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<br /> �'QG�THE�2 Wi'1'H nll th�lmpsovements now or hereaf.tcr crccttd on thc prapelty. and all'�'r�cmcnts,npputtr,nunccs,And
<br /> t'ixtures naw or Qiereafter � part of thc property. All repl8,ceax,n�e arxf udditions shall AISA be wvered by this Secudty
<br /> instrument. A!1 of Ihe foregoing is eeferrod to in thia Security Instrument as the"Property."
<br /> HOR�tOWFR CQy�NANTS that Aorrowcr is lawfully eeised c�f the estata hereby convcyed und has the riglit to grunt uixl
<br /> convr.y the Property ancl thet the Property is nnencumberal, except for encumbrances of record. Borrower warrants nnd will
<br /> def'e�xi geA�t�uiiy ii�e:iiie ta fi�c�'f-a�rc��1y ugafu�e all clai��s and dzmancis,subject to any encninhrnnr.es of rer:ord. �-
<br /> TtIIS SECURATY INSTRUME?NT combinex uniform cnvcnants for national use�uid non-uniform covenents wfth limitod
<br /> variations by jurisclictian ta constitute a unlform security instrument cc�vering real property.
<br /> UNIFORM CaVEI+IANTS.Borrower and i..tncter covenant a�d egrce as follows:
<br /> 1, Payment o�1'rinc[pwl �nd Inter�st; Prepwg�mcnl and �.ate Chx�ges. liorcowee shall promptly pay when due the
<br /> princfpal of a►xl interest on Nhe debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges duc undor the Note.
<br /> 2. I�'n�uds to:TAxes ar�d i�.r.urancc. 3ubject w applietthEe lav�or to a writt'cn wniver hy 1.ender, Rnrrower s1�1! pay to
<br /> L.endcr a�the day mnnthly pnymcntR arG due under tln:Notc,untii tMe Note is pald in full,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yc.axly u,xes
<br /> an�1 assessments wUfr.h rnny attain priority over thic�Security Instrument as a lien an the Propeny;,(E��y�tu'ly lci+sehold paynxnts
<br /> or gmund rents on thr.Pfrp�riy. if any;(c)yenrly i�n•r.and or property insurance premiums;(d)ycuxly.Flaa(inhurance prcmiums,
<br /> if any; (e)yearly mottgugn insurance premiumfl,if any; and(�sny sums payable by aorrower fo Lenticr, in accordazice with
<br /> �he pruvisions of parngraph•R,�R lieu of the pa,yn�cnt of mortgage insurance pr�miurna.�'fi�.ce items ara callod"Escrow Items."
<br /> I..ender mny, at any tlma, collxt and hold Fuads {�wn;nmount not to txc�eei the m�x:imum iunount.,n lender for a f�denlly
<br /> relrted moccgage laun.muy.reyuire for Borro�vet�:t rscrow uec:ount under zfie�i�ckral �trAl Eslute Stii2letr,�iit F►ncodu��s Act af
<br /> 1974 as amended frbm Rime to time, l2 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("��SAA"), unless anothor iaw that u�,plies tu .he Func.• �
<br /> stts a I�sser nmou�it: ff so. Lender may, at any time, colleci nnd hold Y'�t�ds in an a�naunt not ta oxcteA sho.lesser amonnt,
<br /> I.ttxkr may esd�nate the amoupt of Funds due on tho basis nF carnnt�:�t�und reusannble e.;timates sf expebdituQas of futurc
<br /> Esc�;a�v'Ytoms or otherwise in acr.ordunce with appticable(aw.
