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<br /> �1�0�1�N��j lld�!E IIDRiSOfl�jl WlfllbC�. ��lOWEr fii�S�O i11i�1�1tC[�$C�1��1OYl.[�CIIdCr ilf�y� ',
<br /> �,,q�s p�Ljp�b�p�jD CpHGI�$C t0�(O�C�j.�71�'�S Il�1111j1C�iO�fC'[I�!ID�x Wl�f�[�$t��.
<br /> • N]In.SpApp�ppj�p��iG'�EWi�S SbBj�6E�t0 j.NldOf ilA�S�l 1dCItldC A Si�flQi[d 1li0tt�$E��VY�,��r, .
<br /> :�Esl�j fliYC Q1C ff$�I tp�IO�f11C pO�ICiCS��EtAt�S. �I.GII�Cf IGQWtCS.�OI[OWCJ S�'�l1�Y$► �
<br /> of p�W gtemiums,uid tenewal noticts,.In the eveat of loss.BamWrer shali give pmmpt noace to the insurmce cur3et�td
<br /> Lender. l�eader may�ake pmof of lass if not msde P�P�Y hY��wer. si�atl be lred to restacatiat or teQair of.
<br /> [lel�ss l�der aod Burrower otbeiwise a�ee in wridng,uua�aaae Pmceeds app�
<br /> the p�operty damago�,if the iesta�tion or repair is econamiraUy feas�'6Ia�i�ende� security is not kssened. tf�he
<br /> t�tacation ar cepa'v is not economicaily fea4�k-or Lender's saurity woald be lessenal.the insurance procceds sha!!6e
<br /> ' applied co ti�e'snms se�aied bY this SeciuitY TnstirarrKnt,whahcr or nat dxa du�with any cxcess paid to Boaower. IE
<br /> Hamwer�ndon�'she F�p�ny'a does mt answer within 30 days a notice frnm Leader that the insuno�e c�rtier llas
<br /> offaod w'e�aiie a.rlaiut,thert l.ender may coIIect tLe insmancc pmcads. T,ender mry use th�psocads w�eg�ir ar resta�e
<br /> .. the pkopettybc?to;pa�at�s�b3►t�is Se��uitY,Ins�unr�°�whetlxr ar not then dua. Tbe 30�day period will begin,wlkn
<br /> t$e notice is given:;;;::;:.�:.;;-;:..•• : ., ' an of to shat!iat exund or
<br /> Uniess.Lerd'ar';�8�ocz�c-�aiher�vise.aS�e in wririag,adY_aPPt� � Pn�jP�
<br /> postpone the due.date of ttie�.paymeitts referced.to iri}�aragtaphs!:aud 2 or cl�ange the amount of the paynsenta. tf
<br /> yndet pusgrapl►21 the Pmpe[ty:is�bY`Lender;Boicov�!er's'i'ig(it to aay a�uattce policies aad procteds�sulting
<br /> - fram�to the F+qkrtY P����Nis�tian st�all.pass:#n'I�tiider�o t(�e exunt of ttie sums secuned by�his Sectirity
<br /> �Instriuntnt imtnediatelY Pnorta tht acquisi6an. ° .: • _ ° ,
<br /> �, peprpuc�y Pre�ervatios, Msiateaance �ad�Prata�Ion o(t� �P�9; Borrower s I.a�s Ap�iCallo�;.- .
<br /> /.tarerold�. Sartower shalto�i�y.establish,add�isa t6e Pcapezty�s.Borrower§ptinnpai residenco within suty days after • .
<br /> 'the euecutlan of tbls S�iiity;Irisuitinent and st�ali contin�e to axapy ti�e Propeny as Bamwer's princi�tal�esidmce for at
<br /> . . {e�st aie ye�r afar the:date uf occapancy._unless Lend`er.od►eiixnse.ag�s in wrtting, which coasent sh�ll not be
<br /> umr�saabiY withhetd,a�.m�tess extenuaqng c�rcumctances exist•ivtuch are bayond Bamawers control. Barower shalt not
<br /> destroy.dartu8e a anpair tlie P[operry,allow the Pmperty to�uir"ior�te.or commit wute on tfK Propercy. Bortawer shail •
<br /> � � 6e in default if 9ny faftit�u�e acuon or pmceo�inS.whetLer civ�or criminaL.is beg�m that in Lender's good faith judgment
<br /> - � could rcsuit in forfei�ire of�t6e Pl�erty or otherwise materially imPaa'the lien created lry this Security Insttument ar .
