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<br /> . ca�demn�tiun or ctber taking of�y paR flf che Ptaperty.ar for c�veyu�ae in lieu of ca�demnuiq�,nn herebj►assignod and ,
<br /> shaU be patid to l.ander. �, . . .
<br /> In the 4veat of a cotsl t9king of the Pmpeny.tLe p�ceeds shall be.applicd to the sums secuied by.t6is Security
<br /> Insmptxnc,wfutlxr or not then due.with any excess paid w Barrower.•In ihe avent of a p�rtial ntcing of thc ProQerry in
<br /> " - whi�h��?i _ ._ _—_ ' ua1 to a r Etun the aritouIIt of the sutns . •
<br /> ----
<br /> r_cnarJcet.YaWa nf the__Fm�erty!it�tncdi�tiC1Y 4ef9n tlfe t�icing ss eq. gesu-
<br /> secpced by tRis 5ecuritg instn�ment 1tm�ed�ate(y 6efae ftie[a�cii�-g:un -- -. .. iin►�-=- - --
<br /> thc swps�secared by this Secunty 1nst�umrnt sl�1) 6e reduced by thc ainoant of tix proceeds muttiplied by the fo1lowing
<br /> .— �.__ ..___-_...._�- , fsx.tioa fs}tha taal as�nt�f tt�c sums secund immMiuely before the taking,�vided by(b�tl�ee_fti�macket value of iht _ . _ --
<br /> pl�peny imrt�iagiY 6efore tbe nl�it�g. Any paTanca sh�il be paid to Borcower. ln the event af a partial f�i�ing of the _
<br /> �piopaty in•wbic6 drc fair maricec w�1ue of ihe Property immediarefy befaie the aking is less ti�n tbe amount of tt�e sums -_
<br /> _ -- secuted immediately hefoce tde taking.uniess Bomower and I.eader osberwise a�ree in writing or unless applicabk!aw -_
<br /> =_ ��cwiu provides,the pmceeds s6alt be�gplied to tbe sums seciutd by this Security Instiument whether or not the sums aze _
<br /> = then dne. --_
<br /> If tbe Pt+opaty is ab�ndoned by Bocsower,or i�afta narice by Ltnder m Brnmwu.that the condemnor'offus to maks ..
<br /> an awatd os settle a cl�tint for`damages,.�er fa�s m rc�pand w L.ender withi�3Q days afcer the dste the notice is given, _
<br /> l.ender.JS autha�red to rolkct and:a�iply=lhe p�ocxeds.u its option.either to restoratioa or Rpair af the piopert�or w tl�c
<br /> sums secured by this Secudry insqument,�er or not thm due. - -_ -
<br /> Untess l.ender and$arqwec�:othcTWisti�rx in artitinS•anY�Plicazian of procads to pr6�cipai.shalt aai extend c�'�_:;.. =._�
<br /> pastpone the due�ate of�he inantht�r PAym�its refemed ta ia parapaphs i and Z or ct�aage d�s amou.,.^�af se��aag�enu.. _
<br /> 11. Ho�'rowa"Not.:ltelensed:�'orbdu�ace�BY" �i - " u`�:�=�� ' • ,� �;
<br /> i�eader Na � W ver Eatensson of �a�ec. �.` ,
<br /> I '�mo�ficarion of amon'v�poe of:the sums:'soceuexi ttus S�srity F�.��ent gcanred by l.ender L��iy s-�r.cccs���ac;,�es��.��. �;'r;�
<br /> �' ? ' �} �O BOITOK �5��;101' LQ-i�5C���lI�1 Of�� �i�'39vQ QT�di[8R'Gf 5 SfT!^a.r�°.a�SSS Ii!�AS.SiS'l.;�SL7�"F : .ic`7t•�4�.7�,s" _
<br /> ` � CI'. ��c,`;. s.. �'. ��� 'n : r�E�r31�.f�`i Sf
<br /> � ` :-stiaii na be."teguu��to cum�c p�ncoci3ia&s�a..��n�zr,�.ta�st�seE.se s�r e�3:uar f�r�.�aerte.or � , ��qt���, -
<br /> ; -. -`•'� si�ier�ise`niaidify amor�iiationaf d�c�s secu�ed Qsg r�is 5....�°uz•��T�*+`�^����ss��;�3�.�►y�r,�3z���si�'"...�G . ,��!�#�-_
<br /> '� ''•:Boar�wer or Bomawet�s stxeat�s in intec�est. AnY fc�'ae���-s t��es io exc,�^s.�.���aay ngErc a�iasi�'�:,s�a be a :.y
<br /> �" � �waiver of ar preclude tli�eaata�se of any right or remedy. ' � � � ''` �:.�:�' - "rt -�
<br />: 12. Succasors aad Assigns Bou�ld;ldnt aad&veral Liabflity;Co-si�aees. The covenanis and agreements of this -..� �<=
<br /> ,�• ` #i�,�;_�•` : ". Security ln.strument shall bind and bencfit the successa�s and assigns of Lender and Batrower.subject to the provisions of :'�'• ��-�-
<br /> �.. •'• .��=`�`'�'" paragraph 1�.Borrower's covenanu and agreemenis shall bt joint and severai.Ar�y Botmwer wfio co-signs this Security . '`--
<br /> :� `-^-•-�--� Insuument but does nat eaecute the Nae: (a)is co-signing this Security Insuiiment oniy ta morrgage.Srant and cameythat --�_�:°_ ---
<br />' K!*�t:3'�;r;,:_ . �
<br /> �.�,.�w:'_-�:., Borrower's intae�t ia tf�e property under the tertns of this Security Instrumrn� (b)is not personally o6ligated to pay the sums , . �
<br /> � . :�j�;r;��:;'��-.� . secuted by this Securit}InsttumenG and(c�ag�s that Lender and any other Hoirower may agree to exten4.madify.forbear ° � l�y _
<br />... ��. � � • ar makc any accommadations with regard to the [erms of this Security Insuument or the Note without that Borrower's -�
<br /> ;�:. . � .. conseni. �.. • �'�'
<br /> '' 13. Lone Charjts. lf the loan secuad 6y tAis Securiry InStrument is subject to a law• which sseets maximum laan ,.`=v—
<br /> -'��'•:�-•r �� chuges,and that taw is finalfy interprcted so�hat the interest or ather loan charges coAected ar to be callected in cannection � �� .
