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<br /> , � racEi7�R wnH�u t�e���w+�►as be�fta aeccea«►�ba�ope�t�►.��u eue�s:�� �
<br /> � md fiitwses`now ar'IKrdrRer a p�rt ai tbe p�ope�tY..Ali ieplacemrnts and additioes slnid�iw be cavend by thi�Sec�icy'�
<br /> � ia�p�nenc. AU�the fae�dn�is�starod,w in tt�is Scrcutssy It�arumait as d�e"Ptopecty"
<br /> � �� . BQRBQWER COVENA.►�'[S thu.Bartowa is iawfutty seised ot tf�c e3t�e haeby conveyed and h�s tht`right to g[ant �
<br /> ` �nd cmvey d�e propacy aud tt�at dK RopatY is�ma�cumbeced.exapc[ar encumb�ances o€raocd. Hamwu w�rr�ats�nd .
<br /> �n
<br /> . wilt defmd�rnarallY tbe atle to che AnpetEy against ai!claims�ad dem�nds.subject m�y,eacumbrances u�tecoid.
<br /> � THIS S�...�-rrorrv INSIR4'1V�T com8ines uniform covenancs fa na�ia�a1 use and non-unifomt coveavus wiiA � .
<br /> � �linnced vuiuioos bY�ur3`sdicrion to caasrit�tc a unifoem secun'ry instcuntent cavermg t�i�ope�tY• , . - _
<br /> iIT�I�OR2N COVENANCS. Bomower and Lmder covenant and�gcee as follows: =
<br /> 1; Pa�nat o�Prticipal�sd isterat,Prep�Jment,add I.afe Ct�a. 8o�m'�rer s6�LL p�ompcty PaY wh�n dne the
<br /> - priocip�i af and Lotaest aa t6e debt eridenced tiy t6e Note aad anY P�Y�����due under rhe Nae.
<br /> 2. Fiui�tae Tas:s a�d Ia■ra�ee. Subject to�ppi'kabk law'a tn a w►iuen waiver by L�ender.Brrrnowa shaU pty m
<br /> - t,eader aa ttie day moathty pa}-mam are dne�mdes tbe Nate.unW the No`e is paid in furi.a�m("Fw�ds"3 for:(al Year1Y -
<br /> taua aud assess�ts'wl�ich may�nin priaitY over d�SecuritY L�aummt as a lien an tbe P�openy:tb)YarIY Ieasebold
<br /> . P�Y��a� mus m tbe Pmpeity. if any; (c)Yac1Y f�z�d or p�°P�y iraur�aca F'tem�wm: (�Y�Y flood
<br /> =- — ira�uAace�cemiu�s. �f aay;(e�yeady matg�ge iasur�oce pcemiums.�f any:iad(fl ar►Y sums WYabk bI►Bamera m
<br /> � I,�eade�in'seco�dance with.d�e p�nvlsims af p�ragcaph&ia lieu of tAe paymau af mon,rgage ins�uaace Pmniwas. � ,
<br /> items m ailod"Esc�+ow Iums.' Lender may,u�y time,toikct aad lald Fanas m an mrount aot to eu�d the nt�cimuta
<br /> amount a lender far a fe+daait},rel�ted mottgage laan way require for Boc�awet's escmw accauna n�tGe fede�i Real -
<br /> ' Est�e Seukmeat P;oixdutrs Act of 1974 a�aaetided fnoa�s time to mnR 12 U.S.C.�2601 et seq.("RF.SPA'7.unkss atiotlw �
<br />-:�_ !aw that appl"ias m t6e Funds sets a i�sser aatnunt If so.Lender ma�.ae a�r time,colIaY ud iwtd Fuads in�n aaao�mt not to =
<br /> exceoa me iasa�noanc. ca�der ma►y.esnmate rhe smouac of rvnds ana on me b�si3�c�ant a�c�ana rasaable =
<br /> - es�a�a of wEpandiaaa of fwnue Fscznw Iu�s or otherwlse in accad�ace with applicahie LRr. _`--
<br /> -- --- - 'i!x Fia�ds s6e1.l6e�etd_in an institotian�rhose deposits ue insiaab bY a federal a�ency:iamameAtafity,or eatitY _ -
<br /> — (including I.aider,iY L�endet is wch_�n' �ot�)ar in any�ederal.Home Loan Banic. Lender simii applY Ihe Fuuds in pay • __ ----
<br /> tbe.Esetow Itetns. .Lender mac uot c��ormwer for Iwlding and sppiyia�the F�nds.a�muallY at�lYzinB ihe esCtow . __ --
<br /> aoauu�rt,or verifyiag tde Fscma Iums.ankss Lender pay�Borrower inteKSC on tbe Amds and applicable taw peimiu i_-_-
<br /> u�
<br />... Lendcr w m�kt such a charge. However.I.atder may ceqvire Bacrower w psy a oae-dme ch�cge fa m u�depaidem ieat ������'.
<br /> Lendet ia c�r�meai4A�vith this toau►,uniess�ppi�c�ble 1�►w�mviQec othecwisc. Untess aa �=n:F-'Y r'
<br /> eatste ta�t i e p o�u n 8 ucv�aa iuedbY B a m w e r a a y i rn e t e s t o r :�`;,_:.,. -
<br /> u
<br /> - agi+xsaeat is m�icie or applicable!aw requites intecesc to 6 e pai d.L e n d e r s t�U n a t b e z e q u i n d w p a y. �.