<br /> •�'he Funds shnll be held in a�i institution whose dep�slts are �nsured by a fedcr�l agcizcy, inst►umentality, or entioy
<br /> . (including L.endor,if Lcncler Is such an insucutiun)ar in uny Pedentl Hortie T.o�n Bank. I.tnder st�all apply the Funds Go pay the
<br /> Escmw Items.Lendr.r may not cNarge 8orrower fnr holding asxl apptying the Nunds,annualty w�rlyziug fI►e eacrow ua:uunt,or
<br /> . voi�i..f�•ing the Escrow Items, unless I.ender pays Borrower'intcresc on thz Futxls axl appllcable law permits Lender to make such
<br /> A char�a.However, Lencia•may require Borrower to pay'n one-time eharge for an independcnt real estate tax reporr.ing servia
<br /> usai by Lender.in connection with this loa�a, unless :ipplicable law provldes otherwise. Unlcss an agrament iA mude or
<br /> �pplicable taw requires interest to be paid,i.��der•simtt rroi oe nyu;�ii iu,}�y w«�:+zc�w�r ir,.�=��r:.�'rin�rsn iha Qur�.�°•
<br /> • �lomqwee and i,eml�.r may ngcae in writing, howevcr, that intcrest shttl! be paid on the Funds. Lenclei ah�ll give to Bonowcr,
<br /> without charge, �annual accounting of the Funds, showing credits•Aitd�debits to tho Funds and the purposo;fpr:,which each
<br /> dd>�t ito the Funds was madc:�'f h��i�►ittdo aPe pladgod as additional socurity for all�sums aecural by this Scxurity I�sY:rti,ment. •
<br /> `IE-ihe Furnds t►eld by Lender�excad the amounts permftted ta be hold`6y appltcati�c'law.L.ender shnll acawrit;to Barmwu
<br /> fdr the cxctss f'�ipd�in accordxnccf wid�the raquirements of spplicabte'�u�v;Yf►he amount of the Funds held by L.ender�t Any
<br /> �imt i�nc►t c;uH7cient to pxy the Eserow Items when due,I.apder may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in such cax Bc�rrowa
<br /> dtuit ipay'ta f.cnder the amount �ecessary to make up the deficlency. Borrower shall malce up the def cipncy in no mo�ro than
<br /> cwelve mcx�thlY p�Yments,at[.:nder's sole�iiscretion.
<br /> Upon payr�nt in iull of all sums seeural by this Ser,urity Instrument, Lerrder shall promptly nfund to Bc�ncower any
<br /> FundS held by I.�eadet.7I,under paragrapi�2I, i.a�Ktc�sitaN acquir a;s:.l!the:'t:,p:,tty. I.cr.ticr.prtar to tPs�;:cq4i�6tion�r�...P.�e
<br /> of tt�Pmpeny. shull apply any Funds haid by I.ender st the Nme of acquisition or sala as a crodit agalnst the eunffi xcurAd by
<br /> � thiE Security instrunxnt. , ''
<br /> 3.Appliatioa o�Pa,v�eerYta,Unless applicablC law provides utherwisc,all pnyrne�ts receivext by Lender uqilariparagcaphs
<br /> 1 and 2 shell be sppliod:first, to'nny prepaymcnt charges due urxler the Note;sa:ond, to Anwunts payablc urnt�r;paragnph 2;
<br /> ' third,t�inte�st due;fourth,to principal du¢;•ar+d last,to eny lato chu�es due under th�Note. ' :
<br /> . 4.Cb��es5;�.iens. 23orrower sh�ll pay all tazes,assessments, ctinr.gr.s, Qines i�nd irnpositions attributable to the Pmpi�t'ty".,,
<br /> which may �win prioriry orer this Securiry Instrument. and leuusehold payments nr ground rentR. if any. Borm+iY�r:i�i•'r�¢y
<br /> - theat ot+ligations in the mnruter provided in p¢ragraph 2,or-i Cnot paid iu tti�t mannex.Horrawcr Shall pay them c�n°ti�BiteCtly
<br /> to t?�r.perscm nwed psymee�t.Borrnwer shall•p�nmptly fumish to Ixndks�11 noticr,s of art�oun►s to be paid under fhis,para�gtsph.
<br /> If Bormwer m�icfS these payments dinxtly,Bormwer shal!prompdy furni"sh.to Lender reeeipts evidencing the p�yments.
<br /> , Borrowtr anAlt•promptly discharge any lien whieh bas priority ovot�h1s Security Insttument unleSs Borrower:(a)xgroes in
<br /> writing to�he pa�+in6nt of the abligation secural by the lien in a n�anner acceptable to Lendcr;(b)oontests in good fsuth the lien
<br /> by, or defends against enforccment of tho•licn in, legal pra;ealings which in thG I.�nd�r'e opinion operate,ko:�provent the
<br /> �nfococnunt�t'the l+en;oc(c7 geCUres fro�n thc holder af thc lien an agr�xment satisiu¢tary tu Lendar subotdii�nFttig the lien to
<br /> ihis Security TnStrument. Yf Ler�der determane�that sny part of the Property is subjcct tu a liw�t whirh:n�ay attai�}pri�rity over
<br /> lhis Security TnsWment,Lenrler may give'f�ano�ver a notica idcntifying the lien. Borro�xer shal�:snuR�t'y tlie IieR•or tako o�e or
<br /> m¢tX qf thc�actions set forth ebove within 14days of tl�e giving of notcce. � ,
<br /> , .. , .
<br /> ... . Form 3025 @!90
<br /> . ��20}0
<br /> . � _" r:ti..� , �.•!t.j- ,
<br /> � . . . . -lu . Y�� . :t' � . '
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