__ ___- " . [� f�.'f..'1. .. _ . . . - . .- . . .}_ —
<br /> ' :h:�` x.'. _ _ � =� -_ -
<br /> � � " , ' '�.3� y .� � , .- � " _� _
<br /> ` . - t_.� - t'�. - — . - — � ` -` -- -
<br /> _ _ _ . -_ f. - � ,. ``
<br /> — ��...r.u_e{:____ � _ . - . ' . `_4� ' .. � ti , :
<br /> . _ � _ , - �- . ..- _ ; - � -. - :-- -- - -:-- �� - I0�64T� .� ��. ,- .
<br /> ; � . _ _ . _..,-_ � _ �.
<br /> � � L MT�Mc�.tNae�t a�i l.�te C��e• Bonower si�all p�Y wl�en due the prjncipd d.�nd i�Me�ek au.
<br /> tde de5t ev�aed 6y 8ic Nate�ad t�le chetes d��nder tAe No1e. , . .
<br /> � MwWf/��t7l�xei,LwrMCC Mrt Ot�er�p, 8qiowa sNali iaclude ie ach n�NhY9 PRY�
<br /> WletMr w��e prieci�al ond i�uarest as set forth in the Na�e m�i+u►y W��e ei�rgek an iraWl�nt ot aa�►h?ta�a sd `
<br /> ` apecal assessments leviec!o��o be iavied aa�inst the Ptope�ty.(�l kuel�ola P�Ymetus�or�wrd mKs on the PtepettY,�nt1
<br /> tc)Pemiurt�s fa msutaace requirad bY P�s�aW►4. � �
<br /> �ch a�o�1y i�pllmad for items(a>.(b}�W(c}�i eqwl aratwelhh of!he aanwit�mouot.s.aa reasau�bly
<br /> - esama�ed by ireorkr. �n mwmt suff�cirnt tn nnintaio aa addition�bela�x�e�n!more th�n aK-sixth-d tl� ,
<br /> estiwnr�ed amo�ts. �f�li aanu�l anwuai for eadt itaa s6all be aoenmut�by I.ertder wftdis�q Period endina onc
<br /> mo�Mb befae#n item wwtd became deliaque�u.'Lendec sball hotd thc alnounts cbllxted�vnst to pay itnas(a).(b)ud
<br /> (c)6efae tbey bxome delinqnedt.
<br /> U at sny dtne tLe total af tbe paymeots betd by I.ender for iums(a?,lb)�nd tc), with the fwurr�moathty .
<br /> WY� [or sueh items pyable w L.ender p�icx w the due d�ies of s�dt it�s.ea�G�nwne�aa ane-si�ct5 tbe
<br /> =: admtted amoaat of paymeats toqaterd topsy such itans wl�m due.aod if payments on tbe Note ote cue�eot.tAait Leader ,
<br />�'` ab�il eitber tiefund th�excrss over oue-sixth af the�p�yments or c�edit the excxss ova one-si�qh of tbe�
<br />� p�ymaus W subsoqueat P4Yme��s by Banower.at tbe optiai ofBo[tnwet. If t6�mtal of tbe psymmts made b�F�a
<br /> fa itan(s).(b),a(c)is inwfficient to pay the item wben duG tlxn Borrowec shall pay to Lender any�no�uit nxessny ta
<br />� — m�lca up the def�cjencY on or before the date tbe rtem bece�aes doe.
<br />-= As usod in tAis Securiry Imwment, Soc�et�y�' mews the Secret�y of Hansin8 and Urbar►Developnent or Uis a her
<br /> . � • rba
<br />._':-x designe�. in any year in which the Lender must pay a mo�tgage insuranoe.peranium W the SecKtary,esch moathlY WYmene
<br /> sh�ll also incIude either: (i)aa iastallment of the annwl matgage insur�utce pamium w be paid by Lsiider to tGe • .
