_ ,� _ _ - ,
<br /> - T--1 - _-j'�"`:�,_ _ - _ - _ _ — --- —
<br /> _"." _ - _ _ _ 1�� .y� v���.� .i-�:� __ __ - - �` _ ' � - �
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<br /> ..... ... ".: - . . '�: '"._Y - - - '" _ _
<br /> _�z...'.• .
<br /> �� _
<br /> 4 , . �_
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<br /> • . ' ., ".i n .� '�..• _ . �v,
<br /> 4...
<br /> � % . ' _
<br /> . . . . _..f �'.�'. .._ . . � . . _ _ _._ _ _ .__ -_.__".""_ .�"_ "__. _ -
<br /> ' _ _ " _ ` ;- -_ . _.. 4 .'
<br /> � ' ._ .r c. ``� - , � t. . �.� � .. .� . ' • ` ` . - -
<br /> : _ �- , . = 92�-- ��0�578 . .-- � :-
<br /> � ��o��M..�ur�tyd+h.Norctciin.v.riorm�no.aaucar.a.nes.r�d.�n«nunsama�o►«aknnh«rincanetel•�
<br /> pr�tand t�Aw inO�bMdr�s and oeli�dioead Borrow�r(or any d 1fNn►H ntor�than ony b L+Irdlc.wMllNr d r�iol.ErAt�et .
<br /> aeroN,r ar c«wn�ncane wNM�M.arwon br no��l.ov«d�ana otlMrwi�.nfallor►wa n.a a7kwtane.n�►«+a.r
<br /> . olA�rdocwbsiA�a�curNt�t�to4o►otl�s�etx�curdinconnecdonlMrwrith.teck�dtn�wll�cutlta+i�icnputai�MM.saurN�l
<br /> . ,pr,�nfee,ls.na,�ena ot 1w�s ana nna.sh�I�be rda�r�d_t�n.r�in as ths°t�in xptrum�nb'. .
<br /> -----
<br /> 1n��rwswnlfr -- -- .. .. .--=-=----
<br /> _ _.—_ �.: --
<br /> /.�/�elollnd�6l�dnM�AU inQebi�dMSi�AWred�ersbYfh�lt b�pVd WNen dul�. ` _
<br /> 2.11�Truamt�tlN own�r of!�e Properry.Ms the ripM and authait�►to comaft th�Property.utd wartanb that IM INn
<br /> � creatsQ he[ahg-ts s�!aad�[!a Uen on tAs Rroperh.excep!lac diAns and aneurt�ranus Mt foM b!I Trwbr in wridna and,
<br /> d�nd�ot�r►dai�elor�ax�eWowofthisDdadaftrua�artdth�exscutl�gnar►�eeiiva�YoftAisDeedotTrustda�snatviotalsari�r `
<br /> con6aet or otl�x cM�flon fo rrNteA Tiu�eor is wbjqct ---'-
<br /> 9.Taa�.A�w�wib.To D�Y t�etae detinqusR..�y a11 t�ces.apedal as�essmsnb and eil qiher ct�rprs�lM P�op�tn`
<br /> - �a tNC+MAK tNrisd ' .
<br /> - 4. ir��e�TofusplheRsopertYtawreda�alnstd�mapebyfrFa.haardsinctuQsQwilhinthsterm eo�M�d'covir�;�nct' -
<br /> -�° .` wch o1h�NuarOs as Lu�r maY nqGit�t�irt�mounts an4 wt�campanfss accsD�bte to l,snder��am�ns t+ertdK as an act�nU� .
