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<br /> �p�ovat w6icA ah�li not be umeaul�uMy vritbheld. If Bor�ower�iils W maintain coverage describod abuve�E.endv mry.at <
<br /> t,�ader's�optian.ob�irt�overa�e fo Protect l.eeder'srisht;iu ths pmpeny in accocdanoe witti�ragrapd 7. • =�
<br /> � All iosu�nce potw�ies aW rtaewals`st�U be aa�eptabk to i¢ndt�and sdall isclude a stand�d mongage clause. L'endet -
<br /> � � < ah�ll lu►ve tLe right to iwld tbe pWkies aod�enewats. If I�ender requircs.Bormwer shall promgtiY g'�ve to l�eider�II rcaipta .
<br /> , � of pid prcmiums�od renewa!no�ces. 3n the evau of loss.Baxowa stniI give pmmpt notive w the insvrmce perier aM
<br /> __ l�.snde� Lea�ks sniy rn�ke prooF of la�s if not m�de�P�PUF 61!�� .
<br /> � Ua�iess l�eder md Boeower ati�wise a�ee in writing.insuronoo proceeds sli�f!be spptied w�sstac�tian ar ieg�ir ot . � _�
<br /> ' tAe PtnQerty damsgeQ if the Ksw�tion ar tep�ir is ecanonticaUy fasibk at�d Lendei's secunty is not ks.uned. U the
<br /> ` tacar�tion or nprir,is na aaoaamicai{y feasibk or Lender�security wautd be tessei�od.the�u�ce ptu�.�eed+s6�be
<br /> . �pplied w tbe sums secuoed by this Secur�ty Insdument,wlxther or na.tl�rn due.arith any excess ptid.w Barower. ,ff . -
<br /> Ha�uwa al�odons d�e Ptopeety,a dues mt�nswa vrithin 30 dsys a iati�ce f:om�eoder dat the ias�um�t c�tier pas
<br /> ; a�eied to settle a cta�.then L.erder mry oolkct the inwrance proaeds. Lender msy use tl�pmeae�to tep�ir ar tes�ore
<br /> ' � ,be rh,peccy ata p�y sums s�asa hy aus s�r i„d,,,,�.,�wdet}�r ar�wt tt�n aue. '�1�e 3o�tay►P��n�.wbea
<br /> ' the not�e is given. • . �
<br />-_ _--=- . t�-• --�'-...:8.,,-��,-:....�..`""�..�,.-:^�-ia-x�-s^,"-=r"�-"'-��F�rt�s�to.princip�t slnll mt txtead ac
<br /> poctpane thc dwe date of the munt6ly prymcnts nefemod to in puag�aphs 1 and 2 or chaage tbe amo�mt of the psyrt�eats. If �
<br /> under paragnph 2f the Prope�ty is acqwnd by I.ader.BoROwer�s�i8h�to�y iawrance policies.aad p�oceeds rssuhmE
<br /> from-d�p�ge w tbe prnperty pricx w the acquis�aon stn1l pus to Lender to the extrnt af tbe smas seiuned by tbis Savrity � . .
<br /> , fasuument inm�ediatety piar w tlie acquisihon. .
<br /> �, p�, �aerv�do�, Msi�hpoce aed Proteetba flt tl�e Ysope�i', Borruwee's l.o� /Rp�il�eaWRi
<br /> f�tauioii�. Borrower sluill acrupy.esesblisU.and use the Propeny as Bocmwer's princi�t nsidence vrithia a�aty da}rs atkr .
<br /> the exocutina of t6is Socurity InstrurtKnt and shall cantinue to occupy.!!ie Ptoperty,as Bamwer's priacipal tesiderrce fa at
<br /> k�st one yat after the d�te of accupancy. unless Lender utlKrwise.agtrts in writing, wl�icb ,cat�ent slnit uot be
<br /> uac�asooibly withheW.a unkss e�cunuating cueumstaocas exist which aro Ixyoad Bar�wa's rnntrol. Bamwer s6a1!not
<br /> = desoroY.d'amag�ar�mPaii the'i�ni�ectY.albw tlfe Acnperty to detaiorate.ar coa�mit waste ao tbe PtvpMy. Bbr�mwer sbalt
<br /> - bc in default if any forfeiutte actian a pioceeding.whether ctvit or crimin�J,is begun tlwt In Len�kr�s good faitb j�dpnent .
<br /> .; cauld tesuit in forfeihue of the Property ar otherwise materially impair thc Gen created by this Security Insdtanent ar .
<br /> = t:ender's security inte�est Bormwtrmzy cm�e sQCh a default a�ttf reirntate,as p�vided in�ga�18.by c�usin8 the aaioa-� -•
<br />-- or procetding to be dismissod with a ruling that.in Lender's goad faith determina�ion,Pc+xludes farfeiture of the Bouowes's. '
<br /> ;. iaturst in the Proper[y ar other material impaimxnt of ihe lien eneated by this Securiry Iastivment or:LenderB saurity .