<br /> � ' with.the laan exceed the permitccd lim�ts,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amaunt necessary ta nduce • '�
<br /> . `�.'_�=��.4�.•::. . the charge to ttie pecmiued limit:and tbl any sums already coUected fram Borrower which exceeded pe�nitted limi�s will be . . -
<br /> � refunded ta Borrawer. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducins the pdncipal owed under thc Note ar by making a : .
<br /> '"• , . Ainect paymenl ta Borrower. If a refund reduces principal.the nduction will be mated as a partia!prepayma►t w�thout any -��'
<br /> ' . prepayment charge under the Note. � -��,
<br /> ' • 14. lrotices. Any notice ta Borrower provided for in this Security Insuument shaU be given by delivedng it or by
<br /> - ' . mailing it by first class mail untess applicable law requires use of another method.The nodce shall be directed to the Praperty . ;,�� ,�
<br /> , • . � Address or any other address Borrower designates by nopce ta I.ender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class K _ _ ' . 'f
<br /> �,_._�. , mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by nauce to Borrower. Any notue provided far --
<br /> � . ,• ; " in this Security Instrum�rtt shalt iTe deemed to have 6een given to Borra��er or l.ender when givm as provided in this ; ;:x�;;.°„-,�
<br /> , :. • . �B�Ph• � _ --
<br /> .:j;:;,'�,: _ 15. Governing LaR:Sevtr9h�ity. This Securi�tnsuumea�shall be ga�ens.ed by federel law and the law of the � ;,�:, ,•r�
<br />: ��':� ��;"sdiction in which the Prsp�}is tocated. In the e�er.t t,�t any pravision or ctaus:of this Securiry Instrumenc or the Note �• `'''� • t � •:-.
<br /> `'`' • . cos.`Sicts u�ith � " ~-��
<br /> .;. . applicafste;zµ,suah cantlict chall not a�e�c•�tier grovisions af tTiis Security Instrument or the hoz.which can E : `� ':• " .
<br /> �. . � . i�e g;a��''f:.,s��?�.aaT+=:°c�r.flicting pravision. To tfis end the g:cvisions of this Security lnstrument and the Note are � � �- _ . •
<br /> ' �. �, � . . �r.:`-a�ed:��e�Pcerabxe. " _;-:�,.
<br /> ';, . . �6. Borrower's Cc�yu��orrower shall be siven one canformed capy of the hase and of this Securiry Instn:ment. � . , '.. . �::�;;-?
<br /> '� '�"'•'� 17. Transfee ot the�pertv os a Benef�cial lnterest in Borrower. 1f all or any part of the Property or sny interest in � ',.�:� - `�:'�==--
<br /> �'��'� ' �st ia sold or transferred(or if a ben�cial iaterest in Borrower i��+old or transfenec!and Harrower is not a nasvral son) ;;�r:_�' % � � +:�'iR.:'�'
<br /> � - ,;, •
<br /> P� ,� �'-�,�
<br /> � . • . , �.:�s� wtthout Lender's prior writcen consene.L�,1uer may.at its optian,require immediate payment in fuU of a(1 sumc secured by � �' �. ` :.,.,,: �
<br /> ' �, ,r � ; �; this Suurit�•Instrument. Hawever,this aptian shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal iaw ati of f �' .
<br /> • • ` , the date of thi�Security lnstrument. �' ,
<br /> .. . -' ' If Lender exercises thi�option,Lender shall gi•��onower notice of�cceleration. The notice�hall pmvide a periad of ` ••
<br /> � ' nat les�than 3U dayti from the dAte the natice is deli�er�d or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums tiecured by this � � ,
<br /> ' ' • Security Inctrument. lf 8orrower failv to pay these sums prior tn the expiratian of thi� periad, Lender may invake any E •
<br /> � - �-. remedies permitted by this Security lnstrumen�withaut further narice or demand an Borrmver. '
<br /> ' l8. 8orrower's Itight tu Reinstate. lf Barrower meets cenain c�nditians. Bnrrawer. shall have the right ta have !
<br /> . � enforcement of this Seeurity lnstrument discontinued ai any time prior ta Ihe earlier uf: (a),5 day4lor cuch other period as �
<br /> Smg�c Frmily-•F'aeNe Har/freddM!11ac l'1IFt1R�1 ItiS7A��fE�"t-•t:nd„m�Covenanl� 9�90 rpu,a�j oJ�i��i.�cu � .
<br /> , . • . : . • ' . ti/ �.1 i.► .
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