<br /> :�9`:•- ` nanNd in�urad.witA toas W9�b fhQ Le�QK tn caes ot tOSS usidir suCh PofiClea.�t Lendlt ii sutAOfit�ed t0 ad�Nft;+r.oltact�ct� .. _ �
<br />-- con�a,allcWtr�lhKeur�QNand�haNharcttltoph4n�aRPh��aROrp7uloeth0itrivatrxePrace�dsC�l,��Y.i� - ,
<br /> K
<br /> eecuced hereb�t ub in wchorde►as teMtecmay,da�etmiiis:taitothe7rusEOCto Ee used fortherepai�arrealoat�ioruvt�tfsFropert�
<br /> � ot(�Ti►faarryotAerpucpo�sorobi4ctsati�(9cEOCytat�enda��wtihoutafRec6n9tAel�MOttAtsOeedoiTrusttarlbetuAanwumsecwed
<br /> - tiq[Kby bal6rs wcA paynant evcr foox D1ACa 1�hY,�P0�x�6dsr of P�ocaeds tOI�sti7JQ�nG1'eodend or Aos�ans fhs duet
<br /> � d�lsot�n7►WY�tsurtdKitteNats.o�;W�e�4'�Y11k►4.�+�d�,c�r.tteceundK. . . - ___
<br /> . S. Eae�ow.tJpon wriqen den�nd bY t�n�}cJ;F�us�Cr�ha�Fpayto Eier[de�i tn sucls manner as Lender msy Nssipnate�w�ic[eni� —
<br /> �tC
<br /> �����r�p�y��yp�pR,�dy�pcagcqrmqreottf:efolfcwin�(�alEtaxea,esaessrt�erttsmQbMerehar�ssa�ainat• � .
<br /> the Propsay.(ii)1lls premiums On fhe propeily ift�li,''l1�49c�eQei�ed hereundef an�(7 the premiums on aey mortssye inaurance�
<br /> .. _ �equtrad byl lender , . � � -
<br /> �,��.Mp��1 Cp�w wiw L,�.Tnistor shali keep Me Property in good condidon and repair.sha[t —
<br /> P�M�Y rep*ir,a rsptacs any imprarem�+t xnich may be damaQeO or destroye�shan not commit or permit any wa��te�.__ . --
<br /> t �' Qe�eriorsfon ot thg P►operlyr,ahail nat rertiwe�demd�or aubstandalfSt etler any ol tAe imprarert�ersts on 1he ProperlY ehalf rneg —
<br /> comml�sut/erapermitanyacttobedoneinorupontheFropertylnviof3tlonafarrytaw.aN"mance.orrequtauon:andahatlpayarn� ;" -----
<br /> prompqy diacharpe at Tiustora cast and expense atF Iiens,encumbra�c�and charges leried imposed or asses�ed eyainst fl�e �"�-�
<br /> , - .. Prpperty ar any paR thereoi �8
<br /> �,`� �y
<br /> _._ • 7. En�Mnnt Oon�Nn.lender is trereby auigned al►caapensatbn.awardsr dama9es and uther payments orr�:ef(t�ereinatp� ` � -;�`°'
<br /> :-:��r �'� � "Praceeds'� in cannection with candemnaGon ar other taking ot the Praperiy or part thereo t,or fot t anveyance in lieu af . � :�,'`=��
<br /> �1� :... ' , �_
<br /> =��"� condemnation.Lender shall be entiUed at its optlon to commence appear in and prosecute in Ib own nartre•any acGOn ac � .,
<br /> . `�.�.�� praceedinss,and shatl aiso be enGtled to make any compromise or selttement in cortnecNoo witb auch takirtg aa damase.tn the �.�
<br /> '��,.:�r.,�.; �.... -
<br /> �. . :• erent any poRion otthe Property is sotaken arQamaged.Lender sha(t havethe option,in its sote and absolute�sc►etion,.toa00�Y
<br /> r"#`1'�"=�- ��� all sucb Proceeds,affer deductinp theretrom a0 costs and expenses incurred by it In cannection with such Proceeds,upon eny.
<br /> �� in4ebtednessaeGUredherebyandinsuchorderaslendermaydetermine ortoapp[yaQsuci�ProceeO�,aitersucbdeductloms.tv `�.�,.� �'�__-�
<br /> " '� ` the�estorabon ai the Property upon such conQidons as Lender may�ermine Arry application of Proceedato indebte0ness str�T - - ` ���
<br /> � . -�`�= �-. ��'`� � ne the due date of err�;pa ents under the Note,eE cure any detautt lhere�cr�C�or hereunder.Any unapplied '"' �'i,,`�r�;°.'°
<br /> . , r._ � not extend or poatpo „ Yr►► , .
<br /> - tunCs shsll be paid to Trustor. � � ;���;t�
<br /> y c,�, B. PMormane�er LM�N.Upon the occurrence of an Event ot Default hereartder,or if any act is taken or Iagal proeecding , f , ."•:`��i`�;.
<br /> - yw,�...:'4 / .
<br /> lJ/i�..l.'ti_ :'l - �. f� .