<br />�" Sx�e�,or('n7 a nwnd�ly cGarge instead oP a mortgage insur�ce Pretaium if tdis Soamty Iiuwment�s held by the .. ___
<br /> � Sec�et�r. F�ch manHily ins�alUnnent of the mortgage insuiance p�emiWn sh�U 6e in an ama�at sufficient to accumu�tate ttu_•-� . . _��_-:
<br /> Gq
<br /> ,.� �.�1�{�OlI�$C.IIL4iil90CE�[II1tAA WtTtl l.CBdE[Ot1C�i�l j l T l�t0 121E I�IC 1�1C f[I�t 8MU8�QlOIt$�$C'�.4W�IICC� �"� _—
<br />% �; '�"�S�C jQ��i G!C ff t�lt3$OC��IISZ[UIIIp�?5��f�IC.�CCtCC8TS1�CdC�I A1(Mlf��l C�18fgC 34�liJ��fC�II'�., , _ �_.--_
<br /> - - ,���r�tfth of aae i�alf pecceaz:�r�e au�g p�pai bafance due on the Note.
<br /> s '� , c ' .�$OI�OwGPStGRC1S t0 j.Ct1�Cf t�C f[t!�:[�""�"Of 81}Sfal1S S�CIIIC�b�LL"S�Witj��tM1lCtli:�OICOWR�S:6CCOitilt- �� � -
<br /> �.. C�
<br /> � , ,sl�le iyrcrediaa wit�,�the ha1�.��e ir�ain�g�c�a.`�mstaiiments for items��QzTi ro)ana-co)ana saS►fiortSnB .��� R
<br />� 4! p�ins�ll�arnt that Len�eriu.��a bxcsme obligated to pay to thc Se�et�y.and bepder sha�l pcumptlY titfury,t auy � �-
<br />• e��t�sfwids w$atrower. Immz:i.y,.°ly prior to a fonclosiue saIe of the Roperty or its.ao�uisition by Lendet.BorioweF�s �-_ ' i� ---� -
<br /> � "�; _ �aae�urit sball be ecedited with air�;az3"aace remaining for a1!installments[or ice�s(�).'ib��te). ,'r`�F-.�.�
<br /> • ± - 3. A ot pfayme� All paymee,�s mider Pa�agraphs 1 aad 2 sha11 be 2pplied by Lender as follows: ��� ,..,'. .=��
<br /> ,��': �� ar m the monthl ch e b tt�e -
<br /> '� , . to the raortgaga insurancc preau�n Ei be paid by La�der to t���Y Y az8 Y - °i.;:'� ..s:��� '
<br /> � q: • .•Secr+etary instead of the mo�[t1tly mortgage insvrancepre�umn; .�,:� _- - . . : - .�r:�. < '�,..F �=.
<br /> <•.�p,t u a�t a x e s.s p e c c a l a s s e s s m e n C s.l e�s e ho l d p a y 3 nents os g round rents,ard��.flood and other har�d .. - : .i;,.�jr�Ic���}f'�;.
<br /> i - .
<br /> . ;. - :insurance ptemiums.as r�eqaaed;' • - , 4,'' .a.:-"��
<br /> - �to inuxest due utKler the Not� , . ; • - . . '�������(�
<br /> L�` �]jgp�,ta anwrtizarion of the prind al of the Note; ' _ . . , � .�,• �`
<br /> L. ' .'i.' .. • . ��
<br /> �.t0 IatC CT18(gCS d0C Ui!(1CT thC�UtC. , ..... . �. . . .' ' � �'� "`- '�;,,'�r<�
<br />-f� - - 4. Fire,I�7ood�od Otl�er H�zsrd Idsuranc� Borrower shall insute all impcuvements on the Pkrpetiy.wliec�ies�r� ,�'�.�$4.. L
<br /> �a . " � in eaistence or subseqnemty eraKed.against any hazards.casualaes.and contingene�es.iacluding fire.far which I.er�er . ���_
<br /> �=�'�. '' � requires insurance. 77�ic insurance shall be maintamed in the amounts and for the yeriods that Lendet tequires. Bormwer ,
<br /> , �'�''�`=`^t `'�'�.:�., shatl also insure all improvements on the Roperty,wbether now in existence or suDsequentty erected,agamst locs lsy tloods , : `�
<br /> � r-"-..r�_ ,-.:;,,.-.
