, < i � _
<br /> :
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<br /> �t �
<br /> � — -- - -� :.� -- - - ,- - .- - - -- �- 1-. - --4-- � ��t,.,` -
<br /> --_ - - _ -..�_.;,�,,.�„�.�..,,��a -- _�- - ;-- - . _ - - --_- . - � > ,�
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<br /> . :. , - .-. _-.,_ � . ,... �
<br /> - <r_ ._.._. ..- - - ..._._. _...... ... - -- —
<br /> �_ . ',f.':;s - - -- - , - . _ � , f " � ., _ ._";� _ •..
<br /> ..._��.. , ..
<br /> - - � . _ . � .VL� .. .��� ��_ � .
<br /> (p�MTiuMOraaaaaie�dtriduM.��aita►tinM�ir.�n�e+Rco�+o�w�ncumbrano�daw��fanablM
<br /> o!��P��atH��}ffsiuwd ub ou�tei0in��tadc a C�a q�ship)Rtofa!of��p�rc�M d
<br /> •, = p�ArNr�bip irM�rM4 duritg 1ht�P��lhis Desd of Trw!r�ryins�lian ort th�Prop�rty. - -
<br /> 12 Ow�Aa�t��il�wih�n0i�.iatbtewntdanyErentofOMautti.en�rmay.ailhannatic��[e�ptasr�qutr�dbf►
<br /> - ;rar►.-eic�.r�ilt tra.el�drt.a s�cund hKeby to c.dus ana paya�lAr�nd;t�s s�ne ahalr n�e►e�,pon becona aus ua payaoi�, �
<br /> _ ��f►P�+C d�rt�0.PraMS!w twdes W u►Y�i(id TMcM1Mr I.endu may. - �
<br /> -�_- --�i�that.TrwN�ex��4 POWER OF SALE�nAlb h�nir►.uid Ttu�s shall tftKqlMr catns Ttupor's =-` _
<br /> _ -- - - n op�r�`yt�o"�6isoTd-ir�d�sproce�[o�at�nib�+'osd " � eaEi�sl�i'vfwik�r;.-�KtEf::�i:- " -_-- -- -
<br /> l� : : _ � -�^- -
<br /> (S)Exuci��ery and all tiphb pravidb for irt any ot th�Loan Instruments ar by law upa►occurrenCS St!rty Event ot �-�--�
<br /> - �cra-`
<br /> -- OKitllCiild . . _ -�=- ------
<br /> cov�n�ntshw�of. a�acdoatotorectassC�isDesdolT�ust;aama�pe.aDDointareceirer.as��catryaitoresanyMths .`:.�"-.
<br /> �=-�=v_
<br /> :.�:�-_:��..:_�
<br /> -_ -- Ho r�neQy h�rein conf�rred upon oc nfarvaa to Trustee ar Lender is inlend�D�6e e:ctusivs ot arry atl�er temedy herein,in ths :=>�:;:>��-=�-:
<br /> - l.wn f�trurtMnts or by tavr prwld�d a pem�itted.but each ahau bs cumutativ�.shali bs i�addition to a+rery ofher remedy Qiven i•�:'�'�`��'"
<br /> - h�nundK inB�sLo�ntn�r!baaoworf�ered�rexistirg�tlsworine4�+�Yabystatule sndn�a�t6sexarcttedconeurtentty. -.��y,��
<br /> ; � -- ---
<br /> � 1�3. T�n��ie�'rlfe,T�uNes maY rs�iprt at arry dme wtthout csu�e and Lendar may at any time an0 wiMa�,t cause sppolnt a , -� ������..�
<br /> M10 t '�'' r-�"�"
<br />° succ�ororta6s6tuNT�upe�-T�u�asMallnotDsC�WstaarfyWR7lJnctudin�wlthautWeitatiante�er.Borrorrer.jrus�rararry . --.