<br />- � � � � ,, commenced whtcb materiatty affeots Lender's i�erest in the Properry,Lender may in�own discretion,but without obilgation to Ao
<br /> ' '��` � so,and wlthout noUca to or demand upon Trustor anA wdhout�eieasi�g Tiustor from any o b lig a t ion,do any a c t w h i c h 7 r u s t o r h�s '=*'.��
<br /> • � _ • � ;k agreeA but tait�to do anA may also do any other act it deems necessary to protect tha security hareoL Trustor shall,immed+�! � -,
<br /> � � . - � ;:� : upan demand theretor by Lender,pay to I.ender a0 costs and expenses incurred and sums expended by Lender in conneCtion w�'L�f . : •
<br /> • ' theexercise by Lemier olthe toregoing rights,together with interesl thereon althe defautl rate proviCed in the Note.whtch ahati be �� ,..���
<br /> .�;�_ •.� ' a Q d e Q t o t h e i n d e b t e d n ess secured hereb y. Lende►sha8 not incur any liability because of anytbi�g it may do or omit to Qo � , � ' -°
<br /> �' �,'�.: >„ hereunder. , •'-�'•,_
<br /> ,Y..,� ���- A�. 9. Ns:ardous Ma1KiaN.Trustor shatl keep the Praperty in compliance with all appiteabte laws.ordinartces and repuiat(ons ..;j•.-
<br /> '�-�%'��,'�., retatln�to industdal hygtene or environmental protection(collectivety referred to herein as"Environmental Laws'�.Trustor ahall . � y•,_
<br /> � �-���_-�f����"�'°` k e e p t h e Pro p e r t y freehom a0 substances deemed to be hazardousartoxic under aay Enviranmental Law�(collectivety reterredto � : ' :;;,+f�;�.�.
<br />',1' _ ..a ,.>.,�:;;1i;� �..,. .;. ,
<br /> . , _ �;,;:�5��.,_, , herein as"Hazerdous Materlals").Trustor-hereby warrants and represents to Lender that there are no Hazar dous Ma t er la ts on or „ :��,�:�+%c r` - -
<br /> ':�:'.;��. underthePropertyr.Trustorherebyagr�,tolndemnityandholdharm(essLertaer.itsCirectors,a�cers,emptoyeesandagent�.and .4,�y�`;``��'
<br /> � � . ' ` "'`` ' any successars to LenQet's interes�t�am end against any and ali ctaims,damages,�esses and Iiabiiities arising iR c.ennectlon with ; �••• �.-
<br /> � . • '=`�- . � � � the presence,uae,dispoeat or trans�crt.oi•any Mazardous Matedais on,anQer,trcra or about the PropertY•'�+�FOREti01NQ �, ' ���
<br /> - "'�°�"'� ``� WARFUNTiE3 AN�REPRESENTATIQN�Ay0 THUSTOR'S OBUtiATtONS PU�lStlN'iT TO THE FOREOOIN(i(N�R:'��1.!&NAL1. ' ���_
<br /> � Y, it . . . ' . '
<br /> , '�,"?r'���{{,,�•� SUpyNE pE�ONVEtiANCE OF THfSOQFA Of TRU S T. ' __�=�'�
<br /> ;� 'x ti=='��'��'+; ; 10.�+n�nt W R�nb.Truator hereby assigns to Lender the rents,issues an0 protits of the Properly;prodr�edthat Trustbir . � ,�*�'�
<br /> • ���"°�:���'.�� ahail.untiltheoceurrerrcaotenEvemofDefautthereunde�.havetherighttocollectandretainsuch�ents,issuesar�pra�tsa5��� =.:�`�'
<br /> ,_.��._.:... •
<br /> ,_�� become due an0 payaBle.tlpon the occurrenca ot art Event of Qetault,Lender may.either in person or by agert,wim a:w:tttevt ,
<br /> �` +����=° � brinpitly eny aCtion or{uaceeding.ar by a recelver aGqc:rted by e coun and witt�put regard to the adeQuacy o1 its securiry,enter .
<br /> .. ,.�.,. : _, , . .
