delinquent. - '
<br /> If�t a�r ti�ne�he�otd d�6e heid by l,endef ta itans(a).(bl and(c). witb�de fudue montAly
<br /> otd �mone d�cnc-�uctb the
<br /> pi�naaks fat such�Iems p�yabk tp aid�r Pria w the du�d�of sueb item�.ez .
<br /> �od�n�N of payn�KS required u►pry such'iams when due,aad if p�ymaus an 16e Nate aie cuneM.thea I,eader
<br /> �all eid�retuod 1he exceu ov�a�e-sixth d Ure estunued payntp�ts ut c�edit ti�e eaces�over one-suth of tbe est�nM�
<br /> q�P�yn�!bY Bortower.at tde optien of Bonowet. if the tat�l of the payme�mde bY Bormwer
<br /> - — - -- ---- �i�@�oc 4cl is ir�sut�'�cKae w p�y We item wAen due.tha�Bcxmwer shali g�y to Lender aoy�inouat necessag►to -- ---
<br /> - --- m�te up the AeficiencY an a befae the date tfieitetn 6eo6mes due. and Ut6�e Derelopmoot ar lus a ber
<br /> As used in d��s Secut�ity Insuumen�"S�ocrewry"me�ns tht Sa�enry►of Housin8
<br />-- desi�nee tn�qy ye�r in whi�h ttie ireader must pay a mortg�ge�P�+��um w 1he Sa�et�Y.acA tnanthiy paYmeat
<br />_-- slWl al�a inclwle either: li) �n ins�llmeM of the annu�l matg�ge iawr�nce piemium to 6o paid by l.enda W tlre
<br /> -_. SecRtuy.or(ri)a montNy chugc inuead of a moctg�ge insurance p�eimiwn if this Socurity Insbunxnt�s,hetd by the
<br /> Seereluy. F�ch montbly i�Wiment of t6e matgage insunace p�emium siwtt be in nr►amo�c�cientto ac�eamulate tbe
<br /> _ _ fuU�naial ma�t�e inw[�nce p�emiam with l.ender one manth prior to the date the full awmal mortgage insaru�ce
<br /> = -- pRmiiqn is due w the Secreta*Y,a if this Security Instrament Lc held b�r tha SaRetacy.eseh montbiy ehu8a shsU be ia an ,
<br />--°-- amamt er�l to onaiwdM of aae-half peseot of 1he oatst�a�ding pimcipai b�lurce due on the N�.
<br />_� � If Ba�w�teadeis to L�ender the full p�ytna�t of aU s�s securod 67►�s�lasocument,Harrower's account
<br />�` '., sLtq ba creditod with the b�tlance zert�aining for all instaltments for items(a).(b)�►nd(c)and any mart8age i�t�e
<br /> penuum insral6nent that Lender has not beconte obligated W pay m the Secre[acy.atid i.ender shall pm�mptly�sfued anY
<br /> excess fiiads to Bacmwet Immedia�ly pria to a.faeclosuce sak of tGe Property or its acquisi6a�by Lender.Borrower s
<br /> accau�t s1wU be ciediud with any balance temaining for all iastallments for items(a),(b)and(c). ` -
<br /> 3. A d p�y�p��ti, pll payments under P�ragraphs 1 and 2 shaU be applied by Lender as follows: --
<br /> � to the mortgage insuraoce pc+�mium w be paid by Leader to thc SecretarY or w the monthly charge by tbe _--_-_-
<br /> � 5ecretery instead of the momlilY rt►artga8e insurance p�emmm: -- —
<br /> . �w any taxes.spocial assessmeets.leasehofd payrt�enu or ground cecsts,and fue.ftoad and ot1Kr bazerd � -�
<br /> . in4urance p�emiums.urcqoi� �
<br />- . �,w intenst dne ander tt�e Note;
<br /> i`., �,tv amortizaaon of the principal of the Note:
<br /> ' �,to late churrges aue under the Note.
<br /> � 1. Fir�I�'tood aod Ofhtr Ha�r�L�sorsnea Barrower shall insun all improvemeats u�s ai�Properiy,W}kther naw
<br /> � •�=" in eaistence or subseqnenQy ertcte�l,aga�sst any hazards.casualties,and contingencies,inctad�g fire.for which I.ender � .
