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<br /> � � .��naci�t wrrH�n�e�n�►a�att�ae�e�u��Y,�a�i e�,�• :
<br /> = aod`tud�es now a�e�d1�s p�rt af tbe ptopatY. Atl�s and�s shwlfl ilso ba cwvaod by tHis Security►
<br /> , id�termeet. M o€t6e fareaoio6 is zefared to in this Setunty instrume�u�t�"PropertY•" _ `
<br /> $ORBOWFR DOY���t�t Bon�wa is lawfully�scised of the�esate he�epy oony�yod aod bas the�ght to�aac
<br /> aod caavey We Ptopaty�od d�at t6e Propetty is�+�a�t fac eacumb�ces of rxoid. Bor+awer w�daots ud
<br /> ��{��11y the titk�o�te pto�patY s�au�u at!cl�i�s aid demands.sabject to any encambran�es of iecotd. . • .
<br /> ` 'iHI�S SEC[]R1T1t INS7RUMENT Gombines�ik�am oovwnt4 for naaonai use aod noa unifam cavenants wit6
<br /> timited vac`»tians by jutisd�ctiou tp coastidite a anifotr�s�rit�►1n��$�P°P�!^`- ' - - � -
<br /> UNIPORM OdVENANfS. Uono�er aod I,cnder coveamt atd sgRe at follows: wben due tAa . .
<br /> 1. PliJ�e+M otllt�cipd a■d�:Pt+eP�y�n�std l.st�C�. BoRUr�rer shaU p�paY PRY
<br /> of and intaest dn the detx eridmced by tbe No�e 9od'anY P�Y���ad late char8es due w�der t�e Note.
<br /> � �FYris lrar'f1�s a�i I�a�t� Sabjxc m�p�'�+�vw or w a wr+t�en waivec b�►I.adv,Ha'ruwa st�i�P�Y t°
<br /> l.ader•a[•tbedsy tno�1Y P�Y�s ue cl�re tmder tbe Nu�e.u�ii We Note is p�id ia W1�a swn("Fiads"�for.(#l��Y
<br /> qxss iad astessmmts which rt►sY rtwQ P►iori�Y over tbis Se�uitY Instrinaat.u:liea:cx,[st�e Ptupaty;@}Y�Y��
<br /> - . , NY�s or�'°�md aots an the Ptopaty.if a►Y: (�) Y�Y�'�°E��7�������3►�;s , _
<br /> - ,p�s�a�ace ums.if±nY:(G)�at�Y�S��P�ums.�,..ass� 't�e
<br /> � � ����y p�r,isiuns Qf p�npb 8,in liw oi the�i�}u��of a�ostgage itlsur�ace p�emiu�as..
<br /> iians�t�e c�tkQ"Fse�ow Items."-I.ender msy,at my tt�me.colloct aod ba��s Lt Aa amount not w asoeed t6e� ��,�';:'.;�,.;.—
<br /> � • mnuunt s kader fa a fidetaliy telstod mortgaBa Ia�n may iequit+e for�arttiwer�e�•account utder thc fec�ia��3ta1 '° '_ � ;;;';
<br /> � �Estate Seukment Pmcedurt.+Act of 1974 as ama�ded fmm time to time,l2 U.$.C.�2�'((9I i�s�q ("R$SP�►'�,�okss.�::.� ,:: `.�., .
<br /> to t6c_Pund+sas a lesser��o�:;If so.I.eadermay,at any tin�collect�iwld F6n�sia ai mnoi�c�mt ta� �
<br /> , -,'_5, lawdnt�ppties :��of F1u�ds due at the lasis of c���a�ad tea�tln�ble`- :
<br /> ` `r,� exceed tbe kssa amwnt. I.ender msy-�' ,;,_;;.,,., ; �:.,:
<br /> '` .'�.`� esti�t�of expenditures of futua Esecaw Ire�sci�ctheiw4ge in accord�ce wit��Wk�iaw =
<br /> ::�rs�:
<br /> ��
<br /> � . •::�:"�e�a6�ll be beW ii1 ut ia�tiwfiai��Ti���are insraed bY A tedetst afencY.-�t1'-.�'��1► .
<br /> ' (�►g Lender,`if l.a�der is s�ch.ut L�atitution}ar in ae��"edetsl Aane I.oLt BarJc. I.e�er shaH sppl tUe Pwr3a:�,piY.` ,�.
<br /> , the Psc�+uw items. Latdec��iQC chtrge Ba�ower for fi�7ding and applyin8 tbe Pm�s4 amcaDg�Y�8�8re:�tavM
<br />_ ' sccaunt,a vaifyin�.xhe Fse�ur Items.unless Lender psYs Batower mtenst o n W e Fpnds�l�d ap�icable 1 a M►P a�n i�.
