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<br /> � condemn�tion oK forced Acca�with Own�''s Ca►pc�'ntinn in�ccor.dwoc�th Section 14 abAVe,
<br /> �a the avar�t such sppropriation, aondsmn+�tion ar farccd ir�atallatioa� of' aquiprnent rendsra
<br /> operetion of the SDS undnonomic�! in Operator's eole judgma�tt. Aparuor rrw�y tanunete tlri�
<br /> Agreement withau!ury paruifity. `
<br /> 1 S. . Ia tlqe eva�t th�entirety of the Property sh�ll be�propriatal or
<br /> t�Icw undar the povr�af emi�ent dortuin by say publtc or qu�ui-puutrlia suthority,thia Agreement
<br /> ahaU teisninue,s�of the d�te of such t�king,sr�d e�ch PutY them►Pon sluU be rde�txd from any
<br /> Wibility thereaRer�uin�hettus�der. .
<br /> 16. ,�. Oper�tor et iW sole cost �nd expense sh�l1 r,�rry comprehensivs
<br /> garerel ii�bility u�cluding bc+ead form comrscttW li�bitity insurance and prtxhtet� and compl�te
<br /> aper�tiom iaa�rance ariRh a comk►ined �le Wrot of not lGU that one mitlian dollus
<br /> (�l 000;004.(10)4'or 6odily injury�nd nronert�r d�ma�te liabilil:tr.
<br /> 17. Owne�'� Wrinar�tks. �waer repnx�nts �nd wurants to Opa�tor, with Sui�
<br /> lu�ovvledgc tl�t� Op�x�tor is acta�g in rali�r�aa u��on s�me in eaca�rtieg t�Ag�oar�eat aad �n
<br /> � p�sfomring ite obiigations h�mur,der.tbdt ft ia the leg�l an�i beneScid owr�er of, �ad fwld�recc�nd �
<br /> �ide to, tLe Pro�ty. tlyt i� u fl�lly a:thorixed to gnuK to Operstor tbe e�dua�vs rig�ts �
<br /> provided heran, a�d tb�t ib acea�Gioa of th�x A�+a�aluU not c� a b�e� of an}► otba
<br /> c�n�c+�t or previoutt�r�eontc�uct or s�re�,a�l or written, a�pplic,abl�ta th� Praperty.
<br /> � �Y �►, �8+�4 d�1 ��. ar �: t�t u f�u d�a ti�tl po�a aa4d
<br /> wthority tn anta�r nrto md delivsrr tbi:Agnsaa�ent and to perf'cra�iu �6�areundec and
<br /> l� tdcm� ne�ry c�por�to ar petne�p �ctioa to �utfiori�oe tbe�ooea�tion, ��+'Y �
<br /> �af tl�A�m;and th�t thia Ap�eoa�nt u vatid;bindiag md c�'ac�c�le p�
<br /> it in�voordau�x with it�tam��ud pr+avi�om. !)arna�rthe�r re�x+�ots�nd cvazru�ts tlyt i;Ma"
<br /> cl�toeed to Ope�uor�11 aeeenents snd liooeua`grseKad w a utiliity nr otber tha�d p�rty�d+�din8
<br /> agr +od�as video s�vicet pirowidex~,��or s�eea�ta,oral os writteo,writh �y o�tility oi'
<br /> othec vidao survica provirkr.
<br /> 18. �. Exctpt with r�eot to tl� accWsivity g�rawt� ta Oparnta in
<br /> Sa�ion 1.A. hec+eo� if sny proviaion of thu A�rt, � �ied to aRl�ee p�rty ar to aay
<br /> c�rum�tanoe, shvl be�djud�yed 6y i aourt to be im�lid,iUeg�l or�a t�e s�me�N
<br /> not �fReci tha w�idhY����Y.a'+�'��Y��Y �P�'�af t�e Agraa�nont,ax tLa �
<br /> �Qn of such provi�aon in ar�y othdr �. SbouDd tU4 aaa�t�ivity �an�ed i� .
<br /> Sec�i�+xi ,1,A. hac+eof be �ed i�rv�lid. ilkgAl or �me�i'oroe�bi�, Op�r+kar a�Y tioatinue thia
<br /> Agi�aa a nane�cciwia+e;ti�aia or t�e t6is Agreeax+at ia its�b�olute di�+e�iot�vvitl�nut
<br /> �►pp�lty to Opar�ta witiia�ever.
<br /> 19. j�LL�td�l.4f 1�F'uties. 7`he puties s�aU not be ootwd�x�ed jaiut v�tur'en►
<br />� l�ners,a8ent; �ervants ar�pnplayeea af e�cix ot�err�or a�y pur�pnse,end the peir�ies duscl�in.�nY
<br /> intention to�create aay such rs�ationahip S�etvre�a them.
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