<br />_ ' t�ender'a security intere's�t.:;Borrower may cure sucb a default and ainstate,as provided�n paragrapb 18,by causing the actian
<br /> _ - a P�ee�inE to 6e dis�scs�+with a ruling thu.in t.endera gond faith deutmination.P�ludes forfeiture of the RcxruwaS� _ •
<br /> s
<br /> � intetest in the Ptape�iy or 4t#�er materiai impairment of the lien created by this Security Instrument or l.enderb security
<br /> � " ti
<br /> intetrs�. Barower si�a{i.a;so'be in default if Borrower. during,the'toan applicatton process, gave materialiy false or
<br /> � ��:• , inxcurate infam�ation ar,sraiemments to Lender(or faited to pmvide Lender.with aay materi�}informaavn}in conner,�tlon with
<br />- the toan evidenced by the i�Tote, Inciuding.but not limited to.representations.iconceming Borrawer's occupancy of ihe
<br />' ,i� �rty as a principal cesldence. If this Seturity lnstrument is a»a lea:sehold..Bocrower shall compty with all the pravisians
<br />_ of t ka.ge. If Borcower acquires fec title to the Propecty,the leaseli,old'and thc fe�ttt[e stiall,not merge untess Lender agms
<br /> -' ta thc mer�ec in writing. : ''• �
<br />-`-� � 7� protectlo�of L�ender's Righiv in the Ptoperty. if Socruwer fails ta'petform the covenants and agnee;nents
<br /> � contained in this Secudty Instrument,tu therc is a lega!p�oce.ed'mg that;may'sigitifisantty affect I.ender's rights in the
<br /> � ptoperty(�such ac a praceeding in bankrupccy,probate,€or condemnafion ar forfeinue or to enforce laws or regulations),tben
<br />-- . LenAer may da and paY far whatwer is necessacy to protect tbe value v�the Ptope►tY.�nd Lr.ader's rights in the Properey.
<br /> Lcndcr g xtirnt�may include payiag ang sums secured by a liea whicb has ptibrity aver this Secvtity TaStrument,appearin8 =
<br /> in coun.p�ying rea.sc�nable aaomeys'fees and entering on the Froperty to make nepairs.Although Lender may take action _
<br /> under�his parAgraph 7.Lender does nat have to do so. _
<br /> Any omc�unts disb�srsed by I.ender under this paragraph?shalf become suWetional debt of Borrower secured by this =
<br /> - ' Security last�umcnt. Unless Barcawer and Lender agee to other teims of payment,these amounts shaU bear inter�est from the
<br /> dnte ai'dicbursemcnt at tlx Nate ratc and shull be payable,with interest.upan notice from l.eader to Barrower requesting _
<br /> P�Yment. _
<br />- . A. Martpfe tesuraace. lf i.ender required mortgage insurance ac a condition of making the taan secured by this
<br /> � � 5ecurity In�inunent.Boaower shult pay the premium.c required to maintain the maRgage insurance in effect If.for any _
<br /> � rcau+n. Ihe mortguge insurance covera�e required by Lcnder fapses or ceases to be in effecr. Horrower shaU pay the _
<br /> - pminiumg rcyuircA to obtain cavcrage substantiAlty equivAtent to the mortgaga insumnce previausly in effect.at a cast =
<br />�y,.. .ruintanti•rity cytdvulent to the cost ta Borrower of the mortgaga insurance previously in effc,ct.from an altemate mortgage _
<br />_ invu�er a�tnvcd hy l.ender. IP substamiully equivutent mortgage insurance coverago�a nat available.Borrower shall pay to _
<br /> l.ender euch manth u yum cquai ta ane-twclfeh€�f th:yearly mbrt�age insuranoa prcmium being paid by Borrower when the
<br /> r= inrur�nce cavcragc lupscd ar ceascd ta be in effcr!. Lender witl accept.use and retain these payments ag a loss reserve in lieu —
<br /> of m�r►gage inruron4e. l,.�v�ceserve paymcnrs may�o tonger be rcc�uired.at the option of I�der,ii martgage insumnce -
<br /> . � cuvcrugc lin Itte um��un1 and for the period that i.ender sequires)provtdcd by�n insurer approved by l.ender again hecomes =
<br />- • uvuiluhte nnd is at+tuincd.�t�rr�wet shall pAy ihe premiums required to maintain mortgase insurance m effect,or to provide a „
<br /> . tcxs reccrvc,untii�lu rr<<�drement far martgage#ns�.iraacc ends in accordance with any writton�as*eement 6etween Bonower p
<br /> nnd l.rndcr or npplicahlc I;�w. . �
<br /> 9. tn�{ltctiun. I,ender��r itv agem may make reasonable enisieti upon and inspectiar�.af the PropeAy. Lcnder shall �
<br /> - � give H��rrr�wer noticc at thr timo�+i�n prtor ro an inspcctian specifying rea.eanable causc Car the inspectloa
<br /> •� , 10. !'ondemn�lbn. 'fhc pr�xecd�ai any�ward ar claim for damager.direct or can�equcntial.in connertinn with any �
<br /> . ' s�a�:te(�amity-•iannk MadiS�Mdk Mac Uhli'pNN INtifNUNE�i'--Unifom►Cuven,u�t. 9/90 Ipa�e 3olb pa�ea�
<br /> Gte:,11nW 8us1a�e6 Yotr,hk.� � ,
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