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<br /> �_ ,}� �` ` ' �11,,e;,�,na�ia p�ov�i�tbe�r�a sball be cUosecr by Ba�v�ar�61��l�mder� .
<br /> < app��ord Mrh�c6'�s6r11 n�os 6�e nn�easooabiy wW�beW. if Bormwer fa�s a maintain coverage d�trn'boa ahove,l.endes Way.at .
<br /> Leader's optia�.obtain coveta�e to po�ccc Lendet�s rights in tpe�roPenY iu ac.cordaace witb pua;riph 7.
<br /> � f'� All•it�ce Pdiria and�rals shaU be aaeeptabla w itader and shall iacludt a standaed otiartpge c(�use. Lmder .
<br /> � sta111yve dse dYhc w 6old tse policies and mkw�ts. �f Leader=equiies.Barowa sdalt pcompdy give to l,ender all reaipa
<br /> o(P�id�xsmiuias�nd�encwal notxes. In t6e tvent of loss.�amr►a shalt give pcompt notia w d�e in�us�nce eycriet aod . .
<br /> Le�de�: Lender inay m�tce proof of[oss if not made prompdy by Borrower. : �
<br /> -- Uakss Lendec and Burtowu ott�rise,agree io vvnting,uisuraike pcoceeds sl�ll be apptied ta rataraiion�or�epair of
<br /> =tbe pYOperty d�ma�ed.if Me testarrtioo or repair is aonomically fpsibk and Lendec's secw'ity is na tt�cd. If tti�.� ' -
<br /> . �sswratian er repait is not ecanomicalty fe�ibk or Lender's secunry waaid be[asened.t�e i�e proceedf sha{1 be
<br /> applied to che`suins secaced by.thi�Securicy hisaumea�vvhcther or aa chen dae.with any exass paid w Bo�mwa. ff �
<br /> Bamwet abaada�s the ProQeriy.or daes not answer within 30 days a natice from I.ender th�t dx iasucance caaier hat
<br /> oBe�ed w settle s ct�im.thea Lender a�►y coikct the imuraece preceeds. Lender anY nse th�pcooee�[o tepav or resooe�e
<br /> — dre Ptopeny orto py swms see�uM Hy this Sachuiry Ins�nuaent.whetber a not thm dt� The 30�day period�rilt be�s what _ .
<br />=_ , the notice is givea. �� � s6a11 aot exand or
<br /> -- Unkss I.eoder�nd Barower od�eev�rise agRe in xriring,anY aPPI� P�'� P�P�
<br /> _ = po�tpone the due d�rc of We mond�lY PaY�nu cefeRed w in puagtaphs 1 and 2 a change the amount of d�e paYm�ts- if
<br /> _ - wder p�rag�aph 2!tbe Ptoperty is ao4wred by L.endet.Bortowers dght to_aag insuzance Foticies aad P�'aeeds�1�8 � .
<br /> �- �����p��}r prior to t h e acquisitian s l v U��ss to L e a d e�t o t l�e e x t e n t o f d i e s o o m s s e c Q C e d b y t h i s S e c�t ry
<br />� ` ' L�ne�t imtiediatefY Pna w the�cquisition. � � _
<br />= f. Ooe�ely Pr+a�� Maiote�s�ce ad Proteedo■ d the Piroperty, Barr�'s Lu�� Appiiat�o�; —
<br /> ..I,ea4iold�. 8armwtr sdall o�cuPY•asaMish.and use the P�vpeity as Bamrva's pri�cip�l midenoe within sixty daYs a�ar —
<br />- th�eaecation pf this Secuticy Inmuma�t and sh�11 co�uiaue to accupy the Fiopesy as Botmwer's p�iocipai raidence for yt
<br /> last one yaa at�er t6e daae of occopd�ney. w�i�ss Lendef aherwise a8ce�s in wririag, wl�ieh eoosa�slnII nac be q-�_-
<br /> n
<br /> un�wonabiy witl�beid.or unies;extenua�ing cu�unstances esist whicb u�e[�eyond Borrowds caeaoi. 9cxiower sh�il not ��+ _
<br /> � . • �destmY,du�e a impvir the A'0P�7►•a11ow tt�e Prop�ity to deuciior�te.a commit wa�te on the Pm�etty- Bormwet ai�ll �:�-<}v .
<br /> iCf •
<br /> � be iu defaulc if any forfeiaue actioa or pcnceeding,whaber cirn'1 or ciimiaal.is begun tbac in Leoder's good faith jndgmeat ��_.-:.
<br /> cauld nsuIc ia forfemne of the Properry or otherwise materialiy impair the Ceen creaud bg tbis Security Insaument a �.��F _
<br /> �- �`I l.ende�'s securiry iaterest•Horrawer may cure such a defaalt and reinstate.as p�avided in paragraph I8.by causin8 the action ... - ,
<br /> � tudes fafeiture af the Bo[mw�r�s
<br /> .a P��S t o b e d i s T n i s s e d w i d i a r a t b t g t l t a t,in Lender's g a o d faidt detecminatior►,p�c .- -_�'_
<br /> • �ntetest in tbe Ptnperty or ottkr mauiial imr�aitmeqt of the lian cteaud by this Securlry Insuument ar Lender's secucity , _
<br /> i n t e i r s t. 8 o�s o w e r s h a l l s l s o b e i n d e f a u I t i f Borrowes.d u r i n S the loan a p plicatioa process. Save materiaUy false or . -
<br /> 'on ia w[tnection with �`` -
<br /> " - inaccuzatt info�mapon or statements to Lender(or faited co provide Lender wid�any matenal u�fomsaa ) � ,r
<br /> tde laut evidmred[ry tbe Note. including. but aot limited to. tejmsentations conceming Barawas accuPancY of t6e
<br /> , pnnpe�ty as a principat residence. If d�is Secwity Iamument is on a lauehotd.Boimwer shall compty widi a]Ethe provis�ons _ ` -_
<br />�;;,::, ��. of fie kase. If Barowec acqutres fec ade to the Property.the Ieasehotd aad the fa dde shaU na nrdr8a.nntessi.ender aS�ees '-•�' �,,
<br /> � .• � w the caerger ln wrIti�ng. � , . �"�j=�:�'-_ :__
<br />`''` ; � Z Protettioh of Leoder's Ri�hhts in t6e Pcoperty. If BoROwu fa�s to perfam d�e covenancs and agreements ' � _,,�.. :;;-.
