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<br /> �. . :; . : _ . - ,_�Z=� ��4�9�- � = . :.
<br /> . � , . _. ,
<br /> � appii�aWe Lw m�y ipecifjr`ta iei�tan�t)�beta�e sile at the Property puts��rY F��'aile eaet.�aed m d�s .
<br /> � Sxurity Tnsauma��or�b)entrY of a judpnent enforciag this Sxarity In�� 7Uase ca�ditiaos aie tl�t Bono+rer. h) - ..
<br /> p�ys Lrnder�a}i sums which tbm wwld be due uader this Security 1ns�umrnt abd the Notc as if no acoekrstioa 1�sd
<br /> acaured:(b3 cures u�g defautt of any otba cwveaauts oc a�anrnts:(c31�n�ll expa�ses inctnred in snforcn�g this Security ` :
<br /> -=�,��r�-i�+r�dlnq_�a���i�t��°"e.wt,t��v�'fees�_ar��dktatces��wci►ac�ian..is_Irifdet.��!��enal�lv__._ - —-__
<br /> - - -- - ioqui�e w usure thu tLe lien of this Sxuriry Insanuneat,I enda�s rigMs in tbe Ropaty and Borrower&obligstiaa[n PfY ti�e ,
<br /> — _ sums savted.,by_this Se�aulcy Iamun�ent s�li cauinae �mchanged. Upon,�uement By�Bonrower. this Sa�riry
<br /> Tnsbmm�a�t�nd tbe obTigauoas soc�d hp�eby shall reiaain faf1y effeciIve as�f no:rccetuatioo hid occurraf. �iosvcvu.thi�- -
<br /> right to rdmtau si�ll not�pply m tbe case af axelustioa�mdec puag[�h 17. -
<br /> 1! Sde d Nde:C6an;e o�Lo�a Setvioa: '!be Note or=�utial intecest ia tbc Note(to8ether with tt�is Seaniry � -
<br /> -- Icstrument)may be sold ort�or mone times without prios notice to Ao�tawec A sak msy re�lc in a ch�ngt iA tbe entity._ ,.,•:=;�-
<br /> - , (lnowrn as thC"I.oan Savicer")that coDxts maa6lY PaYmm�s due wjder t6e Note and this Sec�rlty IususnmeM.:�1�tre�k0:..:.:�
<br /> - . may be Qae or mone ct�nges of the Lflan Secvicer uo�eiated to a sate of the Nats. tf tDae is s change of tbe.Losu►Servicer.
<br /> ` Boimwes will be given wret�ea notic�of t6e ch�m�m oocadaooe�vith p�graph I4 at�ov�and applicablt taw. The noti�x
<br /> wiil stue the name aad add�ess of ct��L�;Se«icer and th�addi+ess ta which pryn�ss5r�aitd be made. The rwria w�l
<br /> � ..
<br /> • �iso conc�in any " ' �-»�"�� _ . ... _ __ ___. , .._.
<br /> _ in adxt wfacm�affi ��law. ' .;'.�.:
<br /> : 10. �doas Sr6staaoes�'���-�it caase or pem►it q�e�,;�.�sa�.s¢',��:c�c rti�-of:.:, -
<br /> `' `.<�Substaaces oa c�r�:��'^..geiey. °ffuiiowes�ali�ot do,aar alto��e��.��+d�,:�B affetting the
<br /> �
<br />_ _ :,._ .;�ic�'�is I�viots�€��a�r���onmentat i.aw. 'i't�e p�g tw�sttitatr�es siu�a�s appiy io`the�sence.use.o►.� � _
<br /> -''`= Prt�pettSo€sm�1l q�itities of Hazardous Subsr�ac�s�ac are g�eralty recog,nized to be appropiiate�to.noniW�
<br /> ;.;<<; ' �.�`� .; • ,
<br />:.,;;<� ,. � ies�dui�s�es and w maintenance of the Proper�y. .