<br /> :;�..; _ - -- -:�� requires insurance. This insurance sdall be maintained in the amouncs and for the ads that Lender requuts. Horrower _'
<br /> shall also insure a111mpravements an the Plroperty,whether naw in existence or subseq erttiy eiected.uga'snst toss by tloods '°�"�`"�:
<br /> .r'.•1�: ,�, u.a�ert
<br /> to thc oxtent tequired by tha SecretarY. ��3 insurance sha116e carried with campanies approved by Lender. The insarance �-'.:,r.��:�':_=t
<br /> '°.. policies and any renewals sha116e heG�.by Lender and ahall inctude loss payable clauses ue�vor of.and in a farm -_- Y., �
<br /> ';,�,,°, :' acceptabte ta.Lender. '_ ,:-—
<br /> In the event of loss,Barrower sha�give Lender immediate notice by mail. Lender ma}�rrsalce proof of lass if not �
<br /> • �� ! made pmmptiy by Borrower. Each insivancc company canccmed is hereby autharized and d�rected to make payment for � `�'`' :!:�"
<br /> '-.�,:�.�, ��, . such loss dinetly to Lend�instead of to Borrower and to I.ender jointiy. All or any part of the ins�uance praceeds may be f;;-`.,:�:��'.K,�?"':�
<br /> �,��, lial by Lender.at its option.tithea 4a3 to the reducrion of the indebtednes4 under the Note and this Secunty Inswment, .... _;:--
<br /> � r"r: irst ta any delinq,uent amotsnts appDie�.urs the order ln Paragraph 3.and then to prepayment af principal,or(b)to tt�e �•`•���?;::. __
<br /> ;�.� �: °`;::�; nstoratian or repau of the damaged pr . Any appticatian of the proceed.4 to the pnncipal sY,a]I nM eatend or postpone .. . . •?.,,__-_
<br /> - r` ;�` the due date of Ihe maiasQa�y payments�are refetred to in Pasagraph 2.or change the amour,t of such payments. Any . ,. _- _
<br />;� � + �rr:=��t . aacess insurarticc proceeds over an amouat required tb pay all outstandmg indebtedness under the Note arM this Security ,,;;.' y
<br /> . instrument shall be paid to the entity legally entitled c?tereto. ':.—
<br /> • ''�:. In the event of fonclosure of this Security insu�iment or other trnnsfer of title ta the PraQeAy that eztinguishes the �::._s;.
<br /> _ .A;;�: ;ndeMednesa all rlgh�title and interest o3�ortawer in and ta insurance policies in force shall pass xo the purchaser. ; " `:�;-
<br /> S. Occop�ncy. PreaervaUon,'.Hsi�tensnce and Prdection of the P�o rt ; Bornoe�er's Laan ApylksNon: :.:•�1� _
<br /> � y : ;.y:-=-----
<br /> ?�.'°, l,easehaW.�. Borrower shali occupy.essabtfsh.bnd u5e the Prapert}+as BorrowerA pslncipa!�cidence withln siaty days ,,,:--�---r:.
<br />� •� '� after the eaecuUon of this Security tnstrument and shall continue to occupy the Praperly as Bosrower?�pdncipal residence � '`'t,�";�;
<br /> �'''
<br /> for at least a�e year after the date of accupancy.unless the 5eeretary determtnes�his reqwrement will cause unduo hardship .: . `�.�
<br /> � � for Bortawer, or unless eztenuatin�c3TCUnistances exist which are beyond Barrower's c�:tal. Borrawer shall notif �'i•-'.� � -
<br /> ', y ,;. ,.;:
<br /> ' " `�,`• Lenders of any extenuadng eircumst�74�s. Borrower sha0 rtot commit wnste ar destroy.d�r:��e ar substantlally change �;.:•,�• �; • ;..
<br /> � ,�t�'�'.::'�,;�:; the Property or allow thc Property to ds-�oratc.reasonabtc wcar and tear excepted. Lender�e:�mspect thc Property if the �. .. ,�� .
<br /> '��:,:,.
