�J,',!1.� SG::`T��ft'll^l;�°"�4'�L:1.^i. c'i•, :�'��:�_,����,: mv
<br /> .�t i -::) .��f.+�;'�ry.?I.j1:Y�t;5i8:S"`�°�,i:t:y�:ari�t;,.._ �... ��� . .' �.-��.
<br /> 5- c -f �ti+�Y r ..r•��Lii�i�r�76�V.v� �1 t n .. -
<br /> r„ ir � l M�d �aua��.'�v"`a'"`_
<br /> 4.Lt�i x�,.lX� �- _ y�� _-
<br /> , •
<br /> . �
<br /> �T�LYi�iifi.'rt:f7k'��rty. _ ":...,..._�..._.��_-. .�.�-m .. _. .-_. . — —..�.._....�� _ — ___ _
<br /> ��1`~ ���i� � .
<br /> S. Haxnrd ar P�nperty Imwr�nee. Bormwer shall ktep tho lmpravcnx�u9 cww axlnting nr hettwf�r crresti4 r;a.t4w
<br /> Proptrty insura! against loss by fire, fiazards ir�cludt�i within�hs term "cxtK�xlcx�cuvcraae" wrK9 uny uthna�but,��s��►y i?i;t:�ling
<br /> flcbds or flc�oding,fnr which L.er�ler roqu+res inaurance. This insu�►nca shAl1 he nulntalnccl In�ha ainountw uqt�F'.±r.t'r.r;jx:;{�xJi
<br /> that L.ender requires. 'fhe insurance carrler providing tho lnsur�nce sb+�ll bo chosen by Bc�rmw�r FuhJuct t�� [etN�+te'���+r.uY�1
<br /> wiiici� �iix11 �at ise uii�:;:�o�u:b;y NI¢Ul:�td. If L�orrowcr fall�to m�in�4in covcrn�c ciev�rilxxl i�Fx�vc, Lcnilcr�rur:�;a3 L.c�:al�:e'� ,
<br /> optfon,obtain cuverage to protect Lt�x�er's r�ghta in the Property in wecordanee with par��rnph 7.
<br /> All insunanca poli�ies ancl rer+ewals shall be acceptabte to I..encitr and vhall include s st�ndurd nw�rt�ugn�fnwr�. [�ectidrr
<br /> shall have tht rlght to huld the pollcics and renewnls.if Lender requlres,&�rrc�wer�thul!promplly give to I�etrclan uDl r��ccipts of
<br /> paid pitimiums and renewal notices. In the event of loss. Barrawer'shall give prampt notice to ttie insurunce canlr.r a�!I.,crsder.
<br /> I.ender nwy make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. —
<br /> lJ�iless i,e�xler and I�rrowcr athcrwise agree in writing,insuz�ance prnc�ods shall be applied tu r•snq,�ur.ion or. rep�l�r af tfx
<br /> . Property damaged,if the restoration or repair iK economically fe�sibie and Lender's security.is nac Ieswr.vaQ. 1 f t.fi�:reshxHtlon nr
<br /> repa+r is not econamically feasibte or I�ndc:t's secudty would be less�ned. the insuran�e proceuls shAl,l,p,; e�>t:iect to Ihe xumn
<br /> sacucM by dds 5ecurlty Inst�me�t���iv.hctHcr�,or not tt�en duo, with any excess paid to Hormwer,.l F Ek��:rot►+er uM�atxlonN the
<br /> Property,or das not answor.`p�iit�ict 3t1'ilnys�•fl�hatia from Lcncicr that the insurance carder hw�e�`'G:rrd t�:��:td�t u cl�im, then
<br /> Lencier may coilect ihe insurance'}�roceed9: I.:�nder may use the procads to re�air or rastore tRe.�ti�tarty �r to pny r,uma
<br /> savrod,by this Se;.urity InstnimcnC;�Yhothar:ox nnt then due.The 3a�day perioci wiil lxgin whcn thc n�ti�:e in given.
<br /> •�:;�1i11fss i,ender and Borrowsr othecvi,sa agree in writi��g. auY u�j�ficat�oi �f�Srac:�ds to prlttciCa!� yhtll� lHdi i'!!!C!1!� ffF ---
<br /> �.,,;pqstpone the due date of the month�9 r�Yments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or changc�hc attzrwnr,of tltie puymcn�s. If
<br /> ','�Glll�4'!']kITA$Yaph 21 the Property is acqli•ire�3,5y Lender. Aonower's rigNt t�any insurance puli�ies unc��rw:ccdi�requldng Prom
<br /> �� �iiad�t}ge to the PropeRy[�rior t�thc acquisitian shall pass to I.ender to the cxtcitt of the sums s�cural L•y t�icii Securiry Inct�utaticnL
<br /> . i�umediately prior to the acquisition. �
<br /> ' ,6,pccupwncy,�hreservstion,Mal�uteruince�nd Yrote�.tion ot the Prope►Ky,Borrawer'e'L,oan Ap�:pHaaq I�esu�aboldr.