<br /> �.. ...�.,,.
<br /> eamings on the�nds. Bamwerand Lender may ag�ee in writing.howova,d�at intecest shaU.be Pud on tLe Funds.�Lender },*�<<��._�
<br /> - ; _�r, r Y
<br /> ' shaU give to Soaawer.without charSe.an annual accounting of tbe Funds,showing ccedits and debits to thc�lunds aad the . =,��,...�;:--
<br /> �''. . pwpose fos which a�cb debit w fie E'vnds was made. The Funds are pledged aa addaa�al socuiity for all sums scc�md by 3�.::_._
<br /> ��ty�' " ` I:ender shall accamt to � �� 4
<br /> < ' •If the Pu�1d,s.held by l.ender e�ccee�3 y4e�now�u permitted to be hetd by applicabie law. ---�_
<br /> m
<br /> � Banower for t6e arcess Fw�ds In accordance aritb the roquinea�enu of applicabk law. If tAe ama�s s►f tbe Fimds held by ��J`�`_
<br /> LeMer at any dme is not su�cient to puy the Escrow�ums when due.Lender may so nodfy Boi:�+wer in writing.aad.in r'-�----
<br /> ` sucD esise Bam�ver shal/psY to Lrnder the amoutv tjeaessasy co m�ica ap the defieiency. Barower shaU make up the 'z�i.�:� �e,-
<br /> r`<•� ; ;`. defrciene.y i�t no,ntact tdan twetve moattsly payments.at I�►der's sole discneuon. �
<br /> .�•�_�_
<br /> ' 1JP�PaY�.ia fiill of aU sums secured by this Securiry Insuumeat,Lender shall p�omptly refund ta Barower aaY ,_-
<br /> ��.':, " �Ltds held by L�3er. If.�nder puagtaph 21.Lender sha11 ac9uite ot s�ei�the Propetty.Lender.Driar to tlse acquisition or �� �';.�y
<br /> n �
<br /> • sale of the Ptvpe�ty.shall apply any Funds held by Lender at tlie tim�cs€acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums ; z,-..;:�i_
<br /> tim c.;t
<br /> SCQIiCd b}I iYUS$ECIIlIt}�TIL4U111i1�I1�. :-'.>,l,�`,
<br /> t �',''4�:`-�i{�
<br /> � 3. Applicatba ot Piynreeta. lJntess applicable law p`rovides otherwise,aU p�ymenu received by Lender under .. �;.�;,,, .
<br /> pa�grsphs 1 and 2 shali be appliM first.to anY Prepaymenc charges due under the Note:second,.to aznounts payable under ..,.;.�a:a;�
<br /> �_ .. ��,..,t...
<br /> .''r pnrigrapb Z;third.to interes�due:fourth.to principal due;and last,to any iate charges due under the Note. ��:i:4:�r:,;.
<br /> .. _ 4. C6aefes: Liea�. Borrowes shall pay all taxes.assessments: ct�arges,fines and impositions amibutabk to the
<br /> � Froperty which may attain prioriry over this 5ecurity Insttumen�and lrasehold payments or ground rent�.if any. Bormwer :�� .
<br /> -3�- � shall pay these obligaGons ln the manner provided in par�►�xaPh Z.or if not paid in that manner.BorTpwer shall Day them on ,,.t._.
<br /> � tic�e direcdy to the person owed payineat BoRawer sha[l gaumpdy fumish to Lender all naaces of amounts to be paid under "�:�
<br />; , ' tdis�uagraph. If Sorrower makes tt�ese payments direc�y.Burrowtr shall promptly fumish to l.endet receipts e�idencing • _. :�
<br /> , " 1,..• ��H rowdr sball yromPtly dischuge any lien which has priority over r�is Securiry Inswment unless Honowtr:(a)agms �' ��:
<br /> • 're in writing to the payment of the obligation secund by the lien in a manner acceptable to l.ender,(b)caatests In good faith the : 1~°"�•'
<br /> "' lien by.or defends against enfo�cement of the lien in.�legal proceedings which in the Lender'�opinion operau to pnvent the ;�, �:
<br /> �= enforcement of the lien:or(e�sacwes from the hotdet of the!un an agreement satisfactory to l.ender sabordina�ing t1u l�en � .,;;',''�.;i,;``
<br /> ;,+,� �>- = td tAis Secntity Itummen� rf Lendes detern�ines that any paR af the Pra�rty�s su6ject to a lien which may attain prlority C �':;;`'�a��`,
<br /> (`�`�:� , j over tdis Secudty Insuumen�Lender may g��Botrower a notice identifying the lien. Horrawei shall sacisfy the lien or take �: � �
<br /> -.�•� � �
<br /> � ane or n�re of the actlons set fonh above withm 10 days af the giving of notice.
<br /> X'��'�'=�'. S. Nazard or Property Insuranca Borrower shali keep the�mprovements now existing ot hereafter erected on the
<br /> _ ��:'._,.•_.T_ ' p�-,,pertg rtnsured against loss byfue,hazatds lncluded within the term"eatended coverage'and any other hazards.lncluding � •
<br /> • . �r.:•:: ttooas or t�ooding, for whlch Ltndes requires insurance. This i�sur,ujce shal!be maintained in the amounts and for the �-
<br /> F .
<br />.. :�q�i.A�..:'�.
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