<br /> Boirowes shall pro�nptlY Sive Lender writtea naice o(sayiavestigation.�Isim.dertwnd.laws�it a vtbet sctian by aay
<br /> g mvol " ihe u�d u�y Hazard<ws Subst�nca or Environmentil
<br /> - govemmental or regnlato�y,ageaeY a PriYar�P�Y� �8 �Y
<br /> Law of which Harower has actual knowkdge. 1f Sorrowa�learns.or�S notified by any govenunEnsal or reguiatay
<br /> authodry,thst any renav�l oi otber rettkdiapon of�y Hazerdous Substance affecung the Property is nocessuy.Bartawa
<br /> � ' �P�P�Y�e all necessaty remedi�l actions in aa',or+daxe with Eaviranmental I.aw. ,
<br /> sa y
<br /> ', ,;' As used in this paragraph Z0."Hazardous Substances"are those substances�ned as ta�ic or hazardous substu�ces by 4-�`-
<br /> ��•-- Fnvironmental Law and the following substances: gasoiinc kerosene.other flamm�ble or toaic petnuleum praducts,toaic ,__.�__
<br /> �*�_�°�-=
<br /> - - _ - pes�icides uid herbtcides.vots�ile aolrems.materials cornaining as6erto�oc fannaldehyde.aad�dioaciive materials. _As : .�..�:�._�_
<br /> used in this paragrapb 20."F.ttviranmental l.aw"tneans federal laws and laws of�he jutisdiction wherc the Property is t�+catec! , ��"`�=
<br /> --, ths►t relate to healt!►.SAfCty 0[CtIY�iOfl1MAt81�fOlf.Ct106. • �-
<br /> . t
<br /> � '� NON•U!�'IFORM COYENANfS. Borrower and l.ender further ccwenu►t and agee as foliows: ��="•*'-�=�
<br /> � r` � 21. Accek�atbn: Remedks. lxnder elwll give natice to Borrower prior to�ccelerstlan[dbwin= Borrower's ,ti,.,''°�'_:-
<br /> -� bresch of�ny covenant or s=reement in tbfs Securlty InstrumeM�(but not prior ta accekntbn under pars:nph 17 - . �_
<br /> ;�ti p�lds�ppliatbk b�'provWes Mherwke). The notke sh�ll spec(fy: ls�l the deiauth,(b►the action requi�ed to cure tAe ��;�
<br /> detault;(c)p date,nM kss thsn 30 dsss tram the date the notice is 8iven to Borrower.by wbkb the detaait nwst be -- _
<br /> �� epred:and(d)iluit tailWCe to cuce the ddwtt on or beforc tbe dsite specifieA in 1Le notice msy resak in necekntlaa ot �„�.M�-
<br />. � ...--:�vz•___
<br /> - - ,1._:' � tbe sums secured by this Security lnstrament and sale ot the Property. The natke shall turther infornt 8orro�res ot wl,�.-.
<br /> � ; �_� :: tbe right to reinstnte atter accelerANae and the right to brin=s�court act�to as�ert tbe non-exls�eaa af s dd�utt or '=;4,��� ?
<br />� ��'-,�-- � sny alher delense at Borruwer to�ecekratbn and sate It the default is nM carM on or betore the date specNied in , -
<br /> ±�i r`�'��'"�`.•� . �: tbe noNce,t.ender at its optbn may require im m e diate payment in tull ot s�11 sums secured by this Securtty Iastrument , :� :
<br /> ';� _,`;;4'=�?`• without turthee demand aad may(moke the powes ot sak and any other remedks permitted bv applfcnbk la�. �- <
<br /> �r•`'��'������'� � Lender shaii be entitled to wlled a11 espeases iacurred in pursu ing t6e remedies pcovtded In t6�p a r a g rnph 21, , '`;�`_ �
<br /> r��. �`��.+'-,t ' incladiag,but not limited to.reasonabte attorneys'fees aad costs o[titk evidenc� = I� "�_ `
<br /> � ,�_�.; ° It the power af sale i�iavoked,Trustee shall recard a aotice ot defauH in each countF in�6icb any part ot the f -.. , ;._
<br /> . ,�`; �
<br /> � ;f:�, .,�'��. pcoperty is laeated and aha0 mail mpies oisucb aot➢ee io the rtwnner prescribed by applicaDk law to Borro�er artd tv .
<br /> `. - ''`.r ` the otbrei'persons presc�ibed by applicable law After We ttme required by applicaDle ia�Trustce sdall glae pablic .
<br /> . ^�_ ��' noti�s ot sAle to the persons and in the manner presc►�"6ed 6y applicablr iaw• Truste�R'�thout denum d on B o s rower. - •�':; -
<br /> ` "��y�:° ��°= shalt sdl the Properly at pu61lc nr�dion to the highest bid�at the t�me and pface and ander the terms des�gnated in ;�•:.
<br /> � r•.,.t_: 4,�;;.•;
<br /> ,,�,�., ,.��.�_.�..
<br /> • - the noNce of sale in one or mare parcels and�s a���order Trustee determines. Trustee mac postpoae sale of a0 or any ;�E��
<br /> ����:,.,Y Y;� parcel o�the Property by pu6lic announcemEm�at the time and place of aay previousl��schedWed sate. l.ender or its • . ; , _
<br /> .. ' ,'�'r'ifi1, • :-
<br /> ' .+�,�;.>:: �,;:.� d e s i g n e e n w�p u r c h a s e th e Pro p e r t y at an q sAle. ` '.:�;, :
<br /> , ,� .� '..:-• P PaYment t�t5e � ;�-� =
<br /> r 1�.,_. Upan rece i t o t pr lc e b i d,T r u s t e e s l u►1 1 d e l l v e r t o t he purchaser Trustee's deed conveving the �-,_,,: _
<br /> • � , ,.��:� ` pcoperty. The recitats in the Tv�s�ee's deed shail be prima tacie evidence ot the trotQ��8the statements maAe therein. �� .-
<br /> ;::+"s�;� 7lruata s6a11 apply the praceeA.�of the sale in the follawing order: (a1 to all cost"s an8 ei:Densea of exercising the power �''��'�'��'=
<br /> -�"�~���•� . , � . '
<br /> .
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