<br />' �-..;F3uriowsr sha11 a;cupy,establish,aiid us�.t}�e Property us Bon•ower's principel rcsidenc:e vuithin sixty dxys atter the exe�r�tian of '
<br /> � [h15�Stcurity Instniment and shall enntinue tn occupy the Pcoperty as Borrower's pdneipul resieiGnCC �or st le�w �ryear xtter
<br /> ��t�5o�.ste of oc�,�up�urcy,unless Lender otherwise agras in writing,which conse�t shall not be uore�uunal►1�� wia6t�ullY,ot unlr�
<br /> . �ext�uating.circumssances exist which are qeyand Bocrower's control. Bc�rrower ahall not d��xtro,y, dum'iij�e cu imprir the
<br /> ��ropcny, allow the Property w dcteriorate, or comm�[ waste on the P�npeny: Borrawer shali be in dcfar�k if any forfsiturc
<br /> 7ICIlOf1 01'�tOh'OAl11s,wi►ether civii or cr•imiri;t�,izy vc�5iiu I1idi tii'u:i'n'�EI'�n gi'�fQIS:Y�tt�:!`''•�.!'!:.^.L'!!!L� !�°!!�E{n frufi!Itutr.nf the ,
<br /> pnopecty or othenvise materially impaii thc lien crc:�ted by this�nrity Instn�ment or Leridxr'y s�xurity intercrt. Eorrowar rtuy
<br /> Cut+C Such a default aqd reinstate,A4•pfc�WldCd 11lpATA�''dph lE,by causing the setion ar procee�l.ing to be dinmbned with a tuHn�
<br /> tlut, in L.ender's good faith deter(nihatiutt,�precludes for#'alturc of the 8orrower`s interest in the Froperty or other matorW
<br />— imQnirn�ent of the lien created by'ihis:Secarlty I�sirament ar L.endtr's security intec�st. 8orrowcr rhull nfw be in default if •
<br /> Horrower, during the loan application.;pro�s,gave mAtGriall'y fals�or inaccurate inforrnatinn or statements to L.�ndc�(or friled
<br /> to pi+ovidt::I.end�er with atry tnattri�t7 +nForrnationj in c.tiihneCtiun with ttie loan evidencaf by dte Note, including,but rxx limited
<br /> w,repcf».;riuftions concerning Borror+er's i�cupancy af tlie Props�ty as a principal residance.Tf thix SCCUrity[natrummt Is�n a
<br /> lauet�o#t1•�;;�Aomower sfwll oomply."wlth�ll.the.pravisions of the lease• if Borrower s�cquirey fec tide tc, the Property. tho
<br /> leu�hold'8nd the fa title shall not mc[ue unl�ss I.ender agras to die merger in wriuug.
<br /> 7.PAbtoctbn of I.tndtl''d ltl$hE.S ir►tile iTOpeniy.Ti Burruwr.r iaiis tu�„uiiii ii►G covc�taiiia it��d�r:.:,rtcnis t-ont'i.^.�1 lts --
<br /> this Socurity Lnstcum�M, or there is a legal proceeding ihat may significti►tly effxt I..ender's rig6ts in the Propetty (such�a■
<br /> proc�eding;n bankrapecy,probat�. for conciemnution or forfeiture or to enforce laws ar�xguldti�ns). then I�et�der nuy do�nd'
<br /> p�y fvr M1vtut¢ver 8s nxrssary to protect the v�lue of thc Pmperty :uid L.ender's rights lia thc Property. Lcnder'a actions m+�y
<br /> �- tnciuCie�+stiy+ing• any sums secucal by a lien wJ��ich has prioiity aver Qds Security InStrumcnt, eppearing in ax►n, p+►ying
<br /> . rd�eori�li(r'4aorneys'f�ees�nd enttrfng on the Property.ro make repairs.Althou�h Lender mny txke action undor thi�p�regr�ph
<br /> 7,L.eiufer das t►af havo tb dn sa. ' . : ' •
<br /> Any arno�irte�diabursod by Lencter ur�gr thiA paragrnph��7 shall bxome addi[iona! drbt�f Aomower srcured by thie
<br /> Securit,y In�tmm�nt.;Unleas Borro��ex i�txi l.unc�er,agra to other.�terms of payment, these amounts sliall bcar intei�est from thr
<br /> d�e oi diabursemvi�►�at the Note rate afid shktl be payablc, w3th interest, upon,notia from �.endor to Borrnwer royueatiry{
<br /> - P�Ym�ait. ' �. , ' ' ., •
<br /> a.Mort�e'�'ii�UrAnce.If L.cnds:.r esyuircd uwngage in,qtir�n4e a$rs canditian of inek3ng•thc lo&n secural by this Secudty
<br /> Irwrument, 9orroweK:'shell pay tho premiums roquirod to mal►itµ►�n•tHe moctgage i�tsura�itcc in eEfect. if, for pny rwon, ths
<br /> - mart�o inwranct a►v�rage roquired by l.ender aapsex or c�rises.ta:bq ia effxt,Borrower ahull�y the}�remiums required to
<br /> _ abu�in rnversge substantial[�r Gquivalent to the morlg?��C Insus�►nce�irevio►t�fy in effect,at a cost substantially equivatent to the
<br /> � �cat to Bnrrower of the morcguge insuranec previously in cf.fect, ffrdm,�n alternate r�x►rtgage insurer a�mved by I.�dtx. If
<br /> � wbM�ntiRliy oquivalent tho�tgaga insurance coyeruge jd.not evail.nblr„��vrower shall pay�to Lcnder each ma►ch a sum oqu�l to
<br /> � ane-twtltth of the.yc:zrJ�r,vnbtr�ag�i,u§ursnce premium bein�pniii by 8orrower when the insurrnce covcrage lapsai or ceasai to
<br /> ho in effoct.l.erxler��+341'statcpt;'ust��ilnd retain these�yme►1tF us.0 tose rescrvc in lieu o� mortgage insurmc.�e. Loss reserve
<br /> +� ' � � r.. Fam�025 f/�0
<br /> � .
<br /> f . ca�o s o�e
<br /> . �� .
<br /> . , „r. .
<br /> t ,
<br />