<br /> '', fi�SE. Borrower shalt also be In defanit if-Bormwer, during the laan applica�ion,process.gavc muerially fslse a
<br /> inacc�uate information or statements to Leader(or faUed to provide Lender with any material infomiation)in connacnon wlth
<br /> i;�' • the lou�evidenced by the Note. inctuding,Wt not limited to. representatirnts canceming Bo�awer's accupancy of the '
<br /> -:-:,�- Propetty as a princ�pal residence. If this Sa�uriry Insorument is oa a leasehold Bormwer sh�ll comply with aa the pruvisfions
<br /> - of the k�sa If Bomower acquires fee tiUe ta th:e P�vperty.the leasehold and the fee tltie shall no1 tnerge w�Lender agnxs
<br /> .;•:; ; ro the merger in writing. ,
<br /> _ T.� Yrate¢tion d Lendee's Re�hts in the Praperty. If Borrowcr fails ta perfam the covenanu and ag�+eemeats
<br />- contained in this Saa�riry Instcumenti or there is a legal pmceeding that may sign�eandy affeet Lenckr's rlghts in the
<br /> "--- - PropeAy(such as a procted'mgin banlauptcy.probate.for condertmntion or forfciturc ar to enfa�e laws or ngulatbns),then
<br /> � l.ender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Ptoperty and Lender�rights in the Property.
<br /> L.ender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priotity over this Security Insnwnent,appeanng
<br /> in court.paying reasonable attorneys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Atthough Lender may takc action
<br /> �� under this pazagraph 7,Lender does not have to do so, Y
<br />_�.y;, Any amounrs disbursed by Lendcr under this pazagraph 7 shall become addirional debt of Borrawtr secural by thls _--
<br /> � Securiry Insuumen� llnlcss Horrower and l.ender agree to other tertns of payment.these amounts shall beazintetest frartt the �;�
<br /> date of dtsbarsemen[at the Note ratc and shall be payablc.with interest.upon notice from Len�ler to B�cnr�rer tequcsting -_—
<br /> .. Pa�nt: • =
<br /> 8. Moet�e Insurance. If i.ertder req�e�ed mongage insurnnce us a condition of making the loan recund by�is
<br /> � �t: Sccurity Instrumen�.Botrawec sttall pay the p�:;^�ams tequirc�to maintain the mortgage ussurance in effec�. IP.fer s�sy
<br /> reason. the martgage�insuraccce ce�erage requir� by l.endei fapses �r ceases to be i�effecb Borrower shnll pav trse
<br /> �. ', pcemiums required rrs obtain covera�e substanri�y equivalent to the mortgage insurart.^.:previausly in effect,at a cust
<br /> substantially equivafec:t to the cos�to Horrow•er cf the mortgage insurance previously in effec�from an altematc mortgage •
<br /> 'Y� � .. insurer approved by I.ender. tf sa6�antiaUy equivatent martgage iasurunce coverage is aot avait�bte.Borrower shall pay to -
<br /> - Lender each month a sum equal caceie•twclfth af the yesuly mongage insurance premium h�.�g paid by Borrowor when t'x
<br /> � insurnnce coverage IapceO or ceas�t r�be in effect. Lender wilt accept,use and tetain these�yments as a los.g reserve ia(ieu
<br /> - ' of mortgage insuraace. Wss rese��e paymems may na langer be r�:quired.at the aption of�.ender.if mortgage insw^stse _
<br /> ' coverage'Nn the acRCact and for thc periad that l.ender requireal pravided by an insurer approved by l.enc�er again becomes •
<br /> ' available and is obtained.�orrower shall pay the premiumc requircd to maintaln mortgage insurance�n effe+et.or toprovide a
<br /> - � toss reserve,until the requitemene for mortgage insurance endv in accordance with su�y writtea agreement between Borrower
<br /> _ ____ � _ _ and Lender or applicabte luw.
<br /> 9 /aspeetbn. Lender or.its a;ent may make rcasonable enfries upon:�nd inspectiars of tfie Pruperty. t.ertdcr shati -
<br /> . - glve Barrawer natice at the time oEor prior to an inspection ypcciiyins rea�anablc cause for the inspection.
<br /> - n 10 Condemn�tion. The praceeds of�ny aws►td or claim for dwnuges.d"uect or conseyuential.in connection with any
<br /> � Single F�.s�:ily--�'annk A1aeli'ttUdir Hs�c L'�IiOR�11�tiTRl'NE!�i7'-•l'nit�+m►Cuvenantti 9/9� Ipaie!nf hpp�asl ,
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