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<br /> ------, _.`_... _ --- .- --� --=- -nFFll(lE TRUST-_ _ , .
<br /> -- — .--- -- - ,�cASEria. � �
<br /> ' STA1E OF 1�1FBItAS�iA - ' 3Z1 1554206 ?48b - �
<br /> , -. � �.. . � ;�.
<br /> .�THIS DEED OF TRUST("SecuM9���is m�de on -�M3y ?.8��1992 � . . - ;':1,-�:-:t . •
<br /> The ttuqor i�-'.:�:::, ::�.,::i, ; �� .::., .., � ;;;; .
<br /> . _ � �,.
<br /> ..' Jd1ti S. Rfi�cetts II dnd Rebecx;a L. Ricketts� At�d aildt�Ti�e. � �..g���. < <'��•:F ; .
<br /> . , . -.Tl�e u�steF is�- _-.., . . . .. : � .. :....� ' . .. .
<br /> - As�end R. Badcic, Atton�x. ' ("Trus�")• . " ..
<br /> . . _ � ;.';;`.....
<br /> � 7'fie bcneficiary is � . � . . � � . - ' -
<br /> ' .�om�a �+eaes'al Savi�s:arx� Loan Assxiatia► of t�a�d Islar�d
<br /> , �•°.�- � . .
<br /> which is or�aiupea aad exispng�ader the lavvs of ��tska ,
<br /> and wlase addms is 221 S. Iccust. t�and IslaAd � 68801
<br /> . ` ("Lender").Borrowerowes LendertheprinciW�lsumof
<br /> �y g�g�t � Three H�u�dred and 00/100
<br /> Dotbus(U.S.t 38,300.00 �'
<br /> This debl is tvidentod by Borrower's note dated the same date as this Security lnstrument(•'�1e"),which provides fot,
<br /> monthlyp�yments,vriththefulldebt,ifnotpa�drarlitr.dueandpayableon �� �� 2022 •
<br /> Ttiis Security Instrumem secures to Lender.(a)the repayment of the debt eviQenced by the Note,with interat,and all
<br /> reaeqvals,extensiansand modiiications;(�SDthe payment of allother sums.with interesl,advanced under paragraph 6to
<br /> peetect t6e socurity of this Sxurity Ia�tnu�sent;and(c)the perfonaance of Borrower's covenaats and agree�.Far tlds
<br /> putpou,Horrower icrevorabiy gu�and conveya w Trustee,in Uust.with power of sale.the folbwing dtacri6ed preQaty
<br /> bcated in �� C,ount9.Ne�sics�:
<br /> Lot Faa tA)� in B1�vck 'lhiee 13) in Sauth (�anc� Islazd, an Addi.tian to the city
<br /> of Gcand Islana. E�i��Y� ���-
<br /> �whichhastheaddressoi 2t4 E. Oklahon� GC'at� Islaz�
<br />= ' �titrai� � (City) .
<br /> 1Vebiasica 68801. ' �"YropertyAddres.c"1:
<br /> tr/ipl'odcl , , -
<br /> '� TOGE7HER W1TH all the improvcments nou or hereafter crectcd on�he praperty.and alt easemeats.rights.
<br /> ° appurtcnances.rents.royaities.mittcral,oil attd gas rights an�i�Srofiis.c�•ater rights and stock and all fixtures naw ov
<br /> - hereafter a part of thr prapeny.All rcplacemeats and addition9 sha11 also bc covered by this 5ecurity Insarumen�.All of _
<br /> the foregoing is referreei to in this Security tnsirument as�he"i'roperty."
<br /> � HORRaWOt COVENANTS that Boaowcr is 1�wfuUy seized of tLe cstatc hcrcby comeyed and t�the dght to grant�
<br /> - a�caavey the Ptopeny and that the Pnnpeity.is uaencurt�hetad.eacept far encumbraaees of racord..Barrower wanaets
<br /> - � .aad w�i�defeed gene�aBy ttt�titt�ia the Prnpefry ag�maE atir cta�:�u�-�rwnds:subjcct ta a�es�at�btaa�es of ree�� _ .
<br /> . � _ v9�
<br /> -- -- -- -�HA H�RASlCA OEEDUF 7Ytirsi---. . - . _ _�qe 1�f 4paC��1 . ._. ".. . �ae�taeo t�:m�s+�am..i:s • - ---
<br /> � --1.:IkAtr fatY tHX!�30'A7d_C��blbi9l-f►l! - .
<br /> REYM�fltCly' r� •
<br />