<br /> y � � to t h e extent tequ i n d by t h e Sec r e tary. A l l m s u r A n ce s h a l l b e c a r r i e d w i t h c o m p an�e s a p p ro�e d b y L e n d e r. 'f h e i n s u w n ce , , �s`�
<br /> ' .��'�~_-��•°-�.. policies and any renewals shall be held by l.ender and shall include tass payable clauses in favor of.and In a form ' '�,
<br /> `'�.,�E
<br />. �;�;t�,�'� .�-•. ' acceptabte to,Lender.
<br /> ' ,�-�a_.��. In the event af loss. Borrower shall glvc L.cndct immediate naticc by mail. Lender may make proof of foss if nat .. __ _
<br /> �°•�x: madc promptly by Boaower. Each insurance company concemeA ic hereby uutharized and diruteA to make payment for • :__,_�.
<br /> �"° sueh loss dirceti to I.ender.instead of to Borrower and ta l.endcr jointiy. All or any pan of the insurance proceeds ir,ay be - T=-
<br /> :��. •. y , , -.��-
<br /> � -;-��•. app lied(sy Lender.at its aption,either(a)to the reductian of the indebtcdness under the Note and this Security Instrumen� _-,_�.
<br /> fust to any delinc�uent amounu apptied in the order in Paragapb 3.und then to prepayment of principal.or(b)to the � ;�,.
<br /> - '� � � nswratIon or repa�r of tfie damaged property. Any application nf�he proccedS to the princ�pal shall not extend or postpane - , . i;_ ::
<br /> •�==�`;;': =.' t!u due date of the monthly payments wh�ch are nferred to in Pamgraph 2,or change the amvunt of such payrnents. Any • � ��•���.
<br /> , +; � •�:�,._�., .�. eacess insurance proceeds ovet an amount required ta pay all autstandmg mdebte dness un der t he I Yote a n d t h is Secun ty ' ���;
<br /> t"� -• lnstrument sha116e paid to the entity Iegally entitled thereta
<br /> '�: '= 1n t h e even t o f f or e c l o s u r e o f t h i s S e c u ri t y l n s t r u m e n t o r o t h e r t r a n s f e r o f t i t t e t o t he Piro that extin uishes the °����`
<br /> P�rtY � � . ��_�..
<br /> �r� indeMedness.a11 right.titte and interest of Bonower in and ta insurance policies ln force shall pass to the putchaser. f .:�:��
<br /> �� S. Occup�ncy. preservption. Maintenance aad Protection oi the Property: Borrower's La�n Applic�tioo: � . ���*:;-
<br /> '' LlaSlhOld.4. $d170Wei Sh811 oCCtl esta5lish,and uce the Praperty as Boaawer's principal rcvidence within s�aty days � -�;�'�
<br />, - • w T=-;-;. y
<br /> � �� ���'�`� ' after the execution of this Securit pinstrument and�haA continue to occupy the t'raperty zs Borrower 4 principal residence �. ' -
<br /> � ��',;:- .= Y
<br /> ' • �-°"'�'•"� for at least one yearafter the date of occupancy.unle�c the Secretary determines this requin�rrent will cause undue hardahip , . ,. .
<br /> ��-�'��°��- ''' for Bonower. �r untesw extenuating circutristiances exitit which are beyond 8arroweru:e:_nuol. Borrower shall r,ca!ity . .