<br /> �.,� ����;� , upon end fakapossessian of tfie Property,or any part:rereot,ln its ow�name or In the name of theTrustea,and doarryacts wh;cfi it P ,
<br /> deemsneCes�aryorde8irabTetopreservethevalue.marketabitityor�entabitityottheProperty.oranypaAthoreoforinte►estth�r�s�. � • �'-�
<br /> • �;;��;�,: � irtcrease the income therptrom or protecf the security hereol anu,wlth or without takfng possessian of the Property.sue for o� 4, c;,;;,,;::`
<br /> - - __'.,���.;;��:. ot�erwise coilect the rents,issues�an�!proiits thereof,including those pasl Que and unpaid,and appfy the same,less costs an0 �- . '
<br /> - ' `:'�� . expenaea o!operaUnn and eollection including attorneys'fees,upon any irtdebtedness secure0 hereby,ait in such e�der a�Lendor ; .
<br /> ' � ' may determine.The ente�ing upon and taking possession of the Prope►tY.the cottect�on ot sach rents,issues arta Crotits and ths i.
<br /> � •; . "`'j'. appNcation thereot as aroresaid,shall not cure or waive any detault or nofice o1 aefautt hereunder or invali0ate any act Qone in [
<br /> ;.',',r;!�.d; . re�ponsetosuchdefauitarpursuanttosuhnot1ceotdefaultand,notwithstandmgthecoMinuanceinpossessionotthePropertYor 4 • .
<br /> • �. ,, ,;;:r�l'�;�, the COltection,receipt artd application o}�ent9,issues ar profits_and Trusteo and Lendo►shail be entitleC to exercise e+�er�ngt+t f
<br /> , . ,. ,,,, . provldedfoNnanyOftneCOanlnslr�m�fi9orbylawuponocCUrrenCeotanyEvento}OA�eutt,�nC�ud�ngwithautfimitationt{terrgit! � •
<br /> �, . to exerclse the power ofsale.Further,Lender'9 rights and remed�es unQe�ttus paragraph snau 6e cumulative w�tn.and�n no way a �
<br /> : Itmitat(onon.l.enderbrlgl+tsandremedlesunderanyessignmentotleasesan0�ent9reCOrQedaga�nsttheProperty.6ender,Trustee I,
<br /> anA the receiver shafl be i�able to accoun�oNy tor those rents actuauy received. i•
<br /> �' • , 11. Ewnb ol DNauM.The foltowing ahaU constdut0 en Eventof OetauR under thi9 Oeed o!Trust '
<br /> • --;;,.,,_ (e) failure to pay any lnstailmert of principal or interest ot any other sum secured hereDy when dub,
<br /> .- ���""� (b)A breach of or detault urtderany provls�on contained�n tne Nota.thts Oeed olTrus6 any of tha koan Instrument;,vr any
<br /> . � ���''�' cther lien or encumbrance upon tl�e Property; ' �
<br /> � ' (cy A w�it ot exeeutlon or atlBChment or any slmitar proc9SS Sha1►be entered again9t T�u�tor which st�ai!become e tien pn � .
<br /> - - - . tha Propeety ar any portion thereot ar interesl lheretn: !__ _
<br /> � �- (d)There shall be tifed by o�against Trusfor or Borrower an acUOn under any present af future ted0ral.state or otner �
<br /> � statute,law o►�egulaUOn rehat�ng to bankruptcy,tnsotvensy or other retiet for debtors;or there shal!be eppointed any trustee, � .
<br /> ' receiver or fiqwdator otTru�to►or 8onower or ot all or any paA otihe Property,or the rents,is9ue�or prot�ilthereof,or Truator ;
<br /> . � '.. or.9otrower sha�Y make any general assignmeM tor the 6ene6!ol c1ed�tors: ,
<br /> � � � . _ (e)The aa1e,tr8nsfer,fease,ess�gnmenL corneyante or turther enCum6rance at aft or any part of or gny interese in th9
<br /> Properry,either voluntarily m �nyotunt�rily. without tne axpres�wr�tten conseni ot Lender:pravided that t�y,�tor spa�t bg' � �
<br /> permilttibtoexetute a[ease ot the Property that does not eontain fln op�on to purchase andtheterm ot�iAt�'b�tl�spolexceed
<br /> .____—..__.�_. -
<br /> _�� . - -------_ __
<br /> .. - - "one year:- - - - . . - ---- -
<br /> ' . '. (1�Abandanment of.tf►e Properry;or � ' . .
<br /> . . ` ' _ , � ,
<br /> _ _ _ \ �- � �
<br /> , .
<br /> � � - - - - --
<br /> . _
<br /> . . - -- -- ---.. . _. ..._.._. .._ . . - — - - _ . — -
<br /> . —•—�--�--- — , . ___ _ _- ._ _____ • - --�
<br />