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<br /> _ _ `"K ; i , . ,4 _-< < . � � g2�, io4s�a -
<br /> ` � 000dao�o�tion oc adkrtakinE ot aey pirt of the Ptepaty.ar fur canvcy�ncae in tie�of eondemoation.�re hereby auip�ed ad
<br /> � `sh�Q be p�id to Lender. ` , . : � ` ' , .
<br /> Ia dit cweot of i tatJ takina of the �topeit�r,the pEOOeeds sE�aU be ipplied to�he sums secuced hy thfs Sec�iry _
<br /> �- - ' Lnaument.�wiKther`as not tban due.r1«!h any eacoss pud to BnROwer. IQ tI1C GYqif OF��tUSI taI[Illg PF fllC PIOpCCt�1 111.
<br /> which the fiirma[i�et value af d�e R�upeny immediat�ly befo�the talcing is equal to oi gzeattr tf�an tt�e anwuet ot ihe sums
<br /> seco�d 6y this Securiry insawnent imtnediakly befae tha t�idng.�mkss Hortower and L�es�der atxrwise agnr in writing. ` �
<br /> - - . _ tde s�m�s�c�d b�r th�s Secucity►nctivment shatl be ttducsd by the a�nount of the procteds multipliod by the fdbwin� .:
<br /> f�acti�ie: (a)the tot�F amoiuit o�the sums seetiied icnmediauty befae the tal�ing.d'ividet��lbl tf�fair m�rtcat v�tae af d�e ___._.__.
<br /> Froperty immediate[y befocc the ddng. My batmce sA�U be p�id w&xrower. In tix event af a prrt�a!Wcing of the
<br /> 'Pt�apeity in wbit�.tht fair m�rl�ee value of the Prapcny�mmedi�tely befae the taicing is kss than the arnosau of t6e w�ns
<br /> , aecuced immodiately 6efac tf�e tatcing.unkss Bort�awa and Lender atherw�se:ag�oe in�writing or untess applicabk lava
<br /> .edreraise pmvides,,�the proceods a1uIf 6a�ppi'�ed w the sums secuied by iliis Sa�uriry Intaum�u whether or not the swns m
<br /> _ th�due. �
<br /> •lf the Ptopeny is�bandaxd by Bormwer,ot i�aftes trotice 6y Leiider to Bormwer thu the eoedemtar offers to maice
<br /> aa aw�d or seule a claim for d�ges,Barrvwer fails w nespa�d to Lerder within 30 day9 atkt the date the notLx is givea. •
<br /> _ ___ =Lender is authorized to collect and appiy the proceeds.at its option.either to rtstoration or npair of tde Pruperty or to tbe
<br /> siuns secand by this 5ecurity I�nb whether a na tt�en due.
<br /> Uakss L�nder and Bamwer athenvise agree in wtiting,any appiicaaan of pcoceeds to priocipal ahall na extend ar
<br /> postpaie the due date of thc-monthiY R�Y�nts refetr+ed to in paragraphs 1 a�2 ar chu�ge the atnount�f such P�Y�-.
<br /> � 11. �1'�►K N0� R!Il�A� FOf�lX�1l�! B' I.lfdlr Nd • WjIYlf. Facunsion of the ame far psymrnt a
<br /> modifir�tion of amortization of tt�e swa4 secured by this Security L�.swment g�anted by I.onder to any successor u�imeeest
<br /> of Fcxmwer sba11 nat aper�te to�ekase the liability of the ariginal Borrower oe Bortowet's suc:cessa�s in u�ten�t.Lender
<br /> shall na bp tequi�ed to conun�nc��ocaclings a8ainn ang succes.sar in interast ar nfusc to�e�etrnd time fa Qsyma�t or
<br /> od�ersvise modify amortization of tfie su�n.c secnred iry this Sec�uity lnstrwnent by reason of any dem�nd made by.tLe orig'uu�i , .. �
<br /> Borrower ot Batowers successors in intelest. Aay fotbearance by Lender in exe�cising arry r�ght a mnedy stnll not be a �
<br /> waiver of a p�edade the eae�ise af any right or nmedy. , ` .
<br /> Ib 3aooessors and As�u Bauad:ldut aod Sereral Liabiiity:Co�sl�rers. 7'Ae covenurts and a�of this .
<br /> Securiry Tnstrurnent sball bind and heoefit the succes.so�s and assigns of l.enckr and Bomnwer,su�to tbe p�vYisian4 of
<br /> �gnph 17.Bairowtr�coven�cus and-agceeaueats si�atl.he joint a�sevetal.An}� Sotmwer.s�i�tti co-si��s'Socun�Y ` . . .
