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<br /> � 1�. t)vvner �olrrwwtodg�ee�h�►t, `�af tu -_
<br /> relationah9p with�perstor, it wiU h�ve aoc�to oonfidential Infonau�ian of Qperator, ir�cluding
<br /> lh��t cenl t��riREd tn, infomu�tion pertaininK te dtis Agr�me�►t or Operatos's s�rvir.�, prcxfuats, �
<br /> mathods of opa�ttion aAd muketing.pricing,tr�de seaeta,muicas,�na�l a�ut�s�n�position,
<br /> cuatomer iist�, �nd ralationsheps bttwee� Operator aad its salea staff� e�Wsta�, �ustomets�
<br /> Gs�ns�ea. supplia'a, rop�ic Pe�aoc�! ued otlrer ba�aiess �socx�tas (colla�ivety. "Infomsation").
<br /> 4wner aakiawledge�that the Inf'ornuaion ia�rnlwble, propriet�uy and tetique�t of C'�ier�tar
<br /> �nd coven�nts that, bath durbng wid aRer the term of thia Ag�t. Uwr�er. �nd itc officcr�,
<br /> diroctors, ahRr�d�olders, p�ctnera, anplopees�ad aga�t�. shall not c3iaclo�e+�nY Inforn�tion to au�y
<br /> persc9n witthc►ut Operator's priar vvriEt�n conxat. Nothin8 hercin shoU be deernad to bo m licen�e —
<br /> to Owner.
<br /> 12. j��. Fach patty agtecs ta taW the othet prrty, its p�rdtt, its
<br /> sudsidi�rie�.�d�ea a�r�,ciire�ctc,��,E+�,�as::::.�a t�s.����-*�,."!a�r.�d
<br /> All dut�ges,li�bllitia,c�and e�a(i�n8 reasoreable�ttcx�y's fees)aria�b3'vi�tue
<br /> of a bre�ch by the indenmitor of any anateriai provisiaa M�in. In the e've� af�tny daims or
<br /> litigation to wbicb tbae indamuties apply,tba P�rtY claa�n8�0�Y��°°��Y°0�' �
<br /> the oth�x puty of sacnc. Tbe fndannitor ma�►o�ect to assum�e the de�e of�ny such�;laicn or
<br /> �itigation; the indem�aar'e obliguions wit� re�ea t�a+eta alalll �ra lirwta! ta holdiog the
<br /> indenmi8ed p�humleas fram and ag,�ivat wy loss ot diam�ge a c�a�tt c�aaaed by or �ri:ing
<br /> out of a�►,Dudgma�t or aaY aett�at �PPr,oved bY t��damutor artw dect� co as�uma �ich
<br /> do�inse. Tfses iaderonite��ll h��+c.:the rigbot,bu�t iat the ob}i�Gian.to, to be,�!epTaentai bY ib
<br /> .....,....t .r �*� .r.� .�w.n.r. "��f ti�! �ndlemmititee shall be �10� to t�E i�1t01''� ZMfiQi
<br /> v:ii ......R.... ... �..r��.. .� --
<br /> ' �pprova�'�n'1�!c',h will not be unt+ea��oa�#�y wiit�a'��li�. ' . '.
<br /> , , .,
<br /> 13:;1 ' Qn��atior C'iadat� Oper.stoc tnay, �ita ex�!►q, (aud. i��ecess�rY, n►tt�e � ��
<br /> �'"' �rity�i�int's.�gra�ted Oparxtor ia�eresi�oa
<br /> ntme o�but'v�nthoo�t���;�x,�se to Owna�)ddaki�tbe ex.cluai ,: '
<br /> t.A. abcnr� a' �Y���. bY ��e pn000edi�t �x+oiea�t�d d�tiY. tbe v�G�o�Y a ,
<br /> _ , appticabi�.►'ry��f nry law ur nq�memenct af public autbocit}�;n�the Pronarty ar t6e servic�s pr+o�+id�d
<br /> . by UPar'stor ba'4unider, and Owner sl�l1 fully.coaperat� �h (�a ia a+ch Pro°se�d"�•
<br /> ��u,�,e�co� �n a�a. �a«�ey�a�a a�� � �u w�ey, �� o� a� � --
<br /> � .� owa«� shau s�'a by �on of a� don-eo�tiance o� �oo�e�t, i�g �+a�ce�al�k . �
<br /> . �rtterney'a feea. O�tor need not com�ply with enSr ax;h law a requi�nt d�ecin6 Opecm+o�''s
<br /> • ch�li�g�e to iu v�lidity or appticability to the Prc�paty aa+titbe s�rvices provided 1b�4peraoc , , . ..
<br /> . :�.
<br /> 14. raM�al!";�,_,���{�• Ixc t�;�ev�nt t�R a pcxtka.a�of the Pcr�pe�ty�a'�`ma'�aaY
<br /> �taiu�l prct if the�o�r MATi�Sy�t+e�,i��pt:opriated ar eondaroeci pucswnt to law
<br /> or pelice powas. cx ttu�t tl� �ncj.viaion af tba SD5 •a� ia �aeY m�nom' �H'�c�3 bY tbe t'a�aed
<br /> ia�taUAtion of ths eqvipmdit of a's�iird puty provjda of m�ulti�vk�mo prap�ran�ning�ervica
<br /> ia contrave�aon of Secdon 1.A: above t�mough operntion of Isw or atltaroviaa, �wner �ad ,
<br /> Uperator esch mxy prosaute, Qn ita own be�lf, ar►Y claim whi�:t► eithar l�as sgaina� said
<br /> gavveTnmenta� egencY and/vr t�s!;party, tnovided that Operaor �y stwaRy� d�Urnge such
<br /> -Er- . . , . . .
<br /> � ;, '
<br />