<br /> purcfw�raffhePcap�Ry.foranytossordamayeuniessduewrecktassawitKuimtsconduc�andshalinotberaquired�otakeairy - ...�;1:----�
<br /> aatlon in conn�ctiqn wtih the enforcement of Mia OeeO of Trwf untes�indemnifeaQ in writinQ.tor aR cost�compsnsaUon or ` ."-`;_'�-�
<br /> � t�Na wliich mty Dr issoclaMOthuewtth.ln addltiorF�ruales may b�coms�purchste►at arty safs W tAs PlopsAy Qudicial or _ ':4-�_�_ -�'—�_
<br /> � under the porrer o��ta�rantte�t�erNn�;Dostpone the�ate ot all or sny portion of ths Properry,as pravided by iaw.or sMt ehs.. �`:�.•�-� :�:
<br /> • Properly a�wtwN.or in separste pareets a bb at Trustes's dacreticn. '-`:' ; _, =
<br /> 14. fiw and E�p�s.in tAe avent Trusbs aells the Property bY exerci�e o1 power of sak.T�usbe shatl bs entitlsd M apply '��,•:�`;�;_
<br /> . arry sats proa�s flrst b payment of al1 oosb snd expenaes ot exercis�np power ot sate.lnciudi s11 Trusbe s1�s�and Le�de�'s . - `�' --
<br /> np ,,.����_.,�,._,
<br />''',' andTr�sMes�or��eyrsiees.actualyincurwdtoax6e�tpermitlsdbYaPp�taabletaw.JdlheeYentBorraweraTruttorexarciaasao� ::r,_.,.- :,-:.�
<br /> ri�M provld�0 b1l law to cure an Event ot DefaiAt.Lende►ahall ba erditled to te�v�tf�rrTruator.�ll cosb and erpenses actriail� �•�•j-=•
<br /> incurted as a�,it ot Tru�s detault,inct�n�without limimtlon ait TrfuAae'�and:attamaS/s tees.to Ihs axbnt parmidsd O�t • =:�-
<br />' applk�ibblsw _. , . . : ..� .. . `!�` =��---
<br /> Y 15. f�in Adrana�.Upon roquat at BoROwer.f.ertde►may.af ib opUort,aiak��tlditi�onal and fuWre advsnces and re- • - -__
<br /> �.::� advancestoBorrowar.Suchadvances�ndreadvances.wttl�iinterestthereon.ahall6e�airedbytNisOeedolTrustAtnotimsstfall ' __•--
<br /> t
<br /> � thaprincipalamountotffistndebtedna�ssecuredbythis0eedotTrus�noti�ciudingsu�nsadvancedtoprotecttheaecurityofthls • ���3-�=_==_
<br /> _ ,.. •_.,.>� �ssd af?ruai exceed the ortstnaf�rinctpat amoartt atateA hereirt.rn�- , wfiichertr��raater • - _ :�:�%`'_-
<br /> - _ - •..:�• 18�. Mt�CNNMai�P�OIIf1i01M` ' '�`tJ.�
<br /> .�: • ' • '�_:s�------
<br /> ♦".��.Y'., . ' . ..�,r;, i
<br /> (a)po���pw�r Not RN�fN�.Extension of the fime for payment or modification of BmoRaation of the wms securad by fhis ��:.�-
<br /> � „.. •:.�,.�:�
<br /> . �=:� ' QeeOotTivatgra�tedbyLenQertoanyauccessorininterestafBa�rowershatlnotoperateW�etease,inanymanner.theliabitit�t ,��,f rt,. .T;' �
<br /> x.•-.,_r,,;�
<br /> '� t• ' oflheorf�iaaiBQrrowerandBorrower'saucceasorsininteresLLenderahallnotberequiredtocommenceproceedingsa�ainst �,;;f4;.;;�.. ':.��
<br /> �f =�'��`f�`� suchwccessororretuaeWextenattmeforpaymentarotherwisemodityamortizationofthesumssecuredbyMisOeedolTrust �•.7�;;,-' •- �`'~°�=
<br /> �' ']? , `. �� ���f'•�-�s�",���
<br /> :.-... ��-. . b��a=on ot�rry demanas mads by 1he origtnal Borrower and Rortowers succesaors in intereaR - ,��:;€�
<br /> ' •'� _r��,: .:
<br /> �`>�'"°` `" " - ` lb�L�'s ParMS.Wi�lwut a�ec�r�g the►iabiliy of atry oiher person Iiable for the payment ol any o�tipadon herein _ ';;.-:<9
<br /> y.,�F+,;.,_ ^� ;. `' .
<br /> �•���:»,'.f ,,,g men6or�ar.A withoutat(ectln9 the Itert archarge arF fh"ra Deed of Truat upon any poRion o1 the PropOrty nollhen ortheretofore '�•
<br /> �"ri,;�:,' � r�laasadasaecuritytortfsetutlamourttafa�tunpaidcEt'i,r,ationa.LenQermay.!:omtimetotimeandwithaut�Wke(t�eteaasenY - �•,`,�� .. `
<br /> '..,;:-. ����Z,~'--�-'-.tf�` ,- ...