<br /> • ,�- ' caotained irr this Secnriry buaumea�a tt�er�e is a legal pcoeeediug ttiat:�ag signific�Y affect Lend�cs siShis ia'dx -�•.:�.,-.':,N_-.�--
<br /> . ptope�ty(sach ag a proaedin8 in banbup«S►•P'�°bace,for condemnation or farfeicure or to enfo�ce laws or regulations).then � � . ,.:.`�;•f�:�`-'`
<br /> � �• �- Lender may do and pag far whauver is necessary to yrotect the vatue of the Piuperty and l.enrkr�s rights in the Pmp�Y. � • '_.
<br /> `:�.��,c.°' ,� Lender's actioas may inctude paying any sums serared by a lien which has p�io�icy over d�is Seeurity Instrument.appearin8 �-' ,. : ?,..�_
<br /> ;F�,'.
<br /> } '. in court,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make rep a i r s.A l t h o u8b 1.e n d e r may tatce actian �• '�:.. ,
<br /> . � ��"�'��� wxkr this paragraph 7.Lender does not have to do so. ' ��
<br /> _-,Q;....:::,. . . ,. .;�.-.:
<br /> -'�F. -����< Any anwunts disbu�sed by Lendes under this paragaph 7 shall become addittanal debt of Borrnwer secured by this . -
<br /> °`` � Securiry Insuumen� Unless$oaower and Leader agra tv ather tertns of payment,these sunoants shali bear inte:est from the ,. '°='-'
<br /> •r' ,^y--.��'.� . . date oY dislwrsement at the Note rate and shall be payable.with interest,upon notfcc from Lender to Botrowet reqtusting � �: ,:�.,�_
<br /> ' + �� � � ��&�Mortgage lawnnc�e. If l.ender requized ot�ortgage insuramce as a c�dirion of making the toan securad by tdis • �� '���"�'
<br /> ty ^ (^i
<br /> �':+sr��� .h...;�� . • ..�b.�a�,.
<br /> ;,F;;�t4ti5:f , Security InstNmenw Borrower shall pay the premmms required w maintair��e mor[gage a�surance in effect. If.for aay .:, ��
<br /> , . , �- }�' '�'��'°� }; nasw�. the morcgage fisnrance co�erage requ�red by l.ender :a,ses ar ceases co be in effec� Borrower shall pay the � :,,_,.r,•, ,. .
<br /> :;'�•.;-.,
<br /> „„�
<br /> r;� '��;��.�.�;. . premiums required co ubtain cove�,� substanuatty equivatenz.o �he mortgage insurance previously in effect. at a cost �:' : :,�::,;;�c ,_:�
<br /> u
<br /> ' ;:� '"'� substantiall ulvalent w the cast iv Sorrower mf r4;a mortgage insurance p^ersousty in effect.fram an altemate mortgage � ;, -=�,
<br /> , ;�:�-.:: Y etl
<br /> • r .,�;•�, 9nsurct approved by i�sd�et If substuntially eqtti��ent mottgage insurance caverage is not availablt.Borrowes shall pay to �'� �":'.-
<br /> Lender each month a swn equal to one-twalfth of.ct►e yearly mortgage uuurance premium being paid by Borrower when the _
<br /> � .'t';�•� insurance cover�ge tapsed or ceased to be�n effect. Lender wilt accepw use and retain these paymrnts as a loss reservo in lieu _
<br /> �' 1„:' `Y, ot mortgage insur�ee. Loss reserve payrrtents may no longer 6e required.at the option of Lender.if mong,age iasurance -.___
<br /> ' � r.� : " •��`; eoveruge(in the amount and for the period thac Lendar requires)provideA by an insunr approved by Lender again tiecomes ,.
<br /> ,. s:��;-- .- . � . .
<br /> `=4�..'� �`�'�� availab le and is obtaine d.Barrower s ha 1 1 pay t h e pr�rniums required to maincau�mort ga ge msurmue in effect.or to provide a
<br /> . . :�- ,-:,:•,. .�.
<br /> • loss reserve,until the nequicement for mort�age insarance ends in uccordanre�rth any wntten�geement baween Bartawer !
<br /> • • and Lender or applicabie taw. i
<br /> ' s ' 9. Inspection. l.ender or iu agent may make re�sonabte entries upon and inspections of the Properry. Lender shall i .
<br /> � _ ' ' :.' .. g�ve Harrower notice at the time of ar pnor to an inspecuon specifying reasonuble caase foc the inspection. • � �• �
<br />, . ';��`: . • 10. Condemnatbn. The proceeds of any award os cla�m for damages.direct or conseyuential.in connectivn with any � , �� �'� �
<br /> :r.. . � .
<br /> • ,`r •. Singte family�Fanek�1arJf�eddie�tac UNIFAtl�f INSTRC�fE�IT••Cniform Covenante �!!e�puqs 3 aJe puae,l ,
<br /> f_: ' q!a f�te N�IeeM oanM.feG� `•• .
<br /> � fi Ude►Calk 1l006369P93�/N16167l1-11�f , '
<br /> ' �.
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