<br /> Instrument but does�a execirte the Note: (a)is co-signin�this Security Instrument aaty to marrg,ag�.gant�d.convey thu
<br /> - Borrowcr's intenest in the Property under 1he temis of thi.4 Security Iastmmen� (b�is natp�s�a1I�obligated to pay the sams
<br /> saurcd t�y this Security lnstnrmenr and(c)agrees that Lender and�ny¢[her BaraR�er may a�.e to eztend,modify,fabeu
<br />-- ar maice any accommodauons with regaM to tfie terms af this Secarity ln.snuiaesst or tf�e Note wlthout that Bcxrower�
<br />- cansenG � •.
<br />- 13. Loan Clm�es. Lf the loan secured by this Security Insttumc.mt is subja�to a taw which sets maa�um toan
<br /> charges.and that law is finariy interpteted so that the interest or other loan charges cv3lecad or ta 6e collecte�ire cannection
<br /> wit}�the la�n excecd�he permitted limits,then: (a)any sucb foan et�arge shall 6e reGuceA by the amount necessary to reducc
<br /> the eLarge tn t!�pemiitted lim��and(b1 aay sums already coltected from Bomnwer which eaceoded pem�iaed iimits wi116e
<br /> - cefimded to'Borrower. Lender may choose ta make this refund by red�ring the principal owed unc�i�e Yate or by making a
<br /> Qirect payment to Borrawer_ If a refnnd reduces principal.the mductioa will be treated as a pacciaS.piepa;�without any
<br /> prepayment charge ander the Note. �
<br /> " 14. Notkes. My notice to Borrower provided for in this Security tnmument shail be given by de'river�ng it or by
<br /> ° maiting it by fust class mail unless applicabte law requires use of nnother method.The notice sha�6e Qirected to the Praperty
<br /> Address or aceE•other address Borrower decibmates by notice ta Lender. Any notice to Lender s��:d be given by first class
<br /> - mai!to Lendcr�address stated herein or any ottier address l.ender desi�ates by notice to Bonower, Any notice provided for
<br /> in this Security lnswmenr shall be cleemed ta have been given to Borrower ar Lender witen g'rven as prrn•ided in this �
<br /> ParaBraPh•
<br /> �15. Goverat� La�:�Severs�bility. This Securiry Instrument shall be govemeA by federal law and th�paw of the
<br /> }urisdiction in ai�ich the Froyerty ic loczt�d. 1n the event that any provision or clause of this Sea,,�r'�ty Ihstrumeni ac'the Note =
<br /> " conflicts with x�aplicable�law,such con�ticc shall not s�ifect other provisiqns af this Security lnstrane:�t or the Note which ca.� �-
<br /> be given effect without t�e confticiing pro�ision. '[b ihis end the Esrozisions of this Security Mswment and�he Note are —
<br /> declared to be uwetable. � -
<br /> 16. Borrowsr's Capy. Borrower shall be givcn a:?:confarmed copy af the Note and of thir Security iastru;��:t. --
<br />.�L� 17. 7tpnsfe�ot the Property or a$eneficlal Interest in Bnrrowe� TP all or any part of the Property ccw p#nterest in _
<br /> :,,7 it is sold or ti�.-�sferred(or if a beneficiat istteretit in Bortawer ic tiald nr transferred and 8anosc<y�.�.not a namral person) _
<br /> --.� withcwt I.ecs�:*"s arlvr wsitten can.cent.Lender may.at its aption.rec3uire immediAte payment irt�.,,i5:af all sums r+eeurcA by -
<br />'•��:�" this Security lnstrumenG However.this option shali not be exerci�e��y Lender if excrcisc is prd'^_T�r`ced by fe�eral law as of r=
<br /> ' the date af this Security Insuument. �:_
<br /> If l.ender excrciscs this c�ptioa.Lendcr sha11 give$arrower nolice nf acreleratinn. The natice shall prov;��pertod of ' �:�
<br /> not less than 30 days from ihe date thc noticc is dclivcred ar mailcd within which gorrower mu•t gay n11 sums sec;�red by this � '
<br /> '" � Secudty lnstrumcnt. If Borrower failti to pay ihetie sum.ti prinr to LH: expiratian af this penad.l.endcr may invoke any
<br />'`'��-, remedies permitted by this 5ecurity lactrument withau�funher nrnicr or demand on 8onower. -- �
<br /> 18. Bo�owe�'s Right to Relnstate. If 8urroHCr mectw cceain conditians.Borrower.I���!have the ri�ht ta have �
<br /> • enforcement oP thio 5ecurity Insuumem di�rcintinucd at any�ime prior to the carlicrc+f: (n)S days(or such oth�r periad a�:
<br /> . . 5;�`:k�amily..}anoie�i�It4'rtAdie�tac 13�IF/1(iH 1VtiTNl1NF.�F--Uuiform Cuvcn:mt. 9l9S Ipuge�4 uJ6lx�grsl �
<br /> ,�. � � � .
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