<br /> .�;�;-��;,.,� � �rsonsolisble,(ii)exoert0t!*ematurtycrauerarryafU��rmsofanysuchobliga�ons.(iii)grantotherindutpence�('ihreleaae . -� �
<br /> � .' ��w s-��:� ::�o►reconvey.or Cause tc�e[eteased cr recan,reye�w.asy time at tsnQers apfiaR any parCel,portion ar aN oi the Property. ° • ::�. ,;
<br /> ���• ��` i� ., �'(h take or retease any ottter or adQitio�ra�Securiry fbr any obiigation herein mehliorted,or(vi)make compositions or other _ : �.,.':,�••;�
<br /> ;;?'=•��` 'T •:':•. arran�ements with Cebtors In refatian 4E+�'0. ��"'i��
<br /> , .. .. .�..: �
<br /> . • �=...:;:.�,�:;i,-�.{:; (c) Fotb�arane�bY L�nM►Not s Witvn.Any torbearaace by Lender fn exercising any rlght or remedy hereunder.or •:`-� ;���
<br /> � '�' :' . otherwise attorded by applicabte law.shatl npt be a waiver of or preclude the ezercise ot any such rFght or remedy.The .._
<br /> - ' � � � � prOCUrement of insurance arthe payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lertder shall not be a waiver of Lender's right to P
<br /> � � 'r acceferate the maturi o1 the indebtedness secured by this Deed o1 Trust `'• • • "`"-
<br /> . � - i,�t"^:y�"=AA ry . .
<br /> (�su�ors and AsNyes Qound;Jotnt and S�vMai L(abAity;Cspllons.Thecovenants and agreements herein con- � `-'
<br /> •••`:��F_�,: ..�;, • _�A:�
<br /> _,:�.�_� ,� +s� tained ahatt�ii��,and the rights hereunder shall irture to,the respective successors and assigns of Lender and Trustor.A!I .,,
<br /> . cOVenants a�r.�apreements ot Trustor aha11 be joint anA seve►al.7he captions and headings of the paiagraphs o!thia Oeed cf �:;•=�`..
<br /> � - Tnrst are tor convenience onty and are not to be used to interpret Or Qefine the provisians hereot
<br /> , • • . . ' , (e) Rpws1lalloMea.The parties hereby requew•wat a copy olany notice of defauit hereunder and a copy otany natice. < • �
<br /> -" u�f safe hereunder be rn211i�+�to eaCh patry to this Qe�:rf Trust at the aQdress set toRh�bove��the manner.pr�-'�cribed by� . • :.., t
<br /> s i.,;�;",'t ' ' cpplicab�e law.Except��r�^�othe►rtotice require�u��33r appiicable law to b�given in another manner,any naDCe provit�e0 . . �•,�"�J
<br /> 'tor fn this Oeed of Trusisti3i4�e give�a�"r`aiting such notice by certified mail addressetl to the other parties,attheaddressset , _ '��;-�,•
<br /> . � _ �"�y'�"°� ' :�S � IoRh above.Any notiCe prc�iQe��cr�n-tt�i3 Deed of Trast shall be eflective upon mailing in the�anner designated herete.If._ Y°�--�
<br /> . '4��'� '. ..•�:�.i. .. ' S-.-i,jti-
<br /> ;-�*.. �-� Trustor is mOre ihan one�eison,r.a?!���'ant to the address set torth abave Shal��g notice to a�t syCh peraons. , �; �., , "
<br /> '=`'•�`=' '' ' (Q In�p�efioe.Lender m.,:�r make cr cauae to be made reasonabla er!s`res r:p�,r a'd inspeciia�s of ihe Properry.provlded : �
<br /> • s -y`;° ' �, that Lender ahatl give tnicr'r�notice prto�to any such inspection apeG�y�n3 re�:a.r,n•���s cauae therefor�elated to Lertder'� • ,
<br /> �, '-."' . intOteSt in the Prope�ty'• ' .' : ; ; -
<br /> �,�;:,,� � ' (g)R�cantr�yanu.L'�cnpayme�r�tallaumssecuredbythisile�btTru3r,l..rtti:rshalir���eatTrusteetoreconveythe [
<br /> �' r` _� �� � PropertyaadshallaurrenQe�thisOeeC�Trustandallnotesevidenc;rg�r.debtear,�ss9ecure0���"'-s0eedolTrusttoTiustee. • � • ,
<br /> � T�ustee ahau�econvey the Ftaperty�^trout wananty and withou!crzrge to�ne�i�son or p'ervOns legatly entitled thereta ; , ,
<br /> �� . � , � . Trustor shail pay all ca�p ct�ecordatbn,N any. '" ; � '
<br /> 1'�� �I (h) P�nonai Froptrly;��e�rHy A9rNmmt.As.�C�itlonal security tor tn�a3y�n�r.t ot the Note.Trustot ha��by g►ents i, .. .,
<br /> Lender under the Nebras�a JaifOrm Commerciaf Cq�1e a saGUtity rnterest in a�f tiiEtii���Gvipment,apd other pe�sartal prapeRy � �'�� -
<br /> ' � ��� useainconnectlonwitbtt�erealeata.e�crr�+provementstocatedthereon.enOnotoi��rw:sedecla�re4ordeeme0tobeapaAof f''•;-:,� . �� :
<br /> , . 1;,�i;� , . .. ,
<br /> „?��;� the real estate eecured hereby.This:r.�.�i�;Tent shaU be construea a5 a Security Agrr$rrre�t uniler ga�d Gode,and the Lender ;, ,
<br /> .;r;ta,.,;1 . ;,.