<br /> Lender maY mNire Bo�rowet to pay s_ane•tfi�ae ch�e for�n iadependa�t�al
<br /> � Lendet to m�ke s��s a�*.�ge: �Iowever. t a w d e s o8iawisa Udess�a
<br /> • �����pottpig'seevi�ee.eaex�1�Leade�in camec6at w�th tltis twin.u n 1ess A p p l i c�b l e ���wEr m tnterat oi , . .
<br />- • agreernent is madC br appiica'�t�i.aw toquires inte�est W be paid,Lender st�aU aot be reqairod WY W 9 ,
<br />-- • , eamin&4 on tLe Pqnds. Boaacvesand L.ender may ag�+eee in writing�however,that intenst shall be p�id on the Fimds. Lender
<br /> s
<br />_ � shall give to Borrower.without charge.•au annua}a�ccamang of ihe Fuads.s6owing crcdlts and debiu to the Fands and the
<br />_..� piupose for whict�a�ch debie to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional seeuti�y fot�11 sums soc�aed by
<br /> - thisSecuritylnsCct�n�� . . :.�':�
<br /> 'If the Plmds beld by L�ender excad the amoants permitted to be &id by applic�Yte law:-Les�der shall accauit��o. .
<br /> , M
<br /> - Barower for the excess Fw�ds in accardance aith the rtqaue�nerts of appticable b�r. If the aeooun�of the�heW by• .
<br />'`f Le�der at ury time is tat su�cient to pay tUe F�mw ttems�due,I.�de�m�y���Y�shall ��vp!he
<br />- - stsch c�se Bottower shaU psy ta I.eader the amount rioaes-qa9 w matce up the deficteacY. .
<br /> . � deficiency In no mo�e than tweive monthly PaYmenis.at Lec�der's sole discraion. ..
<br /> . UPar►WSrmeat in full of atl sums secured by dus 5ccurity Instrumrnt,l.ender shall prwnptly r�d w Bormwer any�
<br /> �' Funds held by Lender. If.undcr g�araBraPh 21,Lender shalt acquire or seti the Property,I.ende�:pnar to the accNlsition or ' ,
<br /> sale of the Property.shall appiy any Funds held by Lender at the ume o/acquisition or sale as a credit agunst tbe sums .
<br /> sec�ed by thls Secunty Instrumens.
<br /> 3. Applidtlon o�P�yments. ltnTess applicable law provides atherwise,all payments received by Lendee�
<br /> • paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:firs�to any prepayment charges due under the Note;second.to amounts pay .
<br /> paragraph Z;thud,to interest due;fourth,to principal��e and����y cu��,�� ��irions attributabk ro the
<br /> 4. Clu�rqes;Lieea� Barrawer shall PaY
<br /> ' Ytapescy whlch may attain priariEy over this Secarity Insu�amen�aad leasehold paymeaw or ground�+ents,.if aay. BoROwer
<br /> :. � . � shall pay theae obljgations in dte atanner provided in paragcaph 2,ar if not paid in that manner.Borrower sh�ll pay them on
<br /> �r- � ' time directly td the person owed paymem. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Ixnder all not�ces of amounts to 6e patd under
<br /> I, :�. � this pa�ra$raph. If Borrower makes these payments directty.Borrawer shall promptly fumish to l.ende:receipts evidencing
<br /> the paymenu. —
<br />`�.:,�;, .' ! Borrawer shall promptly dischargo any lien wt�ich has priority over this Security InstNment unless Borrower:(a)agrees
<br />=_': in wrldng to the payment of the abligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptabte ta l.cader.(b}contests in good faith the _
<br /> �r�.'-: �;rn by.a defends against enfurcement of the lien in.tegal proceedings which in the Lender�opinion operate to prevent Ux _
<br /> enfacement of the lien:or(c)secures from the holder of the tien an ageement satisfactory to Lender snbordin�ting the lien =
<br /> . to this Security InstrumcnG lf LenCer detem�inea that any part of thc Property is subjcct to a lien a�h:�.h may attain priortty _
<br /> - �" overthis Securiry Instrument,Lcndcr may g�v�Aocrower a nntice identiYying the lien. Borrower aha�6�atisfy thc licn or take , `-
<br /> - one dr more of the actions se:forth above wizrs 10 days ot the giving of noticc. -
<br /> w S. H�zard or Yraperty Insur9nca Bortower sha���C:cp ihe�mpravements now existing or hereafter eredted on the �
<br /> '• ; ptaperty insured against toss by fire.haza:ds included wic�in the tertn"extended caverage"and any other hazards,insluding F
<br /> . �- e= ftoods or ftooding,far whicb Lendes requires inswance. This insutance shall be malntained in the amotu�ts a^_�for the r
<br /> i
<br /> ; -.
<br /> , fone3�2s !I!� lyage2ajbpagesl =-
<br /> `i-
<br /> �_:� . _
<br /> 3.
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