<br /> .�}�;,�� Propetty is vacant or abarnto:�ed a:th�;u�us Is ia default. Lender inay takc reasonable actio:.���totecl and prescrvc such �:; '. _ _ _
<br /> � - :� vacant or abandoned Pw�esEy. Borrowsr shall also.be in default if Bprrawer.during the la:.-s appllcation process.gave " fi'.,r`,-;- • . ,
<br /> matedally falso or inaccurate infa�;ian ar statements to Lendcr lor failcd to provid� l.ender with any mAtenal ff, :;
<br />. - ' `{�,';.. infotmgtlan)In connection with the lo�n evidcnced by the Notc.inctuding:but not limitcd to.seprescntations conceming � �
<br /> . ' Honower's occupancy ot the Yropeny ns a qrincipal resi�3enw. If this 5ecunty teslrument is o;e a Deatehold.Horrower yhall �
<br />,. �• `?''�`".': . ' comply with the prowsions os the lcase. lf Borrower acyuireti fcc titlr tn ihc Property.thc 1ca�ri7aW and fee title shaU nat i • . ,
<br /> •.r:::�=u be mergcd unless Lender agretw tn thc mcrgrr in writing. f • . • .
<br /> ' • �'���;`::. . 6. Ch�r'gey tu$arruwer aed Pratection of l.ender's Righis ln the Pruperty. Bortowcr shall pay all govemmental �.
<br /> " •'�a�``"•: -.�' ;' or municiDal churge�.fiaes and impositlans th;►t ure nut included in Parngruph 2. Honowcr.rhull pay these�hligationw an •
<br /> ." :':�. ' � time directly to thc entity which is owcd thc payment. If failurr tv pay w�iuid itdvcrsely affert Lcndcr's intemyt in Ihe �
<br /> �. �:..;_:.�:•�' Yroperty.upon Lender w request Hoaowcr shap pramptly fumish tn l.ender rrreipts evidenc��g�hexr paymems, i
<br /> ` � ''i-'�`�±i'`• .��•� If Borrower faitg to makc thcsc p�aymcnts e�r the a ments te uircd by H�rngrap .ar Pnilv to perform uny uthcr � •
<br /> ...._ _. ._ ... h 2 .
<br />' .� ' - .:' `_`'..-:—" - = coveesnts and agrecmentscantaincJ in ttyis Sec�sr+ty lnstutyitent.ar there is u legUl prrKeedine�ih:►1 muy tiignificsu�Qy affcc� ' . . .
<br /> .��...i�iha�..r j . _ . _ ....
<br /> • l.ender's dghty in thc Property(such ns a proreedinb in bankruptcy.fnr rnndemn�tinn nr ta enforcc taw�:or cegulatinnc). ; .
<br /> -- • : - - tt�en Lender may do and pay whatever i.v neceti�cy tn prutcct the v�1ue af the Pragerty and Lcnder�rights in the Property. i ___
<br /> . • including payrnent of tsutes,hazard insur.u�te mtd nthcr itcm�mendoned in f�aragw�ph Z. �
<br /> • � Any amounts disburses by Lender under thls I��ra�rnph sha]1 become an uddttior�l debt af Horcower wtd be tierured �
<br /> � � b y thls Securlty Insnvment. These amoants shull t�ear�nterest fram the date af disbur�cmrnt,ut the Note rc�te.and at the ; ..
<br /> ' . ' option of Len d er.shall be immediately due�n d poyu b le. , ,
<br /> _ � ----- -- --_ - - - -7. Coa�tm�a!#�-The proceed_v_nf aay aaucd or claitn tor dattiages.iiirect dt cansequential.in connredun�uith any
<br /> ' • ' coedemnadon or other taitittg of any part of the Pcapetry.or fnr conveyance in ptare of condemnatitm.are hereby ass��ned �
<br />, .: ..
<br /> � and shall be pald to Ler�der to the eatent"af ihc iai�mnwnt of the lndebtedne�s tttse remains unp�id undcr thc Ptate and thls __ _ ,
<br /> . . .:.,
<br /> ::---._-_-_ --== _ - --_
<br /> . Securlfy Instrumenf. I.ender stiali aVptY sueh ptoce�ds[a�he tedvction of tha irtdebt,eciness vr,�ter tii�3Yvtr�e�this Secucity =. --
<br /> . Inshument,�irst to any det�nquent amnunts applied in the arder provided in Wuup�taph 3.and then to prepaymcm ot � . �
<br /> �. ' , p r i n cl p�l. An y a p plicadon of the p r a ceeds to the prinrl p�l shall nnt extend or postpone tf�c due dute uf the munthiy � ; ., •
<br /> .. � . • , . - - -. _ _ . _.'. _ _ _ _ . . _ ' _.. . i • . . �
<br /> � � . la�ltal cJd pages� .
<br /> � ' , •i.. - ' . . - .r � �
<br />