<br /> . ,y.,,p,,� sh811 have atl the rights and remed:e3 ct a•secutetl pa►ty under sarO C�Qe in adddion ta fhe rights�aed remedfea c►eated under _ . :'-.;�;;,,
<br /> � • . �'�� +�3 andaccorded the lender pursuantto tM.s Oeed of Trust;proaded thal l.ender's rights artd remeQies under thls paragraph sha�t •
<br /> � _ . ' be eumutaUve wilh,arta irt na way e I�mita�ion on.Lender'9 rights and remedie9 unQer any other sec�iry agreem�nt aigned by � •
<br /> • Borrcwer ar 7rustor. : �,.�::,`
<br />� � (;}L1�ub Eneum6nnas.Trastor hereb��warrams and�epresents that ihere 1s no detault unQer the pravlyfion�of 3Ay !.'
<br /> � martgagf Qeea ot ttust tease or purchase contrect describing aIE Or�ny part of ihe PropeAy,ar 4ther contract,+nsf;u�sent�ar. ; -. _
<br /> ' eg!eemenS tonstituting a Ilen or enCUmbrance against all or eny pad o1 the Property(collectively."L�ens"),existing as ot the. �
<br /> ' Eate of this Oeed ot TrusL and that any and all eMisUng tiens renialn unmodified except as discfase0 to Lender m Trustcfs � 1 '
<br /> � written disetosure ot liens and enCUmbrencffs prov�ded tor herein.Trwtor shall limety perform all of Yrusto�'s ot;iigatlons, '
<br /> ,. � tovenanta.representations end warrAnties undei any and al1 exiating end future Liens,shall promptly torward to Lender copies ` • ,
<br /> - ot att nattces of Qetautt sent irt conrtect�on vtritn any and el►ex�strng or future�:ens,and sha�t rtot withaut Lender's prioe written . '
<br /> consent in any manner moCify the provis�ons ot or allow eny future advances under any eMi�Ung or luture Liens. j • �
<br /> ' � .' Q)AppNCa{on pi paym�nb.Untess otherwtss requued by taw.sums pa�d to Lender hereurtder,�rtciutlinq without Itmttation � -
<br /> • payments ot prirtCipai and interest insuranCe p�CCeeds,condemnaUon proCeeds And rents and p�ofits.shall de applied by �
<br /> • ' . LenOer to theamounts due and owing trpm T�ustor an0 Bonower in arch ordpr as Lender in�ts sote d�scretion deems desirable.
<br /> ' (hf S�YUabNity.If any provjli0n ot this OeeO o}Trust conHicts w�tn appitcadle tdw or�s declared invaiid or atherwi5a _ _ _
<br /> � . , ! unentorceabte:such eoMlict or invatidity snatl not aHeet t6e ett►er prc��scns ot this Dead of lrusi or the�iote which can be
<br /> _,.:-_ , ___-------�--_� . . . . Qivl�t►ENQCtwithOuttlfetonfltcflrtgptapi�lonendtathisendtheqrovi�ionsoflhis0eedoftrustandthBNofeBredgClaredtotie : • �
<br /> eeverahte. - - - - - - - - -------- -
<br /> ._ • , - - - _ _ _ :� .. t,
<br /> , : � _ :i
<br /> . f - - ---��
<br /> . . ; . . � -- - - •-- -- ------ -- - - - - — _ _
<br /> - . . ..-
<br /> . ...
<br /> . . .._ �. -
<br /> , . . . . � - -
<br />