<br /> . � Lenders oi any extenuatin�circumstances. Barrower shall not cnmmit watite ar destruy,damage or substantialiy change �
<br /> ' �� the Prapertyr or altaw the Propeny to deteriorate.reASanablc wear and tcar excepted. Lendcr may mspect ttte Ptoperty iP the
<br /> --- --_—•� - -= P�petty ts vacant or abandaixd rn the lu;u�is in deiauit. l.ender may take re�.umahle aainn tn protect and presen e such �_._ _ _ ..._
<br /> ;;���.� •,; vacant or abandoned Propeny. $orrnwer tihall also be in default if Borrawer,during ttir laan application proces�,gave � :
<br /> .��-±,:, . matetiall� false or inaccumte informatinn or ytatements ca Lender (nr failed tn prov�de Lender with any m�cenal
<br /> ��` � . informat�on>in wnnectiem with the loan evidenceJ hy the tiote.including.bu1 nat limited to.rcpresentations conceming
<br /> �� $orrower's occupancy of the i'roperty a4w a principal recidcnre. If fhis Srcurity In��rument i�nn a twyehald.Barcower shall �.• '
<br />� �•i: ' comply with ihc provision�of�he leasc. If Borrawcr acyuire.r frc tutr tn ihe Property.thc leaschotd and fcc titic shal)n�l �" :
<br /> • • be merged uniess 4endcr agrecy to�hc mcrgcr in writing. � .
<br /> � ' 6. Chsir�e�to 8on�owe�and ProtecNon of i.ender'q RiRhtg in the Prnperly. Harrawcr�h:►{1 pay al1 govrrnmcntal i .
<br /> ; �� or municipal charges.fines anJ im��Ui�my that�re not inctuded in Naragraph 2. Borrowcr shall p;ty these obligations on i _
<br /> � time direcUy tn thr entity whicb iv owed the payment. tf fs�ilure tv p�.�y w��uW a�iversefy vifect l.enderti interc�t in �he j .
<br /> . • Ptoperty.upon Lender's reyurst B��rrvw•cr shall prnmptly fumi�h tv Lcnder reccipts cvidcncing iheuc paymeN�. ;
<br /> • !P Botrower faiJs tn makc thcse payment�v nr the prymcros rcquircJ 6y F'luagraph 2.vr Pail�ti�perfurm:u�y athet j
<br /> - -- - ' • - eovenants and agreements ecmtained'm�hrs Secarity imm�mem.or�I�re i�a Iegat prcxcedinF that ma}si�tiRc�tlp affca:t �
<br /> -�-- •-- �� l.eitder's dghts in the Ptoperty lqueh�.a a p'oceeding ln banktuptcg.fi+r c�mdemnrtinn ar to rnfurce 1•rws or regul:itions>. �. .
<br /> tht�#.ender may do and pay wh;�[evcr is ncress:uy tc►pratcct the v�luc nf thc i'roperly:uid Lcndrr's riglitt in the Properiy, •
<br /> , ' �. . incTuding payment af taxes.h:�:►rd insur.u�ce und oiher items rnenrianrd in�.�ragraph�. -
<br /> ' . • My amounts dis6ursed by l.ender undcr this P;uaycraph sh�ll t+ecnme an a�td�ttonal dcbt of�nna•rr:u�d be�ecured �
<br /> • by this 5ecurity Instrument. These amnunts shall txar�nteresE ftom ihe dute of disburscment.at the Note rate.and et the . .
<br /> . � • option nf Lender.shnll be immediately due an�i payable.
<br /> 7 Condemttatinm 71te proceeds of:u�y award or ciaim fot d�magcs,dimet nr canceyuential,in connerNon�vith any , . .
<br /> • ' condemnation or other tmkin�oP any p:tA of the Property.or fur convey:uue in plare c�f c�+ndemnatian,ate hereby assi�n ed
<br /> - -- . .
<br /> , ' � J and shali be paid ta Lender ta Ihe extent of the fuli amount�f the indebtedness thnt rcmaina unp�id undcr the Notc:ind this
<br /> -- -
<br />